DisneyWorld Bound on May 2nd...


Earning My Ears
Apr 30, 2001
...anything else we should bring besides the usual: sunscreen, film, hats, $$$$$$

Let me know!

I'm leaving Friday!!! I would pack an umbrella just in case, they are having a rainy week down there, according to the weather reports. Let's hope that goes away!
Where are you staying? We'll be at the Caribbean Beach. Can't wait!!!! As for the rain - well, it rains practically every afternoon there. We were there in September and it rained every day...at least the rain stops!

Have a GREAT disney trip!

We are staying off-site at the Hawthorne Suites LBV. I can't wait!

You have a great trip as well!!
Umm, you could take me...May 2 is my birthday! I spent my 18th birthday in Epcot on my first trip to WDW, and it took 14 years to get back. These days, I can't bear to put 14 months between trips(LOL)! You might want to pack a few ziploc bags...don't ask me why, but we always need a few of these. We put wet swimsuits in them after playing in the fountains at Epcot, and our wet socks in after a huge downpour last September. I also put our Annual passes in a small one before I put them in my fanny pack to keep them from getting wet. Have a great trip! Tell Mickey I will see him at the end of the month!
I am going on the 2nd also. I am trying really hard not to be too depressed about the rain. :confused: I have no problem going around in a poncho but will be dragging 3 kids and a hubby that doesnt love to get rained on. I told him we were spending way too much money to sit in the hotel room and wait out the rain!!

Oh well, Im doing a "sun - dance"
A bad day on vacation is better than a good day at work.

34 more hours :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
We will be leaving on May 4 too. I saw the forecast for rain but it seems to be mainly this week. Bought the ponchos anyway. We are staying at fort wilderness.:pinkbounc :bounce: :jester: :earsboy: :earsgirl: :p
Fort Wilderness sounds fun! We'll be at Carribean Beach...I guess I already posted that, oh well..anyway, FW looks awesome! My son is 23 months old TODAY so I pray it doesn't rain either...but it always does there. Oh well...he looks cute in the mickey ponchos - my husband and I look silly but at least Ben looks good! LOL




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