DISNEY DREAMING! A Nov/Dec 2010 PTR *12/9 ~ Hello Again!




I have no words.

There are no words. :sad2:

YAY another Mickey_Mom and Crew adventure!! I cannot wait to hear all about the plans!!

WOOT WOOT for POR!! I fell in love with that resort in January!! SO gorgeous and I love that picture you have up!!!!

Hey there Jen! I'm happy you're here! I love that picture too and I just decided I'm going to try and get that exact shot when I'm there. Or...something very similar anyway. :laughing:
How We Got Here:

Cue the Wayne’s World squiggly lines and doo-dee-doo’s, wave your hands in front of your face and step back with me in time to approximately February of 2009. Here’s my posting in my last PTR:

So this August 2009 trip was almost the trip that wasn’t. We had gone three years in a row and my DH was pretty clear we should put the brakes on it for a while and maybe go back in about five years around Christmas time. While I was initially at peace with that, (sorta-not really) when February of this year rolled around and I would normally start anticipating the free dining to roll out….. I had to do it. I had to start planning again! (Did I mention I am a planning freak??)

So I started talking to my DH about going again and we “compromised” by saying we would have a backyard summer, save up, and only go if the free dining happened to get extended into Christmas time. Ariana LOVES Disney and the next best thing to her is Christmas time. She loves everything about it – she’d have a tree up year round if it were up to her, she loves the presents under the tree, the Christmas carols, making snowmen and snow angels, any sort of Christmas movie, all the lights and decorations she loves with wide-eyed wonder…. you get the idea. So imagine my excitement to possibly take her to her favorite place on earth at her favorite time of year!! I would look at any photo I could find of the Magic Kingdom decorated for Christmas and just friggin cry thinking about taking her. I showed her a video of Cinderella’s Castle lighting up with all the tiny Christmas lights and ….. whew!

But alas, all signs were pointing to the rarity that is free dining at Christmas time for us Northern folk, and my DH started recognizing the signs in me of Disney Withdrawlism. He took pity on me and shocked me by suggesting we go in August! I love, love, love my husband. Really. Love. Him.​
So that pretty much sums up my excitement about going at Christmas time and why this trip is going to be so special. :goodvibes

Now, one more time, wave your hands in front of your face and step back in time with me to July 25, 2009. It was three weeks before our August 2009 trip and I’d just heard rumors :disrocks: that the free dining we were taking advantage of was going to be extended to December for the first time ever.

Possibly major changes here.... help! I'm in desperate need of bouncing off ideas with anyone!

If I've read things correctly, there is a chance that free dining is going to be offered for November/December to the general public. Those that have followed along here know its our dream to go at Christmas time. We cannot afford two trips so that means moving our August trip to December.

I called Disney and I called Southwest to find out any implications for cancelling and rebooking and there are none. None! The airfare cost at this point is even exactly the same as our August fares. Exactly! I have no problems getting the time off from work but the kids would now be pulled out of school which Alex hates to do, and the hubby probably would not be able to get the time off work. In fact he's pretty positive he won't be able to but he's telling me to go without him which I would not like, but its our dream! Ugh!

Then he's suggesting we go when the kids are on Christmas break so we wouldn't have to pull the kids out of school, but that means higher airfare probably, and then we'd miss the DH's birthday which I would really not like to do but he says "big deal, so what!"

AAAccck! Of course this is all based on if the free dining even gets offered!?!?

What do I do? What do I do?​

I got some awesome responses of support and advice :grouphug: and in the end, I decided to keep things booked for August……

Thank you everyone, this has truly helped. Thank you for listening and allowing me to get my thoughts straight by laying everything out there.

At this point I'm pretty sure we're keeping our August trip, I just can't go without George. Yes, the shine would be gone a little bit without him and him missing the love and joy beaming from my daughter's face would make the trip too bittersweet. We would all miss him everyday and that is not how I want to experience Christmas at Disney.

All of this drama for something that might not even happen! If the FD is extended into December for the GP, the silver lining in all of this is if they do it now, they might do it again!​

Ok sorry, this really is the last time to channel Wayne’s World……

I've already planted the seed with the hubby about Christmas 2010 so until then I'll be saying a little prayer every night to the free dining gods.​

It’s funny sometimes how things can come together. In 2008, my hubby had decided three trips in three years was enough and to pull the reins back until December 2013. Now we’ve had our 2009 trip and we’re planning a 2010 trip! :cloud9:

“Planting the seed” for Christmas 2010 really didn’t take that much work. :laughing: We’d made the decision to keep August, but it was still pretty disappointing that we weren’t going in December. But, for the first time ever, the free dining had been extended and George was convinced the economy wasn’t going to recover fast enough that they wouldn’t do it again the next year. So conversations became, “Can we renovate the basement and go at Christmas next year?” Then, the Fantasyland expansion was announced. Conversations then became, “We’ll go at Christmas this year, and then the next time we go back will be after Fantasyland is done in 2012.” So not only did I have a 2010 trip, I now had a 2012 trip too!! :woohoo:

Awesome right? Well, one thing I haven’t mentioned yet. George wasn’t planning on coming for Christmas and Alex was undecided. :sad1: George had been upfront from the start saying he just wouldn’t be able to get the time off work. :headache: Weeks around the holidays were just too hard to get even with a years notice. Plus, if he stayed home, the costs would go down. But I knew this was as close to the chance to go as I could get, so I starting putting thoughts and ideas together for a trip for just Ariana, Demetri and I.

Still, I had doubts. :guilty: If George and Alex stayed behind, would Alex be comfortable staying by himself until 1am every night with George on the night shift? Should he stay at a friend’s house instead? Would I be able to handle Ariana and Demetri on my own? Normally George and I tag-team, one would be focused on Ariana, the other Demetri so neither would wander off. Would I be able to take a week without adult conversation and interaction? Enjoy the moments if I didn’t have anyone to talk to about it? I wasn’t as excited about the trip as I’d hoped to be, but hey, this was Disney!

Then talk turned again to Alex bringing a friend with him. I talked to his friend’s mom and she was on board, but would need to talk to his Dad first. For weeks I priced out different scenarios, different resorts, one room or two rooms, water park options or no, dining plans, flights, that kind of thing. But then in late January, things fell through and his friend couldn’t join us. :sad2: It was disappointing, but Alex said he still wanted to go, so it was four of us again. :yay: At that point, it was a solid go ahead, this was happening trip! :santa:

Then, the most incredible thing happened. :wizard: On a long shot, George had put in a request to his work for the time off. The way it works, the entire plant submits their vacation requests for the upcoming year and they’re sifted through, approved or rejected. He had some seniority there, but there were many people above him that had more. They are notoriously slow to give you an answer and it was over a month before they got back to him. He was approved! He called me from work the moment he found out and I was literally dancing throughout the house with a little jig :dance3: singing, “Daddy’s coming on the trip! Daddy’s coming on the trip!”

So there you have it!

Coming up: ADR Selections
Hi I'm here!:cool1: I'm so glad it worked out so your whole family could go together:grouphug:!

Funny how this will be your 5th trip in 5 years and then you won't be back till fantasyland is complete. This year will be our 4th trip in 4 years and then we won't be back till its complete (I don't know how I'll stand it).

That is the cutest picture of Dimetri with Tigger:goodvibes

We went in 2007 and 2008 the week after Thanksgiving and had a blast! It brought tears to my eyes when you were talking about how much Ariana loves Christmas and how happy she will be to see all the decorations.The castle is really something with the lights I found it very hard to look away.

Can't wait to hear all about your trip!
POR at Christmas!:goodvibes I know you will love it! We went this past Christmas and fell in love with the resort. :santa: It's a magical place! Can't wait to see what you are planning! :)
I'm back on the DIS :cool1: This is my first post in who knows how long. It's been a very rough year for our family. But it's getting better, slowly but surely. No Disney dreaming for us still, but at least we are getting my DS school issue sorted out. Long story for a pm to you at another time.

I'm very excited to see that you are getting your holiday trip :yay:popcorn:::yay::banana::cool1: and excited to join your PTR and follow on your journey.
That was a great post!

I am so glad that George is able to come with you. How great that he was able to get the time off. :banana::banana::banana:
Loved your update!!:thumbsup2 I'm so happy that you are able to go at Christmas time...I remember how excited you were at the possibility on your last PTR but that it wouldn't have been the same without George. I'm glad everything fell into place and now your whole family can go!:goodvibes See....it was just meant to be.;)

Can't wait to hear about your ADR choices!!popcorn::
YAY! I'm so excited for you guys, not only for finally being able to go at Christmas time, but that the whole family gets to go!!!! :banana::cool1::banana:

Nothing beats Disney food, can't wait to hear about your ADR selections for this trip!!
Hi I'm here!:cool1: I'm so glad it worked out so your whole family could go together:grouphug:!

Funny how this will be your 5th trip in 5 years and then you won't be back till fantasyland is complete. This year will be our 4th trip in 4 years and then we won't be back till its complete (I don't know how I'll stand it).

Hi there :wave: Glad you made it over! I know! I'm already bummed about not going next year.

That is the cutest picture of Dimetri with Tigger:goodvibes

Yeah, he's a cutie -- and he knows it! :rotfl2:

We went in 2007 and 2008 the week after Thanksgiving and had a blast! It brought tears to my eyes when you were talking about how much Ariana loves Christmas and how happy she will be to see all the decorations.The castle is really something with the lights I found it very hard to look away.

Can't wait to hear all about your trip!

Ooo, details! How were the crowds? How were the celebrations? Do you have pictures? :yay:

I cannot wait to see everything, and watch Ariana take it all in. I really can't do justice to my description of how happy she'll be. :goodvibes

POR at Christmas!:goodvibes I know you will love it! We went this past Christmas and fell in love with the resort. :santa: It's a magical place! Can't wait to see what you are planning! :)

Hi there and :welcome: to my PTR! Yay! You too! See above! :rotfl2:
Well when we went in 2007 the crowds were light. In 2008 we could tell it was much more crowded we were suprised but as long as we used fast pass and went to night time emh it was very manageable. I was reading the boards from when people went in 2009 and it seems everyone says it is a little more busy each year. I'm sure you'll be fine since you know your way around. The decorations were great we are big Christmas people here too. We went to the party both years and I think they do more for the Halloween party but it was still alot of fun and I would do it again. The Christmas parade was great! I did not have a digital camera those years so no pics in the computer:guilty: If there is anything else I can help you with just ask!
I'm back on the DIS :cool1: This is my first post in who knows how long. It's been a very rough year for our family. But it's getting better, slowly but surely. No Disney dreaming for us still, but at least we are getting my DS school issue sorted out. Long story for a pm to you at another time.

Welcome back! I'm glad you've joined in. I was sad to read you'd had to cancel your trip but great to hear things are getting better. :goodvibes Definately PM me when you're ready.

I'm very excited to see that you are getting your holiday trip :yay:popcorn:::yay::banana::cool1: and excited to join your PTR and follow on your journey.

Thank you! :banana:

That was a great post!

I am so glad that George is able to come with you. How great that he was able to get the time off. :banana::banana::banana:

I'd spent so long gearing myself up to him not being there, it was that much better when he got the time off. :banana:
Loved your update!!:thumbsup2 I'm so happy that you are able to go at Christmas time...I remember how excited you were at the possibility on your last PTR but that it wouldn't have been the same without George. I'm glad everything fell into place and now your whole family can go!:goodvibes See....it was just meant to be.;)

Can't wait to hear about your ADR choices!!popcorn::

Aw thanks Angie, I think I have something in my eye, sniff! You're right, this was meant to be. It's worked out just right.

YAY! I'm so excited for you guys, not only for finally being able to go at Christmas time, but that the whole family gets to go!!!! :banana::cool1::banana:

Nothing beats Disney food, can't wait to hear about your ADR selections for this trip!!

Thanks Jen! We have two favorite ADRs in there, and everything else is new! Hehe, can anyone guess what the two favorites are?

Well when we went in 2007 the crowds were light. In 2008 we could tell it was much more crowded we were suprised but as long as we used fast pass and went to night time emh it was very manageable. I was reading the boards from when people went in 2009 and it seems everyone says it is a little more busy each year. I'm sure you'll be fine since you know your way around. The decorations were great we are big Christmas people here too. We went to the party both years and I think they do more for the Halloween party but it was still alot of fun and I would do it again. The Christmas parade was great! I did not have a digital camera those years so no pics in the computer:guilty: If there is anything else I can help you with just ask!

I've heard that too, the week after Thanksgiving is not so much a 'secret' anymore and that it gets busier each year. We'll definately be taking advantage of evening EMH... especially Animal Kingdom. I can't wait to experience that park without the blast furnace of August weather!

I'm really looking forward to MVMCP and the parade. Every Christmas morning we watch the Disney parade... I know its not the same one (unless we went to the taping which is I think during the time we'll be there?? :confused:) but it will be fabulous!!

That's OK about the pictures and I'm sure I'll have lots to ask you! Glad you're here!
They were setting everything up for the taping both times we were there but I don't think they taped it until right after we left. When they set up for the taping they don't have the big tree at main street I was sad we missed the tree.
They were setting everything up for the taping both times we were there but I don't think they taped it until right after we left. When they set up for the taping they don't have the big tree at main street I was sad we missed the tree.

Oh, I'm really torn if we should try to be there or not, but it sounds like it will be after us anyway. I'd love to search the crowds for ourselves on Christmas morning! :magnify:
ADR Planning:

Our family has a few favorite character dining choices that we’ve come to love over the years. On our first trip in 2006, pre-DIS, we had absolutely no idea what character dinners were and we left everything in the wonderfully capable hands of our Disney expert travel agent. We told her to just come up with the best reservations for whatever she felt we’d like at whatever park and we’d trust her. We didn’t have park hoppers and we told her we’d probably spend most of our time in the Magic Kingdom, and that was all the info we gave her. So almost exactly 45 days before we went, she came up with and booked a character meal for every day we were there. What’s that you say? Forty-five days before? :eek: Yep, and they worked out perfectly for that trip! Here’s how it played out……

Our travel dates were September 1st to September 8th and we had absolutely no idea what we were heading into. No plans, no itinerary, no must-dos…. nothing.

September 1 – Crystal Palace at Magic Kingdom @ 5:25pm



September 2 – Cinderella’s Round Table at Magic Kingdom @ 9:45am


September 3 – Cape May Café at Beach Club Hotel @ 10:00am

September 4 – Ohana Breakfast with Lilo & Stitch at Polynesian Resort @ 10:00am

September 5 – 1900 Park Fare at Grand Floridian @ 5:50pm



September 6 – Chef Mickey at Contemporary Resort @ 6:20pm

September 7 – Mickey’s Backyard BBQ at Fort Wilderness Lodge @ 6:30pm

What do you think? Quite the range of resorts in there, half the fun of these ADRs was getting there! I fell in love with the Beach Club and the Poly. I was awed by the Grand Floridian and mighty impressed by the Contemporary. We ended up cancelling Mickey’s Backyard BBQ the day before to give ourselves more flexibility for our last day and we just winged it.

We’ve been to a lot of different places since then, but there are so many more that we haven’t done. Reading other PTRs and TRs, I started jotting down places I would love to go to, and the list was getting longer and longer. Two months ago I printed off the 2010 Dining Plan and used the location listing to get down to business narrowing down the selections. My first draft, including counter services:

Boma – Flavors of Africa at Animal Kingdom
I came across this many times in my reading and people always give it great reviews. Ariana especially would love going here with her Lion King obsession! :simba:

Kouzzina by Cat Cora at the Boardwalk
We’re Greek, what can I say? :laughing: The last few trips I’ve tried to get over to the Boardwalk area and something always came up. This will make me get there for sure!

California Grill at the Contemporary
This place has always fascinated us from our first trip when we got on the wrong elevator! :rotfl: I’ve heard fabulous things about the food and the lure of seeing Wishes from the balcony is very strong.

Supercalifragilistic Breakfast at 1900 Park Fare
We’ve been to 1900 Park Fare twice before. The first time Suzie and Perla, the mice, were with Cinderella and Prince Charming. The second time, the Evil Stepmother and Stepsisters were there. Oh my what a hoot they are. We’ve never done the breakfast with Mary Poppins and Alice though and I’d love to do it. Plus it also would ensure we got to the Floridian!

Kona Café at the Poly
Again, I’ve heard fabulous things about this place and while the Tonga Toast doesn’t necessarily appeal to me (sorry!) I would love to check it out.

'Ohana’s Best Friends Breakfast featuring Lilo & Stitch at the Poly
Hands down our favorite character meal that we’ve done every vacation. ‘Nuff said.

The Plaza Restaurant at Magic Kingdom
More good reviews. It’d never made the cut before and I was thinking it would be a nice place to try out.

Tony’s Town Square Restaurant at Magic Kingdom
This was getting mixed reviews, as usual, but I heard it was a fabulous spot to watch parades.

Chefs de France at Epcot
When I heard Remy had been added to Chefs, I knew I couldn’t handle seeing a moving rat and it would freak me out. :scared1: I’m still not convinced it won’t, but I really want to try it. Plus I really want Alex to use his French!

San Angel Inn Restaurante in Epcot
This place has fascinated me since I first saw it, and George has always thought it would be a great place to try. I’ve heard mixed reviews on the food though and George doesn’t like Mexican so….. ??

Donald’s Safari Breakfast at Tusker House in Animal Kingdom
We haven’t yet tried this one and I love that it’s Donald.

Wolfgang Puck Café in Downtown Disney
Boy, did we ever love this place. Just flat out yummy, lick your plate, tasty food.

Contempo Café at the Contemporary
I’ve heard nice reviews about this place and I like its proximity to Magic Kingdom. It’s an easy monorail ride away so it doesn’t really feel like you’re actually leaving the park, and it’s a nice break.

Columbia Harbour House at Magic Kingdom
I came so close to trying this out on our last trip but George chickened out at the last moment and said he wanted to go back to Cosmic Ray’s to “stick with what we know’ . This year is about trying new things!

Sunshine Seasons at Epcot
I can’t believe we’ve never eaten here. How is that possible? :confused3

So factoring in how many times we wanted to visit each park, and that the first and last days of the trip were travel days, we had nine table services to book. I was giving up the spontaneity of the resort down day, but I really wanted to try all of these places. Who knows if this ends up being the final version…..

Each counter service made the cut. :thumbsup2

I graded the chosen table services. My scale was 1=meh and 5=defo. I picked what was breakfast, lunch or dinner and factored in the range of resorts I wanted to visit to see the Christmas decorations. I thought about parades and fireworks schedules and I thought about early or late times too. I made sure my picky hubby had something he liked at every place.

In the end, here’s what I chose:

Magic Kingdom day 1:
Breakfast: Ohana (the only one my kids said had to be in there)
Lunch: Main Street Bakery
Dinner: Columbia Harbour House

Magic Kingdom day 2:
Lunch: Contempo Café
Dinner: Kona Café

Epcot day 1:
Dinner: Chefs de France

Epcot day 2:
Lunch: Sunshine Seasons
Dinner: San Angel Inn

Hollywood Studios day 1:
Breakfast: 1900 Park Fare

Hollywood Studios day 2:
Dinner: Boma

Animal Kingdom day:
Breakfast: Tusker House

Resort/DTD day:
Dinner: Wolfgang Puck Café

Water park/free day/tour day:
Lunch: Beaches & Cream (does this place have to have a ressie? I heard there was a walk up counter service too….?)
Dinner: Kouzzina

So those are my choices. I’ve also decided that I’m not telling my family what I’m scheduling and let it be a surprise for them. Risky, and I might change my mind, or they might drag it out of me, but I think a big part of the appeal for us that first year was not knowing at all what we were in for. We’ll see.

What do you guys think?
Aww, cute pictures of all the character meals! I remember going to a couple of those when my sisters and I were really little. One of them was actually on the Crabhouse boat at DTD (don't know if the name was the same then or what) and then we did the one at the Poly too. We even got a little button that said "I had breakfast with Minnie." Good times.

You know we aren't big on ADRs but it looks like you got some great places!
I think that is a great variety of ADRs!!

I believe Beaches N' Cream is a walk up and you can't make an ADR for it.

It's a great idea on keeping them a secret from the family, it will make fun for them to try and guess!


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