Disboutiquers Part 12 Kids Disney Boutique / Customs Clothes psst..we sew

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If anyone/someone else was planning on using that one, it's no biggie! I can find another, but let me know this morning...if you can :) I am sure there are lots of Froggy Fabric's out there!! LOL

Didn't mean to CASE anyones fabric :) LOL:banana: :banana:
My niece's birthday is in March. They went with us to Disney. I surprised her by making a Minnie Mouse dress and giving it to her on the trip. My DD's wouldn't try it on, so DS was chosen. He really got into posing. Here's the dress:

Close up of Minnie:

Back of dress:

Don't tell DH I took these AND posted them!
That's a cute dress. Now put some pants on that boy.:lmao:
I have joined FA (Fabric Anonymous) LOL. I have come to terms with the fact that I have TOO much fabric. So I have decided that I am not going to buy fabric for 100 days. Yes, I may be crazy and this is harder than Weight Watchers! I started on the 18th. I made my last purchase and it was a good one! Let's say I went out with a bang. :D

My 100 mark is May 29th. It is great because my birthday is June 2nd. So I am fabric shopping for my bday. I have so many wonderful wonderful prints that I have not even touched. I am taking the time to use what I have. Although, I am not sure sewing for 100 days will even scratch the surface! LOL

Good luck! I will feel so good to use up some of your stash :cloud9:

I need to take a fabric shopping break too. I just got my last bunch of fabric in the mail - Mickey on a navy background, Disney princesses, Thomas on red. Added to the Nemo, Cars cars and more cars, Wall-E, Ariel, other Thomas, and a Minnie red dot I *should* be set for our trip, my SIL's trip, and birthdays!
My daughter is also in daisies and I know what your saying. I usually turn it to the backside or underside of the tunic and get the glue hot that way. Have you tried that? I just think fabric glue would make them much thicker and too heavy for the vest or tunic. I would try to iron them the best you can and then get out the old thimble and needle and hand sew a few stitches around it to be sure it's secure. Hope that helped a little. :)

DD is a Daisy too and after I melted a petal I decide to actually read the directions!! You are suppose to "pre-heat" the fabric first. Run your hot iron over the fabric for 20 seconds. Then place the petal/badge, cover with a pressing cloth (I just use a scrap of fabric) and iron for 15-20 seconds. Then flip the vest/smock over and iron the backside where the petal/badge is. Last you iron the petal again (remember the pressing cloth!!) and seal it around the edges. I use my fingernail to kinda seal it around the petal.

Try running your iron over the vest first and then iron the patch on. I also will turn it over and iron from the inside. If all else fails, sew it on. I had one stubborn petal that would not stick and ended up just sewing it.

Thanks for all of the advice ladies! I knew I could count on you! This last round of badges was ordered loose on-line so no directions - they are a thinking day badge and a support our troops badge that go on the back of the vest and they are both big. I have been ironing from the inside but when you do that first it is hard to line it up. I will try heating the vest and then a thinner cloth to press it on the front and then will flip it over to iron from the inside - it sounds like that may do the trick! :thumbsup2

Thanks for the info...I called him and told him about these things and he said he forgot all about the Statosphere...he's going to do that and go see the Ventian I think. We watched that show on them building it, so he wants to check it out.

Oh! I'm not worried about him getting in trouble...he just doesn't like those type of things...althought he spent the first part of our vacation last year joking about Hooter's...and yes...I already told him about the Hooter's casino.:lmao: His biggest problem is, he HATES to do anything new without us...he feels like he is cheating us out of stuff. I tell him to go realx and have a good time...good luck!

He is staying at Mandalay Bay...they have a camera in the Shark Reef and he getw to watch it on TV in his room....he is so funny. The first year, the messed up his room so he ended up in a suite, by himself in The Hotel. (yep, the name of the hotel is The Hotel...I kept asking him where he was staying and is sounded like a Laurel and Hardy routine over the phone..."what hotel? The Hotel...what's the name of the Hotel...what?") Anyway...his suite had 3 flat screen TV's...one being in the bathroom above the olympic size bath tub....He watched the shark reef and took a soak one night and said he was sure that one of those sharks could fit in his tub!:lmao:

Glad he liked the suggestions! I think he will really enjoy checking out The Venetian - it is gorgeous! We had friends stay at a suite at Mandalay Bay and they said it was amazing!
Ya'll are chatty today! Page 5 already :) I made it over! Yay me, I followed chapter 11 all the way through and managed to keep up!

***FYI**** Walmart has all of their Valentines fabrics clearance out to 64c a yard. WOW! I stocked up yesterday. I mean really, who can't use hearts :) If nothing else, I have lots of fabric to line with :) Wahoo!

Okay so I made page number 2!! :rotfl:

I wanted to post the pics of the top I made with the Hannah Montana fabric. The skirt is in these too. I just have to say that my daughter is a complete HAM and I need to get her on stage somewhere. She would LOVE it. I had to tell her I had enough pictures because she just kept posing!!!


I forgot to mention that the bodice came out a bit short. I used the pattern from one of the peasant dresses and added bell sleeves. She will just have to wear an undershirt. She didn't mind at all, she said she looks llike Jasmine!!

Oh, and just for the record, the flannel backed satin worked great. I can't wait to go and buy some of the purple tinkerbell. I don't think it ended up looking like pajamas at all. What do you think? :rotfl:

What a little cutie! I really like this outfit. I have been a little leary of the flannel backed satin, but I think I must have some now.

What does CASE stand for?

Copy and Steal Everything. I am more know for CABE, Copy and Butcher Everything. LOL!
Welcome!! I was a non-sewer when I started reading this thread (the original, part 1!) Literally a newbie, I never had touched a sewing machine before!! With all the encouragement from so many on this thread I jumped right in! There were a few panic late night posts on how to do something that were always answered faster than I could hope for!! Now almost a year and a half later, I list my sets on ebay, make customs for gifts, and best of all - send out outfits for the Big Gives!! We're all here to support, enable, and ohhh and ahhh for you!!

My "long-term" goal - as in over the next year - is to be able to sew for the Big Gives. I have been following them, and would LOVE to participate. I figured working on my kids' outfits will be practice so the ones for the other children will look so much better :) I debated joining in the newest Big Give, with it touching my heart the way it did, but I am already in over my head with my own projects and the new baby - I figured I bettter pace myself, lol.
Here are a few more things . . .

First up Blue Belle. This is actually the 2009 version. I took the apron off last years dress and then constructed a new blue dress. My DD outgrew last years but Belle is still her favorite.


The picture is awful but I wanted to show the piping. I have a thing about always finishing bodices with piping or ric rac etc . . .


Next is my DD tank for the Pirate Cruise. She has a small crush on Capt. Jack which drives my DH crazy. LOL The applique is awful. I am having sewing machine issues and lots of thread breakage. I really have loved the cuties lately.


Next, is Minnie cutie. Jessica made a Minnie cutie shirt but I am not sure if we used the same clip art. I know that the night she posted her shirt I had found the Capt Jack and Minnie clip art. I made these to go with the Pop skirts as another back up.


Finally, We Scare Because We Care! This is my DD's skirt from last year. She said she liked her skirt from last year and wanted to wear it again. I just made the tank and ironed ;) the skirt!

Hi Shannon.... please read my fabric addiction warning to Kelly on my post in pg 2. LOL!!!! I can't wait to see what you're working on. One of the nicest things about this thread has been watching people grow in the skills. Many people started here completely new to sewing and are now helping others learn.

BTW, we are homeschoolers, too. We're hoping to enjoy Disney's homeschool days in Sept.

I am already a fabric addict! I have a closet full of fabric and patterns that have never been used! Thankfully my hubby doesn't seem to mind too much. His last deployment, I used JoAnn Fabric as my therapy.

What in the world is Disney's homeschool days?
Here are a few more things . . .

First up Blue Belle. This is actually the 2009 version. I took the apron off last years dress and then constructed a new blue dress. My DD outgrew last years but Belle is still her favorite.


The picture is awful but I wanted to show the piping. I have a thing about always finishing bodices with piping or ric rac etc . . .


Next is my DD tank for the Pirate Cruise. She has a small crush on Capt. Jack which drives my DH crazy. LOL The applique is awful. I am having sewing machine issues and lots of thread breakage. I really have loved the cuties lately.


Next, is Minnie cutie. Jessica made a Minnie cutie shirt but I am not sure if we used the same clip art. I know that the night she posted her shirt I had found the Capt Jack and Minnie clip art. I made these to go with the Pop skirts as another back up.


Finally, We Scare Because We Care! This is my DD's skirt from last year. She said she liked her skirt from last year and wanted to wear it again. I just made the tank and ironed ;) the skirt!


Aimee - GREAT as always! Do you mind sharing the source of the clip art? I LOVE those cuties!
Shannon Thanks! I think they were pins. I think the site is like dizpins.com or something like that. I will have to poke around. :)
Hi! My name is Kelly and I've been lurking on your thread for quite a while. My mom sewed when I was a little girl and I would dabble with the sewing machine, but nothing major. Your thread inspired me to make first day of school outfits for my kids this past year. I have an almost 7 y/o little boy and an almost 5 y/o little girl. They've never been to Disney World, but someday we'll get there. I'm a dispatcher at a police department and we dispatch police, fire, and ambulance. I've been reading your stuff for so long that I feel like I know you. Is it ok if I post the stuff I've made even though it's not Disney?

Welcome! And we would love to see what you've made! Unfortunately most of what I make isn't for Disney, although I wish we could go more frequently!

I know there is a bunch of Twilight readers on here? I just started it last night. I finished my last series and I am very sad about finishing it I can't wait to get the new books! I hope Twilight can be as good!

I just finished reading the series about a month ago and loved it. What series had you been reading before?

Hi all! My name is Shannon. I have been following this thread for quite awhile now and have read all 11 threads. I LOVE what you guys have created! We are planning our first trip to WDW, along with a day in Sea World, and I am planning on making an outfit for each of my children for each day. There are four of them - and I haven't sewn any clothing up to this point since over five years ago. But what can I say - I'm a dreamer :) Hope you guys don't mind an inexperienced sewer joining... or one that hasn't been to Disney since I was a year or two old :)

Oh - and Heather - I have FINALLY posted :)

Wow! You read all 11 threads! That's so impressive! Once you get sewing you'll be surprised at how quickly you pick it up. Welcome!

Welcome!! I was a non-sewer when I started reading this thread (the original, part 1!) Literally a newbie, I never had touched a sewing machine before!! With all the encouragement from so many on this thread I jumped right in! There were a few panic late night posts on how to do something that were always answered faster than I could hope for!! Now almost a year and a half later, I list my sets on ebay, make customs for gifts, and best of all - send out outfits for the Big Gives!! We're all here to support, enable, and ohhh and ahhh for you!!

Have you really only been sewing for a year and a half? Wow!

Sadly fabricbliss.com is out of business. :(

I wondered, I looked on there the other day and they didn't have anything listed. That is too bad, do you know what happened? I am figuring the cruddy economy probably.

I stayed at the Venetian the last time I was in Vegas, there are tons of shops and it is a fun place to stroll around. Also Mandalay Bay has a Shark Reef aquarium type exhibit that is pretty fun. Caesar's Palace has the Forum Shops that is a fun place to walk around too. It's not far from the Venetian. I'm good at stuff to do in vegas that doesn't involve drinking or gambling :rotfl:

So Jeanne, you don't drink or gamble while in Vegas, but should we assume, since you left it out, that you do the strippers :rotfl2: :rotfl: !!!!

Strangely enough, I've never been to Vegas. Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Bahamas, Jamaica and Mexico - been there and done that but never been to Vegas, NYC, or D.C. And I really want to go too! I'm not much of a gambler or drinker either (although I will do a little of both) but I really want to go and see the hotels, eat at the restaurants, see the shows (and Barry Manilow of course Karen!!!) and do some shopping. Once Lilly is a year old maybe I will start to plan a trip.

I have joined FA (Fabric Anonymous) LOL. I have come to terms with the fact that I have TOO much fabric. So I have decided that I am not going to buy fabric for 100 days. Yes, I may be crazy and this is harder than Weight Watchers! I started on the 18th. I made my last purchase and it was a good one! Let's say I went out with a bang. :D

My 100 mark is May 29th. It is great because my birthday is June 2nd. So I am fabric shopping for my bday. I have so many wonderful wonderful prints that I have not even touched. I am taking the time to use what I have. Although, I am not sure sewing for 100 days will even scratch the surface! LOL

Just curious, where do you buy most of your fabrics from? And I have to tell you guys, my fabric stash is growing but comparitively speaking I am so jealous of some of the stashes I have seen on here! But I do think I would have to hire a divorce attorney if mine increased too much more! What I really need is a sewing/craft room of my own. Then my DH wouldn't see what I had (since now it's in our closet).

My niece's birthday is in March. They went with us to Disney. I surprised her by making a Minnie Mouse dress and giving it to her on the trip. My DD's wouldn't try it on, so DS was chosen. He really got into posing. Here's the dress:

Close up of Minnie:

Back of dress:

Don't tell DH I took these AND posted them!

:rotfl2: :rotfl: :lmao: I love the little boys in dresses! Cracks me up! Great job on your dress too, it looks fantastic!
Here are a few more things . . .

First up Blue Belle. This is actually the 2009 version. I took the apron off last years dress and then constructed a new blue dress. My DD outgrew last years but Belle is still her favorite.


The picture is awful but I wanted to show the piping. I have a thing about always finishing bodices with piping or ric rac etc . . .


Next is my DD tank for the Pirate Cruise. She has a small crush on Capt. Jack which drives my DH crazy. LOL The applique is awful. I am having sewing machine issues and lots of thread breakage. I really have loved the cuties lately.


Next, is Minnie cutie. Jessica made a Minnie cutie shirt but I am not sure if we used the same clip art. I know that the night she posted her shirt I had found the Capt Jack and Minnie clip art. I made these to go with the Pop skirts as another back up.


Finally, We Scare Because We Care! This is my DD's skirt from last year. She said she liked her skirt from last year and wanted to wear it again. I just made the tank and ironed ;) the skirt!


Great job as always Aimee! I have never tried the piping before, care to give instructions on how to do it? !!
So just a few comments before I get busy and pickup my house! Somehow it looks like a tornado went through here!

Anyway, I might be gassed out of my office before long anyway. Oscar is sleeping next to me and really letting it rip! Stinky dog! Geesh!

I am so annoyed! I just got another PIN from Disney, this time for WDW, the last one was for Disneyland. I wish wish wish with all my heart I was up for another trip but I just can't do it while Lilly is so small and taking two really good naps a day. Of course I've never gotten a PIN before and I'm sure once we're ready to go again they will disappear! Just stinks! Oh well! Tentatively we are planning a trip with my DH's family next April. Since my DH travels so much we have a ton of Hilton points that we're going to use and get rooms for everyone. Anyone have suggestions on where to stay in the Hilton family of hotels? Right now I am hoping for one of their vacation clubs, the downtown Disney Hilton, or maybe an Embassy suite or some other suite hotel. We'll see.

Yikes Oscar just tooted again! And I heard it! I wonder what he ate?

Okay, since it stinks in there again I'm off to clean up and get some ironing done so I can get started on four dresses for my BFF. What was I thinking when I agreed to this?????
Thanks for all of the advice ladies! I knew I could count on you! This last round of badges was ordered loose on-line so no directions - they are a thinking day badge and a support our troops badge that go on the back of the vest and they are both big. I have been ironing from the inside but when you do that first it is hard to line it up. I will try heating the vest and then a thinner cloth to press it on the front and then will flip it over to iron from the inside - it sounds like that may do the trick! :thumbsup2


I have a Daisy and a Brownie and it seems that the patches that go on the front (petals and insignia stuff) are made of better quality stuff. they iron on and STAY very well. Every time I try to iron on the back ones, they do not stay! I worry about losing them, so I try and iron them on to get them placed and straight and then handstitch the edges too. I did hear that this stuff you can get from the GS store works really well though. Apparently you lightly iron it on and then throw it in the dryer to finish it off. I haven't tried it, but others in this area like it.


The cut to fit would be for the odd shaped ones on the back.

Also, I had no idea there were so many homeschoolers! We are too and as I type on the laptop my oldest is telling me all about Ben Franklin and yo yoing at the same time! :teacher: Craziness!!
Hey, everyone!!! I'm so excited!!! Mandy just posted that Becca was giggling this morning!!!! :dance3: :dance3: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2:

Come on Becca!!! :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2:
Thanks for all of the advice ladies! I knew I could count on you! This last round of badges was ordered loose on-line so no directions - they are a thinking day badge and a support our troops badge that go on the back of the vest and they are both big. I have been ironing from the inside but when you do that first it is hard to line it up. I will try heating the vest and then a thinner cloth to press it on the front and then will flip it over to iron from the inside - it sounds like that may do the trick! :thumbsup2


I have a Daisy and a Brownie and it seems that the patches that go on the front (petals and insignia stuff) are made of better quality stuff. they iron on and STAY very well. Every time I try to iron on the back ones, they do not stay! I worry about losing them, so I try and iron them on to get them placed and straight and then handstitch the edges too. I did hear that this stuff you can get from the GS store works really well though. Apparently you lightly iron it on and then throw it in the dryer to finish it off. I haven't tried it, but others in this area like it.


The cut to fit would be for the odd shaped ones on the back.

Also, I had no idea there were so many homeschoolers! We are too and as I type on the laptop my oldest is telling me all about Ben Franklin and yo yoing at the same time! :teacher: Craziness!!

You also might consider 505 spray OR Liquid Stitch both are at Joann fabric and many fabric shops.
ok, so I have been a tad distracted lately... have not gotten as much done the last few weeks and have not been able to stop in... but here is my latest cute little dress. Love the Zoo animals on it!!

ok, so I have been a tad distracted lately... have not gotten as much done the last few weeks and have not been able to stop in... but here is my latest cute little dress. Love the Zoo animals on it!!


That fabric is to die for! I love the dress too!
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