Direct add on question


Earning My Ears
Jun 2, 2006
I am exploring purchasing resale the adding a small direct contract. What is the minimum amount of points I would need to purchase from resale in order to purchase direct?
Thanks, Chris
Any resale contract.

But buy resale first. Easier to match UY, and then if you pay cash you can buy only 25 direct.
Terrific! Thanks for that info ... I will def look to keep UY the same if possible!
Terrific! Thanks for that info ... I will def look to keep UY the same if possible!

DVC will pretty much insist that you add on the same UY direct. By buying the resale first you can have a few more options on the table and then direct they will match up. The only thing might be dependent on the resort you are looking to add on direct at as sometimes there's a waitlist for some, or all UY's and there are a few resorts they won't waitlist you for if they don't have the points available when you check - the is BCV, VGC and VGF the last I heard.
Dvc won’t insist on you keeping the same UY if they don’t have points available in your UY
But it's a nuisance to have a 25-point contract in a different UY.
I bought a 25-pt add-on at SSR. Same resort, same use year. I paid by credit card over the phone and the points were available immediately. Doing so allowed me to buy discounted annual passes, which are a great savings for my family. We will get three trips on our current annual passes before we allow them to expire.
Dvc won’t insist on you keeping the same UY if they don’t have points available in your UY

For an add-on, you'll have to wait for the same UY direct and usually the same unit # as well. DVD won't sell you 25 points in a different UY than you already have a membership in.
Dvc won’t insist on you keeping the same UY if they don’t have points available in your UY

An "add-on" must have the same UY month as the master contract. Otherwise it would be a separate membership.
For an add-on, you'll have to wait for the same UY direct and usually the same unit # as well. DVD won't sell you 25 points in a different UY than you already have a membership in.

An "add-on" must have the same UY month as the master contract. Otherwise it would be a separate membership.

I was offered less than 50 points with a different UY as DVC didn’t have my UY available. When I arrived to Orlando they did have my UY available so I got 25 points in my current UY.

So DVC do offer less than 50 points on a new master even though the rules says otherwise.
I was offered less than 50 points with a different UY as DVC didn’t have my UY available. When I arrived to Orlando they did have my UY available so I got 25 points in my current UY.

So DVC do offer less than 50 points on a new master even though the rules says otherwise.

As a rule, no, but that's just their "policy", in quotes because it's at their discretion. In other words, they could sell you a 1 point new membership contract if they wanted to. Officially, the minimum is 50 for a new membership, 25 for an add-on.
As a rule, no, but that's just their "policy", in quotes because it's at their discretion. In other words, they could sell you a 1 point new membership contract if they wanted to. Officially, the minimum is 50 for a new membership, 25 for an add-on.

I agree that it's more like a guideline l.
Under annual dues my new 25 point direct add-on no longer says pending. It says $0 so I am thinking it has officially closed (been about 9 days). I have a Feb use year and the guide said I would be paying pro-rated dues for the 25 pts. Am I getting away with no dues or do you guys think it just needs a few more days to update?
Am I getting away with no dues or do you guys think it just needs a few more days to update?

No, you will still pay the prorated dues for the 3+ months left of 2017. Your Guide should have told you exactly how much your prorated dues are. Mine did.
Under annual dues my new 25 point direct add-on no longer says pending. It says $0 so I am thinking it has officially closed (been about 9 days). I have a Feb use year and the guide said I would be paying pro-rated dues for the 25 pts. Am I getting away with no dues or do you guys think it just needs a few more days to update?

I remember pro-rated dues coming 4-6 weeks after a direct purchase. Of course that was Snail mail but have no fear, they will come. :goodvibes
We bought direct mid August, and the deed got recorded 9-2-2017 and the dues amount showed up just yesterday on my account.
For an add-on, you'll have to wait for the same UY direct and usually the same unit # as well. DVD won't sell you 25 points in a different UY than you already have a membership in.
I don't think it'll have to be the same unit as one owns, just same UY. What they may or may not require is for all of the add on to be in the same "unit" but that's not consistent, esp if they have orphaned points. They have sold smaller than 25 pt contracts totally 25 points a few times when the situation called for it, I've always assumed that was because they had orphaned points. The only time I'm aware they simply sold less than 25 was for the BLT reallocation but there may be some other special situations.

I was offered less than 50 points with a different UY as DVC didn’t have my UY available. When I arrived to Orlando they did have my UY available so I got 25 points in my current UY.

So DVC do offer less than 50 points on a new master even though the rules says otherwise.
We've seen this reported but it's been few and far between.
I don't think it'll have to be the same unit as one owns, just same UY. What they may or may not require is for all of the add on to be in the same "unit" but that's not consistent, esp if they have orphaned points

Hence why I added the "usually". :) I've seen some direct add-ons that are not the same unit #, but the vast majority are.
Hence why I added the "usually". :) I've seen some direct add-ons that are not the same unit #, but the vast majority are.
I wasn't totally sure whether you were saying it had to be the same unit as one owned or the add on points had to be in the same unit themselves. I've never seen any indication that the former was even a consideration and maybe one or 2 posts over the years that the latter was even an issue. I don't ever recall a post that said they had the points but they weren't in "my" unit and maybe one or two where the issue was they didn't have points in a single unit and it was an issue that wasn't a UY issue. It would make sense that the majority of small add ons were all in the same unit both because of the nature of the points they have to sell and that the unit is tied to UY. I believe the issue would have having points in the same UY, not really the same unit per se.

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