DDC XXXIV: The Original Home Of The DISDads!!!

We looked at quite a few houses before we bought. The one house, which we both really liked, was all redone, kitchen, bathrooms everything. Pool was even resurfaced and all the screens were replaced. But, you look out the front window all the homes were well kept, very nice except for the house directly across. There were five cars, up on blocks,doors missing you name it. The garage door was gone! Not open, gone. It was packed from top to bottom which is great if that’s what you want to do in your garage but I don’t want to have to look at all your “stuff “. Not to mention, Florida is a swamp with swamp creatures. Every snake in the neighborhood probably lives in that mess.
The only thing they really watch here is and it’s the county not the HOA is garbage cans. Our garbage goes on Friday. You can’t have garbage out before 6pm Thursday night and cans have to be in by Friday night 8pm. First time is a warning, fine the second time and they take your cans the third time and you get to buy new cans. lol. We are only allowed to use county garbage cans. They use a claw truck to dump them.
We have four trucks every Friday, one is the garbage can, one is the recycling can, one picks up yard waste and tree trimming and another one picks up everything else. They take anything but tvs and lead paint.
But, you look out the front window all the homes were well kept, very nice except for the house directly across. There were five cars, up on blocks,doors missing you name it. The garage door was gone! Not open, gone. It was packed from top to bottom which is great if that’s what you want to do in your garage but I don’t want to have to look at all your “stuff “. Not to mention, Florida is a swamp with swamp creatures. Every snake in the neighborhood probably lives in that mess.
Ugh. Nope.
And maybe this is presumptuous of me, but... I'd think if you asked them to clean up, the request might not be met with the greatest of acceptance.
The only thing they really watch here is and it’s the county not the HOA is garbage cans. Our garbage goes on Friday. You can’t have garbage out before 6pm Thursday night and cans have to be in by Friday night 8pm.
That's pretty reasonable. We didn't have any rules like that, but generally, I didn't exceed those times anyway.
they take your cans the third time and you get to buy new cans. lol.
We have four trucks every Friday, one is the garbage can, one is the recycling can, one picks up yard waste and tree trimming and another one picks up everything else.
Huh! We have three. Yard waste is every second week.
Define "everything else". Like... large items that don't fit in a garbage can?
They take anything but tvs and lead paint.
We have an electronics recycling place we can bring TVs (or any household electronics). Paints and other stuff like pesticides/herbicides, solvents, etc. we bring to another recycling place where they will properly dispose of it. No pick up for those things.
Ugh. Nope.
And maybe this is presumptuous of me, but... I'd think if you asked them to clean up, the request might not be met with the greatest of acceptance.

That's pretty reasonable. We didn't have any rules like that, but generally, I didn't exceed those times anyway.


Huh! We have three. Yard waste is every second week.
Define "everything else". Like... large items that don't fit in a garbage can?

We have an electronics recycling place we can bring TVs (or any household electronics). Paints and other stuff like pesticides/herbicides, solvents, etc. we bring to another recycling place where they will properly dispose of it. No pick up for those things.
All four trucks every Friday. Yes, furniture, appliances anything that wouldn’t fit in the garbage can. Most times that stuff is gone before the truck shows up. Which is great! We bought a furnished home which mean you move their crap out before you can move yours in. lol. I tried giving it away, habitat for humanity, Salvation Army, nobody wanted the stuff. The dining room suite was solid oak! No charity would take it. Put it all on the curb and people picked it up which I was happy for. I even helped load it up.
We have four trucks every Friday, one is the garbage can
We only have Trash every Friday, recycle is every other Friday. Everything else is on your own to hire a dumpster, or haul it to the landfill yourself. Its a private trash service we have to hire, not handled by our city or county.
But our city does set up big dumpsters a couple times a year at the city hall for residents to bring in stuff the trash company wont take.
Yes, furniture, appliances anything that wouldn’t fit in the garbage can.
Huh! I'm both surprised and impressed.
Here, if it doesn't fit in one of these, you're on your own.

(Recycling on the left, trash on the right)
Most times that stuff is gone before the truck shows up.
That doesn't surprise me. See below.
We bought a furnished home which mean you move their crap out before you can move yours in. lol. I tried giving it away, habitat for humanity, Salvation Army, nobody wanted the stuff. The dining room suite was solid oak! No charity would take it. Put it all on the curb and people picked it up which I was happy for. I even helped load it up.
I've been slowly going through my folks' place over the last year or so. Tons of stuff went into a rented dumpster, but there was also a fair bit of useable stuff. Put it out on the lawn and poof. Gone.
But our city does set up big dumpsters a couple times a year at the city hall for residents to bring in stuff the trash company wont take.
Interesting! Is that because city hall is easier to get to or closer (or free), compared to the city dump?
Interesting! Is that because city hall is easier to get to or closer (or free), compared to the city dump?
Yup, its right downtown and free a long as you bring your water bill to prove you are a resident. The landfill is almost an hour drive, and they charge by the pound when you dump there. And its not owned by the city or county, its privately run and they just contract with all the cities in the county to use it. We dont have municipal trash service round here.
But the city only does it a couple times a year. When ever we do work on the house or even a big clean out of our storage rooms I just hire a guy to bring a small construction dumpster and we fill it up. Its easier and cheaper that way.
Yup, its right downtown and free a long as you bring your water bill to prove you are a resident. The landfill is almost an hour drive, and they charge by the pound when you dump there. And its not owned by the city or county, its privately run and they just contract with all the cities in the county to use it. We dont have municipal trash service round here.
Some of our landfill is free, some isn't. Throwing out glass, for instance, is free (recyclable I suppose). Paints, etc is free. But otherwise you pay by the pound as well.
We only have Trash every Friday, recycle is every other Friday. Everything else is on your own to hire a dumpster, or haul it to the landfill yourself. Its a private trash service we have to hire, not handled by our city or county.
But our city does set up big dumpsters a couple times a year at the city hall for residents to bring in stuff the trash company wont take.
When we lived in Pa. that is how it was there. You also could use any garbage can you wanted too, they still hand threw it in the truck. We paid $80 a month and that was three years ago. Here they take everything for $23 a month. lol.
When my in-laws lived in Bradenton Fl., their garbage was picked up twice a week. Food has to be in a bag and put in the garbage can. Around here if you put a garbage bag on the ground, something will drag it off and tell all his buddies where it came from. lol.
Although relief is in sight. We have been in record breaking temps for a month now and starting Tuesday, we get back to more summer like temperatures and weather conditions. We could use that rain! Tuesday through Friday we are expecting 5 to 6 inches of rain total. ( normal summer around here )
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A little moist out there today. As soon as the wife is done with work, we are spending the rest of the day in the pool.
WIsh I could get a coll front like that. :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2:
Top of the week gents! I got on the DisDad’s zoom call Saturday night, and had a great time talking with CapeCodTenor, declansdad, IbeAbitGOOFY and budamacdvcr. Thanks for the conversation and laughs. 🤟
Didnt know those were still going on. Do you have to be on the Facebooks to get the link?
Four day weekend is over, back to the grind. Not to worry, three days and another four day weekend coming. Went to Epcot yesterday, went on Test Track before it closes for two plus years. Made sure the mouse got my pay back and then some in creations. lol. Walked over to see the new area that opened and left. We did have breakfast at Trot Al forn before we went to Epcot. Came home napped and went swimming. Just preparing for all the rain coming this week, should get about seven inches. Looking forward to summer weather again.


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