Disneyland Divas: Working out, getting healthy and thin in 2010!!

It has been a trying week. My stress level is very high and instead of going to bed I've been eating. I've used almost all of my weekly points and that never happens because I make it a point NOT to eat them. Thankfully I have been more active these past two weeks. I'm trying to earn enough activity points to offset the weeklies that I ate. I know I don't have to but I feel better about it and you can't have too much activity!

Last night I did about 40 minutes high intensity, 10 minutes moderate of cardio. Then I got back to my apt and did another 20 minutes of moderate intensity strength training (sit ups, push ups, squats, walking lunges). I'm very sore today.

I promised my ww friend that I would meet her at the gym this morning at 9am. I was a little late but it was okay. I've started doing mostly the treadmill now. I did 10 minutes moderate and 20 minutes high intensity on the treadmill. But also walking to and from the gym is a 20 minutes, round trip. I did push ups when I got back and then ate.

I feel good today :)
So far I've earned 23 activity points this week :cool1: Yesterday I earned the majority of them (10).

Great job on the exercise Cristabel! :cool1:

My DH has been away for a couple of days, so I have the kids myself for this four day weekend. We did a couple day trips: one to Bern to see the bears and the Paul Klee museum and then we went to a museum made in an old mill today. Only rough part is that it has been raining. Come to think of it, it has been raining for three weeks. I have never experienced such a gloomy May...not even when I lived in Russia. It definitely is making the whole country grumpy. We need some sunshine bad.

So exercise has just been walking with the kids. Will get myself back to the gym on Monday. Will try running again just as soon as the rain stops.

Hope you are all doing amazingly well! :woohoo:

And for the QUOTE OF THE DAY
Training gives us an outlet for suppressed energies created by stress and thus tones the spirit just as exercise conditions the body.
~ Arnold Schwarzenegger
Hi all. I am still plugging along. I did Week 5 day 2 of the C25K today so I am feeling good about my progress on that. Had a bit of a blow financially and am totally stressed about some paperwork that I have to get in for my new job but am dealing with that in ways other than food. Hope you all are having a great week and be sure to get that excersize in...great job Cristabel!

I went to WI tonight and I only lost 0.8lbs. :guilty:
Although I have been doing a lot of exercise I also ate 32 of my 35 weekly allowance points. Thankfully I have not gained in the past three weeks :goodvibes

No gym today. I'm sore, tired and busy studying for my ISDS (computers) and college algebra finals.

I just want to sleep right now. The weather is so gloomy :sad2:
I went to WI tonight and I only lost 0.8lbs. :guilty:
Although I have been doing a lot of exercise I also ate 32 of my 35 weekly allowance points. Thankfully I have not gained in the past three weeks :goodvibes

No gym today. I'm sore, tired and busy studying for my ISDS (computers) and college algebra finals.

I just want to sleep right now. The weather is so gloomy :sad2:

No worries Cristabel! There are going to be weeks like that. The trick is to keep plugging along and realize that it is a journey, not a race. I have had plenty of weeks where I have lost little or even gained and that was with being ON PLAN! But I didn't let it get to me (well, not much anyway!) and I kept going or got back on plan if I had fallen off and a year later I have a lot to show for it! You can do this! You ARE doing this! And I am proud of you!

Keep up the great work everyone and don't forget to check in here often! It gives us the opportunity to help build you up and to get inspiration as well!

Take care,
Sarah May
Good Morning!

I didn't get a chance to run last night becasue it started raining a little bit. After not exercising at all over the weekend either (well we did walk all around Sea World on Saturday) I really need to get back at it. The longer I go with out exercising the harder it is for me to want to start back up again.

The weather looked bad this morning too so I brought my gym stuff with me so I can stop at the gym after work and run on the treadmill.
So I have been experimenting with different breakfast foods to see what keeps me full longest....here is my report so far....

Granola bar - hungry very soon after

Cottage cheese and pineapple - better than granola bar but still hungry pretty soon.

Whole wheat english muffin with 1/4 cup eggbeaters cooked in a glass with salsa in the microwave - full much much longer! So far this is the out and out winner but I still plan to try a breakfast borrito and an omlet with veggies to see how those do.


How is everyone else doing? Are you drinking your water? Cristabel, what about you? You are in the middle of a major transition...are you staying on track?
Hi everyone. I am hanging in there. My doc has me on two different blood pressure meds now, as there was no change with just one. Hopefully that helps. She also wants me to have a rather invasive test to make sure my kidneys are still functioning properly. I'm going to a new doc on Memorial Day for a second opinion.

Anyway, in the meantime I'm trying to limit my sodium intake and it's so HARD!!!! I have never added extra salt to my food, ever. So that's good, but I rely on Smart Ones and Lean Cuisines to aid in my weight loss and I'm just now realizing how awfully high in sodium those are.

So I'm feeling a bit lost. I'm not sure what to eat. :confused3 I'm not a fan of vegetables, but I'm trying to make healthy choices. I've stopped counting calories as it was putting too much pressure on me. Instead, I'm drinking water, cutting back on diet soda, and trying to eat "fresh" whenever possible. Quite a challenge. I haven't lost anymore weight, but hopefully that will change soon.

If anyone has any tips or hints on a low sodium diet, I'd truly appreciate it.

Now I just need to do more walking and hopefully get my BP under control before permanent damage is done.

Keep on keeping on everyone!!! :cheer2:
Hi Beth, sorry to hear about the trials and tribulations you are currently facing. I have had luck with making my own "frozen meals" so to speak. I make a huge batch of healthy chili or stew in a crockpot (sometimes I even triple the recipe!), portion it out in freezable containers and then I can just grab one and stick it in the microwave whenever I need a healthy, filling, low calorie, easy meal! If you need some recipes let me know.

Hi Beth, sorry to hear about the trials and tribulations you are currently facing. I have had luck with making my own "frozen meals" so to speak. I make a huge batch of healthy chili or stew in a crockpot (sometimes I even triple the recipe!), portion it out in freezable containers and then I can just grab one and stick it in the microwave whenever I need a healthy, filling, low calorie, easy meal! If you need some recipes let me know.

That's a good idea. I would love some recipes if you have time to share them. :flower3:
That's a good idea. I would love some recipes if you have time to share them. :flower3:

Here's the one for chili....


1 lb lean ground turkey
2 garlic cloves - finely chopped
2 T. chili powder
1 t. ground cumin
1 28 oz can crushed tomatoes w/tomato paste
1 15 oz can red kidney beans, rinsed and drained
1 sweet onion, chopped
1 4.5 oz can diced chilies

Directions: In a large non-stick skillet cook turkey and garlic over medium heat, stirring with a wooden spoon to break up meat, until browned; drain. Add chili powder and cumin, stir to combine. Combine tomatoes, beans, onion, and chilies in slow cooker; stir in meat mixture. Cover and cook on high until the flavors are blended, 4-5 hours.

I will try to get the stew recipe soon.

Had a super awful day yesterday as far as eating is concerned! I mean really, really bad! Up half the night wishing I could just puke already bad! Aww well, serves me right...not sure what set me off but geez!

Thanks for the recipe Sarah. I'm going to give it a try. Sorry you had a rough day, but it's only one day. And you've done so well, it won't shake you.
2 days but I have to remind myself that life is a journey. I feel back on track today and I am working on redifining my goals...I have acheived the ones I set out for myself at the beginning of my weight loss journey last year.

SarahMay, congratulations on your 100 lb. banner!!! You're such an inspiration to me! :worship:

Cristabel, keep up the great job! :cool1:

Beth, welcome back to the healthy side! :flower3:

Hi Jen! I hope all is well on your side of the world. :goodvibes

Sarah, good luck on your training!

Tracey, I hope all is well with you!

So, it's been awhile since I've been here. I hate to admit it, but not only did I fall off the bandwagon, I face planted off of it. I was one pound away from my 35lb. banner and now if I gain one more pound, I'll lose my 30lb. banner! :scared1:

I'm ready to get back on track now though!

I hope everyone is having a happy and healthy day! :grouphug:
I actually had a loss this week which completely surprises me! That is 7 losses in a row. Crazyness.

SarahMay, congratulations on your 100 lb. banner!!! You're such an inspiration to me! :worship:

Cristabel, keep up the great job! :cool1:

Beth, welcome back to the healthy side! :flower3:

Hi Jen! I hope all is well on your side of the world. :goodvibes

Sarah, good luck on your training!

Tracey, I hope all is well with you!

So, it's been awhile since I've been here. I hate to admit it, but not only did I fall off the bandwagon, I face planted off of it. I was one pound away from my 35lb. banner and now if I gain one more pound, I'll lose my 30lb. banner! :scared1:

I'm ready to get back on track now though!

I hope everyone is having a happy and healthy day! :grouphug:

Hey, Wendylady! Good to see you over here! I hope you've gotten your "you know what" back in line! I see from your facebook pics that you are looking hot (if not inebriated-how do you spell that work?). You ROCK girlfriend and you are simply gorgeous!

I actually had a loss this week which completely surprises me! That is 7 losses in a row. Crazyness.


You crazy lady! CONGRATS!!!

It's a Thursday morning here in the land of RAIN. We had three days off to enjoy the glorious sunshine, but unfortunately, the rain is back. Went to France this past weekend and something is up with the air over there, 'cause everytime I go, my clothes shrink a tad.

Been back on track since I got home with good (enough) eating and exercise. Trying to get in shape by summer. Can't believe only 3 weeks left of the school year.

And for the QUOTE OF THE DAY
Effort only fully releases its reward after a person refuses to quit.

Napolean Hill

Starting to think about next year...who is coming to visit me for a trip to Disneyland Paris? Come on ladies!!! I'm just a little farther than Las Vegas.
I'm ready to get back on track now though!
You can do it!! :cheer2:

I actually had a loss this week which completely surprises me! That is 7 losses in a row. Crazyness.

Way to go Sarah!! :cheer2:

It's a Thursday morning here in the land of RAIN. We had three days off to enjoy the glorious sunshine, but unfortunately, the rain is back. Went to France this past weekend and something is up with the air over there, 'cause everytime I go, my clothes shrink a tad.

Been back on track since I got home with good (enough) eating and exercise. Trying to get in shape by summer. Can't believe only 3 weeks left of the school year.

Starting to think about next year...who is coming to visit me for a trip to Disneyland Paris? Come on ladies!!! I'm just a little farther than Las Vegas.

Hi Jen, sorry to hear the rain is back. Maybe you need to come visit here. We are expecting our first triple digit temps of the summer next week. I am not looking forward to that.
Glad to hear you've been having fun adventures, and are still staying healthy. Keep it up!! :cheer2:
I hope everyone has had a good week so far! Keep up the healthy habits!

I found a new doctor thanks to Amy (bigskyernurse) and I am so happy with her. She really takes the time to talk with me and listen to my problems. She said all my labs are good, so she doesn't feel I need any invasive tests to find out why my BP is high. She feels we can tackle it for now with medications, and changes in diet and exercise.

The best thing about this doctor is she even acknowledges that sometimes you just gotta have some cheesecake! LOL So she "gets it", kwim? She's realistic and feels over the next year, if I can lose 50 pounds my BP will greatly improve.

I am writing down everything I eat to show to her on my next appt, and am reading labels, and just feeling good about things. It's hard definitely, and the weight isn't coming off right now, but I think it soon will. In the meantime, I am comforted knowing that I am making much healthier choices than I used to. I've cut way back on diet soda, am drinking more water, walking for 20 minutes a day (to start with), etc.

Also I'm just trying to change my mood and be more positive in general. There are a lot of negative, nasty attitudes in the world, I used to be one of them, but that doesn't do anyone any good, so I'm really working on fixing that. Slowly.... ;)

Anyway, have a great rest of the week and a wonderful weekend! :hippie:
I hope everyone has had a good week so far! Keep up the healthy habits!

I found a new doctor thanks to Amy (bigskyernurse) and I am so happy with her. She really takes the time to talk with me and listen to my problems. She said all my labs are good, so she doesn't feel I need any invasive tests to find out why my BP is high. She feels we can tackle it for now with medications, and changes in diet and exercise.

The best thing about this doctor is she even acknowledges that sometimes you just gotta have some cheesecake! LOL So she "gets it", kwim? She's realistic and feels over the next year, if I can lose 50 pounds my BP will greatly improve.

I am writing down everything I eat to show to her on my next appt, and am reading labels, and just feeling good about things. It's hard definitely, and the weight isn't coming off right now, but I think it soon will. In the meantime, I am comforted knowing that I am making much healthier choices than I used to. I've cut way back on diet soda, am drinking more water, walking for 20 minutes a day (to start with), etc.

Also I'm just trying to change my mood and be more positive in general. There are a lot of negative, nasty attitudes in the world, I used to be one of them, but that doesn't do anyone any good, so I'm really working on fixing that. Slowly.... ;)

Anyway, have a great rest of the week and a wonderful weekend! :hippie:

So glad you found a doctor whom you like and find helpful. Yeah for Amy! And congrats on the healthy changes in your diet, exercise and attitude. I certainly don't think of you as having a negative, nasty attitude! But I'm glad that you are feeling more positive in general. You know what they say...fake it 'til you make it.

Have a great day everyone! It's German homework and then to bed time here in der Schweiz.

Auf wiedersehen!
So glad you found a doctor whom you like and find helpful. Yeah for Amy! And congrats on the healthy changes in your diet, exercise and attitude. I certainly don't think of you as having a negative, nasty attitude! But I'm glad that you are feeling more positive in general. You know what they say...fake it 'til you make it.

Have a great day everyone! It's German homework and then to bed time here in der Schweiz.

Auf wiedersehen!

Well, maybe more sarcastic and pessimistic than negative and nasty. But still, I'm trying not to worry so much and focus on the good things in life. :goodvibes
Nighty night!!


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