Disboutiquers Part 30 Kids Disney Boutique / Customs Clothes psst..we sew ;-)

I would say the panels are most likely sheets or something along those lines :)

There is so much cuteness being posted. I have been so busy since our trip in August and we leave again in 26 days.

We have the Perry Backpack and it worked awesome for a carryon I love the personalization.
This woman on facebook makes the most amazing dresses, any ideas where/how she is getting the front panels for them? I don't have a clue? Could she be possibly printing them herself? Is that even possible? She has every character possible! My sewing time could be cut in half if I didn't have to applique everything, and all I had to do was just sew!!! I'm dying know!!!

The minnie mouse looks like a fabric panel I have seen cut down to fit...never have seen the minion before that is adorable. But quite a few folks do upcycle from tshirts and using fabric panels for the larger prints

Here are some shirts I made for Dan and I to wear at Disney. We are probably going in February. The designs are all from Heather Sue. She's a genius!

And some things I'm working on for a shop that buys my stuff: The snow mittens are from Five Star Fonts (love her stuff!) and the fall item is from SWAK (I think?)

These next couple need ironed, but you get the idea. They have me doing envelope pillow cases and the ones I've done are selling very well for them, so they want to keep me busy.

Your little one is simply adorable! You did a wonderful job on the dress and the other outfit looks really cute. No need to redo the pants, they're fine. Next time you'll have a better handle on how the cut should go. You're doing great!

How great is all your stuff?! The heartbeat shirts crack me up. Awesome! And thank you--I think she's pretty cute! They will probably still work next spring/summer as capris!

Gorgeous sewing everybody!

And here is the latest sewing.

Snow White skirt with all seven dwarfs machine embroidered and then their names hand embroidered. :fainter: And yes I know it needs ironing but after 30 minutes in the theme park I don't think it will matter. lol

I really like both skirts, but especially the Epcot one with the little tie-up. Hand-embroidered?? Wow!

That dress is adorable and the fabric is a perfect fit for the circus theme party. I really love the top you did with the ruffles, super cute. Sorry the pants don't fit so well, can you just roll up the waist or resew the ruffle / leg seam to make them a bit shorter.
Thank you! I do plan on rolling the waist band and that does help with the fit. :) DD got many compliments on the dress at the circus party!

Sitting here at 77 days and some change. I have a ton of stuff to do, but outside forces are keeping me from doing what I really want to do...sew.

There are 7 of us going for 10 days. One shirt a day makes it 70 shirts. Two shirts a day makes my head spin! I have finished a total of maybe 12...

I am halfway started with a studio remodel...or maybe it is just a revamp (although some could argue it is just a clean up!) This project has already gone over the time allowed for it. By today I should have been arguing with my husband (well, after 36 years it really isn't an argument, more like a convince him) that I really do need to buy another Expedit from Ikea. I should have had the 200 extra boards filled with fabric so I could prove to him that I really did need it. I should have already sorted my applique fabric into colors and be looking for the containers to put them in. But as it is I haven't even managed to get back to the studio since Saturday. I have three ginormous garbage bags brought up for them to haul it away today.

Since I am waiting on outside forces to give me a date for an important meeting, I can't really make any plans.

Sooooo I really need to find my mojo...I thought I would surely find it when I got some cleaning done...nope...

So I guess someone needs to kick me in the rear! Please....kick me!


Phew! Good luck! I hope you find your mojo :)

You did great with these!!! And great job making your own pattern - I started out much the same way... I was too much of a tightwad to go buy a pattern, so I just started drafting my own. :confused3 And your dd is just precious!
Thank you! Btw, I'm loving your trip report! I just lurk and read, rather than comment, but I'm following along! Your headpieces are simply amazing. Is that the Princess-something seller I've seen people talk about?
I stumbled across Belle and Cinderella gown tutorials on Pinterest from a blog called Homemade Toast. Anyone else seen the ones? If it's allowed, I can post the link.

Well, I decided I wanted to make those dresses. I wanted to share my progress! I really didn't intend to start these now, and I'm making it with room to grow (we aren't headed to WDW until May'14), but I couldn't resist the sale on costume satin at JoAnn's. :)

The shirring I did:

The finished bodice (bottom needs trimmed up):

I really don't like handsewing, so I figured out how to add the rickrack before I sewed the shirred panel to the main bodice panels. I also have all these decorative stitches on my machine, and I needed to top stitch to hide the white lining--so I added a small scallop top stitch, too. I'm annoyed that it's not more symmetrical, but oh well!

Also, I am so MAD at myself! There is a black dot in the 2nd or 3rd row of the shirred panel right in the middle. Somehow while sewing and pulling the fabric under the foot, that smudge showed up! I think it might be grease? And it happens after everything is attached. Grrrr. Thankfully there is a shoulder piece to mimic Belle's gown that I'll just make sure covers that spot!!

The back:

While I was working yesterday, DD kept asking me what I was doing. After I told her and also said I'd make her a Cinderella dress, she kept saying "I want Cinderella dress!" over and over. Oops, probably should have kept my mouth shut!
Kids carryons are ready to be filled yay! I got these great backpacks at Children's place originally $30 (canadian) for $7.50 added a patch and their names now they are super cute carryon bags for our flight
These are so cool. I love how you customized them.

I have a lot of catching up to do, and will, but for now I am dropping by to tell you all that Joann fabrics has FIVE new Disney Villains fabrics. I know Joann's fabric quality is dubious, but hey, VILLAINS! I already had a skirt planned for myself for halloween and am now rethinking that. I mean, holy cow. So here they are, I saw them yesterday, I know they were not there last week. (they also have some new mickey felt with fuzzy (not its technical name) that is red and black and I have NO idea what you would use it for.)
(please excuse the terrible camera phone pics, my kids were ransacking the aisle while I was trying to check these out.
I did go to Joann's yesterday and they had a few of these fabrics. I resisted as my Disney fabric collection is beyond what I will ever make! But thanks for taking the time to share. My DD is almost 12 and is not cooperative in the fabric store either. :rotfl2:

I did finish something for our trip today! My kids have completely rejected napping, though one kid has fallen asleep on the couch by dinner time twice in the past week so I hope they realize the error of their ways and just nap already!
These are the outfits I have planned for Epcot for my boys, I love the Nemo characters, and went back and forth as to what to do for Epcot, since nemo is such a small part, but ultimately decided they would be cute. I used the Funktional Threads Jackson raglan and did the Nemo/squirt applique MONTHS ago when my new machine was new (and working!) and then the machine broke... Generous and amazing Flora offered to jump in an help out with the larger hoop projects. This one I really wanted to match the one I already finished so I sent it to Canada, and she did an awesome job (as well as a t-shirt for my husband that benefitted from the larger hoop.) on the Mine, Mine, Mine Seagulls.

I'll be honest, I love the applqiues and the colors but I guess I still love the style of the bowling shirt/collared shirts, these I am sort of not in love with. I think they are cute and my boys like them though, so I suppose it doesn't much matter. :)
LOVE these shirts. I have this pattern but have never used it (sound familiar???). It was so nice of Flora to help you out getting these finished. I do love your bowling shirts but these are just great. I love the colors and appliques. :worship: I almost missed the cute shorts because I was staring at the shirts. They look comfortable but I hope to see some more bowling shirts in the future because you always do such cute things with them.

Thanks. I actually just combined the castle and the bench on Mr. Genie the embroidery machine. I think my niece will have to thank "Aunt Nancy" who is my co-worker. Nancy is the one who talked me into make a quilt for her, since her older sister and brother both have a "special quilt." Yes I cheated and used the embroidery machine for the quilting.
That is cool that Mr. Genie can do those adjustments. Makes it less time consuming then going to the computer since I always get distracted and end up forgetting about sewing. :lmao: I don't think using the embroidery machine for the quilting is cheating. It looks really nice and not an easy detail to include (with all the hooping, etc).

Ooh the Christmas one is cute. I didn't see that one. But the Mickey Halloween they didn't have with the character stuff, the had it with seasonal so perhaps the Christmas Mickey is too.
I'm wondering what I could make with the villain fabric. We have our breakfast at the castle the morning of Halloween so maybe villains are appropriate. :)

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Oh yeah, the villains would be fun for the castle, especially on Halloween.

Hi Disboutiquers!!

I lurk on this thread but don't post since I don't sew!! :lmao::rotfl2::rotfl: I am amazed by the talent I see here!!! :worship::lovestruc

I know many of you are BIG GIVERS and I am so thankful for all you do for my wish child (Mallory the Rudolph lover) and all the other wish kids!! :goodvibes

Thanks so much!!!

How sweet of you to stop by and say hello.

Here are some shirts I made for Dan and I to wear at Disney. We are probably going in February. The designs are all from Heather Sue. She's a genius!

And some things I'm working on for a shop that buys my stuff: The snow mittens are from Five Star Fonts (love her stuff!) and the fall item is from SWAK (I think?)

These next couple need ironed, but you get the idea. They have me doing envelope pillow cases and the ones I've done are selling very well for them, so they want to keep me busy.
Love those shirts you made. I had not seen both of those heartbeat designs, only the castle one. Love your film strip shirt. I wore my version of that shirt to HS last January and it caused me a problem - all the cast members who were directing the masses towards Toy Story Mania stopped me to admire my shirt. I had to stop and chat with them so I fell behind the crowds to get our family's fast passes. :goodvibes

I looove the "What happens st Disney Stays at Disney" shirt. Priceless.

D~ not a single thing in that picture is for me. I have done some things for me for this trip, but DH has already added them to the packing pile, so I'll have to post after the trip.

In usual fashion I have waited until the last minute to make my bag for this trip. My original, half formed idea was WAY to complicated so I've streamlines, simplified and, in my stash, found the fabric. Now I just have to finish the pattern, cut and sew. All before Thursday. No Pressure.
Sooo, what is the bag status???

Snow White skirt with all seven dwarfs machine embroidered and then their names hand embroidered. :fainter: And yes I know it needs ironing but after 30 minutes in the theme park I don't think it will matter. lol

My favorite is Bashful

Bitty Baby Ruched Skirt w/tutorial

Epcot Skirt (have not quite found inspiration for the top, hopefully this week)
OMG! The Snow White skirt is amazing. I can't believe you hand embroidered all the names. :worship: I love the epcot skirt you did and the matching dolly dress. So cute.

This woman on facebook makes the most amazing dresses, any ideas where/how she is getting the front panels for them? I don't have a clue? Could she be possibly printing them herself? Is that even possible? She has every character possible! My sewing time could be cut in half if I didn't have to applique everything, and all I had to do was just sew!!! I'm dying know!!!
I have not seen those panels but that would eliminate the need to applique!

I want to make a couple of Christmas tree skirts and some stockings for my DDs and some clothes for my 6 grandkids. I'm also still doing a bunch of stuff for that little shop in Virginia. Oh my, suddenly I'm wondering how I'll get everything done!
Have a wonderfully magical trip, Ruth!!!!!!

Yes, you should definitely use the filmstrip! It is so fun to find just the right fabric for each space. Some are a little harder to fill than others, but it was fun. Maybe for your December trip? I think it would also look great as a tote bag or purse.
I forgot to say earlier that I adore the pillows you are working on, they are quite beautiful. You are going to be busy with all that sewing.

I love the idea of doing the film strip design on a bag. It is quite a bit of work to find fabrics that will fit in the little holes. It would be nice to be able to have it on something that will be seen more often.

I stumbled across Belle and Cinderella gown tutorials on Pinterest from a blog called Homemade Toast. Anyone else seen the ones? If it's allowed, I can post the link.

Well, I decided I wanted to make those dresses. I wanted to share my progress! I really didn't intend to start these now, and I'm making it with room to grow (we aren't headed to WDW until May'14), but I couldn't resist the sale on costume satin at JoAnn's. :)

The shirring I did:
I really don't like handsewing, so I figured out how to add the rickrack before I sewed the shirred panel to the main bodice panels. I also have all these decorative stitches on my machine, and I needed to top stitch to hide the white lining--so I added a small scallop top stitch, too. I'm annoyed that it's not more symmetrical, but oh well!

Also, I am so MAD at myself! There is a black dot in the 2nd or 3rd row of the shirred panel right in the middle. Somehow while sewing and pulling the fabric under the foot, that smudge showed up! I think it might be grease? And it happens after everything is attached. Grrrr. Thankfully there is a shoulder piece to mimic Belle's gown that I'll just make sure covers that spot!!

While I was working yesterday, DD kept asking me what I was doing. After I told her and also said I'd make her a Cinderella dress, she kept saying "I want Cinderella dress!" over and over. Oops, probably should have kept my mouth shut!
This is a really nice start. I am so afraid to work with satin but you are doing a wonderful job, especially with the shirring. I can't see the black mark but I feel your pain. I bet that Cinderella dress will be finished in no time - your DD will see to that. ;)
Thanks for finding the Minnie panel! I would kill to find the princess and minion ones she has!!!
I stumbled across Belle and Cinderella gown tutorials on Pinterest from a blog called Homemade Toast. Anyone else seen the ones? If it's allowed, I can post the link.

Well, I decided I wanted to make those dresses. I wanted to share my progress! I really didn't intend to start these now, and I'm making it with room to grow (we aren't headed to WDW until May'14), but I couldn't resist the sale on costume satin at JoAnn's. :)

The shirring I did:

The finished bodice (bottom needs trimmed up):

I really don't like handsewing, so I figured out how to add the rickrack before I sewed the shirred panel to the main bodice panels. I also have all these decorative stitches on my machine, and I needed to top stitch to hide the white lining--so I added a small scallop top stitch, too. I'm annoyed that it's not more symmetrical, but oh well!

Also, I am so MAD at myself! There is a black dot in the 2nd or 3rd row of the shirred panel right in the middle. Somehow while sewing and pulling the fabric under the foot, that smudge showed up! I think it might be grease? And it happens after everything is attached. Grrrr. Thankfully there is a shoulder piece to mimic Belle's gown that I'll just make sure covers that spot!!

The back:

While I was working yesterday, DD kept asking me what I was doing. After I told her and also said I'd make her a Cinderella dress, she kept saying "I want Cinderella dress!" over and over. Oops, probably should have kept my mouth shut!

You've done a great job so far. I'm afraid you're going to get the sewing equivalent to "are we there yet" from your DD. "Is is sewn yet??":rotfl:

Love those shirts you made. I had not seen both of those heartbeat designs, only the castle one. Love your film strip shirt. I wore my version of that shirt to HS last January and it caused me a problem - all the cast members who were directing the masses towards Toy Story Mania stopped me to admire my shirt. I had to stop and chat with them so I fell behind the crowds to get our family's fast passes. :goodvibes

I love the idea of doing the film strip design on a bag. It is quite a bit of work to find fabrics that will fit in the little holes. It would be nice to be able to have it on something that will be seen more often.

Now I remember Liz, YOU were the one who made a shirt and once I saw it I just had to go right over to FrouFrou and buy it! I just loved yours. And that's exactly why I think a tote bag would be great. All that time spent needs to be seen more than wearing a shirt for a day!:thumbsup2
Thanks for finding the Minnie panel! I would kill to find the princess and minion ones she has!!!

Wow, look at all those! If you can't find the panels, it's probably because this seller has bought them all up!. :)

I just did a google search for "Disney pricness fabric panels" and several results popped up in the "shopping" tab, including Fabric.com. I'm not sure how large all of them are, but for sure there are 7x7 quilt squares, but the one at fabric.com 36x44!
I missed a ton and haven't been sewing. I have been distracted. Id di check out those new villain fabrics and decided against getting any of them since they were not soft and very poor quality fabric. I was disappointed. two had nice prints on them but the other two I saw didn't look right. I wish they had better quality to them but I saved myself $60. (2 yards of each at 40% off)

everything looks so cute. I wish I was in the sewing mode right now but I am just too distracted and sad. I am missing my family and my daughter and can't get myself to do anything right now. Kind of sucks! I got a job but it looks like it may not work out, sad about that too. For those who don't know, I moved from NH to TX in July. No family here.
I stumbled across Belle and Cinderella gown tutorials on Pinterest from a blog called Homemade Toast. Anyone else seen the ones? If it's allowed, I can post the link.

Well, I decided I wanted to make those dresses. I wanted to share my progress! I really didn't intend to start these now, and I'm making it with room to grow (we aren't headed to WDW until May'14), but I couldn't resist the sale on costume satin at JoAnn's. :)

The shirring I did:
The finished bodice (bottom needs trimmed up):

I really don't like handsewing, so I figured out how to add the rickrack before I sewed the shirred panel to the main bodice panels. I also have all these decorative stitches on my machine, and I needed to top stitch to hide the white lining--so I added a small scallop top stitch, too. I'm annoyed that it's not more symmetrical, but oh well!

Also, I am so MAD at myself! There is a black dot in the 2nd or 3rd row of the shirred panel right in the middle. Somehow while sewing and pulling the fabric under the foot, that smudge showed up! I think it might be grease? And it happens after everything is attached. Grrrr. Thankfully there is a shoulder piece to mimic Belle's gown that I'll just make sure covers that spot!!

The back:

While I was working yesterday, DD kept asking me what I was doing. After I told her and also said I'd make her a Cinderella dress, she kept saying "I want Cinderella dress!" over and over. Oops, probably should have kept my mouth shut!

Great work! I have seen that tutorial and I was planning on doing a belle skirt similar to hers. Great job!
I missed a ton and haven't been sewing. I have been distracted. Id di check out those new villain fabrics and decided against getting any of them since they were not soft and very poor quality fabric. I was disappointed. two had nice prints on them but the other two I saw didn't look right. I wish they had better quality to them but I saved myself $60. (2 yards of each at 40% off)

everything looks so cute. I wish I was in the sewing mode right now but I am just too distracted and sad. I am missing my family and my daughter and can't get myself to do anything right now. Kind of sucks! I got a job but it looks like it may not work out, sad about that too. For those who don't know, I moved from NH to TX in July. No family here.
:hug: - I'd say more, but you sound like you just need a big hug. So I gave you 2.

And as to the bag....it's still pattern and yardage form. BUT I have this evening, part of tomorrow morning and tomorrow night & maybe Wednesday night. I just have to stay off the kindle. :rolleyes1
I stumbled across Belle and Cinderella gown tutorials on Pinterest from a blog called Homemade Toast. Anyone else seen the ones? If it's allowed, I can post the link.

Well, I decided I wanted to make those dresses. I wanted to share my progress! I really didn't intend to start these now, and I'm making it with room to grow (we aren't headed to WDW until May'14), but I couldn't resist the sale on costume satin at JoAnn's. :)

The shirring I did:

The finished bodice (bottom needs trimmed up):

I really don't like handsewing, so I figured out how to add the rickrack before I sewed the shirred panel to the main bodice panels. I also have all these decorative stitches on my machine, and I needed to top stitch to hide the white lining--so I added a small scallop top stitch, too. I'm annoyed that it's not more symmetrical, but oh well!

Also, I am so MAD at myself! There is a black dot in the 2nd or 3rd row of the shirred panel right in the middle. Somehow while sewing and pulling the fabric under the foot, that smudge showed up! I think it might be grease? And it happens after everything is attached. Grrrr. Thankfully there is a shoulder piece to mimic Belle's gown that I'll just make sure covers that spot!!

The back:

While I was working yesterday, DD kept asking me what I was doing. After I told her and also said I'd make her a Cinderella dress, she kept saying "I want Cinderella dress!" over and over. Oops, probably should have kept my mouth shut!

You are doing a great job. That Belle dress is GORGEOUS! Can you please post the link for it? Thanks! (or at least PM me?) Great, another thing to sew before our trip!
I missed a ton and haven't been sewing. I have been distracted. Id di check out those new villain fabrics and decided against getting any of them since they were not soft and very poor quality fabric. I was disappointed. two had nice prints on them but the other two I saw didn't look right. I wish they had better quality to them but I saved myself $60. (2 yards of each at 40% off)

everything looks so cute. I wish I was in the sewing mode right now but I am just too distracted and sad. I am missing my family and my daughter and can't get myself to do anything right now. Kind of sucks! I got a job but it looks like it may not work out, sad about that too. For those who don't know, I moved from NH to TX in July. No family here.

I am so sorry you are down. It does suck to be in a place you aren't happy in and then not having family around, well, that just makes it suckier. I hope things turn around for you real soon. Sending you hugs and well wishes.
I missed a ton and haven't been sewing. I have been distracted. Id di check out those new villain fabrics and decided against getting any of them since they were not soft and very poor quality fabric. I was disappointed. two had nice prints on them but the other two I saw didn't look right. I wish they had better quality to them but I saved myself $60. (2 yards of each at 40% off)

everything looks so cute. I wish I was in the sewing mode right now but I am just too distracted and sad. I am missing my family and my daughter and can't get myself to do anything right now. Kind of sucks! I got a job but it looks like it may not work out, sad about that too. For those who don't know, I moved from NH to TX in July. No family here.

Awww, I'm sorry you're feeling down. I would be the same way. It will get better as you become part of the community and get to know your way around and meet people. It's quite an adjustment, and there is always such a let-down after the initial business of the move and getting unpacked. I will keep you in my prayers.:hug:
You are doing a great job. That Belle dress is GORGEOUS! Can you please post the link for it? Thanks! (or at least PM me?) Great, another thing to sew before our trip!

Sending a PM! Thanks! The hardest part so far has been figuring out panels for the skirt and getting them cut. I'm a little worried about making it work.
A dress I whipped up for a 5yr old going to Disney for the first time. She is having her hair done at BBB first thing before having breakfast at Cindy's :)

Quite proud of this one!








The light up tutu I had to make as I couldn't find one to find a child in a reasonable price range.

And if the pics don't show up on the page for anyone, here is the link to the FB page I have them on.
I stumbled across Belle and Cinderella gown tutorials on Pinterest from a blog called Homemade Toast. Anyone else seen the ones? If it's allowed, I can post the link.

Well, I decided I wanted to make those dresses. I wanted to share my progress! I really didn't intend to start these now, and I'm making it with room to grow (we aren't headed to WDW until May'14), but I couldn't resist the sale on costume satin at JoAnn's. :)

The shirring I did:

The finished bodice (bottom needs trimmed up):

I really don't like handsewing, so I figured out how to add the rickrack before I sewed the shirred panel to the main bodice panels. I also have all these decorative stitches on my machine, and I needed to top stitch to hide the white lining--so I added a small scallop top stitch, too. I'm annoyed that it's not more symmetrical, but oh well!

Also, I am so MAD at myself! There is a black dot in the 2nd or 3rd row of the shirred panel right in the middle. Somehow while sewing and pulling the fabric under the foot, that smudge showed up! I think it might be grease? And it happens after everything is attached. Grrrr. Thankfully there is a shoulder piece to mimic Belle's gown that I'll just make sure covers that spot!!

The back:

While I was working yesterday, DD kept asking me what I was doing. After I told her and also said I'd make her a Cinderella dress, she kept saying "I want Cinderella dress!" over and over. Oops, probably should have kept my mouth shut!

Wow! It looks like a great start to the Belle dress. I can't wait to see the finished product! I guess your DD is like my older niece - I made her a pair of skorts once and now she asks for something hand made every time I talk to her. Thankfully she hadn't figured out how to dial long distance yet!

That is cool that Mr. Genie can do those adjustments. Makes it less time consuming then going to the computer since I always get distracted and end up forgetting about sewing. :lmao: I don't think using the embroidery machine for the quilting is cheating. It looks really nice and not an easy detail to include (with all the hooping, etc).

I wore my version of that shirt to HS last January and it caused me a problem - all the cast members who were directing the masses towards Toy Story Mania stopped me to admire my shirt. I had to stop and chat with them so I fell behind the crowds to get our family's fast passes. :goodvibes

I love the idea of doing the film strip design on a bag. It is quite a bit of work to find fabrics that will fit in the little holes. It would be nice to be able to have it on something that will be seen more often.

The hooping for the quilt was much less stressful than I thought it would be. I also do some designs on the computer, but then I get distracted easily!

I may do the film strip on something for my December trip. I have my Minnie Rosetta bag so I probably won't do another bag. I have a sweatshirt jacket already so that won't work either. I may do it on a skirt or a dress, especially considering that I may have ruined my Minnie inspired Jamie dress this evening. I was baking and I ended up wearing an egg and flour! :confused3

everything looks so cute. I wish I was in the sewing mode right now but I am just too distracted and sad. I am missing my family and my daughter and can't get myself to do anything right now. Kind of sucks! I got a job but it looks like it may not work out, sad about that too. For those who don't know, I moved from NH to TX in July. No family here.

I am sorry to hear that you are not feeling great right now. I understand it is hard to be far from your family. I hope things will be better when you are settled in. I am sorry the job may not work out, hopefully you will find something suitable soon. What is the status of your adoption from China? Will you be welcoming a special girl into your family soon?

And as to the bag....it's still pattern and yardage form. BUT I have this evening, part of tomorrow morning and tomorrow night & maybe Wednesday night. I just have to stay off the kindle. :rolleyes1

Sending you sewing mojo!

On another news, I have been on a quilting kick lately. This is a twin sized quilt for my cousin. It will be her Christmas present. Most of the fabric came from the stash except the pink stripe border. This is the first time I did mitered corners and I am pleased with how it turned out.

I lurk on this thread. I have posted a few times. I love all that you make and your giving ways.
I would like to know if there is some way I can use my sewing skills to help and bring comfort to The Ohio State University Medical Center. I Googled it and all I can find is monetary donations.
Long story short, my son was in a head on collision tonight at 6pm. He is lucky he is alive and was Life Flighted to OSU. We got to the accident site 10 minutes after it happened and watched as they took off the roof and pulled him out. DH took pictures of the car and we still do not know if the lady who pulled out in front of him is OK. They Life Flighted both of them to different hospitals.
My son is OK. Major trauma to the chest and lungs and a fractured/dislocated ankle. They will do surgery on tomorrow.
But as I sat in the waiting room I looked around all the families were not so lucky.:sad: There has to be some way I can give comfort and hope to those people.
I know I only sew and design but does anyone have a resource so I can find a way?
I know I am posting this in the middle of the night but I cannot sleep. This is not a solicitation for anything just point me in the right direction.

I will end this on a miracle moment. As we watched EMS tear the roof off the car, a van pulled up behind us. It was a priest! He asked if anyone needed his help. He was like God sent us an angel. I felt better immediately. I knew God was there and kept my son safe as the Life Flight copters took off.
Sorry to go on but I really needed vent and be amazed at the sheriffs, EMS, fire department and staff at Ohio State. There is not an emoticon to explain how I feel right now.
Thanks for listening!
On another news, I have been on a quilting kick lately. This is a twin sized quilt for my cousin. It will be her Christmas present. Most of the fabric came from the stash except the pink stripe border. This is the first time I did mitered corners and I am pleased with how it turned out.


That is a beautiful quilt.

I lurk on this thread. I have posted a few times. I love all that you make and your giving ways.
I would like to know if there is some way I can use my sewing skills to help and bring comfort to The Ohio State University Medical Center. I Googled it and all I can find is monetary donations.
Long story short, my son was in a head on collision tonight at 6pm. He is lucky he is alive and was Life Flighted to OSU. We got to the accident site 10 minutes after it happened and watched as they took off the roof and pulled him out. DH took pictures of the car and we still do not know if the lady who pulled out in front of him is OK. They Life Flighted both of them to different hospitals.
My son is OK. Major trauma to the chest and lungs and a fractured/dislocated ankle. They will do surgery on tomorrow.
But as I sat in the waiting room I looked around all the families were not so lucky.:sad: There has to be some way I can give comfort and hope to those people.
I know I only sew and design but does anyone have a resource so I can find a way?
I know I am posting this in the middle of the night but I cannot sleep. This is not a solicitation for anything just point me in the right direction.

I will end this on a miracle moment. As we watched EMS tear the roof off the car, a van pulled up behind us. It was a priest! He asked if anyone needed his help. He was like God sent us an angel. I felt better immediately. I knew God was there and kept my son safe as the Life Flight copters took off.
Sorry to go on but I really needed vent and be amazed at the sheriffs, EMS, fire department and staff at Ohio State. There is not an emoticon to explain how I feel right now.
Thanks for listening!

I don't have any info for you about donations to the medical center but I wanted to send you a hug and let you know that prayers are being said for your son and your family.


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