Did Da DOO


Everyone Is Responsible For Everyone.
Aug 8, 2000
1. Always enjoyed Fort Wilderness . . . the locale, the campers and CMs.
. . . Always enjoyed working behind the FW Concierge Desk.
. . . Always enjoyed the music and show at the Hoop-Dee-Doo-Review.

2. For my 75th Birthday this March, my dear wife got me tickets to Da DOO!
. . . She was able to get second row seating.

3. Disney change the music change to avoid paying Royalties
. . . We wondered how it affected the show.
. . . The actors were just as enthusiastic as before, even with the new music.
. . . the banjo player even let me dash off two tunes during the meal

4. I liked the previous show and tunes, but this was every bit as fun.

5. Our waitress, Jeanette, was on-top of all our food and Drink Needs.
. . . And for my birthday, my Drink Needs were aplenty.
. . . I did not exhaust the Chardonnay winery, but they did put on a 2nd shift.
. . . Although not necessary, we did add an extra cash tip for her.

6. I took my FW 50th Backpack and had several kind words about it.

7. All-in-All a fun and enjoyable evening with my bride.
. . . (Yes, someone found the courage& strength to be with me for 39-years!)

PS -
It was a terrific March-2024 for celebrating my birthday.
. . . Did Da DOO (FW)
. . . Did Shula (Dolphin) for us and two other close couples
. . . Did IL Mulino (Swan) for just wife and me.
. . . Did the Swan Lake Ballet (watched, not danced)
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Happy Birthday! What a great way to celebrate. Sounds like anniversary plans are next 😁
It sounds like you had a great birthday! I have always had a soft spot in my heart for "The Doo" :).
First Happy Belated Birthday!!

And 2nd, we went last Summer and it was still a hoot. I would happily go again!


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