D23 EXPO 2019 Superthread - dates announced!

Do you want Fresno - ABC30's Cory James to cover Media Day at Disneyland - SWGE?

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Interestingly, when I checked in on Tuesday, they were still checking each person’s ID. Today, he checked mine (primary holder) and then very clearly said, “ok, and you’re a party of four, great,” and didn’t look at anyone else’s. It seemed the CM one over did the same from what I saw.

Not sure if that’s a policy change or just a difference in CMs, but it’s possible they’re loosening the reins on swapping out guests.
Its the new policy.
How did your daughter's gift giving go? :)

I read that they are allowing guest swapping, but only at check in and only in person with ID.
They are! I had a friend cancel, and when I called to see if there was ANY WAY they'd could switch my reservation, they said couldnt but I should try at check in. It was no problem at all!
For those DISers who are visiting GE today and over the next few days: how is the heat in the new land? Is it brutal? If so, what are some ways to deal with the heat, especially during the afternoon reservation windows? Is most of the ride line inside or outside?
To thank everyone for all the good info that helped us, here is our experience in the 8 am to noon slots on Saturday June 8 and Sunday June 9:

On Saturday we woke up at 5:00 am and departed the Disneyland Hotel just before 6:00 am. There was a decent crowd walking through DTD but it turns out a lot of them were just headed to EMH. We went through the special event turnstiles and headed to Launch Bay. We waited inside the building for about 10 minutes before getting our wristbands. We headed out and waited by Nemo. They told us we would be moving forward at 7:00, but the line actually started moving at 6:45. My wife and I had both gone to the restroom thinking we had plenty of time, so our teenage daughter moved forward with the line. That worked out great for us because she was able to keep our place and even improve it a bit, and we caught up to her shortly after.

At a little before 8:00 they opened the gates to the trail and walked people forward. This caused a little bit of a stampede, but we did not participate in the panic because we were still very near the front. They scanned wristbands at the tunnel entrance and held people at the tunnel exit. Eventually they started walking people forward, and then we hit the point where they said "Savi's to the left, cantina to the right." We went right because of the reports of the cantina being the most immersive part of the land. When we got to the cantina there was a decent line, but they took my cell number and said to expect a 30 minute wait. However, we got the text at 8:15 and went to line up. We were inside by 8:25, and the place was packed.

We stood at a standing table near the bar, and the atmosphere was incredibly lively. While I can certainly see the advantages of sitting in a booth and taking in the scene in a leisurely manner, the booths were being held for large parties. But being at our standing table was also awesome, because we had a great time with the other people at our table. It was fun talking about the different drinks and food and how much fun we were having. The service was a little slow because the place was so hectic. When DJ Rex played an amped up version of the cantina music from A New Hope, the whole bar went nuts. Nearly everyone, literally almost every single person, was dancing around and cheering and waving their glasses in the air. It can be hard to just let go and enjoy the pretend when you are an adult, but drinking alcohol before 9:00 am has a way of getting people loose. We bought drinks for the Endor mug and Porg mug, but if what you want is actual alcohol go for the Jet Juice. Oga's Cantina is pure Star Wars. If you've ever dreamed of living in the Star Wars universe, you have to go there. But skip the Bantuu Bits, those tasted weird even for adventurous eaters like us. Also, prepare to spend an absurd amount of credits.

After that we went to the Falcon ride with at 25 minute wait, thinking that for our first time we wanted to see the full queue. Don't bother. If the wait is 15 minutes you will see all of the queue that is interesting, so do other stuff until the wait dies down. The "explore the Falcon" part of the queue was a bit of a letdown, because it feels like a crowded and chaotic space rather than the relaxed lounge that it is supposed to be. But still awesome. Others have reviewed the ride, I won't repeat that here except to confirm that engineer is the worst spot because the job is boring and the view is not great. Pilot has the best view but there is a lot of pressure in that spot.

From there we tried to go to Docking Bay 7 but could not find a table. We went to Ronto's Roasters instead and that turned out to be a great idea for two reasons. First, they had both breakfast and all-day menu going, so we could get the "real" wraps (though we learned on Sunday that the breakfast wrap is also good). The wraps are surprisingly delicious, but you'll have to be careful not to choke on the cost. I suggest finding a table then using mobile ordering, because the order will be ready within 5 minutes.

Our greatest bit of luck was getting a table on the railing by the giant pod racer engine doing the roasting. These tables overlook the walkway below, and there was quite a show going on the whole time. We could see and hear as stormtroopers hassled visitors. We saw Chewbacca enlist a group of visitors to help hide him from the stormtroopers (which was comical in a Bugs Bunny kind of way). We also saw Rey talking to little girls dressed as her, and enlisting them to help her sneak around the area to avoid the stormtroopers. It was delightful. The person playing Rey was a dead ringer for Daisy Ridley, except even prettier if you can believe that. Little girls were absolutely drawn to her. We spent half an hour just watching the events happening on the other side of the railing.

(Side note: the worst illusion breaking thing in the entire land is all the fall protection. In Star Wars you will never find a safety railing along a walkway, no matter how bottomless the pit next to it. I guess the Batuu OSHA is stronger than the First Order.)

Another ride on the Falcon with a short wait, and we went through the marketplace. This is amazing, if you can be there when the crowds are low. By 11:00 the next group was coming in, and then the shops became difficult because lines of people waiting to pay for their purchases blocked the walls with the stuff you want to see. Try to wait until the middle of your time slot to go shopping here. Once the new crowd came in, we left a little after 11:00 because we knew we had two more reservations for Sunday. More in next post.
I laughed out loud at your joke about the cost of the roasters. So that I can be prepared, what are we talking about here?
For those DISers who are visiting GE today and over the next few days: how is the heat in the new land? Is it brutal? If so, what are some ways to deal with the heat, especially during the afternoon reservation windows? Is most of the ride line inside or outside?
I was there Saturday afternoon. There is actually a large amount of shady space in the land with buildings, trees, etc. The ride queue is almost entirely indoors-the part outdoors is behind the Falcon so it ends up being pretty much in shade too (of course the sun changes position, but then it would just be patches of sun). The marketplace has fabric coverings so it is covered. Plus the stores have A/C and they are open to the walking area.

The worst area for sun would probably be the lines for Savi and Droid Depot. I would say even the Cantina line gets fairly good cover.
I laughed out loud at your joke about the cost of the roasters. So that I can be prepared, what are we talking about here?
The wraps are $13 and are a Star Wars version of a hot dog. Maybe more filling than a typical one since it comes with the slaw and sauce and everything, but it’s around the same size as a typical Disney hot dog. Drinks (non alcoholic) are $5.50. AP discounts do apply.
Not sure if I've missed it in here somewhere, but has anyone been successful in getting into the Cantina AND doing a lightsaber in the same 4hr visit? Did it involve splitting up your group?

We went Saturday morning, 8am. We thought we were pretty far back in the line to get in, in front of Dumbo. We had 4 adults so we split into 3 groups when we got past the wristband check: 1 to line up for Oga's, one who wanted to do Savi's and DH and I headed to droid workshop. Our single going to Savi's lucked out big time, she asked a CM after the entrance how to get to Savi's and he escorted her there straight into line, she was in the first group. Not sure if that's because she's a cute female who was by herself or what, but she was done and met us in line for the droid building before we got to the front. Our other single followed the line for Oga's and was quoted 90 minutes for our return. We got the text to return about an hour later I think. Then we waited maybe 10 minutes after reporting back before getting in. We ended up at a small standing table at a very skinny spot next to the bar, people were ramming into us the whole time and it was very crowded. Drinks were fun and we loved the atmosphere except for the bumps and bruises.

Loving all of these reviews!! Thank you!! The cantina is our main goal. My next goal would be SR. So, how difficult is it to get a photo at the table where they played chess in the movie? That’s my number 2 goal! Lol. Seriously though, is it difficult to get a photo in the spot while in line?

We got to that part of the line and there were 3 other crews in the room, but people get called quickly and no one really has time to just sit and take up space. No one was hogging the table, you get in, you take a picture, and then it's time to go run your mission. Not difficult at all.
Weird. Yesterday the 8 am slot didn't seem crowded at all. It was very empty feeling. Really glad we managed to get that time slot with the different reports for the later slots.
Well, this would fit in with the theory mentioned elsewhere that people have been figuring out that there seems to be little enforcement of the 4 hr limit, hence crowd build up that gets worse throughout the rest of the day. Add to that what has been reported here about some people having been able to add others to their reservation if they missed the “add guest” button when making their free reservation and the new, more lenient policy about substituting group spots that might have otherwise fine unused, and you will get higher crowd levels. Probably still less that what’ll hit the land after June 23 and, worse, the crazy madhouse it’ll probably be once ROTR has finally opened...
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Loving all of these reviews!! Thank you!! The cantina is our main goal. My next goal would be SR. So, how difficult is it to get a photo at the table where they played chess in the movie? That’s my number 2 goal! Lol. Seriously though, is it difficult to get a photo in the spot while in line?
The hold area of the Falcon is where the groups of 6 await their turn to head to the cockpit and pilot the Falcon. It is the last pre-show area before you actually head to the cockpit and start the ride, and it is here that the chess table is available for pictures. As long as your boarding group is not called right away, you are able to move around freely and explore the hold, sit at the chess table and take pictures. While we were there, several groups took turns taking pictures and even the crew helping you to the cockpit were offering to take photos for people.
Should I build a lightsaber or go to Doks and get lukes? From the pictures, I really like the look of lukes lightsaber with the shiny metal. It looks more premium then the build your own. Is that the case when you see them in person? can anyone compare the looks of the savis sabers to the ones at doks?
Doks lightsabers are better looking, and there are many styles available.
The blade is sold separately, color is fixed

Savi lightsabers are somewhat more bulky, but the build experience is worth the wait.
Savi lightsabers change colors based on Kyber crystal, and blades can be used on lightsabers from Doks.

I highly recommend doing the build :thumbsup2
We went Saturday morning, 8am. We thought we were pretty far back in the line to get in, in front of Dumbo. We had 4 adults so we split into 3 groups when we got past the wristband check: 1 to line up for Oga's, one who wanted to do Savi's and DH and I headed to droid workshop. Our single going to Savi's lucked out big time, she asked a CM after the entrance how to get to Savi's and he escorted her there straight into line, she was in the first group. Not sure if that's because she's a cute female who was by herself or what, but she was done and met us in line for the droid building before we got to the front. Our other single followed the line for Oga's and was quoted 90 minutes for our return. We got the text to return about an hour later I think. Then we waited maybe 10 minutes after reporting back before getting in. We ended up at a small standing table at a very skinny spot next to the bar, people were ramming into us the whole time and it was very crowded. Drinks were fun and we loved the atmosphere except for the bumps and bruises.
We got to that part of the line and there were 3 other crews in the room, but people get called quickly and no one really has time to just sit and take up space. No one was hogging the table, you get in, you take a picture, and then it's time to go run your mission. Not difficult at all.

What time did you arrive at the park to check in for an 8am reservation?
The hold area of the Falcon is where the groups of 6 await their turn to head to the cockpit and pilot the Falcon. It is the last pre-show area before you actually head to the cockpit and start the ride, and it is here that the chess table is available for pictures. As long as your boarding group is not called right away, you are able to move around freely and explore the hold, sit at the chess table and take pictures. While we were there, several groups took turns taking pictures and even the crew helping you to the cockpit were offering to take photos for people.
Thank you!
The earliest I'll be able to pay SWGE a visit will be near the end of August (just before and after the D23 Expo). I'm seeing that reservations will no longer be required after this month concludes, I understand that the new land will not be open during Magic Mornings as well. so I'm just wondering what a good plan of attack would be when it becomes a free for all?

Like. I'm pretty much sure when the rope drops on the mornings that are not Magic Morning, people will just head to Galaxy's Edge and pile in one after the other... so that's not surprising. So when this happens, if my travel party and I are in the masses heading into Galaxy's Edge at rope drop... what should the average guest hit first, second, third, etc. to reduce the amount of time of standing in line? Naturally, one would think hitting the Falcon attraction first would be the priority but from reports I am hearing and reading, one of the other experiences might be a better bet due to their crazy lines later on in the day? I'd love to ride the Falcon more than once but if there's no time, there's no time, I suppose. Some insight on the order of what should be hit and when would be appreciated! I plan on doing all of it. Falcon, cantina, sabers, droid depot, food, etc.

Alternatively, I'm wondering what should be done on the day we do end up going in for Magic Morning. Do you suspect that people will just end up wasting their extra hour of fun waiting at the edges of SWGE for the whole hour, just to be the first to get in? Would you recommend doing this and wasting the time you could be spending hitting other attractions? Or do you recommend rope dropping Galaxy's Edge on a day that Magic Morning isn't happening and actually using Magic Morning as intended and cross off Peter Pan and Hyperspace Mountain, etc. I just don't know what we should be doing... should we avoid Galaxy's Edge altogether on the day that Magic Morning occurs and make a regular entry day at Disneyland our primary day for Galaxy's Edge happenings? I know that there's no concrete findings on all this yet as the land is still in reservation mode... but I'll accept educated guesses regardless!!

I'm also curious about what the general mindset is for what the most breathtaking approach into SWGE is... is the big reveal more impressive when entering by Big Thunder/Fantasyland? Or is it more amazing going in through Critter Country??

Any tips and tricks would be awesome, guys!!
What time did you arrive at the park to check in for an 8am reservation?

I think it was about 6:30. We're going again this Sunday and are hoping to be earlier. I think we were about middle of the pack last time. Since it was EMH day, we did take a few minutes to ride Peter Pan (I think we just lucked out and entered FantasyLand right as they opened the ride before the people from the gate had made it back), but it was walk-on so I don't think that put us back to far by itself.
The earliest I'll be able to pay SWGE a visit will be near the end of August (just before and after the D23 Expo). I'm seeing that reservations will no longer be required after this month concludes, I understand that the new land will not be open during Magic Mornings as well. so I'm just wondering what a good plan of attack would be when it becomes a free for all?

Like. I'm pretty much sure when the rope drops on the mornings that are not Magic Morning, people will just head to Galaxy's Edge and pile in one after the other... so that's not surprising. So when this happens, if my travel party and I are in the masses heading into Galaxy's Edge at rope drop... what should the average guest hit first, second, third, etc. to reduce the amount of time of standing in line? Naturally, one would think hitting the Falcon attraction first would be the priority but from reports I am hearing and reading, one of the other experiences might be a better bet due to their crazy lines later on in the day? I'd love to ride the Falcon more than once but if there's no time, there's no time, I suppose. Some insight on the order of what should be hit and when would be appreciated! I plan on doing all of it. Falcon, cantina, sabers, droid depot, food, etc.

Alternatively, I'm wondering what should be done on the day we do end up going in for Magic Morning. Do you suspect that people will just end up wasting their extra hour of fun waiting at the edges of SWGE for the whole hour, just to be the first to get in? Would you recommend doing this and wasting the time you could be spending hitting other attractions? Or do you recommend rope dropping Galaxy's Edge on a day that Magic Morning isn't happening and actually using Magic Morning as intended and cross off Peter Pan and Hyperspace Mountain, etc. I just don't know what we should be doing... should we avoid Galaxy's Edge altogether on the day that Magic Morning occurs and make a regular entry day at Disneyland our primary day for Galaxy's Edge happenings? I know that there's no concrete findings on all this yet as the land is still in reservation mode... but I'll accept educated guesses regardless!!

I'm also curious about what the general mindset is for what the most breathtaking approach into SWGE is... is the big reveal more impressive when entering by Big Thunder/Fantasyland? Or is it more amazing going in through Critter Country??

Any tips and tricks would be awesome, guys!!
I honestly think we may have to wait for more reports this summer to give tips for August. I wouldn't be surprised if they move to a reservation system for Savi's (like Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique) and the Cantina (dining reservation). I'd also be worried about plenty of D23 people also visiting at that time and wanting to do everything, so it will be more crowded. My best recommendation would be to spread out some of the things over multiple days so you can have different morning priorities (that's assuming they still have normal lines). You'll also have to see if Fastpass has started for Smuggler's Run yet or if Rise of the Resistance is open.
The earliest I'll be able to pay SWGE a visit will be near the end of August (just before and after the D23 Expo). I'm seeing that reservations will no longer be required after this month concludes, I understand that the new land will not be open during Magic Mornings as well. so I'm just wondering what a good plan of attack would be when it becomes a free for all?

Like. I'm pretty much sure when the rope drops on the mornings that are not Magic Morning, people will just head to Galaxy's Edge and pile in one after the other... so that's not surprising. So when this happens, if my travel party and I are in the masses heading into Galaxy's Edge at rope drop... what should the average guest hit first, second, third, etc. to reduce the amount of time of standing in line? Naturally, one would think hitting the Falcon attraction first would be the priority but from reports I am hearing and reading, one of the other experiences might be a better bet due to their crazy lines later on in the day? I'd love to ride the Falcon more than once but if there's no time, there's no time, I suppose. Some insight on the order of what should be hit and when would be appreciated! I plan on doing all of it. Falcon, cantina, sabers, droid depot, food, etc.

Alternatively, I'm wondering what should be done on the day we do end up going in for Magic Morning. Do you suspect that people will just end up wasting their extra hour of fun waiting at the edges of SWGE for the whole hour, just to be the first to get in? Would you recommend doing this and wasting the time you could be spending hitting other attractions? Or do you recommend rope dropping Galaxy's Edge on a day that Magic Morning isn't happening and actually using Magic Morning as intended and cross off Peter Pan and Hyperspace Mountain, etc. I just don't know what we should be doing... should we avoid Galaxy's Edge altogether on the day that Magic Morning occurs and make a regular entry day at Disneyland our primary day for Galaxy's Edge happenings? I know that there's no concrete findings on all this yet as the land is still in reservation mode... but I'll accept educated guesses regardless!!

I'm also curious about what the general mindset is for what the most breathtaking approach into SWGE is... is the big reveal more impressive when entering by Big Thunder/Fantasyland? Or is it more amazing going in through Critter Country??

Any tips and tricks would be awesome, guys!!
I agree with waiting to see what happens after June 23rd....but it does sound like you can take advantage of single rider, if you do not mind being separated from your party for Smuggler's Run.
The earliest I'll be able to pay SWGE a visit will be near the end of August (just before and after the D23 Expo). I'm seeing that reservations will no longer be required after this month concludes, I understand that the new land will not be open during Magic Mornings as well. so I'm just wondering what a good plan of attack would be when it becomes a free for all?

Like. I'm pretty much sure when the rope drops on the mornings that are not Magic Morning, people will just head to Galaxy's Edge and pile in one after the other... so that's not surprising. So when this happens, if my travel party and I are in the masses heading into Galaxy's Edge at rope drop... what should the average guest hit first, second, third, etc. to reduce the amount of time of standing in line? Naturally, one would think hitting the Falcon attraction first would be the priority but from reports I am hearing and reading, one of the other experiences might be a better bet due to their crazy lines later on in the day? I'd love to ride the Falcon more than once but if there's no time, there's no time, I suppose. Some insight on the order of what should be hit and when would be appreciated! I plan on doing all of it. Falcon, cantina, sabers, droid depot, food, etc.

Alternatively, I'm wondering what should be done on the day we do end up going in for Magic Morning. Do you suspect that people will just end up wasting their extra hour of fun waiting at the edges of SWGE for the whole hour, just to be the first to get in? Would you recommend doing this and wasting the time you could be spending hitting other attractions? Or do you recommend rope dropping Galaxy's Edge on a day that Magic Morning isn't happening and actually using Magic Morning as intended and cross off Peter Pan and Hyperspace Mountain, etc. I just don't know what we should be doing... should we avoid Galaxy's Edge altogether on the day that Magic Morning occurs and make a regular entry day at Disneyland our primary day for Galaxy's Edge happenings? I know that there's no concrete findings on all this yet as the land is still in reservation mode... but I'll accept educated guesses regardless!!

I'm also curious about what the general mindset is for what the most breathtaking approach into SWGE is... is the big reveal more impressive when entering by Big Thunder/Fantasyland? Or is it more amazing going in through Critter Country??

Any tips and tricks would be awesome, guys!!
Following to see if anyone as suggestions, as we will also be traveling after the reservation period ends. However, I'm slowly coming to the conclusion that doing everything in a day won't be possible. Doing everything in two or three mornings, maybe, so that you have multiple opportunities to front end a major attraction first thing.

I think we are deciding that our priorities will be Smugglers Run as a family, and splitting up for Savis (DH) and Droid Depot (me and The Boy). Oga's will just have to wait until a later trip when we already have a light saber and a droid, and don't need another :) I also think the jury is still out on how MM/EMH fits in with the SWGE entrance strategy, but that's been on my mind as well.
Thanks to those whose early reports helped me with my visit last Thursday. I was lucky enough to have 2 reservations - for 8am and 8pm. Got to the park at 6:30 am, checked in and headed to the line as I knew I wanted to hit Cantina right away. I was probably about 100 or so people back at 6:45. They started walking us in a few minutes before 8 and I followed the line to the Cantina - seemed about an even split between those going left and right at the fork. Got in the first group in. Cantina was great - got one of the non-alcoholic drinks in the Porg mug which was good but nothing special - but the mug was adorable and really solid and heavy. Stayed for about 20-30 minutes looking at everything. Was pleased that the number of people they let in at once allowed a relatively comfortable ability to walk around and look. Spent the next hour stopping by most every store in the place (other than Savi's which you can't just walk into) and just generally looking through the land. Hit SR at about 9:30 and did it three times. Once in the normal queue waiting about 20 minutes so I could see the full queue - and then walk on for the other 2 times. (I got engineer first two times so asked for anything else the last time - got Pilot). After that, I walked around a bit more, got a Rondo Wrap (really good!) and a drink from there - forgot what it was but it was the one with spicy mango - was good - better than the Cantina one. Left the land around 10:30 having felt I did everything I wanted and enjoyed a very low crowd day hopping between California Adventure and Disneyland and between MaxPass and Single Rider, did everything I wanted. Went back to the land around 10pm for the second reservation I was on and mostly just looked around the land at night. I did do single rider walkon once more at SR to get the last position covered (gunner) and liked seeing how the ride visuals now also took place at night unlike before when it was daytime. But otherwise, just took in the scenery. As I was walking in the entrance by the upcoming ride Rey was there just walking around without anyone else near here - I saw her walk up to a small girl and spend a few nice minutes with her. I assume a character attendant was nearby but loved seeing the interactions that felt more spontaneous than the standard jump in for a posed picture meet and greet.

Overall - I was really spoiled by this day and fear that I'm going to be very frustrated when I had to Orlando this November when I'm sure the crowds will be overwhelming!
Following to see if anyone as suggestions, as we will also be traveling after the reservation period ends. However, I'm slowly coming to the conclusion that doing everything in a day won't be possible. Doing everything in two or three mornings, maybe, so that you have multiple opportunities to front end a major attraction first thing.

I think we are deciding that our priorities will be Smugglers Run as a family, and splitting up for Savis (DH) and Droid Depot (me and The Boy). Oga's will just have to wait until a later trip when we already have a light saber and a droid, and don't need another :) I also think the jury is still out on how MM/EMH fits in with the SWGE entrance strategy, but that's been on my mind as well.

Not necessarily - now you can't do everything because you're limited to one time period. I would assume after the reservation period is over you could likely do most everything in a day although it would almost certainly require several trips in and out of the land (with the caveat that for at least for the first few weeks there's likely to be a waiting period to get into the land so that could mess that up). A lot will depend on if and how they do reservations for Cantina and Savi's. I wouldn't be surprised to see Savi's go to an advance reservation system like the Boutique.
Not necessarily - now you can't do everything because you're limited to one time period. I would assume after the reservation period is over you could likely do most everything in a day although it would almost certainly require several trips in and out of the land (with the caveat that for at least for the first few weeks there's likely to be a waiting period to get into the land so that could mess that up). A lot will depend on if and how they do reservations for Cantina and Savi's. I wouldn't be surprised to see Savi's go to an advance reservation system like the Boutique.
That's been my thought. With a 12 hour day, I'm sure there are enough hours to do everything, but the problem is that if you have to be in line very first thing to get a Savi's card, then you cannot also simultaneously be in line very first thing to get on the list for Oga's, especially if you end up waiting 90 minutes at Savi's just to pay for the saber before moving on to anything else. And by that time, the line for Smuggler's will probably be very long (60-120 minutes), and Droid Depot sounds like it is commanding it's own wait times these days.

Granted a LOT of this could change if they switch Savi's to a reservation system like BBB (which I think is a good idea, personally), and/or if they start a virtual queue (which is just FastPass by another name) for Oga's. However, that would also require them to figure out how to move guests through Oga's at reasonably predictable interavls. So we just decided we will have our priorities, and if policies change or crowds die down (ha!) and we get to do more, then that's a bonus.
The earliest I'll be able to pay SWGE a visit will be near the end of August (just before and after the D23 Expo). I'm seeing that reservations will no longer be required after this month concludes, I understand that the new land will not be open during Magic Mornings as well. so I'm just wondering what a good plan of attack would be when it becomes a free for all?

Like. I'm pretty much sure when the rope drops on the mornings that are not Magic Morning, people will just head to Galaxy's Edge and pile in one after the other... so that's not surprising. So when this happens, if my travel party and I are in the masses heading into Galaxy's Edge at rope drop... what should the average guest hit first, second, third, etc. to reduce the amount of time of standing in line? Naturally, one would think hitting the Falcon attraction first would be the priority but from reports I am hearing and reading, one of the other experiences might be a better bet due to their crazy lines later on in the day? I'd love to ride the Falcon more than once but if there's no time, there's no time, I suppose. Some insight on the order of what should be hit and when would be appreciated! I plan on doing all of it. Falcon, cantina, sabers, droid depot, food, etc.

Alternatively, I'm wondering what should be done on the day we do end up going in for Magic Morning. Do you suspect that people will just end up wasting their extra hour of fun waiting at the edges of SWGE for the whole hour, just to be the first to get in? Would you recommend doing this and wasting the time you could be spending hitting other attractions? Or do you recommend rope dropping Galaxy's Edge on a day that Magic Morning isn't happening and actually using Magic Morning as intended and cross off Peter Pan and Hyperspace Mountain, etc. I just don't know what we should be doing... should we avoid Galaxy's Edge altogether on the day that Magic Morning occurs and make a regular entry day at Disneyland our primary day for Galaxy's Edge happenings? I know that there's no concrete findings on all this yet as the land is still in reservation mode... but I'll accept educated guesses regardless!!

I'm also curious about what the general mindset is for what the most breathtaking approach into SWGE is... is the big reveal more impressive when entering by Big Thunder/Fantasyland? Or is it more amazing going in through Critter Country??

Any tips and tricks would be awesome, guys!!
We obviously won’t know the answers to these questions until it happens. But my plan is to line up for SWGE during early entry.
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