disney dream

Myself, I'm a fan of the "Can someone tell me where I should send a complaint about a very very bad thing that happened that I cannot tell you about, thereby making many people ask me about the secret very very bad thing" posts. :lmao:

Seriously, I don't get this. And then request that if you do want to know, to send a PM ... so naturally you get bombarded by 100+ PM's which fill your inbox and you're just typing the same response over and over again. Honestly, if you're willing to tell folks, just put it in the darn OP. Mickey is not going to hunt you down with a baseball bat and smite you for complaining/being upset. The Internets is just full of drama llamas.
No one is asking you to respond and I thank those that do answer our dumb questions even if they are asked a trillion zillion times.


As someone who frequently (unsucessfully) uses the rediculous excuse for a "search" feature on these boards, I am truly shocked and somewhat embarrassed by some of the responses to the OP's comments. If I had read these posts as a newbie, I can assure you that I would be sure to move to another cruise board in quick succession. The search function is laughable at best, unless you have time to read thru the "gazillion posts" and threads on the subject...several of which can be be months if not years old. I really thought that DISers were alot more respectful, understanding and supportive of new people...would never expect that new posters would be left to feel belittled and stupid for asking questions or for advice from seasoned veterans...yes even if its been asked a "gazillion" times. Along with the search tab at the top of the page, if you look on your keyboard, I am sure it comes equipped with a scroll button...it too can be your friend. If you dont want to read the thread, quite simple...DONT!!

There, now I feel better too :)
I don't mind answering the questions over and over....
I remember what it was like cruising for the first time and having so many questions.

With only 31 posts, I think it's kind of hard to understand the joke.
It is just a Monday joke.
No offense.

No offense taken just happy thier are people willing to answer our dumb ?'s over and over again. If it wasn't for those experience, newbie would be lost, so thanks!
This thread should keep a lot of newbies from posting so they don't 'ask a dumb question' or post a subject that has been discussed before!

If you are tired of FAQs perhaps you should just ingore them....and ask yourself why it bothers you that poeple discuss things over and over again. Does it use up valuable internet space?
2. NO NECROPOSTING. This is replying to a 'dead thread'-that is, one that has been inactive for more than a month.

Oh gosh! I've never heard that word before :lmao: I definitely will be using that from now on on my main forum (no offense to the Dis boards of course. I just prefer lurking over posting here) where that's a big issue with people just trying to up their post count :sad2:

Myself, I'm a fan of the "Can someone tell me where I should send a complaint about a very very bad thing that happened that I cannot tell you about, thereby making many people ask me about the secret very very bad thing" posts. :lmao:

I'm a very nosy...I mean curious person :rolleyes1 and those boards always make me want to and go "just tell us already!!!!" :headache:

Some answers
1. Why is DCL so expensive?

Just like some people like to ride in a car that is finely tuned and has precision handling, I prefer to cruise on a ship where there is a great attention to detail, a love of all things Disney and where I know I will be treated like a "guest". The attage is true of you get what you pay for. I have been on other cruise lines and we had great trips but there is a degree of difference between a trip to the beach in Florida and a trip through Italy, both vacations, but different experiences.

2. Why does DCL cost more than XZY Cruise Line?

See post above.

3. Which cruise line is better...DCL or XYZ?

Which ever one you pick will be the best for you based on what YOU want. Asking me to pick out your vacation is like me asking you to pick out what I will wear. It's an individual choice based on budget, what experience your looking for, your personal dynamic (single, married, kids,). There are so many sites that can help you make the best decision for you.

4. How does DCL compare with XYZ, ABC, JKL, or Yabba Dabba Doo

Absolutely NOTHING compares to Yabba Dabba Doo..

5. Since I've cruised DCL before, doesn't that make me a member of an
select, ultra-elite, I'm more special than you club which entitles me to all
sorts of exotic freebies you can't get or don't deserve to get?

Come closer so I can high five your face!!!!

SEARCH is your friend. You are allowed to use it...really. ::yes::

I feel much better now. :tiptoe:

I hope this does not get me points...

I know the post was made in jest but I have seen these posts too and on other boards. I don't see why people ask others to justify what they choose to spend their money on. Some people go to Disney and spend 400 a night on a room. I personally don't and enjoy our trip just as much as those that do. I know that currently Disney is more expensive than other lines which makes people question why. The long and short of it is, because they can. Disney is the only line that can offer the characters and the Disney experience at sea. they have the market cornered on it and people pay it so why "discount". Yes I can take a Carny Cruise, I have and enjoyed it, but they are competing with all of the other cruise lines, not Disney. They are in a league of their own.

Stepping down off soap box.....and scene.
Sorry...I do have one question. I searched everywhere, but I can't find an answer anywhere. I'm still pretty new to this, so please forgive me, but...can anyone tell me how I can go about getting a reservation on the Yabba Dabba Doo cruise line? :rotfl:

That made me literally LOL.
Humor and wit are a lost art...like candle making and cave drawings. I thoughthe thread was funny and sarcastic and not meant to turn someone off from asking do I have to wear a jacket to Palo?

BTW- to a previous poster I am totally stealing "drama llama" and working it into my daily conversations. I LOVE it.
...bites tongue and refuses to make snide comment about someone who does not recognize post made in jest..."

You may have made the post in jest but any new cruisers coming in and reading the whole stream are going to be put off asking a "simple " question. You simply opened the can of worms for more posters to be posting more examples of those silly questions....
Im kinda tired seeing more demeaning posts on here recently, just because we cruise with Disney dosen't make us any better than any other cruise lines,
in my opinion.
It took me a while to learn that I can learn a lot more by reading than by posting sometimes. :)

However, some of my favorite Qs are:

  • Has anyone stayed in Cabin xxxx? Don't you sometimes want to say, "nope, pretty sure you're the first. Be sure to come back and tell us how it is!"
  • What is the cheapest way to get to the port? Walking or hitchhiking, take your pick.
I have read through the thread, but I can't find the answer to my question ......can I bring alcohol on board? :rotfl:
I actually prefer the forgiving nature of these boards compared to others I've been on...where if you asked a question that had been asked before, you'd be verbally ambushed by the "keeper of the boards"...apparently someone who had nothing to do but memorize every post ever made on the board, so when the question was asked again, he could POUNCE and show them the error of their ways. If he was feeling generous, he would actually search for you, then link to the post, along with derogatory statements about how stupid you are for not using the search function.

:hug: that's it...let it all out...now don't you feel better...

hehe.... :thumbsup2:thumbsup2:thumbsup2
Seriously, I don't get this. And then request that if you do want to know, to send a PM ... so naturally you get bombarded by 100+ PM's which fill your inbox and you're just typing the same response over and over again. Honestly, if you're willing to tell folks, just put it in the darn OP. Mickey is not going to hunt you down with a baseball bat and smite you for complaining/being upset. The Internets is just full of drama llamas.

Humor and wit are a lost art...like candle making and cave drawings. I thoughthe thread was funny and sarcastic and not meant to turn someone off from asking do I have to wear a jacket to Palo?

BTW- to a previous poster I am totally stealing "drama llama" and working it into my daily conversations. I LOVE it.

totally agree... drama llama is SO in my vocab now. I'm gonna work it. :lmao:
You may have made the post in jest but any new cruisers coming in and reading the whole stream are going to be put off asking a "simple " question. You simply opened the can of worms for more posters to be posting more examples of those silly questions....
Im kinda tired seeing more demeaning posts on here recently, just because we cruise with Disney dosen't make us any better than any other cruise lines,
in my opinion.

I agree:thumbsup2 I hope the OP doesn't put anybody off from asking questions.I'm sure he thought he was just being funny, but I'm going on my first cruise in Sept. I don't come to this board to hang out, but to get info. I'm sure I'll have dumb questions in the months to come.


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