Debt Dumpers - 2019

Any park bag suggestions? I don't want to carry my large backpack. I have a fanny pack I again can't find after moving since it's mainly just for vacations and it's tucked away somewhere here, but it's on the small side and would like a little larger. I have a running belt I actually love to use, even for walks around here, but the running belt barely carries more than my phone, sometimes you may have things like map or papers. I saw someone recently on a trip to Mount Vernon with a Kavu sling, I was thinking is there a nice, NON leather small backpack, sling, or fanny pack anyone recommends?

I bought the Kavu Sling for our trip last year. It worked out great. It's about half the size of a backpack and one thing I really liked was when I got on rides, I just slid it around to the front for the ride and wore it across my chest, so I never had to take it off.
I wanted to pop in for a mid month check in.

Our March budget is featuring a very healthy extra payment on DHs car loan. DH had a good commission check pay out in Feb. Those pay out on the 15th of the month when he has them, and I logged in and I see another today! He doesn't know yet what job it's for because he had to go out of town for the day, and then he'll be out of town Mon-Tues, so he won't get his paystub for it until Wed. Last month my OT pay was around $1350 after taxes/401k, and this month it'll be around $1850, so it looks like the April budget will also feature a healthy extra payment! So with luck that big ol' car payment won't be around by the end of the year...
@imbatman even though you don't want cheerleaders... just keep swimming :flower1:
Thank you! I did plunk away on the small stuff today. Made sure the next payments are scheduled. Caught up 3/4 of the spreadsheet. Balances are going down more slowly than I'd like, but they are receding. Going to work on some gardening this weekend and enjoy the sunshine after months of rain and snow. :cool1:
Mid Month Update time:

Like so many of you we have spent more than we should have this month. Unfortunately my DH had an abscess suddenly appear on his knee and then rupture within hours last Wednesday late night. They admitted him as his whole leg was red and slightly swollen, so we were there from midnight until 10am Thursday while they gave him IV antibiotics. He missed work Thursday and Friday due to his leg being almost impossible to walk on, and I missed Thursday due to being at the hospital with him all night Wednesday into Thursday and then needing to help get him all settled in at home. He had only 3 hours of PTO accrued that he could use and I'm self employed so no PTO for me, so we lost a good chunk of money there. We also just got a puppy 3 weeks ago and she needed one round of vaccines already with another round due next week so that's taking up some money there that wasn't initially budgeted. We haven't accrued any new debt, I've been able to move money around from non-essentials to cover things, but haven't paid as much off toward our debt as I hoped, and the hospital bills will be OOP so I'm dreading those arriving, though I looked online via the Portal the hospital has so I already know how much they will be. It will just be a matter of arranging a payment plan to pay them off.
Some good bag suggestions, thank you everyone. I didn't know Disney Springs had a Vera Bradley store, just noticed today. I'll have to look in that store when we go! Maybe that's a souvenir place for me will like to check out that store there, I never buy much for me personally from Disney, usually an ornament or t-shirt if that. I have a small purse and backpack from the VB line, not Disney though. In the meantime I'm going to look at some things online and see if I can't find a discounted sling or pack trying to stay around $30. I feel better getting some of this spring/summer clothes stuff out of the way now for kids, and in April can have the cards paid off of the clothes costs and just have Disney on there.

Got 2 more of the bills from Pi's arm fiasco. One is just over $100 and the other is $30. I'll be paying those when we go for follow up appointments next week with our HSA account.

Our car is thru a buy here, pay here place. I went in to make my payment and the lady asked how I was doing. I mentioned it had been a rough couple weeks with missing work and the ER/doctor visits and she actually moved my payment for next month to the end of the loan to give me breathing room. I am so happy for the little break in that payment so I can catch up on a few other things instead now. The new schedule has me completely paid off by March 2020. So, only one more year left!
That was great to happen, and 2020 isn't too far away.

I've stayed away for weeks because I am behind. I am sad and behind. In good news, our gym membership has expired and saves us over $300 this year. Long story, but it's a good thing to let go. I redid my tax deductions this year, in order to avoid paying state next year, and bring home $60 less a month. I am going to power through and adjust our sails because it'll be nice to not pay state next year. Still on target to pay off one card in August. Next is the car in November. And the unexpected vacation reimbursement in December. If I can just keep looking forward...

I'm not going to lie. It's been a hard season of choosing to be a good steward of our money. I want to kick my younger self in the teeth for doing this. This will pass, if we stick to the plan. But today, I am weary.

That said, I'm not looking for cheerleaders. Just wanted to pop in and express to the regulars and the lurkers that we all have days/weeks/months of feeling beat-up. Push through. It's better to dump the debt!
Looking forward is all we have!
Mid Month Update time:

Like so many of you we have spent more than we should have this month. Unfortunately my DH had an abscess suddenly appear on his knee and then rupture within hours last Wednesday late night. They admitted him as his whole leg was red and slightly swollen, so we were there from midnight until 10am Thursday while they gave him IV antibiotics. He missed work Thursday and Friday due to his leg being almost impossible to walk on, and I missed Thursday due to being at the hospital with him all night Wednesday into Thursday and then needing to help get him all settled in at home. He had only 3 hours of PTO accrued that he could use and I'm self employed so no PTO for me, so we lost a good chunk of money there. We also just got a puppy 3 weeks ago and she needed one round of vaccines already with another round due next week so that's taking up some money there that wasn't initially budgeted. We haven't accrued any new debt, I've been able to move money around from non-essentials to cover things, but haven't paid as much off toward our debt as I hoped, and the hospital bills will be OOP so I'm dreading those arriving, though I looked online via the Portal the hospital has so I already know how much they will be. It will just be a matter of arranging a payment plan to pay them off.
Sorry that happened with the medical!!! I love puppies/dogs!
Sorry that happened with the medical!!! I love puppies/dogs!

Thanks! His knee is pretty much healed now, just a scab over the small sore that's left now.

We adopted a mix breed from a local rescue, she was 10 weeks when we adopted her and is now 13 weeks. Apparently she (and her 4 sisters) are the product of an unexpected litter and the mother dog owner gave the puppies to the rescue because she didn't know how to find homes for them. They are thought to be Lab, Hound and Husky mix due to a combination of Mom being Lab, some of her sisters looking very hound-like and one of her sisters having blue eyes. She looks more Lab and Heeler mix though, but who knows. :confused3:rotfl:

Here she is, we named her Bindi

Some good bag suggestions, thank you everyone. I didn't know Disney Springs had a Vera Bradley store, just noticed today. I'll have to look in that store when we go! Maybe that's a souvenir place for me will like to check out that store there, I never buy much for me personally from Disney, usually an ornament or t-shirt if that. I have a small purse and backpack from the VB line, not Disney though. In the meantime I'm going to look at some things online and see if I can't find a discounted sling or pack trying to stay around $30. I feel better getting some of this spring/summer clothes stuff out of the way now for kids, and in April can have the cards paid off of the clothes costs and just have Disney on there.

I got a little Disney VB wallet when we were there last week. It seems like the only place to buy any Disney themed VB items is now at the Disney Springs store. They had a bag that was similar to the hipster, but not identical. There are some nice things for sure.
We adopted a mix breed from a local rescue, she was 10 weeks when we adopted her and is now 13 weeks. Apparently she (and her 4 sisters) are the product of an unexpected litter and the mother dog owner gave the puppies to the rescue because she didn't know how to find homes for them. They are thought to be Lab, Hound and Husky mix due to a combination of Mom being Lab, some of her sisters looking very hound-like and one of her sisters having blue eyes. She looks more Lab and Heeler mix though, but who knows. :confused3:rotfl:

Here she is, we named her Bindi

View attachment 388485

Such a cutie!
Mid-month check in! So I was CERTAIN we’d be buffered by April, but because me and my silly self didn’t take into account several expenses, that’s looking impossible. Namely, we have four birthdays in March (how in the world I didn’t take that into consideration when thinking through our budget is beyond me :rolleyes2), registration fees x4 for next school year, a downpayment for an Airbnb for a bachelor party my DH is in charge of as the best man and some other miscellaneous expenses. All told, those add up to over $1.5k in unusual expenses :scared: The good news is we’ll still buffer out about 75% of April AND we didn’t add any debt. I feel like we’re mostly treading water as far as debt dumping goes, but I also recognize we are doing far better with our budget than a few short years ago all thanks to YNAB and this group!


The first of our March birthdays is my baby. I cannot believe she is two today! :earseek::love: As our last baby (after five!) I was surprised how sad I felt we no longer have a ‘baby’ (although of course she is still quite young). It feels like we our entering a new era for our family! And I’m sorry if this is not allowed, but y’all are like family and I just have to share a pic of my birthday princess. Where does the time go??
Some good bag suggestions, thank you everyone. I didn't know Disney Springs had a Vera Bradley store, just noticed today. I'll have to look in that store when we go! Maybe that's a souvenir place for me will like to check out that store there, I never buy much for me personally from Disney, usually an ornament or t-shirt if that. I have a small purse and backpack from the VB line, not Disney though. In the meantime I'm going to look at some things online and see if I can't find a discounted sling or pack trying to stay around $30.

If you have time definitely check out a Vera Bradley Outlet store. We have one near us in Tampa and I always find the best buys there- however I'm not too picky about pattern. Some are super "not my cup of tea" but most are just older patterns.
I've decided that I am going to try to check in on Sundays. I skim the boards throughout the week but hate logging in on my phone. I'm old- I like a keyboard!
Money wise this was an OK week. I did buy DD's birthday present- she wanted a pair of AirPods. I had a $75 Apple gift card so after tax I was out about $93. Not too bad for an 18th birthday. She got them early and promised to understand that on her birthday she was getting a card and a Paw Patrol balloon. Only unexpected expense was $15 for her to get a t-shirt for their Gold vs. Green Days. I have her spending money set aside for her field trip this week. She has to be at school at 5:30am to catch the bus! HAHAHAHA

Eventually in the next 5-10 years I am going to move to Florida... and I want to start the process of going through "stuff"...
I'm having some difficulty with cleaning out the basement. I get overwhelmed and feel like the only solution is to take a nap! My current focus is my huge collection of Hallmark Christmas ornaments that I've been collecting for over 20 years. The only problem is I have never decorated a tree or a house with them. So they sit in bins in the basement and I know I will not have the same space in FL. Hence the need to pare down and purge. It's just hard. Sigh. At least I am aware of the goals/issues and will not be buying more this year. I think I am also going to set a timer for my basement time- that way I won't feel like I should be down there every waking moment- I did my two hours for the day (or whatever) and it's OK to do something else- like take a nap!

Happy St. Patrick's Day!! Have a great week!
I've decided that I am going to try to check in on Sundays. I skim the boards throughout the week but hate logging in on my phone. I'm old- I like a keyboard!
Money wise this was an OK week. I did buy DD's birthday present- she wanted a pair of AirPods. I had a $75 Apple gift card so after tax I was out about $93. Not too bad for an 18th birthday. She got them early and promised to understand that on her birthday she was getting a card and a Paw Patrol balloon. Only unexpected expense was $15 for her to get a t-shirt for their Gold vs. Green Days. I have her spending money set aside for her field trip this week. She has to be at school at 5:30am to catch the bus! HAHAHAHA

Eventually in the next 5-10 years I am going to move to Florida... and I want to start the process of going through "stuff"...
I'm having some difficulty with cleaning out the basement. I get overwhelmed and feel like the only solution is to take a nap! My current focus is my huge collection of Hallmark Christmas ornaments that I've been collecting for over 20 years. The only problem is I have never decorated a tree or a house with them. So they sit in bins in the basement and I know I will not have the same space in FL. Hence the need to pare down and purge. It's just hard. Sigh. At least I am aware of the goals/issues and will not be buying more this year. I think I am also going to set a timer for my basement time- that way I won't feel like I should be down there every waking moment- I did my two hours for the day (or whatever) and it's OK to do something else- like take a nap!

Happy St. Patrick's Day!! Have a great week!

Oh my goodness, I collect hallmark ornaments and I'd love to be able to look through your collection. :love: I only have a bin or so full though.

Out of curiosity why a paw patrol balloon? Lol
medical expenses are insane which is why it's so vital if given a choice between insurance plans to weigh out the monthly/yearly (deductibles/max oop costs) potential costs of higher vs. lower premium plans.

dh and i were never so glad to have always opted to pay for higher monthly cost/lower oop cost coverage than when our dd broke her arm about 15 years ago. it was a minor break but it uncovered an issue that necessitated orthopedic surgery. we had an hmo so all we ever paid were $10 copays for each appointment and $25 for the hospital overnight stay (for surgery). it was months of appointments and while i have no idea how much it all came to, the hospital hiccuped on the billing and sent it to us-the negotiated lower amount that the insurance company was paying out was over $60,000:faint::faint: if we had opted for the lower monthly cost plan our then employer's offered we would have been on the hook for a large deductible, 20% of all those doctor's appointments, mris, tests.... and $12,000 for the hospital-the equivalent to years and years and years of the higher cost of our insurance. at the same time a friend's child had a serious medical diagnosis. the friend always thought people like us who paid for the higher coverage plans were 'suckers' and he could do better 'banking the difference' (of course it never happened that the difference got banked)-in the first 3 months his kid's expenses were in the hundreds of thousands BEFORE he rolled into a new deductible year. within 6 months they were looking at over $50,000 just as THEIR share of the costs:sad2::sad2::sad2: my dd went on to need a second surgery-again low cost to us while his little guy needed several years of treatments to the point of financial destitution of their family.

We just went through this. We've been on an HMO by choice (they have often offered 3 choices, HMO was mid price choice, but lowest OOP). They were bought out by a larger company last year and now all forced under one plan with a choice between the higher and lower deductible plan (600 and 1200). I'm sure for the people that had the PPO options before, this is not all too different. But considering we paid almost NOTHING before, except rx and copays, this was jarring for us. They were all so excited to save about $300 a month. My daughter broke her arm in December and her treatment rode over the insurance change by ONE appointment. I paid ONE copay at the beginning of treatment, and then for two more appointments, paid NOTHING. Insurance changed, she had ONE more appointment with the new insurance and I paid $376. INSANITY. We did try out the FSA/HSA whatever it is. We have never had one. We only threw in $600. We still have not received the card. Now I see next time we will need to throw more into it.

March is turning out expensive after all. Buying clothes and shoes for two kids that need a ton of things because I haven't bought in a while. This should get through to next spring I hope for the short sleeve and shorts anyway. Plus they needed some cleats and things for sports. Anyway, way over budget as I had to get more than just shirts and shorts, but also running shoes, swimsuits, pajamas, socks, underwear, and light jackets, and I'm done and don't want to look in a kids clothing department until late fall or look online either. I still need to get some athletic slides for me, and would like some flip flops that can be worn around the parks, if I can find anything that works and doesn't hurt. I give up on trying to find a bathing suit!

Fellow Mom of two kids here. We're doing what I call the yearly clothing migration! We pull everything from last year out and see what still fits, bagging up what doesn't seeing what we need to buy for summer, making notes of what we might need for fall. Our first stops are usually once upon a child for the boy and Plato's closet for the girl. Then JCP/Childrens place with coupons. Then retail for specific things, like swimsuits.

So after we ate with abandon at WDW, we came home on Sunday and joined Weight Watchers. We both have about 30 lbs. to loose. DH and I are both serious about loosing the weight and so he said that he would join with me, for which I am so thankful. It is much easier to stick to the plan when you have family support. DH has jumped fully on board and has been tracking his points. We went grocery shopping on Sunday and he had his phone out scanning everything the whole time.

We are now on day 5 and I have been doing well. Keeping within my points range and not feeling hungry. DH has complained a bit that when he packs a salad with chicken for lunch it isn't enough and it leaves him hungry, so I told him that he needs to pack himself extra zero or low points items for snacks, like a piece of fruit. I think it will be a bit of an adjustment for him, but I am confident that he will stick with it and figure out what works. If not for his own sake, then for mine and DD. He talks about how he wants to have a long life to spend with DD. Not that he is obese or anything, but he will definitely benefit from loosing weight.

I am SO glad you have a partner in it! I joined on the 7th! I am trying to sustain myself as much as I can on zero point foods and then use the points on the things I refuse to give up (like REAL Duke's mayo in my egg salad). I'm not judgey but I wanted to puke in my mouth a little when at my meeting they were discussing using fat free greek yogurt in place of mayo. Having done whole30 and keto have taught me all about the chemicals in low/fat free and how we NEED healthy fats. So I struggle a little with the talk in meetings. But I am focusing on whole foods and not work arounds. I went for my second weigh in this past Thursday and was shocked to have lost 7.8. Got my 5lb chip. I was floored. The program is not new to me at all, but I think I like freestyle best, because there are SO many good zero point foods. You can completely sustain yourself on them. Good luck to you on your journey. I hope you and all the other WW members here will continue to post your progress!

I don't have any issues with them when they are wet, they get a little slippery, but it's not too bad. I wore them on our last trip to DL a few weeks ago and it rained on us pretty much the entire day. You could always bring a small towel with you to wipe them off after a thunderstorm. These definitely don't feel like walking on a sponge to me though.

I must have missed this, can you link to them? I am always on the lookout for comfy flip flop. I normally wear the Nike comfort sandals. I am going to need to buy some soon, but I'd love to see the Sketchers ones.

I know it's a more expensive option, but I have had good luck with swimsuits from Lands End.

Good luck on weight watchers! I think you will find it really doable for the most part (I say as I'm eating a bagel that is clearly not within my plan!). We leave for Disney in 10 day and I am hopeful to be motivated when I return to get back on the wagon! There are some jack links turkey snack sticks that are 1 point for 2 sticks that are good snacks.

We are now 10 days out from our trip and the desire to spend and already check out is STRONG! Had two days off of work due to a blizzard so no money spent there. Husband has been working a lot of overtime- some he signed up for and some he had to do due to the blizzard so the impulse to eat out and just slack off is strong! Trying to stay strong!

Last month I had suspicious spots cut off- the bill is almost $800 between testing the doctor doing it! UGH!

I would really like to invest in a LA suit. The closest location to me is about an hour away. Since I am doing WW and feeling good about it so far, I might wait until May and drive out so I can try them on for a more accurate fit. We go to Wisconsin Dells at the beginning of June so that way I don't have to order multiple sizes and such!

Got 2 more of the bills from Pi's arm fiasco. One is just over $100 and the other is $30. I'll be paying those when we go for follow up appointments next week with our HSA account.

Our car is thru a buy here, pay here place. I went in to make my payment and the lady asked how I was doing. I mentioned it had been a rough couple weeks with missing work and the ER/doctor visits and she actually moved my payment for next month to the end of the loan to give me breathing room. I am so happy for the little break in that payment so I can catch up on a few other things instead now. The new schedule has me completely paid off by March 2020. So, only one more year left!

I'm glad you had a little breathing room. My parents used to own a little BHPH and I was a sucker for situations like this. My Dad KNEW by my face when I was coming to ask for something for someone.


I've stayed away for weeks because I am behind. I am sad and behind. In good news, our gym membership has expired and saves us over $300 this year. Long story, but it's a good thing to let go. I redid my tax deductions this year, in order to avoid paying state next year, and bring home $60 less a month. I am going to power through and adjust our sails because it'll be nice to not pay state next year. Still on target to pay off one card in August. Next is the car in November. And the unexpected vacation reimbursement in December. If I can just keep looking forward...

I'm not going to lie. It's been a hard season of choosing to be a good steward of our money. I want to kick my younger self in the teeth for doing this. This will pass, if we stick to the plan. But today, I am weary.

That said, I'm not looking for cheerleaders. Just wanted to pop in and express to the regulars and the lurkers that we all have days/weeks/months of feeling beat-up. Push through. It's better to dump the debt!

Everyone deserves a cheerleader @imbatman even if it's just for coming back and admitting you're behind! I am too, I need to post my mid month.

Mid Month Update time:

Like so many of you we have spent more than we should have this month. Unfortunately my DH had an abscess suddenly appear on his knee and then rupture within hours last Wednesday late night. They admitted him as his whole leg was red and slightly swollen, so we were there from midnight until 10am Thursday while they gave him IV antibiotics. He missed work Thursday and Friday due to his leg being almost impossible to walk on, and I missed Thursday due to being at the hospital with him all night Wednesday into Thursday and then needing to help get him all settled in at home. He had only 3 hours of PTO accrued that he could use and I'm self employed so no PTO for me, so we lost a good chunk of money there. We also just got a puppy 3 weeks ago and she needed one round of vaccines already with another round due next week so that's taking up some money there that wasn't initially budgeted. We haven't accrued any new debt, I've been able to move money around from non-essentials to cover things, but haven't paid as much off toward our debt as I hoped, and the hospital bills will be OOP so I'm dreading those arriving, though I looked online via the Portal the hospital has so I already know how much they will be. It will just be a matter of arranging a payment plan to pay them off.

I am sensing a theme for us for the Ides of March! I am glad your husband is OK!
My mid month update...

Our cc are currently to 13500/43300 available. We're still under MY personal required 1/3 utilization but we're close. Super close...

That's up about 3k. We rent and I think I've mentioned we get water in our basement, which we use and every time water comes in we have to try and save our kid's living/play area. Well we had a rain event coupled with snow melt (12 inches in some spots) and a pretty deep frost line still). We've never had to try and save it in February before. I'm done. We bought tvs for the each of the kid's rooms, we bought all the tools and lumber needed to build them mini loft beds for their rooms and this will provide exactly the extra storage needed for the toys that were remaining downstairs. We elevated what little was in storage that could get wet. So now we just need to wait till it gets a bit warmer and we're going to have some family/friends come over to help bring out the couches/tables etc and then the middle of the basement will be empty. Everything that's down there is up and off the ground enough that the streams that come through will not harm anything (annoyance only). We've been back and forth a million different ways and we have no recourse here unless there are signs of mold which though I watch for there are none. Landlord is not interested in the 8k fix. We are planning on leaving here in the next few years. So this decision was made for my mental health. The anxiety and physical injury that has been caused because of rain/water in the basement will be significantly decreased from now until we move and I don't regret that spending. But it's spending and so it STILL sets us back.

I also just had to catch up on a few copays and medical bills for the last appt my daughter had for her broken arm, which took place after our insurance change. So 500 in medical bills. We also decided to use that 2k we had to buy our tickets because we knew a price increase was coming. Not the wisest decision I know, But we do still have our tax return coming hopefully in about 5 weeks. The rest was spent paying for parts of our trip. So it was all money we were already planning on spending this year. All money we were planning to put on the cards to get the points, just earlier. I am trying not to beat myself up about it. When our tax return comes, part of that will become our emergency fund, and part will go towards DebDum.

Really awesome news though, is without any warning, Friday morning, my husband got his raise. So an extra $160 on that check was really nice. That went towards the CC payment. His next check he will get retroactive raise pay from the first of the year. However we already spent that. My husband needs a work phone, so he decided to upgrade his own phone, use his old phone for work (work phone will be on work's data plan), and we went ahead and upgraded DS's tablet (we had been planning to, he was still using the kid's kindle he got when he was 4, he's 10 this year) which my son is actually paying more than half for. So we'll have a little extra left that we will throw towards DebDum. Starting in April, we're increasing 401k contribution to 3% to get an extra 1% match from work. I think once we see how much more a month we have after that happens, I'll have the extra from what we were getting each check just shaved off the top and go into a savings account. Because I won't miss it if I never budget it.

ALSO, I finally got my car back! I had an escalation agent that I just talked to Wednesday and he said, between shipping from Korea, clearing customs, and arriving at my dealership I was looking at April 8. The dealership called me FRIDAY morning (I missed both calls because I was busy and ignored the calls because I didn't recognize, I didn't see till later when I saw the visual voicemails) to tell me the part came in and then when it was done. I had my car back home by 2pm. I called my escalation agent and he was baffled. I had to email him our retail contract and the repair invoice, and he's going to call me tomorrow to talk compensation. He discussed an accessory, maintenance package, car payment, as possibilities before my car was back. It was gone for 39 days. I am thinking I would really like remote start.

So that's my mid month. It's messy and I'm not happy with it, but it it what it is, and I was happy making the decisions to move the kid's living/play areas upstairs and start paying for our trip, so I'm just going with it! At least it's all interest free :rolleyes1
Alright, mid-month check in time.

Our budget is looking pretty good. For our trip to Disney, everything was covered except a few small things like dinner at the airport on the way home. I don't think we would have gotten dinner if our flight wasn't delayed. And we ended up buying DD a Duplo set at the Lego store in Disney Springs that I hadn't planned for either. But man does she love those Woody and Buzz figurines. I took the toy out of our DD fund and the food cost came from the surplus from DH's third paycheck this month.

We also had a huge grocery bill last week because we stocked up on fish, chicken, tofu, turkey, etc. at Costco and froze it. But yesterday we only spent $18 on groceries for the coming week (it was all fresh produce). This means that we have about $80 left to make it 8 more days after that to the end of the month. I think we should be able to manage since we won't be buying too many expensive items, mostly just fruits, veggies and rotisserie chicken to fill out our meals.

Other than that, we are on track for the month and should have about $300-$400 left from DH's third paycheck to put towards the trailer loan. This will bring the trailer loan a hundred or two below $12k depending on the total for his 3rd check. I also have about $150 pending from Swagbucks and will be able to put that towards the trailer loan once it posts. This means that we are well on the way to exceeding my goal of getting below $11k by Oct.

And in WW news, DH and I had our first weigh in this morning. I lost 4.8 lb. and DH lost 4.3 lb. I know from my previous experience with WW that most weeks will not be this big, but man it is encouraging. DH was so inspired that we decided to start cleaning out the pantry and getting rid of things that don't fit into our healthy eating plan. This is something that we have been needing to do for quite some time anyways, so I am glad. And I am glad that DH has decided to go on this journey with me because having each other for support makes me think that we will be very successful in reaching our goals more quickly than if I was doing it alone.
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