"Diva" Trip - "Cliff Notes" p.236 OLD THREAD!

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Could you please send the sunshine a little farther North? We've had the odd day where it's beautiful but otherwise it's been kinda ugly.
I heard your weather has been really chilly. Theresa's been itching to use her pool and so far the dang weather hasn't let her! Hopefully some warmer temps will show up soon.

We had a great time in DL. Got back home Wednesday evening. My friend flies back to Georgia this afternoon. :sad2:
Glad you had a fun time. I saw your pics on FB and it looked like everyone was really enjoying their visit. :)

Thanks. Still working on the DL logistics. With convention just 25 days away, I just can't even think about it right now.
25 days? It's gonna fly by!
I just bought tickets at lastminutetravel.com - $188 for 4 day parkhopper. They haven't increased their prices yet!!
Ooooh, good deal. :thumbsup2
I just hate these frequent price increases. :rolleyes:

I am trying a new recipe for dinner tongiht: shredded pork taco's. They are almost done and I am so excited to try them...it smells so good!
I love tacos! I love all Mexican food; burritos, enchiladas, tamales. Yum. We don't eat pork though, but shredded chicken tacos sound really good right now. With some chips, salsa and guacamole. Ahhhhh. :cloud9:
:hug: Mel - I was thinking of you today as I wore my castle shirt to a vendor fair where I was displaying my Disney travel brochures. Praying for you and your family.

We had a raccoon on the deck today. I had the sliding door open for my kitty to go in and out and saw it just about to come inside so I quickly slid the door shut. The cat was just inside the door and the raccoon wasn't being threatening, just curious. Then it went to the neighbor's deck where their cat was laying. After exploring the deck, it came over to the cat and they just looked at each other, then it went on it's way down the hill into the grass. First time I have seen a raccoon around here in the 8 years we have been here.

We had a nice day today - 70's and sunny! Tomorrow it's back to 50's and rainy but at least it is not supposed to rain Sunday so we can barbeque for Father's Day. Have a great weekend everyone!
Good morning, ladies! :sunny:

Hope you all have some fun plans for the weekend, especially for Father's Day. For those of you lucky enough to be able to spend tomorrow with your dad enjoy it.

My step-dad is in Michigan, so I sent him a card. Frankly we just aren't all that close. I never knew my real dad, he left when I was a baby. This past year he tried to get back in touch with me but I wasn't having it. Not after 39 years buddy! LOL
So the only Father's Day activities I'll be doing are with the kids for Ruben. But that will be nice. I love seeing the him with the kids and it brings me great joy knowing they all have the sort of close relationship with their dad that I never did. :goodvibes

(wow, that was a bit of a downer, sorry!! lol)
Mel - I was thinking of you today as I wore my castle shirt to a vendor fair where I was displaying my Disney travel brochures.

I love my purple castle shirt!! I saw it hanging in my closet the other day and was tempted to wear it out, but I was just running errands and I didn't want to chance messing it up. I want to keep it nice for next year if we wear them again. :cool1:
I bet wearing it at the vendor fair got you lots of attention and compliments. :thumbsup2
Ooooh, good deal. :thumbsup2
I just hate these frequent price increases. :rolleyes:

Man, I keep forgetting but not forgetting about the ticket prices. I kind of put them from my mind as soon as I realized that I could renew my AP with the payment plan. Then I remembered that if my friends go, they have to pay for Park Hoppers! Sigh. Good news is that my credit union will keep their prices until December so I'm thinking that's roughly $160 for 3 days and $180 for 4. I should probably try to do the convincing/talking everyone to go now so we can get them and be done with it. Don't want to spend my birthday trip 'solo' even if I'll be seeing tons of Divas there.
I love my purple castle shirt!! I saw it hanging in my closet the other day and was tempted to wear it out, but I was just running errands and I didn't want to chance messing it up. I want to keep it nice for next year if we wear them again. :cool1:
I bet wearing it at the vendor fair got you lots of attention and compliments. :thumbsup2

I am so scared to wash my shirt that it has been sitting on my dryer since the last trip :rotfl: How did everyone wash their shirt?
I am so scared to wash my shirt that it has been sitting on my dryer since the last trip :rotfl: How did everyone wash their shirt?

I didn't even think about the goodies on the shirt & threw it in the washer.....when it came out.....I was missing 5 of the rhinestones :( So I'd say....hand wash & dry!!
Happy Weekend!!!! :banana::banana: I'm so glad it's Saturday. This week at work was long and busy.

I had great intentions of doing errands early this morning but instead I ended up helping rescue 5 ducklings from the drain in front of my house. A mamma duck and her 9 babies wandered into our neighborhood from the creek down the street and walked over the drainage grate. 5 of the babies fell in. It was amazing how the neighborhood came together to catch them. The drains are all connected and still had water in them. Once we got the babies in between 2 drains we had to use nets to catch them. The first 4 were easy, the 5th was stubborn. The whole time the mamma just walked around quacking. When we got them all into a box we took them 2 blocks down the road, with mamma following, and let them go back down to the creek. Success!!!! It really felt good. :goodvibes They were soooo cute and definately more exciting than my errands.
Happy Weekend!!!! :banana::banana: I'm so glad it's Saturday. This week at work was long and busy.

I had great intentions of doing errands early this morning but instead I ended up helping rescue 5 ducklings from the drain in front of my house. A mamma duck and her 9 babies wandered into our neighborhood from the creek down the street and walked over the drainage grate. 5 of the babies fell in. It was amazing how the neighborhood came together to catch them. The drains are all connected and still had water in them. Once we got the babies in between 2 drains we had to use nets to catch them. The first 4 were easy, the 5th was stubborn. The whole time the mamma just walked around quacking. When we got them all into a box we took them 2 blocks down the road, with mamma following, and let them go back down to the creek. Success!!!! It really felt good. :goodvibes They were soooo cute and definately more exciting than my errands.
Good job on the rescue! That is awesome, I am glad that everyone made it out safe.
I hope everyone is having a good weekend!
My October trip is now a solo trip. We decided to take the kids to WDW in a year and a half and so I am going for Halloween alone.
Things have been crazy. Jordan's dad is worse than expected and it looks like Jordan will be getting some SS benefits. But it is quite the crazy process. My mom found out she has cancer. So its been crazy around my life lately.
But in all life is good.
Jordan will be 15 in a few weeks, he just started MMA. He loves it! He has his first fight in 5 months. Should be interesting!

Tracey~ have fun in Yellowstone!

Mel~ I'm still thinking about you!
Don't want to spend my birthday trip 'solo' even if I'll be seeing tons of Divas there.
Nope you definitely need your peeps to help you celebrate. :thumbsup2

I am so scared to wash my shirt that it has been sitting on my dryer since the last trip :rotfl: How did everyone wash their shirt?
That's another reason why I don't want to wear mine. I won't know how to wash it afterward!! lol

When we got them all into a box we took them 2 blocks down the road, with mamma following, and let them go back down to the creek. Success!!!! It really felt good. :goodvibes They were soooo cute and definately more exciting than my errands.
Awww, how cute. I love baby ducks. Glad they were all rescued.

My October trip is now a solo trip. We decided to take the kids to WDW in a year and a half and so I am going for Halloween alone.
Things have been crazy. Jordan's dad is worse than expected and it looks like Jordan will be getting some SS benefits. But it is quite the crazy process. My mom found out she has cancer. So its been crazy around my life lately.
But in all life is good.
Jordan will be 15 in a few weeks, he just started MMA. He loves it! He has his first fight in 5 months. Should be interesting!
Halloween is going to be so much fun! I'm really looking forward to it. :banana:
Sorry to hear things have been crazy for you. I hate it when life gets like that. I'm especially sorry to hear about your mom. I hope she is able to get some treatment.
Good luck to Jordan in MMA! I'd be scared to watch the fight!! :eek: lol
Jodi~ Yay for you!!!

Deb~ Sorry things are not going so well over there...I hope things get better for you. MMA is awesome! It is great to get into it at a young age. My friend fights for Uriah Faber's team, but started at age 25 which is really too old to start that career. He is 31 now and about to "hang up his gloves". Best of luck to Jordan!

I spent a good portion of the day working on my backyard. Decades ago my grandpa built this fountain thing out of some weird red rock. At some point over the years it was filled in to be used as a planter. My goal is to clean it out and restore it to fountain status. I also repainted some plastic lawn furniture and am redoing a super ugly 1970's chair.

Is anyone planning on going to the California State Fair?
Howdy all! Just back from our trip last night and it is crazy round this joint. Tons of laundry and stuff to unpack but I wanted to stop in and say hi!

Mel I am SO very sorry for your loss! You know I love you and I am so terribly sad for you right now! My prayers are with you and your family and my condolences to you!! ((hugs))

I didn't read all the way back and have to run but we had a lot of fun and got SUN BURNED!! But glad to be home and get back to normal a bit. Off to do laundry. Have a good day all!
Halloween is going to be so much fun! I'm really looking forward to it. :banana:
Sorry to hear things have been crazy for you. I hate it when life gets like that. I'm especially sorry to hear about your mom. I hope she is able to get some treatment.
Good luck to Jordan in MMA! I'd be scared to watch the fight!! :eek: lol

Thanks. Paris, Texas actually has a great cancer center, so she is so far in good hands. Just a little weak and forgetful now days.

MMA is crazy! But at 5'11" and 205 he is bigger than most of the men. He plans to drop down to 185 which will be good for football and wrestling too!

I can't wait for Halloween either!!

Jodi~ Yay for you!!!

Deb~ Sorry things are not going so well over there...I hope things get better for you. MMA is awesome! It is great to get into it at a young age. My friend fights for Uriah Faber's team, but started at age 25 which is really too old to start that career. He is 31 now and about to "hang up his gloves". Best of luck to Jordan!

I spent a good portion of the day working on my backyard. Decades ago my grandpa built this fountain thing out of some weird red rock. At some point over the years it was filled in to be used as a planter. My goal is to clean it out and restore it to fountain status. I also repainted some plastic lawn furniture and am redoing a super ugly 1970's chair.

Is anyone planning on going to the California State Fair?

Thanks, Jordan is with the Irish Hit Squad. The trainer is really good.
Hope you all are having a wonderful day!

Mel...I am so very sorry for your loss. You are in my thoughts.:hug:

Deb...Wow, so much happening all at once. You are a strong woman and I know you will get through these trials in your life. You and your family are in my thoughts as well.:hug:

I feel so out of the loop. I need to spend more time here. I have good intentions. I log on, but usually get distracted by something or get busy. I really hope all of you are well. I think about you often..as well as the meet. I can't wait for February! :thumbsup2
Is anyone planning on going to the California State Fair?
Well, I'm not going, but I love fairs. Ok, I love fair food. :rotfl: It's all deep fried and on a stick. Everything tastes better on a stick apparently. lol

Howdy all! Just back from our trip last night and it is crazy round this joint. Tons of laundry and stuff to unpack but I wanted to stop in and say hi!
Ah, the dreaded vacation laundry. Have fun with that. ;)

Thanks. Paris, Texas actually has a great cancer center, so she is so far in good hands. Just a little weak and forgetful now days.

MMA is crazy! But at 5'11" and 205 he is bigger than most of the men. He plans to drop down to 185 which will be good for football and wrestling too!
Damn girl! He's big. How did that happen?? :rotfl2:

Glad to hear your mom is in good hands. I'm sure that makes you feel a bit more at ease.

I feel so out of the loop. I need to spend more time here. I have good intentions. I log on, but usually get distracted by something or get busy.
You have a life. No worries! :goodvibes
Happy afternoon, ladies!! Hope you are all enjoying your day so far, however you are spending it.

We've had a huge breakfast, opened presents and are now just kicking back until later when we'll do some grilling. Typical Father's Day, right? ;)

So one week from today my in-laws will be here to watch the kids so Ruben and I can take off on our anniversary quickie! :banana: I can't wait.
We were just going to leave Sunday morning and go back to Carlsbad, but.......Theresa so sweetly and generously sent us a pair of Disneyland tickets for us to use as an anniversary present!!!!!! :cool1: :yay: :woohoo: :woohoo:
Thank-you Theresa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :hug: :worship:

The only possible downer is we didn't realize until after she'd sent them that her name was on the tickets. So, now I'm really hoping they don't turn us away at the gate. :guilty: I guess we'll see what happens. :confused3

The plan is to leave here early Sunday, drive to DL, spend all day there, then go to Carlsbad for two nights and come home on Tuesday. I'm really excited and hope it all works out. Fingers crossed for us! :)
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