Debt Dumpers 2023

I’m debating getting a switch lite for my DH for Christmas. I can’t figure out how to tell which games work with switch lite. Am I missing something? I’ve read all games are not compatible but I am not sure how to tell which are (or are not). I’d like to get a few games to go with it. Would love any pointers for figuring that out or game suggestions. Thanks
We're thinking similarly to you. I think (though I don't know for certain) that all the Switch games work for it.

We're getting the normal (not the fancy OED) Switch so that we can all play together (Switch Lite just works on the screen it comes with). It's the one Xmas present we're buying this year and we got it for $299 on Amazon along w/a Mario game & a 3 month online subscription that we'll probably extend to 12 months so that we can access all the online games. We tracked the price for more than a month and it hasn't moved & thought it was the most competitive, bang-for-buck solution.

And we paid for it by getting some outstanding reimbursements/rebates submitted. It makes such a difference!
I hadn't expected to get much done this week, but I've been incredibly sick, so it's even worse.

1. Keep the credit cards empty - DONE! Still using them and paying them off before they start earning interest.
-I put a ton of stuff on them last weekend, but I think I can pay them off before the deadline.
2. Figure out a way to put some sort of extra on the mortgage, even if it's the $100 minimum - DONE!
3. Get some things I NEED to have (rims/tires for the car, items that need replacing at home, etc)
-Nothing this week
4. Get a savings plan going for the big stuff that comes due in one lump sum payment (insurance, property tax)
-No progress this week, and maybe not for the whole winter. I need to pay a fair bit for some #3 stuff, and need to determine how much that'll cost me before throwing money into savings. Christmas is coming, along with a couple bigger things for the house that I need to deal with. On the bright side, I got some good deals last weekend, and put a huge dent in my Christmas shopping.

General stuff:
1. Make a will - DONE!
2. Continue to clear out the crap. I need to go through my clothes and that sort of thing. I got a pile done in 2022, but it really wasn't enough.
-1 item gone this week.
3. Look for a new job. The reason nothing has been getting done is because I'm burned out from my existing job and I'm being severely underpaid for the work I do.
-Checked the email notifications and job sites daily.
4. Get my passport.-DONE!
5. Knock some half-finished projects off the list. Everything from making a scarf to some jewelry. Lots of stuff has been started, but not finished. Enough already!
-Nothing this week
6. Get into better shape. I'd like to say 'lose weight', but I'd be happy to be able to run up my own steps without getting winded. The weight loss may or may not come, but it's not as important.
-No actual workouts, but I did 2 short walks before getting sick
7. Spend more time with loved ones. I don't see friends/family much. I guess I really need to do #3 in order to facilitate this one.
-I had family in town all weekend
8. Organize my stuff!
End of November/beginning of December update:

2023 Financial Goals:
  • Pay off our Highlander loan (Roughly $19500 at the start of the year) - DONE!
  • Increase my contributions to my "other" savings accounts (pets/gifts/CC fees). - I've been able to throw some more money into these accounts over the last month. Will look into a better system in the new year.

2023 Personal Goals:
  • Travel more - To finish out 2023 we will be visiting Disneyland. To start off 2024 we will be flying down to Cabo. Both of these trips are already paid off. Not sure what all we will be doing in 2024 yet, but I know we have a couple different country concert weekends booked.
  • Live life and be happy - The month of December is always super busy for me, but I don't mind. I love Christmas and all the lights and the feeling that people don't suck as much as they normally seem too.
After my sprained foot incident on Thanksgiving, my FIL decided to 1-up me by falling off a ladder in his garage, giving himself a concussion, and fracturing his left ankle. Luckily overall he is ok, but unfortunately he's off work until the beginning of the year.

I don't honestly think I have too much to report on. I'll be busy this month with visiting friends/family, a Disneyland trip, making tons of cookies (I always send DH to work with cookies to share and I'll be making some for my visit with family), and just enjoying the lights and ambiance of the holiday. I love driving around at night and looking at all the houses that are decorated. It makes my soul happy.

The new range that we bought on Black Friday should be delivered on 12/23 and i'm looking forward to getting it. We're going to try and sell our old one since it works perfectly well and it still looks pretty good. The only reason we upgraded was because I've been wanting to get something to match all of our other appliances. Everything else (fridge, dishwasher - upgraded last year, microwave) are in black stainless steel and the current range is just stainless steel. If we're unable to sell it, i'll more than likely just donate it. But if I could make a little money to put towards the new one that would be great.

I hope everyone enjoyed their Thanksgiving holiday (if you celebrate, or just the end of November if you don't). Anyone have any fun plans for the Christmas holiday?
on the subject of ranges/stoves-apparantly myself and mine will be time traveling o_O just got the automated call from the service provider to confirm my appointment on monday and it said 'you will meet with our provider between 8 a.m. and 11 a.m. on monday december 4th 1923':crazy: i thought i misheard it but no, the recording repeated the same date 2 more times:rotfl:
If they charge you for anything, make sure they charge you the 1923 prices. :rotfl2::rotfl2:

still under warranty BUT we did pick this particular model of thermador b/c it was the most old school/ LEAST techie (old school knobs to turn on the burners and oven).
the repairman came out. he initialy thought that maybe the liquid propane conversion had been done incorrectly but it checked out. ended up that the factory pre-sets on all the burners AND the oven were not where they should be set at. i now have a very visable difference between the high and low settings on the burners and my oven is getting up to temp. he also took the time to explain some of the differences between newer ovens and 'older' (our kitchenaide was 12 years old so not THAT old but things have changed in manufacturing that impact cooking times).
Just got back from my Disney/Universal trip ,,,it was so nice to warm up a bit.(Canadian here.)
Gave me time away to really think over my financial stuff.

Before I retired I had a few savings accounts with my credit union.
Since I've gone back to supplying a few days a week I am going to reopen a couple of them ,, Christmas Time account and Summer Time account.... even putting in $20-25 every two weeks is worth it.

I also started my *Found Money challenge *
Just for a rainy day like when the dishwasher broke last month.

Christmas shopping is pretty much done,, I just have a few candy treats and that's it.
I think.................. something always comes up at the last minute.

Here a copy for 2024

Hugs Mel
I think it was on this thread: some kind of "i've fallen and can't get up" device for MIL. she won't use her smartphone so just ordered red jitterbug flip phone. but i'd like something she can wear around her neck. DH and I live about 2 miles away so we can get there fast. if not, then ems

I think it was on this thread: some kind of "i've fallen and can't get up" device for MIL. she won't use her smartphone so just ordered red jitterbug flip phone. but i'd like something she can wear around her neck. DH and I live about 2 miles away so we can get there fast. if not, then ems


my mom and mil got a service through their local hospital which was associated with a local ambulance service. if the thing was set off it was answered locally by staff with access to her med records so they knew to inquire how to dispatch response-

should we try your dd first? if she does not answer who is 2nd (neighbor) contact? they would try to see if the situation could be safely resolved prior to dispatching 911.
my mom and mil got a service through their local hospital which was associated with a local ambulance service. if the thing was set off it was answered locally by staff with access to her med records so they knew to inquire how to dispatch response-

should we try your dd first? if she does not answer who is 2nd (neighbor) contact? they would try to see if the situation could be safely resolved prior to dispatching 911.
thank you

our most local hospital is one I'd never want anyone to go to! I'll check if the preferred hospitals have something.
I think it was on this thread: some kind of "i've fallen and can't get up" device for MIL. she won't use her smartphone so just ordered red jitterbug flip phone. but i'd like something she can wear around her neck. DH and I live about 2 miles away so we can get there fast. if not, then ems

We got one for my husbands grandmother. We went through ADT. We have had some issues with billing (they claim they didn't get her check but we are working through this). She only wore it about 2 weeks and is refusing to use it. She signed a 3 month contract and will be canceling after that time is up against the family wishes but she is not in a spot for my mother in law to be able to step in yet. So their isn't much we can do.
ya know-there are smart watches that have fall detection apps that notify others if the wearer falls. i know that the apple watch version will detect and if the wearer does not respond in 30 seconds it auto contacts emergency contacts you preset alerting them of the fall/gps location. my mom was not a fan of wearing her alert system call button but she might have been fine wearing an entirely waterproof watch she had a voice in the style and color on (and noone would know she had an alert system).
ya know-there are smart watches that have fall detection apps that notify others if the wearer falls. i know that the apple watch version will detect and if the wearer does not respond in 30 seconds it auto contacts emergency contacts you preset alerting them of the fall/gps location. my mom was not a fan of wearing her alert system call button but she might have been fine wearing an entirely waterproof watch she had a voice in the style and color on (and noone would know she had an alert system).
I did not know about this. I will have to look into it. She might wear a watch.
My "sick" turned out to be covid. This is my first time with it, and unfortunately my entire family wound up with it.

1. Keep the credit cards empty - DONE! Still using them and paying them off before they start earning interest.
-I've almost paid down the mess I put on them recently, and they should be all paid before the interest starts
2. Figure out a way to put some sort of extra on the mortgage, even if it's the $100 minimum - DONE!
3. Get some things I NEED to have (rims/tires for the car, items that need replacing at home, etc)
-Nothing this week, probably nothing else this year
4. Get a savings plan going for the big stuff that comes due in one lump sum payment (insurance, property tax)
-No progress this week, and maybe not for the whole winter. I need to pay a fair bit for some #3 stuff, and need to determine how much that'll cost me before throwing money into savings. I still have some things to get for Christmas too.

General stuff:
1. Make a will - DONE!
2. Continue to clear out the crap. I need to go through my clothes and that sort of thing. I got a pile done in 2022, but it really wasn't enough.
-1 item gone this week.
3. Look for a new job. The reason nothing has been getting done is because I'm burned out from my existing job and I'm being severely underpaid for the work I do.
-Checked the email notifications and job sites daily. That was about all I had in me.
4. Get my passport.-DONE!
5. Knock some half-finished projects off the list. Everything from making a scarf to some jewelry. Lots of stuff has been started, but not finished. Enough already!
-Nothing this week
6. Get into better shape. I'd like to say 'lose weight', but I'd be happy to be able to run up my own steps without getting winded. The weight loss may or may not come, but it's not as important.
-Nothing. I've been too sick to do anything.
7. Spend more time with loved ones. I don't see friends/family much. I guess I really need to do #3 in order to facilitate this one.
-Nope. I don't want to make anyone sick.
8. Organize my stuff!
My "sick" turned out to be covid. This is my first time with it, and unfortunately my entire family wound up with it.

1. Keep the credit cards empty - DONE! Still using them and paying them off before they start earning interest.
-I've almost paid down the mess I put on them recently, and they should be all paid before the interest starts
2. Figure out a way to put some sort of extra on the mortgage, even if it's the $100 minimum - DONE!
3. Get some things I NEED to have (rims/tires for the car, items that need replacing at home, etc)
-Nothing this week, probably nothing else this year
4. Get a savings plan going for the big stuff that comes due in one lump sum payment (insurance, property tax)
-No progress this week, and maybe not for the whole winter. I need to pay a fair bit for some #3 stuff, and need to determine how much that'll cost me before throwing money into savings. I still have some things to get for Christmas too.

General stuff:
1. Make a will - DONE!
2. Continue to clear out the crap. I need to go through my clothes and that sort of thing. I got a pile done in 2022, but it really wasn't enough.
-1 item gone this week.
3. Look for a new job. The reason nothing has been getting done is because I'm burned out from my existing job and I'm being severely underpaid for the work I do.
-Checked the email notifications and job sites daily. That was about all I had in me.
4. Get my passport.-DONE!
5. Knock some half-finished projects off the list. Everything from making a scarf to some jewelry. Lots of stuff has been started, but not finished. Enough already!
-Nothing this week
6. Get into better shape. I'd like to say 'lose weight', but I'd be happy to be able to run up my own steps without getting winded. The weight loss may or may not come, but it's not as important.
-Nothing. I've been too sick to do anything.
7. Spend more time with loved ones. I don't see friends/family much. I guess I really need to do #3 in order to facilitate this one.
-Nope. I don't want to make anyone sick.
8. Organize my stuff!
Hope you’re feeling better soon!
Get her an Apple Watch 9. It has fall detection, blood oxygen numbers, checks for A Fib and so much more. Also easy to use.

My dad can't even make a phone call on his Apple phone, let alone the tiny watch. (He checks the weather and listens to music.) Also some Apple watches are water resistant but it's not recommended to get soap, shampoo, etc on it which is part of showering. If he fell in the shower, he wouldn't have that protection.
Also, he has dementia so he may not remember to put back it back on. He wears his pendant 24/7.
It's from Lifefone. They will call his house, then up to 4 contacts before calling 911.
Every now and then, the fall detection gives a false alarm but it's still a great service.

When my niece took him to the shore for a long weekend, she just packed up the base device that just needs an electric outlet to plug in. Once they get to the new location, just call Lifefone and give the address where he's staying so they know which town's emergency services they'd need to call.

It works well for him but different seniors have different needs and abilities.
ya know-there are smart watches that have fall detection apps that notify others if the wearer falls. i know that the apple watch version will detect and if the wearer does not respond in 30 seconds it auto contacts emergency contacts you preset alerting them of the fall/gps location. my mom was not a fan of wearing her alert system call button but she might have been fine wearing an entirely waterproof watch she had a voice in the style and color on (and noone would know she had an alert system).
i just had to order a jitterbug flip phone because she refuses to use a smart phone. while I love the idea of a watch I don't think she would "respond". I'm going to hook Alexa up to the phone, supposedly she can tell Alexa to make a call. that can work while in that area, so I guess better than nothing. I also bought a holder to wear around the neck so she always has the phone with her. hopefully by the time she gets back from rehab it'll be here and all set up
My dad can't even make a phone call on his Apple phone, let alone the tiny watch. (He checks the weather and listens to music.) Also some Apple watches are water resistant but it's not recommended to get soap, shampoo, etc on it which is part of showering. If he fell in the shower, he wouldn't have that protection.
Also, he has dementia so he may not remember to put back it back on. He wears his pendant 24/7.
It's from Lifefone. They will call his house, then up to 4 contacts before calling 911.
Every now and then, the fall detection gives a false alarm but it's still a great service.

When my niece took him to the shore for a long weekend, she just packed up the base device that just needs an electric outlet to plug in. Once they get to the new location, just call Lifefone and give the address where he's staying so they know which town's emergency services they'd need to call.

It works well for him but different seniors have different needs and abilities.
I'll look into that, thanks


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