Dec trips


<font color=darkcoral>DVC is the place for me<br><
Sep 18, 2000
So who will be at WDW this coming Dec 2001 we will be there from the 9th to the 19th staying at BWV and then WLV we would love to meet up with anyone who will be ther even if it to stop and say HI. let us know we look foreward to meeting all the fellow canuks there that we can.
Darren & Lisa :cool:
My wife, 10 yr old son and I will be there December 16 to December 26.

16 & 17 at Animal Kingdom Lodge
18 to 26 at All Star Sports.
I am going solo for the DIS convention, Nov.27-Dec.2or3rd. I'm very excited about my first solo adventure! :)


We will be there for the DIS convention (staying at the BC) then we leave on a 4 day Disney cruise followed by another 4 nights at AKL. Our exact dates are Nov. 28th - Dec. 10th.


11/01 Beach Club
12/01 Wonder Cruise
12/01 AKL
We should try and meet up for whoever will be there we arrive on the 9th on Dis property we will be in the Orlando area on the 8th. If anyone would like we could meet up for lunch or something one day. Kinda like our own Disney meet at WDW what do you think?
Darren & Lisa ;)


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