Disboutiquers Part 26 Kids Disney Boutique / Customs Clothes psst..we sew ;-)

I thought I should post on here to let you know that I'm still alive! I don't think I ever made it over to Part 25. Such a shame!

Here are some things I've made since I last posted. I made this dress for
Tessa out of the wrap top and dress from YCMT:


Sawyer's 5th birthday outfit by special request:

He just LOVES getting his picture taken. ;)

I reupholstered the couch in my camper and made new slip covers for the cushions in the dinette! I put picture frames over the ugly upolstered pieces between the cabinets and replaced the totally 80's cabinet doors. We put in pergo flooring instead of carpet and painted the paneling. I also Embroidered the letters of our last name on some fabric and put them into a frame to hang over the fridge.








Busy girl--but great results
I don't think I ever posted these outfits I made for a Give

Pink Cindy dress.

Belle (this one is teensie tiny!)

and Cinderella for the Wish Girl


I got the Cindy material at a garage sale last summer. To me, it looks a lot like the Cinderella fabric they use in the parks. It's kind of brocadish.

I wish I had more, I would love to make one for Lyddie out of it.

Speaking of Lyddie, I was going to have her model the dress for me, but when I went to look for her, this is what I found:



I meant t reply to this. Pink Cindy dress = :worship:.
I don't think I ever posted these outfits I made for a Give

Pink Cindy dress.

and Cinderella for the Wish Girl


I got the Cindy material at a garage sale last summer. To me, it looks a lot like the Cinderella fabric they use in the parks. It's kind of brocadish.

I wish I had more, I would love to make one for Lyddie out of it.

Speaking of Lyddie, I was going to have her model the dress for me, but when I went to look for her, this is what I found:


Beautiful Dresses Teresa. I usually like the modelled pictures better, but I think you may have made the right choice on this one. :thumbsup2 (looks like she was having much more fun doing that anyway)

My Aunt tells me the story of when the CPK first came out and how her and my grandmother waited in line for HOURS to try and get me one. I think I was only a year old and obviously didn't even know what a CPK was But they felt the need to get me a CPK. I ended up with quite a few CPK and my brother even had one that was all plastic and dressed in a swimsuit. I was excited with the 25th anniversary dolls came out, I was pregnant with my daughter and bought her two... I wasn't sure if she was going to look like me or my DH, so I bought a doll that looked like me and one that looked like him, and of course she is 50/50 mix of us both, haha.

I finished my first feliz for my DD who is turning 2 next month. We are having her a Pink Poodle in Paris theme party :)


Love the Feliz, very pretty.

I thought I should post on here to let you know that I'm still alive! I don't think I ever made it over to Part 25. Such a shame!

Here are some things I've made since I last posted. I made this dress for
Tessa out of the wrap top and dress from YCMT:

Sawyer's 5th birthday outfit by special request:

I reupholstered the couch in my camper and made new slip covers for the cushions in the dinette! I put picture frames over the ugly upolstered pieces between the cabinets and replaced the totally 80's cabinet doors. We put in pergo flooring instead of carpet and painted the paneling. I also Embroidered the letters of our last name on some fabric and put them into a frame to hang over the fridge.





The trailer looks great. Very nice dress for Tessa, and great outfit on Sawyer, my boys would have loved that when they were younger.
I had posted my looong CPK reply on the last thread and then it wouldn't go through since the thread got closed.

Yes, they had the CPK with teeth, glasses, holding crayons, pacifiers....

They made clowns, ringmasters, foreign dolls (I have a Spanish boy -- I believe they had Scottish, Spanish, Chinese and ????), dolls whose hair you could style, baseball players, dolls riding horses, the pets as Teresa mentioned, premies, newborns, ones that were all rubber wearing swim attire or bathrobes.

They also came out with Furkins (I think that's what they were called) which were bears.

And after mentioning the CPK holding crayons I am just sick thinking about it. Mine are all in the attic. It is often over 100 degrees here. I fear my crayons were still in the dolls' hands when they got packed and now may be melted over the dolls.

I probably have 20-30 dolls. I really should go pull them out this fall and see what kind of shape they are in. 10+ years in the attic have likely done them no favors. My porcelain dolls are stored in dd's closet so they should be fine.

Oh, and didn't hey have CPK dressed in bunny suits too? I think I might have one of those. And lets not forget the twins. I have two sets of twins -- a boy and girl and a set of boys wearing these cute little animal costumes -- maybe deer or moose -- I can't quite remember.

And sad to say, i was 19 years old when CPK came out!

I had so many of these different ones that you described! I had a couple of sets of twins, I had a koosa kid, a cornsilk kid, the list goes on and on!

Since we live in N Georgia, we visit the CP Hospital all the time. They have a new big building off to them selves now...but I really liked the old hospital better. My GD4 doesn't really remember the older building, but she loves going to the new one.

I remember the first CP dolls that came out. All completely hand made. They were quite a bit larger than the dolls they have now. They were actual kids who wore a size 2 toddler clothes. Here in Georgia they were all the rage during the Christmas before my son was born, so that would have put it during the 1980 or maybe 1981 Holiday season. We were living in Missouri at the time but came home for Christmas. That Sunday morning, there were about 10 or 15 of those little dolls.

I fell in love with them right then and there. But I only had boy type kiddies, so I had to wait. My mother in law won one in a raffle for my oldest son. He was less than appreciative, and it lived at my MIL's house until she died. All the grand kids loved having it to play with.

After my daughter was born in 83, while they were still rare, she got about 4 of them for her first Christmas...of course, since we bought them at the PX, I had no clue how rare they were! Once I found out, I started making my own version of CPK...they were a hot seller for me. Every female child (and a couple of the adults) in our family got one of my hand made versions for Christmas in 84...

For my GD 2 birthday we HAD to get her her first REAL CP to take with us to Disney. It was crazy! Wal Mart had stopped selling them in some sort of dispute, and every Target store around had run out of them...so we drove up to Cleveland to the hospital to get one minutes before they closed...I called them and told them what was going on and they had one picked out for me and was waiting at the counter...


PS In addition to the Furkins, they also had Koosas...strange little animals/dolls. My boys each had one when we flew to Germany. By the time we got back (2 years) they had stopped making them.

What great memories! Thanks for sharing!

I still have 2 CPK somewhere...need to find them! I also had a fake one that my mom bought because she couldn't get her hands on a real one. My aunt got me my first real one. Stood in line at TRU and had to fight someone for it!

Here is my latest project...a coupon organizer. The pattern is by our very own Cathy! She is awesome! Can't wait to go grocery shopping and try it out!

Love the coupon organizer! And I don't know which colors to tell you to use on the rosetta, but I love the prints!

I don't think I ever posted these outfits I made for a Give

Pink Cindy dress.

Belle (this one is teensie tiny!)

and Cinderella for the Wish Girl


I got the Cindy material at a garage sale last summer. To me, it looks a lot like the Cinderella fabric they use in the parks. It's kind of brocadish.

I wish I had more, I would love to make one for Lyddie out of it.

Speaking of Lyddie, I was going to have her model the dress for me, but when I went to look for her, this is what I found:


LOVE the princess dresses! And love the muddy summer pic!

When CP dolls first came out, I was teaching Pre-K in a private school in River Oaks in Houston. (Can you say millionaires? The parents paid more for tuition to a half-day program than I did for the University of Texas!) Two of my students formed a close friendship. One was the child of the president of a company. The other was the son of a maid who was valued by her employers so much they paid the tuition for her son to attend the school.

For Christmas that year both boys got CP dolls. Each one looked like the child's friend and actually had the same first name as the friend. Neither parent knew that the other was doing this. I have never forgotten the joy those boys had when they brought their dolls to school for Show & Tell the first day after the holiday. So many of the parents were snobby that it restored my faith in people to see that this family encouraged a friendship with their neighbor's maid's son (who was a very bright and well-behaved child.)

This came right after one parent told me that her developmentally-delayed child must be gotten ready for the entrance exams into kindergarten because he must go to Kincaid School. After all, the people he would meet there were far superior to public school children.

That is a great story! Thanks for sharing, Piper!

Well, that is the last time I take 24 hours off the boards...hehe. I missed so much AND a move!!! Thanks for all the comments on my little man and his outfit!

The coupon organizer is so cute! I need one of those.

I loved! my CPKs. I remember one I bought had my middle name "Evelyn" and I was so ecstatic. I was upset when they came out with Garbage Pail Kids cards.. how rude! I'm with Nini, the new building is really wonderful and absolutely gorgeous but a big let down.. you would think with all that space they would have new stuff or changed things up a bit but it's all the exact same thing. My parents have a second home in Hayesville, NC so we go there a lot because it's on the way from south of ATL. But now you can have birthday parties and events there which is kinda cool.

Here's a pic of the new place in case y'all dont have time to search..

Maybe we should do a disboard meet there.

My daughter leaves today to go to her dad's for the last two weeks of summer... I get so bummed. Divorce sucks! Back to read what I missed. I need a moving buddy too... I need to add you folks to my facebook so I don't miss a move again... https://www.facebook.com/blyss.full.life

Thanks for sharing the pic of the new place! I agree, a meet there would be fun!!!
And I'm sorry your daughter leaves today.

Seems like CPK have been a part of my life forever. My Grandpa used to tell my cousins an I that we were came from his cabbage patch. (So I guess we were the "original CPK").

I got my first CPK at the height of the craze. My mother never would have spent the time or money to get me one, she spend her time giving me newspaper articles about all the crazy things were doing to get their kids a CPK. I had enough articles to fill a scrap book. (Although she now buys really nasty CPK at garage sales and mails them to me LOL)

My dad however sent me money and told me I could get whatever I wanted. One day at a flea market, we found a guy selling NIB CPK (at REALLY inflated prices-always makes me made when people do that). I wanted that doll so bad I paid 85.00 for her. My sister had to physically protect me to get out of the market as people were trying to grab the doll out of my hands. It was really scary. But we got her to the car. I still have her today.

So when DD came home, we knew she needed a CPK. She was greeted at the airport with an asian CPK that shared her birthday.

I can so remember crazy crowds of people when CPKs were around!

I thought I should post on here to let you know that I'm still alive! I don't think I ever made it over to Part 25. Such a shame!

Here are some things I've made since I last posted. I made this dress for
Tessa out of the wrap top and dress from YCMT:


Sawyer's 5th birthday outfit by special request:

He just LOVES getting his picture taken. ;)

I reupholstered the couch in my camper and made new slip covers for the cushions in the dinette! I put picture frames over the ugly upolstered pieces between the cabinets and replaced the totally 80's cabinet doors. We put in pergo flooring instead of carpet and painted the paneling. I also Embroidered the letters of our last name on some fabric and put them into a frame to hang over the fridge.








WOW!!!! Amazing work!!!!:worship:

All right, back to cleaning now. Must clean before sewing, must clean before sewing, must clean before sewing.......

Must stop taking Disbout breaks and keep cleaning, must stop taking Disbout breaks and keep cleaning, must stop taking Disbout breaks and keep cleaning......
:lmao:I need to tell myself the same thing!!!

So, the boys & I ran across town this morning - didn't get much at the Walmart but I did score some vinyl at AWESOME prices!!! I couldn't remember which kind to use for the Eye Spy bags, so I bought two different weights ... it was on HUGE rolls, so I bought 1/3 yd of each and my total was $0.92!!!!!!!!

I hit the Liter sale at Beauty Brands and then went to Trader Joes for some food . . . we arrived home as the rain picked up . . . but guess who was waiting on my doorstep . . .


She has new eyes (I don't think they look as nice as her old ones before the silver eye) courtesy of AG . . . and she obviously had a bath. They re-braided her hair, but didn't loop them up like her original style (I was hoping they would). Finn says she needs some clothes and that she shouldn't be hanging about in her hospital gown . . .

So, I'm off to clean the kitchen and then I can hopefully reinstall my machine in it's cabinet and get some stuff done! I have to clear off a few things from the to-do list before I sew for Miss Kirsten!!!!
I am glad I checked FB one last time last night so that I saw the move. I was 20 something pages behind on the last thread so I need to go back and catch up....I hate to miss anything.

I do remember a few things I wanted to comment on way back (like I said I was 20 something pages behind).

Disneygirlsanddrew....I never commented but I wanted to say "congratulations" on the new pregnancy. I hope you have a wonderful 9 months! :)

Ellen - love the Villain outfits for the BG...they were just out of this world.

Andrea - love your pirate outfits for the BG too....those were precious and great use/idea for the coins. My DGDs would love that.

Castlecreations...the dresses you posted were outstanding...I especially LOVED the Tink dress.

D - Your new machine and cover are TDF. You did an awesome job cleaning her up and you are going to have so much fun with her.

Cheryl - Love all of Ginger's antics. I see she has been replaced but I am sure she will always hold a special place in your heart (and on a special shelf :)...

I finally finished all of my daughters baby bedding, etc. Her baby shower is next week so I can post pics after that. I have had tons of orders for other things in addition to that so I haven't been posting much but I will have a few things to post in a day or so.

Theresa - somehow I missed your quote but I love the princess dresses (the pink Cindy is my favorite). And that picture of Lydia cracked me up :rotfl2:

My Aunt tells me the story of when the CPK first came out and how her and my grandmother waited in line for HOURS to try and get me one. I think I was only a year old and obviously didn't even know what a CPK was :rotfl2: But they felt the need to get me a CPK. I ended up with quite a few CPK and my brother even had one that was all plastic and dressed in a swimsuit. I was excited with the 25th anniversary dolls came out, I was pregnant with my daughter and bought her two... I wasn't sure if she was going to look like me or my DH, so I bought a doll that looked like me and one that looked like him, and of course she is 50/50 mix of us both, haha.

I finished my first feliz for my DD who is turning 2 next month. We are having her a Pink Poodle in Paris theme party :)




Pure Awesomeness!!! Adorable! I am working on a Feliz right now too. I can't wait to get finished with it and post pictures.

I thought I should post on here to let you know that I'm still alive! I don't think I ever made it over to Part 25. Such a shame!


Glad you are here!! We have missed you. I love Tessa and Sawyers outfits. So cute! You have done a great job on the trailer....you will really enjoy it.
I had so many of these different ones that you described! I had a couple of sets of twins, I had a koosa kid, a cornsilk kid, the list goes on and on!

What great memories! Thanks for sharing!

Love the coupon organizer! And I don't know which colors to tell you to use on the rosetta, but I love the prints!

LOVE the princess dresses! And love the muddy summer pic!

That is a great story! Thanks for sharing, Piper!

Thanks for sharing the pic of the new place! I agree, a meet there would be fun!!!
And I'm sorry your daughter leaves today.

I can so remember crazy crowds of people when CPKs were around!

WOW!!!! Amazing work!!!!:worship:

:lmao:I need to tell myself the same thing!!!

So, the boys & I ran across town this morning - didn't get much at the Walmart but I did score some vinyl at AWESOME prices!!! I couldn't remember which kind to use for the Eye Spy bags, so I bought two different weights ... it was on HUGE rolls, so I bought 1/3 yd of each and my total was $0.92!!!!!!!!

I hit the Liter sale at Beauty Brands and then went to Trader Joes for some food . . . we arrived home as the rain picked up . . . but guess who was waiting on my doorstep . . .


She has new eyes (I don't think they look as nice as her old ones before the silver eye) courtesy of AG . . . and she obviously had a bath. They re-braided her hair, but didn't loop them up like her original style (I was hoping they would). Finn says she needs some clothes and that she shouldn't be hanging about in her hospital gown . . .

So, I'm off to clean the kitchen and then I can hopefully reinstall my machine in it's cabinet and get some stuff done! I have to clear off a few things from the to-do list before I sew for Miss Kirsten!!!!

She looks lovely. Tell Finn she needs to rest for a bit--you don't come right out of the hospital and get to work (unless you're a mother:rotfl:)
She looks lovely. Tell Finn she needs to rest for a bit--you don't come right out of the hospital and get to work (unless you're a mother:rotfl:)

LOVE that! Thanks! Hopefully he'll listen!
How do I get to the last 250 pages? I wanted to case something I saw and the last page I can get was in April. I know it is just me, but could you help me out?
I don't think I ever posted these outfits I made for a Give

and Cinderella for the Wish Girl


I got the Cindy material at a garage sale last summer. To me, it looks a lot like the Cinderella fabric they use in the parks. It's kind of brocadish.

I wish I had more, I would love to make one for Lyddie out of it.

Speaking of Lyddie, I was going to have her model the dress for me, but when I went to look for her, this is what I found:


Love the dresses but that picture of Lydia is priceless, it just screams childhood in the summertime!
My Aunt tells me the story of when the CPK first came out and how her and my grandmother waited in line for HOURS to try and get me one. I think I was only a year old and obviously didn't even know what a CPK was :rotfl2: But they felt the need to get me a CPK. I ended up with quite a few CPK and my brother even had one that was all plastic and dressed in a swimsuit. I was excited with the 25th anniversary dolls came out, I was pregnant with my daughter and bought her two... I wasn't sure if she was going to look like me or my DH, so I bought a doll that looked like me and one that looked like him, and of course she is 50/50 mix of us both, haha.

I finished my first feliz for my DD who is turning 2 next month. We are having her a Pink Poodle in Paris theme party :)

So pretty!

I thought I should post on here to let you know that I'm still alive! I don't think I ever made it over to Part 25. Such a shame!

Here are some things I've made since I last posted. I made this dress for
Tessa out of the wrap top and dress from YCMT:

Sawyer's 5th birthday outfit by special request:

I reupholstered the couch in my camper and made new slip covers for the cushions in the dinette! I put picture frames over the ugly upolstered pieces between the cabinets and replaced the totally 80's cabinet doors. We put in pergo flooring instead of carpet and painted the paneling. I also Embroidered the letters of our last name on some fabric and put them into a frame to hang over the fridge.



the outfits are great, the kids are really growing but the camper! What a project that must have been, it looks terrific!
So, the boys & I ran across town this morning - didn't get much at the Walmart but I did score some vinyl at AWESOME prices!!! I couldn't remember which kind to use for the Eye Spy bags, so I bought two different weights ... it was on HUGE rolls, so I bought 1/3 yd of each and my total was $0.92!!!!!!!!

I hit the Liter sale at Beauty Brands and then went to Trader Joes for some food . . . we arrived home as the rain picked up . . . but guess who was waiting on my doorstep . . .


She has new eyes (I don't think they look as nice as her old ones before the silver eye) courtesy of AG . . . and she obviously had a bath. They re-braided her hair, but didn't loop them up like her original style (I was hoping they would). Finn says she needs some clothes and that she shouldn't be hanging about in her hospital gown . . .

So, I'm off to clean the kitchen and then I can hopefully reinstall my machine in it's cabinet and get some stuff done! I have to clear off a few things from the to-do list before I sew for Miss Kirsten!!!!

Nice find at Wally World and I'm so glad that it all worked out with your doll. I'm sure you were relieved to see her. I was surprised at how quickly they repaired her and sent her home!
BIGGER pictures please!!!

Love Tessa's dress! Sawyer's outfit looks cute but I really can't see it that well:rolleyes:

I can't believe your camper makeover!!!! You need to go on HGTV!!!

All right, back to cleaning now. Must clean before sewing, must clean before sewing, must clean before sewing.......

Must stop taking Disbout breaks and keep cleaning, must stop taking Disbout breaks and keep cleaning, must stop taking Disbout breaks and keep cleaning......

I don't clean so that isn't a problem


She has new eyes (I don't think they look as nice as her old ones before the silver eye) courtesy of AG . . . and she obviously had a bath. They re-braided her hair, but didn't loop them up like her original style (I was hoping they would). Finn says she needs some clothes and that she shouldn't be hanging about in her hospital gown . . .

So, I'm off to clean the kitchen and then I can hopefully reinstall my machine in it's cabinet and get some stuff done! I have to clear off a few things from the to-do list before I sew for Miss Kirsten!!!!

So glad she is home.

I am planning a trip to Joanns tomorrow I received a 20% off my total order coupon and I must use it.

My mom is even going to come. Thinking it might be a good time to buy my material for making a fish extender for our cruise
How do I get to the last 250 pages? I wanted to case something I saw and the last page I can get was in April. I know it is just me, but could you help me out?
Type Disboutique part 25 in the search box and it will pop up.
I just want to take a quick moment to thank everyone involved in the Big Gives. Your generosity is enormous. SO THANK YOU !!!


She has new eyes (I don't think they look as nice as her old ones before the silver eye) courtesy of AG . . . and she obviously had a bath. They re-braided her hair, but didn't loop them up like her original style (I was hoping they would). Finn says she needs some clothes and that she shouldn't be hanging about in her hospital gown . . .

So, I'm off to clean the kitchen and then I can hopefully reinstall my machine in it's cabinet and get some stuff done! I have to clear off a few things from the to-do list before I sew for Miss Kirsten!!!!

She looks beautiful. That seemed like an awfully quick hospital stay, which is a good thing.

I had several CPK's. My favorite was the astronaut. She had light blond hair, I renamed her Katrina after her adoption was finalized. :confused3 She came with the helmet, the backpack "breathing" apparatus and the full space walk suit. I thought she was the coolest thing ever.
Not her (and not my auction) but one of her cousins/co-workers:
And there was Colleen, that looked like me with the blue eyes and darker blonde hair. My mother claims she looked and looked for that doll for months. And Karen with her dark hair and brown eyes, she looked like my older sister but I bought her all on my own. And the Koosas too, I think mine was a cat but I could be wrong. They were weird looking.
A blast from the past http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_IIdtLIzWYM
My Aunt tells me the story of when the CPK first came out and how her and my grandmother waited in line for HOURS to try and get me one. I think I was only a year old and obviously didn't even know what a CPK was :rotfl2: But they felt the need to get me a CPK. I ended up with quite a few CPK and my brother even had one that was all plastic and dressed in a swimsuit. I was excited with the 25th anniversary dolls came out, I was pregnant with my daughter and bought her two... I wasn't sure if she was going to look like me or my DH, so I bought a doll that looked like me and one that looked like him, and of course she is 50/50 mix of us both, haha.

I finished my first feliz for my DD who is turning 2 next month. We are having her a Pink Poodle in Paris theme party :)


Love this....I so need that book.

I had so many of these different ones that you described! I had a couple of sets of twins, I had a koosa kid, a cornsilk kid, the list goes on and on!

I hit the Liter sale at Beauty Brands and then went to Trader Joes for some food . . . we arrived home as the rain picked up . . . but guess who was waiting on my doorstep . . .


She has new eyes (I don't think they look as nice as her old ones before the silver eye) courtesy of AG . . . and she obviously had a bath. They re-braided her hair, but didn't loop them up like her original style (I was hoping they would). Finn says she needs some clothes and that she shouldn't be hanging about in her hospital gown . . .

So, I'm off to clean the kitchen and then I can hopefully reinstall my machine in it's cabinet and get some stuff done! I have to clear off a few things from the to-do list before I sew for Miss Kirsten!!!!

Glad to see Kirsten is back so fast!
You will have lots of fun sewing for her!
I have 2 CPK but I think they are in DD closet....I know one is missing a shoe...and has been for years.

So to al of you concerned about my rehab efforts on the yard sale AG....here she is in her upcycled black tshirt made by me from a free liberty jane pattern.

I actually got out my embroidery machine today and did DD pillowcases...they are identical....she finally got a pillow so it was just calling for a case...and I already had the fabric:goodvibes



I Spy Bags for my kids 12 hr ride to see grandparents in 3 weeks.

Luggage tags...I'm going to use them on their lunch boxes for moms day out:woohoo:


That's all for now!
I hear my husband mowing, so I should make this quick and find something productive to do.

Cheryl - I want to hear how you enjoyed Mary Poppins! We saw it in 2006 in London and LOVED it!


I enjoyed it, but it's not at the top of my favorite Broadway shows. I like to be blown away by the sets, costumes and music, and Mary didn't knock me out of my seat. I really like Beauty and the Beast, Lion King, Wicked, and Jersey Boys off the top of my head.

I saw Chorus Line in London -- a number of years ago -- and it was funny that all of the English actors put on Brooklyn accents, I guess to show that the story takes place in NYC?

Dorrrine is beautiful Cheryl!!!!
(sorry about all that meanie stuff....)

I was talking with JK Rowling and she said she got the same thing for not being able to produce Harry Potter stories fast enough.

[CENTER][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]Ok, I found some Corey and Jord pictures!!!!

Here is Corey holding Jord. This was back in May of 2008.


and another one, we were at the McDonald's that use to be at DTD

He looks so much younger to me in these pictures!

And, a bonus picture!!!! [/B][/SIZE]PRESENTING.......


The ONLY!!!!!

My Baby Sister


Digitizer EXTRAORDINAIRE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

HEATHERSUE!!!! (of FrouFrou fame)
and JORD!!!!!!


Too cute.

Cheryl, Dorrrine is beautiful.

Thanks. We've been told we look a lot alike.

Since I can't quote from the last thread I wanted to say a big :welcome: to DoRRRine :lmao: She is just beautiful

Like mother like daughter. Thanks.

Dorrrine is just beautiful.

You're making me blush.

Here is my latest project...a coupon organizer. The pattern is by our very own Cathy! She is awesome! Can't wait to go grocery shopping and try it out!


Also, I am making my first rosetta bag today with these fabrics. I need one more color to offset it. Should I use red, white, or red with white polka dots? Off to Joanns to grab a magnetic clasp!

The coupon organizer is a great idea.

I'm always partial to anything with polka dots.

I don't think I ever posted these outfits I made for a Give

Pink Cindy dress.

Belle (this one is teensie tiny!)

and Cinderella for the Wish Girl


I got the Cindy material at a garage sale last summer. To me, it looks a lot like the Cinderella fabric they use in the parks. It's kind of brocadish.

I wish I had more, I would love to make one for Lyddie out of it.

Speaking of Lyddie, I was going to have her model the dress for me, but when I went to look for her, this is what I found:


LOVE the dresses and love the probably soon to be unemployed model.

When CP dolls first came out, I was teaching Pre-K in a private school in River Oaks in Houston. (Can you say millionaires? The parents paid more for tuition to a half-day program than I did for the University of Texas!) Two of my students formed a close friendship. One was the child of the president of a company. The other was the son of a maid who was valued by her employers so much they paid the tuition for her son to attend the school.

For Christmas that year both boys got CP dolls. Each one looked like the child's friend and actually had the same first name as the friend. Neither parent knew that the other was doing this. I have never forgotten the joy those boys had when they brought their dolls to school for Show & Tell the first day after the holiday. So many of the parents were snobby that it restored my faith in people to see that this family encouraged a friendship with their neighbor's maid's son (who was a very bright and well-behaved child.)

What a touching story. Thanks for sharing.

I finished my first feliz for my DD who is turning 2 next month. We are having her a Pink Poodle in Paris theme party


:worship: Amazing.

Here's a fuzzy picture of my brother and I the year I got my first CPK (you can see her on the floor.) Her name is Bernice and I also had a girl from that same era named Marcella*. I believe this is 1985.


Wow, that was way more than anyone needed to know about my CPK dolls....carry on.

That was just the right amount of info I needed about Bernice and Marcella.

I thought I should post on here to let you know that I'm still alive! I don't think I ever made it over to Part 25. Such a shame!

Here are some things I've made since I last posted. I made this dress for
Tessa out of the wrap top and dress from YCMT:

Sawyer's 5th birthday outfit by special request:

I reupholstered the couch in my camper and made new slip covers for the cushions in the dinette! I put picture frames over the ugly upolstered pieces between the cabinets and replaced the totally 80's cabinet doors. We put in pergo flooring instead of carpet and painted the paneling. I also Embroidered the letters of our last name on some fabric and put them into a frame to hang over the fridge.




So good to see your kids again and what wonderfut outfits they're sporting.

Hats off for the trailer renovations. I can't imagine doing the tufted reupholstery. Looks great.


She has new eyes (I don't think they look as nice as her old ones before the silver eye) courtesy of AG . . . and she obviously had a bath. They re-braided her hair, but didn't loop them up like her original style (I was hoping they would). Finn says she needs some clothes and that she shouldn't be hanging about in her hospital gown . . .

So, I'm off to clean the kitchen and then I can hopefully reinstall my machine in it's cabinet and get some stuff done! I have to clear off a few things from the to-do list before I sew for Miss Kirsten!!!!

I love that they come back wearing a hospital gown. She's looking good.

Cheryl - Love all of Ginger's antics. I see she has been replaced but I am sure she will always hold a special place in your heart (and on a special shelf :)...


I have to figure out how to get DoRRRine out of her box with the least amount of bloodshed possible (mine and hers). While Ginger's distracted I want to try some of Ginger's clothes on DoRRRine to see how they fit. I know it won't go over well with G.​
Ugh -- one wrong click of a button and my replies vanished :headache: Here I go again...

Thank you! :) Yes, it is the Vive Le France line by Robert Kaufman. The pink dot was just some random fabric I found at a quilting store here in Houston. :) I was so happy to find the Paris fabric! It was pricey, but worth it!
I saw one of the fabrics on line for only $5 a yard -- I didn't look if they had both prints and I didn't look at shipping, so I may be better off just getting it locally. You really have inspired me with those fabrics and I love the pink dot with it -- that was perfect for appliqueing on. I already have an Eiffel Tower and poodle applique and I was thinking a shirt with an Insa might be in order. I love black and pink together. You have gotten me all excited about making something with those fabrics!!!

Thanks for all the compliments on the coupon organizer!:grouphug: It was really easy to make and it is on Cathy's blog. I made a mistake of running to Walmart to pick up something for dinner and found all their fabric marked down even more! The solid 2 yard packs were $1.48 and the pattern 2yard packs were $1.98! So, needless to say I bought a few! Even the employee in the next aisle was shocked! I was just there Tuesday and they had gone back up from their $5 sale price.
Hmmm, maybe I should take a trip up your way! My sister goes to Williamsburg fairly frequently so I told her to look there for me to see if their Wally has fabric. I am hoping they don't and have the precuts on clearance. It would be worth an hour trip.

I love Tessa in that dress!!!! It is so pretty!!!

Sawyer just cracks me up, he's so cute!!!

And your camper is just AMAZING!!! You really did such a wonderful job on it!
Thank you for enlarging the pics!!! You are a good sister :) I can now see the print on Tessa's dress, the appliques on Sawyer's outfit and the camper pics look so good. Tessa is getting very mature looking -- she's so pretty -- must take after her Aunt;)

So, the boys & I ran across town this morning - didn't get much at the Walmart but I did score some vinyl at AWESOME prices!!! I couldn't remember which kind to use for the Eye Spy bags, so I bought two different weights ... it was on HUGE rolls, so I bought 1/3 yd of each and my total was $0.92!!!!!!!!

I hit the Liter sale at Beauty Brands and then went to Trader Joes for some food . . . we arrived home as the rain picked up . . . but guess who was waiting on my doorstep . . .


She has new eyes (I don't think they look as nice as her old ones before the silver eye) courtesy of AG . . . and she obviously had a bath. They re-braided her hair, but didn't loop them up like her original style (I was hoping they would). Finn says she needs some clothes and that she shouldn't be hanging about in her hospital gown . . .

So, I'm off to clean the kitchen and then I can hopefully reinstall my machine in it's cabinet and get some stuff done! I have to clear off a few things from the to-do list before I sew for Miss Kirsten!!!!
I have no idea what weight vinyl I bought for the eye spy bags -- As long as it's not too stiff it should work.

I can't believe you have Kirsten back already! I think she looks so cute in her little hospital gown. And yeah that they gave her a bath -- one less thing for you to have to do.

I am almost done with my cleaning. I still have to get dd's beds made up (washed her sheets today), mop the floors (which may wait until tomorrow but I just recently got a Bissel floor steamer and it makes the job easy and fast) and I need to wash the smelly dogs. I couldn't get a groomer appt until July 25 -- they were 2 weeks out when I called :sad2:

I don't clean so that isn't a problem

I am planning a trip to Joanns tomorrow I received a 20% off my total order coupon and I must use it.

My mom is even going to come. Thinking it might be a good time to buy my material for making a fish extender for our cruise
I got that Joann's coupon e-mailed to me as well. I might go pick up some tie dye flannel with it to make more GKTW pillowcases. I have so many other projects I'm in the middle of though so I may just wait.

I can't stand a dirty house. I'm not a fan of cleaning, but I hate clutter and really needed to get some things straightened up today, and I desperately needed to dust!

I just want to take a quick moment to thank everyone involved in the Big Gives. Your generosity is enormous. SO THANK YOU !!!

I had several CPK's. My favorite was the astronaut. She had light blond hair, I renamed her Katrina after her adoption was finalized. :confused3 She came with the helmet, the backpack "breathing" apparatus and the full space walk suit. I thought she was the coolest thing ever.
Not her (and not my auction) but one of her cousins/co-workers:
And there was Colleen, that looked like me with the blue eyes and darker blonde hair. My mother claims she looked and looked for that doll for months. And Karen with her dark hair and brown eyes, she looked like my older sister but I bought her all on my own. And the Koosas too, I think mine was a cat but I could be wrong. They were weird looking.
A blast from the past http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_IIdtLIzWYM
I completely forget about my astronaut with the big clunky helmet! I think I have a pink cat Koosas -- I think my sister had a dog.

So to al of you concerned about my rehab efforts on the yard sale AG....here she is in her upcycled black tshirt made by me from a free liberty jane pattern.

I actually got out my embroidery machine today and did DD pillowcases...they are identical....she finally got a pillow so it was just calling for a case...and I already had the fabric:goodvibes



I Spy Bags for my kids 12 hr ride to see grandparents in 3 weeks.

Luggage tags...I'm going to use them on their lunch boxes for moms day out:woohoo:


That's all for now!
The doll looks great! Was the t pattern easy? Carla has a free one too that I printed, but have never tried. My dd lost interest in her doll so quickly.

I love the pillow cases! I need to make some for dd since the cat put holes in hers. He also put holes in her bedspread which I am not happy about. He only does that in winter when he crawls under everything and messes up the entire bed and then can't breath so I assume he makes an air hole :confused3

I love your eye spy bags -- I'd be waaaaaay too scared to sew a circle! Yours is flawless!

And cute luggage tags. I think I am going to make the kids new ones this year as well. DS has a train which is getting a bit babyish and dd will get another horse, but I have some new horse fabric I'd like to use for hers.

She has new eyes (I don't think they look as nice as her old ones before the silver eye) courtesy of AG . . . and she obviously had a bath. They re-braided her hair, but didn't loop them up like her original style (I was hoping they would). Finn says she needs some clothes and that she shouldn't be hanging about in her hospital gown . . .

So, I'm off to clean the kitchen and then I can hopefully reinstall my machine in it's cabinet and get some stuff done! I have to clear off a few things from the to-do list before I sew for Miss Kirsten!!!!

That was fast!!! She looks great! I think the little nightgown they send them back in is so cute!

How do I get to the last 250 pages? I wanted to case something I saw and the last page I can get was in April. I know it is just me, but could you help me out?

I will post a link to the old thread in the first post. I was busily updating the first post with color and such (since the old thread is locked and I can't just copy and paste like I always do, me bitter?? nah....) when my electricity went out and all my work was lost! I hate that.

I had several CPK's. My favorite was the astronaut. She had light blond hair, I renamed her Katrina after her adoption was finalized. :confused3 She came with the helmet, the backpack "breathing" apparatus and the full space walk suit. I thought she was the coolest thing ever.
And there was Colleen, that looked like me with the blue eyes and darker blonde hair. My mother claims she looked and looked for that doll for months. And Karen with her dark hair and brown eyes, she looked like my older sister but I bought her all on my own. And the Koosas too, I think mine was a cat but I could be wrong. They were weird looking.
A blast from the past http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_IIdtLIzWYM

I SOOOOOOOOOO SOOOOOOOOOOO wanted the astronaut doll!! I had COMPLETELY forgotten about those!!! Thanks Stacey! Now I feel the need to hunt one down for Lydia!!! She would go nuts for that!

So to al of you concerned about my rehab efforts on the yard sale AG....here she is in her upcycled black tshirt made by me from a free liberty jane pattern.

I actually got out my embroidery machine today and did DD pillowcases...they are identical....she finally got a pillow so it was just calling for a case...and I already had the fabric:goodvibes


I Spy Bags for my kids 12 hr ride to see grandparents in 3 weeks.

Luggage tags...I'm going to use them on their lunch boxes for moms day out:woohoo:

That's all for now!

Your AG looks great!!! What did you name her?

Your daughter is just too cute!!! How do you pronounce her name?

The eye spy bags and luggage tags look great. My kids all love the eye spy bags.

I was talking with JK Rowling and she said she got the same thing for not being able to produce Harry Potter stories fast enough.

When CP dolls first came out, I was teaching Pre-K in a private school in River Oaks in Houston. (Can you say millionaires? The parents paid more for tuition to a half-day program than I did for the University of Texas!) Two of my students formed a close friendship. One was the child of the president of a company. The other was the son of a maid who was valued by her employers so much they paid the tuition for her son to attend the school.

For Christmas that year both boys got CP dolls. Each one looked like the child's friend and actually had the same first name as the friend. Neither parent knew that the other was doing this. I have never forgotten the joy those boys had when they brought their dolls to school for Show & Tell the first day after the holiday. So many of the parents were snobby that it restored my faith in people to see that this family encouraged a friendship with their neighbor's maid's son (who was a very bright and well-behaved child.)

This came right after one parent told me that her developmentally-delayed child must be gotten ready for the entrance exams into kindergarten because he must go to Kincaid School. After all, the people he would meet there were far superior to public school children.

Wow, thanks for sharing that with us Piper! :hug: What a truly wonderful story.

Ok, I'm off to pizza night!!! See yah all later!
It was sort of rude to shut down the last thread like that. They could have waited or posted a new one. I don't think i"ve ever seen that, and I have seen the thread go alot higher.

What a sweet story!!!! What a great Dad you have!!!!

I got my first CPK when I was probably a bit too old for one (not that I cared!) I want to say I was in 9th grade? About 1983-84? We were in Florida over Winter Break. We were at a Kmart and they were holding a raffle for CPKs. They gave you a ticket when you came into the store and called off a number at a certain time. Well, I won one! I was very excite!!!! Patrick Michael has light brown hair and blue eyes. I still have him (or course). I even bought him one of the CPK pets (I can't think of the name of those) and his name is Jorge. (very similar to Jord, but Jorge is a boy)

When was the huge CP craze? When you couldn't find them anywhere since they were practically being sold out the box? Was it the 70's? My Dad had a friend that owned a toy store, and he saved 4 of them for his kids. I'm sure we got them for Xmas. I was in HS, and Dad thought I was nuts for wanting one, but since he had to opportunity, he got them. In fact, I don't think Dad even had to pay for them, they were such good friends. I still have mine. She's in storage right now. I don't remember her name, but she has dark brown hair with braids. I think she might have teeth.

Love this....I so need that book.

Glad to see Kirsten is back so fast!
You will have lots of fun sewing for her!
I have 2 CPK but I think they are in DD closet....I know one is missing a shoe...and has been for years.

So to al of you concerned about my rehab efforts on the yard sale AG....here she is in her upcycled black tshirt made by me from a free liberty jane pattern.

I actually got out my embroidery machine today and did DD pillowcases...they are identical....she finally got a pillow so it was just calling for a case...and I already had the fabric:goodvibes



I Spy Bags for my kids 12 hr ride to see grandparents in 3 weeks.

Luggage tags...I'm going to use them on their lunch boxes for moms day out:woohoo:


That's all for now!

Everything is really wonderful. But I love your eye spy bag. How did you do the top?
:I realize the pressure is on for the first outfit I make for DoRRRine.
Won't it be ironic if she turns out to be a nudist.


Here is my latest project...a coupon organizer. The pattern is by our very own Cathy! She is awesome! Can't wait to go grocery shopping and try it out!


Also, I am making my first rosetta bag today with these fabrics. I need one more color to offset it. Should I use red, white, or red with white polka dots? Off to Joanns to grab a magnetic clasp!

Love it. DH does all the food shopping but maybe I can make him one like that but very for a guy. Love your colors you picked for your Rosetta bag. I had high hopes of making one but will have to make one for our next trip.

I don't think I ever posted these outfits I made for a Give

Pink Cindy dress.

Belle (this one is teensie tiny!)

and Cinderella for the Wish Girl


I got the Cindy material at a garage sale last summer. To me, it looks a lot like the Cinderella fabric they use in the parks. It's kind of brocadish.

I wish I had more, I would love to make one for Lyddie out of it.

Speaking of Lyddie, I was going to have her model the dress for me, but when I went to look for her, this is what I found:


Love all the dresses.... but :rotfl2: Love your daughter Lyddie. How fun that must have been cleaning her up after.

My daughter leaves today to go to her dad's for the last two weeks of summer... I get so bummed. Divorce sucks! Back to read what I missed. I need a moving buddy too... I need to add you folks to my facebook so I don't miss a move again... https://www.facebook.com/blyss.full.life


I finished my first feliz for my DD who is turning 2 next month. We are having her a Pink Poodle in Paris theme party


That dress is beautiful. I always wanted to do a Pink Poodle party and use those cute little poodle purses for favors.

I thought I should post on here to let you know that I'm still alive! I don't think I ever made it over to Part 25. Such a shame!

Here are some things I've made since I last posted. I made this dress for
Tessa out of the wrap top and dress from YCMT:

Sawyer's 5th birthday outfit by special request:

I reupholstered the couch in my camper and made new slip covers for the cushions in the dinette! I put picture frames over the ugly upolstered pieces between the cabinets and replaced the totally 80's cabinet doors. We put in pergo flooring instead of carpet and painted the paneling. I also Embroidered the letters of our last name on some fabric and put them into a frame to hang over the fridge.





:wave2: You have been so busy with everything. Great job on the outfits and your camper looks amazing.


She has new eyes (I don't think they look as nice as her old ones before the silver eye) courtesy of AG . . . and she obviously had a bath. They re-braided her hair, but didn't loop them up like her original style (I was hoping they would). Finn says she needs some clothes and that she shouldn't be hanging about in her hospital gown . . .

So, I'm off to clean the kitchen and then I can hopefully reinstall my machine in it's cabinet and get some stuff done! I have to clear off a few things from the to-do list before I sew for Miss Kirsten!!!!

Wow that was fast and I can't believe she comes in a hospital gown. How cute.

So to al of you concerned about my rehab efforts on the yard sale AG....here she is in her upcycled black tshirt made by me from a free liberty jane pattern.

I actually got out my embroidery machine today and did DD pillowcases...they are identical....she finally got a pillow so it was just calling for a case...and I already had the fabric


Everything looks great. I am glad your doll is back in one piece.
Hello from Orlando...my sister came for the weekend, and we're at CoCo Key water resort. Pretty much an old motel turned into a renovated hotel and a small water park...a good concept except for the day guests who pay to swim. There was 6 daycares here when we checked in. My oldest had to work, so she didn't join us. Her aunt,being the loving person she is stole her Minnie Mouse cupcake antenna topper, and has been taking pictures of her "adventures" all day. She even made a Facebook page...I thought since we all enjoy Ginger so much, y'all might like to meet Sweetie Treater

Go ahead and friend her if you like, she doesn't have many yet. :lovestruc


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