Disboutiquers Part 12 Kids Disney Boutique / Customs Clothes psst..we sew

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Hi! My name is Kelly and I've been lurking on your thread for quite a while. My mom sewed when I was a little girl and I would dabble with the sewing machine, but nothing major. Your thread inspired me to make first day of school outfits for my kids this past year. I have an almost 7 y/o little boy and an almost 5 y/o little girl. They've never been to Disney World, but someday we'll get there. I'm a dispatcher at a police department and we dispatch police, fire, and ambulance. I've been reading your stuff for so long that I feel like I know you. Is it ok if I post the stuff I've made even though it's not Disney?

:welcome: Of course it's ok to post non-Disney!!! Hey, didn't I say that in the first thread?? If I didn't, I need to add that....


do you have a tutorial on invisible zippers in the bookmarks?


I think there is, there is a ziper section. If not, I'll try to find some to add.

okay, I didn't want to be up for this move - and I wasn't TRYING to make it onto the first page (yay mebut it's going to be a long night.

Sierra is "sharing" me at school tomorrow. I'm the sewing auntie - the fairygodmother - the one who just whips Clara Schumann out of my...head

So what does one wear when one is being shared at school?
More importantly, though, whatever possessed me to say at 7:30 this evening that I would make a crayon roll-up for each child in her class? That's 20 crayon roll-ups.
I got home at 8:00 from Girl Scouts, looked through fabric, began the project after that. I'm using the "hands around the world" fabric. I've NEVER made a crayon roll-up.

It's 11:45 in California. I have to be at Sierra's school at 8:20. Yay me.

You are something Darla!!! What a kind heart you have!!!
Woo-hoo...I never get in on a thread this early!!!

Oh gosh, I can relate! Doctors make me SO nervous. I had a routine physical yesterday, and I was very very very worked up about it. My BP and pulse measured high in the office, so I ended up having to get all kinds of scary tests run . The doc suggested I get a home monitor, so I bought a nice one at Target. Since I've been home and relaxed, I'm measuring completely normal . High BP runs in my family, so at some point I probably will need meds, but I'm hoping all the tests will come out OK and I can delay a bit. I know for sure that I have a serious case of white coat syndrome!

WooHOO!!! Carla made it!! I hope your tests all come out ok too! :hug:
Okay so I made page number 2!!

I wanted to post the pics of the top I made with the Hannah Montana fabric. The skirt is in these too. I just have to say that my daughter is a complete HAM and I need to get her on stage somewhere. She would LOVE it. I had to tell her I had enough pictures because she just kept posing!!!


I forgot to mention that the bodice came out a bit short. I used the pattern from one of the peasant dresses and added bell sleeves. She will just have to wear an undershirt. She didn't mind at all, she said she looks llike Jasmine!!

Oh, and just for the record, the flannel backed satin worked great. I can't wait to go and buy some of the purple tinkerbell. I don't think it ended up looking like pajamas at all. What do you think?

Really cute!!! I don't think it looks like pajamas at all!

I knew you would try and leave me behind!

Shoot! You found us!! I told everyone to be very quiet! :headache:
I just went yesterday for my ankle that has been hurting for almost a month now and the dr thinks i have a level 3 sprain and wants with to take my anti inflamatories for a week and if it isn't better I need to go for an mri next week.
I will have the xray result today..!

I hope your ankle feels better soon!

Okay, HELP again! For all of you that just put your pictures directly on the computer without using a program, do you just not edit them or edit them in a program like snapfish or photobucket? I like to edit mine before they go to either of those places. I just don't find it fast to edit from those programs. I can put them directly on the computer, but can't edit them from there which I guess is my main issue. So maybe, a better question would be what editing programs does everyone like? I just usually crop the pictures, nothing else.

I really like Picasa. I don't do anything fancy with my pictures either, just crop and sometimes lighten them. It has all the basics like redeye removal. You can set it so that it will automatically scan certain folders on your computer and add them into Picasa. It's a free program. Here's a link to it:
http://picasa.google.com/ Corey likes to use Gimp to edit the pictures, but I don't usually need something so complicated!
1 AM Teresa??? 1 AM??????Who in their right mind would be up at 1 am, let alone move at that time???

I know it was a ploy to try and lose me, but you of all people should know I'm smarter then that

I have got to get everone quiet shoes next time!
Hi all! My name is Shannon. I have been following this thread for quite awhile now and have read all 11 threads. I LOVE what you guys have created! We are planning our first trip to WDW, along with a day in Sea World, and I am planning on making an outfit for each of my children for each day. There are four of them - and I haven't sewn any clothing up to this point since over five years ago. But what can I say - I'm a dreamer :) Hope you guys don't mind an inexperienced sewer joining... or one that hasn't been to Disney since I was a year or two old

Oh - and Heather - I have FINALLY posted

Hey, how do you know Heather??? Do you mean Heathersue?

Oh okay, Im moved. I am always all kermuddled when we first move.

Okay someone wanted Frog fabric for the Big Give- I saw some with a pink background in the clearence section at my Wal mart- would you like me to check it out? I will donate the fabric to you. I dont know if you need it for a boy or girl...

and a great place to purchase farbenmix and studio tantrum patterns is
they include a yard of patternease free, often have buy 2 get 1 free sales and you get a free sample of fabric in your package.

Yeah, like everyone said, she closed down. She sent an email saying why, but I really don't remember why.

I have joined FA (Fabric Anonymous) LOL. I have come to terms with the fact that I have TOO much fabric. So I have decided that I am not going to buy fabric for 100 days. Yes, I may be crazy and this is harder than Weight Watchers! I started on the 18th. I made my last purchase and it was a good one! Let's say I went out with a bang. :D

My 100 mark is May 29th. It is great because my birthday is June 2nd. So I am fabric shopping for my bday. I have so many wonderful wonderful prints that I have not even touched. I am taking the time to use what I have. Although, I am not sure sewing for 100 days will even scratch the surface! LOL

I'm on the same mission!! I've been doing really good too!!!

My niece's birthday is in March. They went with us to Disney. I surprised her by making a Minnie Mouse dress and giving it to her on the trip. My DD's wouldn't try it on, so DS was chosen. He really got into posing. Here's the dress:

Don't tell DH I took these AND posted them!

So cute!!! BUT get that dress off that boy!!!!

If anyone/someone else was planning on using that one, it's no biggie! I can find another, but let me know this morning...if you can I am sure there are lots of Froggy Fabric's out there!! LOL

Didn't mean to CASE anyones fabric

I don't think anyone else had signed up for a froggy outfit before you. And, there is no rule that she can't have two froggy outfits!

What does CASE stand for?

Hey, I have a sneaking suspision you didn't read the first post! :snooty:

Here are a few more things . . .

First up Blue Belle. This is actually the 2009 version. I took the apron off last years dress and then constructed a new blue dress. My DD outgrew last years but Belle is still her favorite.

Aimee these are all so cute!!! I love the look of the piping on the dress. Heather was just telling me that she had a Capt Jack Cuties embroidery design. I couldn't figure out what that would look like! It's cute!

I am already a fabric addict! I have a closet full of fabric and patterns that have never been used! Thankfully my hubby doesn't seem to mind too much. His last deployment, I used JoAnn Fabric as my therapy.

What in the world is Disney's homeschool days?

You can fit it in a closet?? :rotfl2: I wish I could! So does my husband! :rotfl2:
Shannon Thanks! I think they were pins. I think the site is like dizpins.com or something like that. I will have to poke around. :)

I am giggling that you are going to poke around at a pin site!!!

ok, so I have been a tad distracted lately... have not gotten as much done the last few weeks and have not been able to stop in... but here is my latest cute little dress. Love the Zoo animals on it!!


That is really cute fabric Lori!!! Is it a sheet? I love it! :lovestruc
Hey, everyone!!! I'm so excited!!! Mandy just posted that Becca was giggling this morning!!!! :dance3: :dance3: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2:

Come on Becca!!! :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2:

THAT IS SO WONDERFUL!!!!! God bless her and her family. They are so strong and seem like such wonderful people. I hope Becca can start smiling from now on! :) :) :love: :love: :) :) :love: :love: :) :)

Aimeeg- LOVE the outfits! and that pirate cutie is adorable!!! I think they are all great!!

Oh, sewing on the flannel was easy and I didn't have a problem at all. The flannel side gives it some weight and makes it easier to feed through the machine. Thanks for all of the wonderful comments!!
My niece's birthday is in March. They went with us to Disney. I surprised her by making a Minnie Mouse dress and giving it to her on the trip. My DD's wouldn't try it on, so DS was chosen. He really got into posing. Here's the dress:

Close up of Minnie:

Back of dress:

Don't tell DH I took these AND posted them!
Now that is a little boy who is secure in his man hood!:rotfl2:
Cute dress!

Here are a few more things . . .

First up Blue Belle. This is actually the 2009 version. I took the apron off last years dress and then constructed a new blue dress. My DD outgrew last years but Belle is still her favorite.


The picture is awful but I wanted to show the piping. I have a thing about always finishing bodices with piping or ric rac etc . . .


Next is my DD tank for the Pirate Cruise. She has a small crush on Capt. Jack which drives my DH crazy. LOL The applique is awful. I am having sewing machine issues and lots of thread breakage. I really have loved the cuties lately.


Next, is Minnie cutie. Jessica made a Minnie cutie shirt but I am not sure if we used the same clip art. I know that the night she posted her shirt I had found the Capt Jack and Minnie clip art. I made these to go with the Pop skirts as another back up.


Finally, We Scare Because We Care! This is my DD's skirt from last year. She said she liked her skirt from last year and wanted to wear it again. I just made the tank and ironed ;) the skirt!


I just finished reading the series about a month ago and loved it. What series had you been reading before?
I have been reading the True Blood series aka the Southern Vampire series or the Sookie Stack house novels they also go by. I finished up to books 7 but book 8 will be out on paper back at the end of next month so I will get that then. They are a bit more graphic from what I can tell then Twilight DEF adult. Great story though! I LOVE the HBO series that they are based on. The books where really addictive! I am normally NOT a reader I like short stories rarely do I read ful books I always get bored but these got me hooked !

ok, so I have been a tad distracted lately... have not gotten as much done the last few weeks and have not been able to stop in... but here is my latest cute little dress. Love the Zoo animals on it!!

so cute

Why can't I get motivated! I have all of these things to finish up and things planned in my head but I can't get my self to get off my fat butt and finish them! UGH!
Aimee - love the new stuff!! I am making the Cpt. Jack cutie for Jackson on the littlewarrior Big Give! I 've been wanting to make it and the Big Give seemed like a good fit.
Here are a few pics from our Feb trip.

This is the dress I made for my niece. This time, it's on her. And a dress I made a year or so ago for Aleah:

We're on the bus. This is the best pic I have of the fairy dress I made for Heidi. I also made the shorts outfit Colby is wearing (it's old) and the pirate dress my niece is wearing (old, too).

Tom Sawyer's Island. Aleah's Ariel dress is new. The others are from previous trips. The kids were not impressed with the island. Oh, well. We don't do it very often.

Eating at 1900 Park Fare. I made the Cinderella dresses the girls are wearing. (Again, old - from a previous trip.)

And my kids and I at AK wearing our matching black Mickey shirts. Our whole group wore them that day.
so cute

Why can't I get motivated! I have all of these things to finish up and things planned in my head but I can't get my self to get off my fat butt and finish them! UGH!

I have been this way lately myself.... been so distracted with other things... I have to get motivated....
TeresaJoy - I do not actually "know" Heather - but I have e-mailed back and forth with her quite a few times. It originally started after I saw her Tessa in the pink Cinderella dress. Anyways, she has continually encouraged me to actually post... and then I PMed her while she was at this last Dismeet and she told me I really needed to post on the board and I finally did :) So thanks Heather :)
Okay, I have been lurking here for months. I am not creative nor "artisy" and even though my mom can sew anything in the world I never took the time to learn when she wanted to teach me. Therefore, the hardest thing I have ever made is curtains. But....you gals inspired me so.....I present my first ever outfit...(sorry it's blurry, she was so happy to pose that she WOULD NOT stand still).

Okay, I have been lurking here for months. I am not creative nor "artisy" and even though my mom can sew anything in the world I never took the time to learn when she wanted to teach me. Therefore, the hardest thing I have ever made is curtains. But....you gals inspired me so.....I present my first ever outfit...(sorry it's blurry, she was so happy to pose that she WOULD NOT stand still).

That is very cute! good job!
Okay, I have been lurking here for months. I am not creative nor "artisy" and even though my mom can sew anything in the world I never took the time to learn when she wanted to teach me. Therefore, the hardest thing I have ever made is curtains. But....you gals inspired me so.....I present my first ever outfit...(sorry it's blurry, she was so happy to pose that she WOULD NOT stand still).


TeresaJoy - I do not actually "know" Heather - but I have e-mailed back and forth with her quite a few times. It originally started after I saw her Tessa in the pink Cinderella dress. Anyways, she has continually encouraged me to actually post... and then I PMed her while she was at this last Dismeet and she told me I really needed to post on the board and I finally did :) So thanks Heather :)
Shannon! I'm so glad you finally posted!! These bananas are for you!
:banana: :banana: :banana:

Okay, I have been lurking here for months. I am not creative nor "artisy" and even though my mom can sew anything in the world I never took the time to learn when she wanted to teach me. Therefore, the hardest thing I have ever made is curtains. But....you gals inspired me so.....I present my first ever outfit...(sorry it's blurry, she was so happy to pose that she WOULD NOT stand still).


Get OUT! That's the first ever outfit you've made??? You included a ruffle, buttons, and 2 appliques!!!??? YOU are a natural!! :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: Your little model is a cutie, too!
Okay, I have been lurking here for months. I am not creative nor "artisy" and even though my mom can sew anything in the world I never took the time to learn when she wanted to teach me. Therefore, the hardest thing I have ever made is curtains. But....you gals inspired me so.....I present my first ever outfit...(sorry it's blurry, she was so happy to pose that she WOULD NOT stand still).

That is just too cute.
Here are a few more things . . .

First up Blue Belle. This is actually the 2009 version. I took the apron off last years dress and then constructed a new blue dress. My DD outgrew last years but Belle is still her favorite.


The picture is awful but I wanted to show the piping. I have a thing about always finishing bodices with piping or ric rac etc . . .


Next is my DD tank for the Pirate Cruise. She has a small crush on Capt. Jack which drives my DH crazy. LOL The applique is awful. I am having sewing machine issues and lots of thread breakage. I really have loved the cuties lately.


Next, is Minnie cutie. Jessica made a Minnie cutie shirt but I am not sure if we used the same clip art. I know that the night she posted her shirt I had found the Capt Jack and Minnie clip art. I made these to go with the Pop skirts as another back up.


Finally, We Scare Because We Care! This is my DD's skirt from last year. She said she liked her skirt from last year and wanted to wear it again. I just made the tank and ironed ;) the skirt!


So cute! Everything looks great.

ok, so I have been a tad distracted lately... have not gotten as much done the last few weeks and have not been able to stop in... but here is my latest cute little dress. Love the Zoo animals on it!!


That fabric is to die for!

Now that is a little boy who is secure in his man hood!:rotfl2:
Cute dress!


I have been reading the True Blood series aka the Southern Vampire series or the Sookie Stack house novels they also go by. I finished up to books 7 but book 8 will be out on paper back at the end of next month so I will get that then. They are a bit more graphic from what I can tell then Twilight DEF adult. Great story though! I LOVE the HBO series that they are based on. The books where really addictive! I am normally NOT a reader I like short stories rarely do I read ful books I always get bored but these got me hooked !

so cute

Why can't I get motivated! I have all of these things to finish up and things planned in my head but I can't get my self to get off my fat butt and finish them! UGH!

I've been thinking about reading that series, we love the HBO show. I read all 4 twilight books in about a week but I think I would like something a little more adult too.

Here are a few pics from our Feb trip.

This is the dress I made for my niece. This time, it's on her. And a dress I made a year or so ago for Aleah:

Everybody looks great and looks like everyone was having fun!

Question... Has anyone ever used or made an iron-on rhinestone transfer? I've seen them on ETSY and am thinking of ordering one for my Big Give shirt. I've seen some really cute ones and my DD9 said that if I'm doing a princess outfit for a 9 year old, I should go for bling rather than making an applique.
Okay, I have been lurking here for months. I am not creative nor "artisy" and even though my mom can sew anything in the world I never took the time to learn when she wanted to teach me. Therefore, the hardest thing I have ever made is curtains. But....you gals inspired me so.....I present my first ever outfit...(sorry it's blurry, she was so happy to pose that she WOULD NOT stand still).


Wow, your first outfit! Looks awesome!!! I look forward to seeing what else you create. You and 2CuteKids, makes me sick that she has only been sewing a year. She also makes some beautiful things.
You guys are sweet. Yes, it really is my first outfit...but it took me all weekend to make it. DH kept saying is that the same Minnie Mouse outfit you were working on before?:rotfl2:

The first time I cut out the top and put the applique on it the shirt was all polka dotted and you couldn't see the bow. This resulted in DS (7) asking "why are you making Catie a batman shirt?":confused3 So, I spent the next 3 hours trying to figure out how to cut the top in thirds and add the white. After that I had to cut out a 2nd Minnie head and re-applique that.

Then I tried to make pants and failed miserably so I decided to take a pair of her jeans that had a hole in them and put a minnie head over the hole (this makes three) - this time all polka dots. That was the end of day 2.

Day 3 I spent 2 hours trying to make the right size button holes before I tried it on the shirt. One of them is good and one is a little tight, but I figure she really only needs to unbutton one to get it on and off. The ruffle took another 3 or 4 hours to accomplish. once that was on, I decided the minnie head would have looked much better black with the polka dot bow...so, minnie head #4 gets cut out and appliqued.

Today, I finally found and glued the ric rac (sp) on the bottom. So...yes it is my first but it has LOTS of trial and error in it.

Anyway, thanks again for all the sweet comments...you guys certainly know how to make a gal feel great!!:goodvibes
I am looking for someone who could/knows how to make a replica of Junes purple dress from little einsteins. please PM me. thanks!
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