Diet Help?

Hm, nope. If you have low confidence, you only THINK getting skinnier will help. It really doesn't.

it all depends i have low confidence and all and i have been losing a lot of weight and being skinner makes me feel more comfy in my own skin and be myslef
I'm going to differ here and side with luis enrique.

for me, my confidence doesn't have to do all with my weight, but losing some would help. i think it depends on where you are from though. my area is full of extremely skinny girls, appearance is everything in my high school. do you wear the right clothes? what size are you? that deal. and i'm not skinny, to their standards. they get the most attention from the best looking guys at our school (i guess im not too far away from judging on appearance but i never said i was so... hahah). ive got self confidence, but sometime i wish i was smaller. i dunno, its a personal thing but this town has cracked a lot of people. i know someone who had medical/personal issues because of the appearance pressure this town puts on us. just a different side to it...

but remeber, everyone is different. there is some people that feel more confident after dieting and losing weight

♥Ariel♥;33243686 said:
it all depends i have low confidence and all and i have been losing a lot of weight and being skinner makes me feel more comfy in my own skin and be myslef
Trust me guys, losing weight will not bring you the satisfaction you think it will. It doesn't matter where you're from or whatever, being thinner won't make you more popular or attractive to guys.

Obviously I'm not getting through to you guys, lol! So I hope you guys learn to love yourself for who you are.
Trust me guys, losing weight will not bring you the satisfaction you think it will. It doesn't matter where you're from or whatever, being thinner won't make you more popular or attractive to guys.

Obviously I'm not getting through to you guys, lol! So I hope you guys learn to love yourself for who you are.
Obviously we are not getting through to each other xD hahaha oh well
Trust me guys, losing weight will not bring you the satisfaction you think it will. It doesn't matter where you're from or whatever, being thinner won't make you more popular or attractive to guys.

Obviously I'm not getting through to you guys, lol! So I hope you guys learn to love yourself for who you are.
also I wanted to ask...are you speaking on behalf of a personal experience?
I have to agree with Jenny that losing weight probably isn't going to instantly make you popular, give you more attention, have people jumping all around you telling you have beautiful you look.

I lost 40 pounds since June 08. I did it because I was tired of being overweight and I wanted to show people that I could be skinny. Well I did, but as I got closer I started caring more about what I thought then what others thought. I thought more about being healthy and how I felt then what others would think when I went back to school 20 pounds lighter. I'm skinny, I go to school, my compliments come from friends and maybe two from other people? Nobody pays anymore attention to me then they used to, and I'm not anymore popular than I was.

BUT, anyways. lol.
Think of it more as a lifestyle change. If you diet and then you stop dieting you'll gain it back. I find the best place to start is giving up soda. I found it was the easiest thing to do, my grandma just recently started giving up her diet soda and said she hasn't had a headache or backache after about a week of being without it.

Exercise will help you be healthier, I'll admit that I probably couldn't have lost weight without exercise because what I was eating was lenient and I didn't care for good foods. It makes you stronger and now I love to exercise, when I used to be the last picked in gym class. It lets me take stress out as well.

The eating is the hardest for me, I won't eat something healthy if I don't like the taste. I love broccoli, but I hate bananas. Therefore I don't eat bananas but I need to find something to replace those nutrients. You also need to try new things. I learned to LOVE oatmeal. It's super delicious to me now. At first I didn't care for it, but then I started eating it more often and now I've learned to love it. I'm definately not a expert on eating, it's still something I'm working on.

Losing weight made me be healthier and being healthy made me happier. Exercise and knowing that I have determination and willpower made me more confident. Of course looking good made me a little more confident. ;) It lets me do more things that I want, but it didn't make me more noticed.
also I wanted to ask...are you speaking on behalf of a personal experience?
It's called personal experience for a reason. :goodvibes

But, I'll say that I'm currently eating healthier and trying to exercise. I was trying to get back to the weight I used to be, but I realize that isn't going to happen, and I'm trying to learn to be happy with the way I am. I still like to eat healthy though, because it makes me feel good.
I have to agree with Jenny that losing weight probably isn't going to instantly make you popular, give you more attention, have people jumping all around you telling you have beautiful you look.

I lost 40 pounds since June 08. I did it because I was tired of being overweight and I wanted to show people that I could be skinny. Well I did, but as I got closer I started caring more about what I thought then what others thought. I thought more about being healthy and how I felt then what others would think when I went back to school 20 pounds lighter. I'm skinny, I go to school, my compliments come from friends and maybe two from other people? Nobody pays anymore attention to me then they used to, and I'm not anymore popular than I was.

BUT, anyways. lol.
Think of it more as a lifestyle change. If you diet and then you stop dieting you'll gain it back. I find the best place to start is giving up soda. I found it was the easiest thing to do, my grandma just recently started giving up her diet soda and said she hasn't had a headache or backache after about a week of being without it.

Exercise will help you be healthier, I'll admit that I probably couldn't have lost weight without exercise because what I was eating was lenient and I didn't care for good foods. It makes you stronger and now I love to exercise, when I used to be the last picked in gym class. It lets me take stress out as well.

The eating is the hardest for me, I won't eat something healthy if I don't like the taste. I love broccoli, but I hate bananas. Therefore I don't eat bananas but I need to find something to replace those nutrients. You also need to try new things. I learned to LOVE oatmeal. It's super delicious to me now. At first I didn't care for it, but then I started eating it more often and now I've learned to love it. I'm definately not a expert on eating, it's still something I'm working on.

Losing weight made me be healthier and being healthy made me happier. Exercise and knowing that I have determination and willpower made me more confident. Of course looking good made me a little more confident. ;) It lets me do more things that I want, but it didn't make me more noticed.
I like your post. I think feeling healthy makes you feel better! And by that I don't mean it has the magical quality of making you more outgoing or able to talk to guys. It just makes you feel better.
It's called personal experience for a reason. :goodvibes

But, I'll say that I'm currently eating healthier and trying to exercise. I was trying to get back to the weight I used to be, but I realize that isn't going to happen, and I'm trying to learn to be happy with the way I am. I still like to eat healthy though, because it makes me feel good.

I like your post. I think feeling healthy makes you feel better! And by that I don't mean it has the magical quality of making you more outgoing or able to talk to guys. It just makes you feel better.

Thanks. :goodvibes

Yeah, I didn't drop a lot of weight and then BAM, I was a superstar.
I still have acne (Though eating better cleared it up some). I still don't talk to many people besides my friends. I still love school. I've still never had a boyfrind. I still have my same personality. I'm just a lot more happy and free knowing that I can do things I want and even if nobody notices, that is okay.
Remember Girls and Guys diet different ways. It's kind of hard for a guy to tell a girl how to lose weight, if the guy's not medically trained.

You don't have to be medically trained to instruct someone how to properly diet. Unless that person has very specific dietary needs, it would be rather easy.

♥Ariel♥;33243661 said:
umm i really feel like i can help you here. i was recently diagnosed with pre diabetes and my doctor keeps telling me diets for the most part are doomed for failure because after time and time again you get bored and sick of what you are eating and then u splurge on junk and it ruins everything you have acheived.

I swear to God i am not lying within a month and a half i have dropped nine pounds because i have been eating healtheir, and smaller portions. even though eating right and smaller portions is extreamly important is is 80% of it all.

Your doctor is right.. however, most people do not diet correctly. You don't have to give up everything. I know a guy from a weight lifting website that lost 20 pounds and went from 15% to 8% body fat and he ate junk a lot. He just knew how to keep in in moderation and still get other necessary nutrients to be healthy. Everyone needs to remember this: It's not what you eat, it's how much of it you eat.

Also, diet is the most important part of it. You can exercise for two hours a day and still not lose weight. As long as you're eating equal/more calories than your body needs, you won't lose weight. If you don't exercise, but eat less than maintenance calories, you will lose weight. Exercise just makes it easier since it burns calories and you can compensate for those by eating more than you could if you didn't exercise.

And I have to side against Jenny here. While I've never had self-confidence problems, I was always a little insecure taking my shirt off since I was chubby. Then about last January I got serious into weight lifting and eating better and now I've gotten compliments when I've taken my shirt off and it's made me a heck of a lot more comfortable going to the pool and stuff like that.
Trust me guys, losing weight will not bring you the satisfaction you think it will. It doesn't matter where you're from or whatever, being thinner won't make you more popular or attractive to guys.

Obviously I'm not getting through to you guys, lol! So I hope you guys learn to love yourself for who you are.

i think it is just we all consider our levels of satisfaction and confidence differently which is perfectly fine. but i know i was so incredibly shy and nervous about talking to people, let alone guys, so it was hard this year to make friends when i went to public school for the first time and had no friends watsover who continued private schooling. i was constatnly worried i would be made fun of for my weight and all since i am overweight, i got lucky and made some good friends who accept me and like me. but as i started loosing weight i started to feel more comfortable and i made some guy friends and stuff cause it was one last thing they could make me fun of me for right?

i am not saying it happens to all of us, but it does happen even if i didnt happen for you or someone you knew or whatever.
Jenny...I dont understand why you think everyone is the same? Because when I lose weight I feel good. I dont need to though...I weigh between 160-170 at 5'10"...when I gain muscle I feel way more confident with myself too. It is pretty much like you are setting a goal and succeeding at it.
Dieting and losing weight won't make you more confident.

Yes it will, and yes I speak from experience. Losing 50 pounds definitely helped me feel more confident as far as body image is concerned. I'm skinnier, I look better, and I feel better. I can now wear clothes that look good on a thinner frame, and yes it does make me happy. I feel much better now than when I was 50 pounds heavier.

Anyway, eating healthier definitely helps. Drinking milk a lot definitely helped with my metabolism. Lots and lots of water. Exercise won't hurt.
Anyway, eating healthier definitely helps. Drinking milk a lot definitely helped with my metabolism. Lots and lots of water. Exercise won't hurt.

Milk has a negative/neutral thermogenic effect.
Trust me guys, losing weight will not bring you the satisfaction you think it will. It doesn't matter where you're from or whatever, being thinner won't make you more popular or attractive to guys.

Obviously I'm not getting through to you guys, lol! So I hope you guys learn to love yourself for who you are.

I guess I should have worded my post a little differently. I'm not trying to say that losing weight and being skinny will make me more popular or attractive to guys, but that's the type of society I live in. I see the skinner girls being the popular ones and the ones with typical "high school experience". I'm happy with myself, most of the time. I love myself most of the time too. But I was just pointing out that losing weight can have an effect on your happiness using my friend as an example. She has been working out and eating and slowly looking better (not that she didn't look fine before but better in her eyes) and happier as well. I've noticed her happiness, so have others. Maybes it from working out, maybe its from losing weight, maybe its from her dealing with issues; no matter she's happy and I'm happy for her.

ps...not trying to mean or anything, but it doesn't really seem like we are getting through to you either. So lets agree to disagree? hahah =)
I can also vouch from personal experience that losing a bit of weight definitely CAN boost confidence.
If you lose weight and are at a healthy weight and look in the mirror and still think you're fat...that's where eating disorders start.
But I have lost weight in the past and it really really did make me feel soooo much better about myself! I've been trying to get back on track with my diet lately, but I'm so not motivated so it's kind of taking a toll on my confidence (but only a teeny tiny bit hehe)

My mom joined a group called women's bootcamp, and she goes everyday and hasn't really lost a lot of weight poundage-wsie, but she's looking much better and much slimmer.

So, my only advice to you, would be don't obsess over the number on the scale, just try and focus on feeling good about your size, not your weight. Sometimes when I exercise a lot I gain weight, but I don't le it bother me, because I know I'm losing inches rather than pounds.

Good Luck!!
I can also vouch from personal experience that losing a bit of weight definitely CAN boost confidence.
If you lose weight and are at a healthy weight and look in the mirror and still think you're fat...that's where eating disorders start.
But I have lost weight in the past and it really really did make me feel soooo much better about myself! I've been trying to get back on track with my diet lately, but I'm so not motivated so it's kind of taking a toll on my confidence (but only a teeny tiny bit hehe)

My mom joined a group called women's bootcamp, and she goes everyday and hasn't really lost a lot of weight poundage-wsie, but she's looking much better and much slimmer.

So, my only advice to you, would be don't obsess over the number on the scale, just try and focus on feeling good about your size, not your weight. Sometimes when I exercise a lot I gain weight, but I don't le it bother me, because I know I'm losing inches rather than pounds.

Good Luck!!

Then commit me, lol! I'm at a healthy weight, my BMI is fine but it's on the middle to high end. I think I defintiely could stand to lose 10 more pounds, but everyone says I look like a stick already.
Those bootcamps look ROUGH!. Give hugs to your mama for me. :hug: You're so right, it doesn't take much to look better. I've seen a lot of people who could stand to lose 20 pounds, but 5 pounds lost still makes them look so much slimmer.

Another thing is pants size. I don't like paying attention to the pants size, espeically in juniors. It's kinda depressing because I wear a since 9 in juniors at 130 pounds. My friends are stunned when they see me walk out of a try on room wearing a 9, and then they say "are you sure that's not a 5?!". So my advice is don't pay attention to the numbers, pay attention to how YOU feel.
Then commit me, lol! I'm at a healthy weight, my BMI is fine but it's on the middle to high end. I think I defintiely could stand to lose 10 more pounds, but everyone says I look like a stick already.
Those bootcamps look ROUGH!. Give hugs to your mama for me. :hug: You're so right, it doesn't take much to look better. I've seen a lot of people who could stand to lose 20 pounds, but 5 pounds lost still makes them look so much slimmer.

Another thing is pants size. I don't like paying attention to the pants size, espeically in juniors. It's kinda depressing because I wear a since 9 in juniors at 130 pounds. My friends are stunned when they see me walk out of a try on room wearing a 9, and then they say "are you sure that's not a 5?!". So my advice is don't pay attention to the numbers, pay attention to how YOU feel.

:thumbsup2 yes ma'am!!!! that's what i try to tell everyone (especially my mom! she keeps getting upset that she's not losing weight, but it's because she's gaining muscle!!)

she's a trooper though! it's REALLY tough! so i'm happy for her!
now i just need to join :lmao:
Thnx For The Help.

It Will Make Me Feel Better About My Self Than I Am Now Because I Will Be The Right Weight For My Height And Age. I No Tht Some Of Uu Think Losing Weight Doesnt Give You More Confidence, But When I Lost Weight Before I Felt Better, But Then I Put It Back On. So I Want Help To Lose It Again. Thank you.x

plz no more 'disagreements' thnnx
Eh, I found it to work for me. Everyone loses weight in different ways, but for me the milk helped.

I'm not trying to argue with you here.. But, food's thermogenic effect doesn't change by person. It either slowed your metabolism, or didn't effect it at all, depending on how much of it you drank.


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