Do they allow wagons at the Parks?


Earning My Ears
Jan 29, 2001
We have twins age 3 and our current double stroller will never make the trip, (it's in bad shape!!) We have a wagon or a bicycle stoller that converts into a stoller, can we bring these, or do you suggest renting!

We are not interested in saving money, just whatever is easier!!! :rolleyes:
I think I've read on this forum before that wagons are not allowed in the parks. If you are talking about one of those bicycle trailer thingies that doubles as a stroller, I think those are okay.

Mrs. Potts
Hoping to visit the world for the 6th time in 2002!

Crissy - Unfortunately, wagons are not allowed at the Disney parks. We rented a double stroller on several days last November. The double strollers at all parks were the side by side jogging types, and were fine for us. Just a word of caution, though, that they don't recline, so won't allow for impromptu napping too easily. Doubles rent for $13 per day, with a $1 refund at the end of the day.



Okay, so pretend I've moved my clipart from geocities

Co-moderator - Restaurants Board

[This message was edited by CindyAnn on 03-01-01 at 07:26 PM.]
No wagons. If you plan on taking Disney transportation, strollers have to fold. So if you bike stroller doesn't fold don't take it. I would rent from off site. It's cheaper and you have it for your whole trip
No wagons are allowed, you will be turned away to return it to the hotel.

I'd suggest buying a used one on craigslist before the trip rather than renting one.


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