Do any of you get cold feet after making all your ps's?


DIS Veteran
Aug 27, 2004
Okay, I have made all my ps's already. We are eating at some nice places and I am excited for the most part. But then I think about the money and then I second guess thinking that maybe I shouldn't spend that much money and eat at some counter places. This is what I have so far:

Sun. Cindy's Castle 8:10 and CA Grill 6 pm
Mon.(non park day) Kona Cafe 12:00 and Rainforest Cafe 6pm
Tues. Brown Derby 1pm and Sci Fi 6pm
Wed.Le Cellier 12:00 and Jiko 6pm
Thurs.(non park day) Boma 9:30, and Blue Zoo 6pm
Fri. (was chief Mickeys for breakfast, but need something else since we are eating there on our last morning before we leave for the airport, and Alfreado 4pm
Sat. Chef Mickeys 9:00am Pickup for airport 12:20

What do you think? Am I overdoing it?
wow, you are certainly going to be eating well. I rarely make more than one PS on any given day, since I find that there is always too much food consumed. But I expect that you have better self control than I have.
All of your choices are top notch. What about 1900 Park Fare instead of Chef Mickey? I always find that this breakfast goes far and beyond any of the others.
Have a great time.
:wave: :wave: :wave:
We ate there on our last trip and it was very good! We have never been to Chef Mickey's and my son wants to eat with the mouse since his sisters gets to eat at CRT for her b-day! ( they are only 1 year apart and so competitive!

I was thiking about giving up Brown Derby since they don't have their yummy lamb chops for lunch . ( I want to use a lunch vocher)
My DH said he would give up Jiko first out of the dinners. Blue Zoo offers free childcare if you eat there so we do want that one! lol RFC is good with vochers if you want to get the lobster! ( It is good) I only want to try Kona Cafe for the desserts and atmosphere. Too many choices!
We have done sit down restaurants only before and had a great time (I also gained 10 lbs that year). My only concern for you is that you have several days where meals are 5 or 6 hours apart. First, you may still be full from your first meal and may not fully enjoy your second meal. Second, your day may be ruled by your PS arrangements.

The great thing about can cancel or change them in most cases.
I always get cold feet and we never end up eating at the exact places I made the PS's for. However, I think it is good to have a game plan but understand that you can work flexibility back in!

We have at least one PS (2 most days) scheduled, but I have a feeling that several will get canceled once we start our vacation.
Always remember you can change things when you get there. I think it is better to do that then have not time when you don't have a place to eat & there is nothing available for you.

I always get cold feet...right now I am trying to fine tune my itinerary and I keep thinking I should cancel some, but I do have the reservations so that we will get a table if we go.
Yes, I sometimes get cold feet and tweak them until the moment I am there. Once I start approximating the cost, I think of different ways to scale back and such. I think that's perfectly normal -- especially if you're watching every penny on a trip like I am.
I see now why there are openings for late rezzies people! One eatery you may want to change is to have dinner at BOMA if you've never been there. Rainforest Cafe is iffy (sometimes good, sometimes bad). Kona Cafe might be better for breakfast (Tonga Toast!) than lunch. Otherwise, you seem to have covered most bases, although you might be overdoing it as far as eating rather large lunches some days, and then eating rather large dinners the same day. Have a great trip and enjoy the magic!
We typically plan 2 PS's a day. I know most only do 1 PS's but I would much rather have it planned out and know what I am eating for the day. And its vacation so we go all out and do the sit-down meals instead of counter service. So that is 8 days I don't have to cook and get good meals. I can always fix myself a hamburger or chicken fingers but not a great steak or sushi.
Sun. Cindy's Castle 8:10 and CA Grill 6 pm
Mon.(non park day) Kona Cafe 12:00 and Rainforest Cafe 6pm
Tues. Brown Derby 1pm and Sci Fi 6pm
Wed.Le Cellier 12:00 and Jiko 6pm
Thurs.(non park day) Boma 9:30, and Blue Zoo 6pm
Fri. (was chief Mickeys for breakfast, but need something else since we are eating there on our last morning before we leave for the airport, and Alfreado 4pm
Sat. Chef Mickeys 9:00am Pickup for airport 12:20

Hey, we are still going to Cindy's but the time is now 9:55 so I guess we won't see you until dinner at CA Grill!

I hope you are using VKL & Q&C? We have planned on 1 voucher per couple, per meal and planned one Q&C and 1 VKL (or other sit down) meal per day. We have never been able to successfully do 2 big meals in one day at WDW. Lite breakfast (or snack), early big lunch / lite dinner -or- late lite lunch, big dinner.

I agree with moving Kona to breakfast because RFC is going to be a big-big meal.
BD at 1pm and SciFi at 6pm is probably too close. (Personally I was very disappointed with the food at SciFi.) You might move your PS for BD to earlier though, and then if you are hungry at 6 keep your SciFi PS. You could also get a pizza or hamburger (I hear the Backlot is good.)
Le Cellier and Jiko are both great - but again - a lot of good food within a few hours? Maybe do Jiko a little later?
Alfredos is always good for a late lunch. As for breakfast, depending on the park you are visiting, why not eat lite today and get some yummy pastries? MK has Main Street Bakery, Epcot has Norway (and crepes in France!), AK has good things at Tuskers!

Remember to look for us at CA Grill - and I will definately be wearing LIME GREEN. DH asked me why I am buying all these clothes lately in that 'bright color' as he calls it!
Thanks everyone for the great ideas! I am getting so excited!:tongue: :tongue: :tongue: Maybe Kona Cafe would make a good breakfast for Fri. We can always go to Kona and just get dessert can't we? Maybe on a non park day! I just love to eat at Disney!
I can't wait to meet ya 2 of Us at California Grill! I have a dressy casual outfit in lime green that I bought this summer so I am going to wear that! lol You won't miss me, I will have lime green pants and all! lol I changes my ressies to 6:00 instead of 6:20! We will be celebrating my b-day, so I hope to get a window seat! :bounce: :bounce: But if not we will be happy to see them on the bacony!
I have been to Boma twice for dinner and I love it, but wanted to try a late breakfast on a non park day to enjoy the resort and eat great food! I love The Lodge! lol
I am thinking about cutting down on some of the meals and just snacking at Epcot! I just CAN'T make up my mind!
I am just too excited right now to make any decisions! I have my plane reservations now and when I do that, I know I AM GOING! Yippee!!!!!:bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce: :Pinkbounc
My kids are requesting Sci fi so we have to go. But we are thinking of only getting burgers. I guess there is not way to have a perfect food plan so I guess I will just have to go again!!!! :hyper: :hyper: :hyper: :hyper: Have a happy day!
I got cold feet right after I made my reservations too... I initially made it for Coral Reef, but then read the horrible reviews on this board, freaked out, and cancelled. We're eating at Chefs de France now.

I was also really excited for my PS at Ohana, but then after reading this board, I heard a lot of good things, but am slightly scared about the bad things said about it... I am the biggest disney planner freak in my family, and I don't want my family to be disappointed about my choices!

oh well- i think i'm staying with the two I have now...
What do you think? Am I overdoing it?

I blew one of my PS off while on our trip last week. It is a huge chunk of money for food, and that kept running through my mind. But, with that being said, I think I would have regretted not doing the restaurants that we did. I was so curious about Ohana. BTW, we did Boma for breakfast also. That was fantastic! ::yes::
I make a lot of PS too because we have three small children and go in July. I would keep the Brown Derby PS. We thought that was one of our best meals. We also like the Sci Fi for lunch. I wouldn't change them. You can always cancel if it seems like too much when you get there. 1900 Park Fare has a nice character breakfast too.

My dds loved the Wonderland Tea Party and also the Pirate Cruise.
HA HA HA! Cold feet! I just cancelled two of my PS's! I can't help it I think I get too much structure going on and we really ought to be winging it. Now I did keep several of my PS's but they were for hours we knew what we wanted to be doing!

Geez, maybe one of these days I'll plan a trip where I don't make constant changes....well maybe!
I haven't gotten cold feet, yet.... Though I only make 1 PS per day. We aren't real big eatters, so we have light breakfast, counter service lunch and a really nice dinner, w/PS. You've picked some of our favorites!!!::yes:: ::yes:: ::yes::
Restraunts are most always cheaper in WDW at lunch time. We always make PS's for lunch, unless the restraunt is only open at dinner time (Boma, Ohana's). But those we are willing to spend the extra cash on since we enjoy them so much. Infact we are driving up to Boma's tonight for a late B-Day dinner for me... we live about an hour away, we like it a lot. :earsgirl: :earsboy:


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