D.O.C.'s = Dis'ers of Color (Disney Fans of Color)

Would you like a dedicated/featured Forum for D.O.C.'s Dis'ers Of Color & Allies

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I brought up previously wanting to know Walt's stance on segregation and if the parks were or not. I just listened to the episode of Connecting with Walt from last week and one of the trivia questions sort of touched on the subject. I believe it was about the Mickey Mouse Club being shown in theaters and Walt and Roy wouldnt show it in theaters unless it could be enjoyed by all and wouldn't allow for the theater to be segregated.

While I think this podcast is worth a listen to begin with the trivia portion is about the last 20 minutes or so of every show if you don't want to listen to the whole thing (but you should).

*Edited to add that it was episode 154, titles Peter Pan's Flight from July 3rd
This isn't on YouTube, but you can easily find it on and podcast platform

Here is the link to all the Connecting with Walt podcasts. Note if you want to go to the very first one need to either hit next page a lot or once you get the page loaded scroll down click next and then you will see walt/page/2/ put your curser on the / to the right of the 2 and click the delete button this will remove the 2 now as of the date of this posting type 23 and hit the enter button. Scroll down to the bottom and the very last one is the first podcast. The date of this podcast is 10/02/15 so if your reading this in the future you might want to start with a number higher than 23 to type in. If you get a page can't be found hit that back arrow and try again. I started with 40 then tried 35, 30, 25, and finally 20 before just hitting next page since I had it narrowed down to between 21 and 24 (20 was not the last page while page 25 was can not be found)


Continuing with differences, and hair as racial example, does knowing how some POC struggle with their hair help other people to better acknowledge and celebrate the cultural differences?

As a white person I can tell you that parents of white kids struggle to find products that work in their kids hair as well especially if that child's hair is not either a 1-2b (c allowed if humidity in your area is high that day) without having to do a search especially those of us in an area of both white and minority populations that have the same type of hair.
I have one child that has this ideally you can go and buy anything you want in the store type of hair and my other child. Well this daughter of mine has a mixture of 3a and 3b on days that are dryer and when the humidity starts rising over 70% her hair goes 3c to 4a. This is also my child who has multiple disablities so I get to deal with professionals who have told me if name can't get to the point of having her hair nice and straight you will need to cut it short so she can take care of it. Hello she is resisting her hair even being brushed because you people have frizzed it so much it is tangling each lock up with the others and making a huge knot-why don't you listen to me the mother when I say to have her use a pick on her hair and am even providing one for her to use. Oh and amazingly when I finally told them that I talked with a relative that is mixed race and thus has very similiar hair to my daughter's and relative stated to use a pick and not a brush (I was told there are limited times that a brush can be used on my daughter's hair but no way on earth I am letting anyone who doesn't know what they are doing know that piece of information) they all of a sudden started listening to me.

Here are couple of photos of my girls with Tigger. Right before the 2nd one was taken my youngest lost her balance as her muscle tone went into what we call rag doll mode and fell down.
My DH was getting our girls ready to head to the next area as we had meet all the characters there that day having met Pooh and Eeyore before while I as the keeper of the photopass card was making sure the photographer had it scanned so we would have out photos.
Here is the link to all the Connecting with Walt podcasts. Note if you want to go to the very first one need to either hit next page a lot or once you get the page loaded scroll down click next and then you will see walt/page/2/ put your curser on the / to the right of the 2 and click the delete button this will remove the 2 now as of the date of this posting type 23 and hit the enter button. Scroll down to the bottom and the very last one is the first podcast. The date of this podcast is 10/02/15 so if your reading this in the future you might want to start with a number higher than 23 to type in. If you get a page can't be found hit that back arrow and try again. I started with 40 then tried 35, 30, 25, and finally 20 before just hitting next page since I had it narrowed down to between 21 and 24 (20 was not the last page while page 25 was can not be found)


As a white person I can tell you that parents of white kids struggle to find products that work in their kids hair as well especially if that child's hair is not either a 1-2b (c allowed if humidity in your area is high that day) without having to do a search especially those of us in an area of both white and minority populations that have the same type of hair.
I have one child that has this ideally you can go and buy anything you want in the store type of hair and my other child. Well this daughter of mine has a mixture of 3a and 3b on days that are dryer and when the humidity starts rising over 70% her hair goes 3c to 4a. This is also my child who has multiple disablities so I get to deal with professionals who have told me if name can't get to the point of having her hair nice and straight you will need to cut it short so she can take care of it. Hello she is resisting her hair even being brushed because you people have frizzed it so much it is tangling each lock up with the others and making a huge knot-why don't you listen to me the mother when I say to have her use a pick on her hair and am even providing one for her to use. Oh and amazingly when I finally told them that I talked with a relative that is mixed race and thus has very similiar hair to my daughter's and relative stated to use a pick and not a brush (I was told there are limited times that a brush can be used on my daughter's hair but no way on earth I am letting anyone who doesn't know what they are doing know that piece of information) they all of a sudden started listening to me.

Here are couple of photos of my girls with Tigger. Right before the 2nd one was taken my youngest lost her balance as her muscle tone went into what we call rag doll mode and fell down.
My DH was getting our girls ready to head to the next area as we had meet all the characters there that day having met Pooh and Eeyore before while I as the keeper of the photopass card was making sure the photographer had it scanned so we would have out photos.
View attachment 508956View attachment 508957

Replying to my own post to say I can imagine the struggles that a POC would have in my area trying to find hair products especially if they are going shopping at a discount store or worse the grocery store for those products. I am lucky in that I have a health food store that carries a wider variety in the types of hair products (not a bunch of lines that you have for dry limp hair or for oily hair only in bunches of scents) but more type varieties within the few lines that they do carry. Bonus none of them smell like strawberries and attract the bees to you (Yes I had to switch my hair shampoo from that scent to a different one because the bees would not leave me alone and to make things even more interesting I am allergic to bee stings)
A white person's view (Since we need to acknowledge that for validity or judgement's sake?)

And I hesitate to post in these discussions but I think there are a lot of other's who smartly stay silent. Here goes...

I don't agree that white people should be called racist if they were taught to be color blind. I grew up in the 90's. It seemed like the idea had good intentions to promote equality. Saying genuinely "we don't see color" or "I have black friends" isn't enough to vouch for yourself anymore. OK. Noted.

Now that we need to acknowledge the differences, we should be given the opportunity to reprogram without being vilified (even though it is past time for equality and surprising to me that racism still exists). I've seen racism in previous generations and I honestly thought it was better with each one. The tensions now though, do feel divisive and like a huge step backward to me.

Also, if I can't receive compassion in return about theses issues, I understand why people would point out a double standard and not be as receptive. Or do we need a taste of our own medicine? I didn't personally enslave anyone. But I'm automatically guilty? When you see Asians, you see rich history and culture. So what do you see in white people?

And I understand it's not POC's job to educate but it's great that there are advocates bringing things to light. Though I can only absorb so much of everyone else's experiences, good or bad, to help shape the person that I am (which I thought was decent). I can empathize without first hand experience or in depth history lessons. But certain things just haven't pertained to me.

Like, non-racial examples, I've never been in a devasting house fire or have known anyone who has. Or broken a bone. Never jumped out of an airplane. Never been in a band. But I can empathize with the bad or enjoy the good through knowing other people have had those experiences.

Continuing with differences, and hair as racial example, does knowing how some POC struggle with their hair help other people to better acknowledge and celebrate the cultural differences? And if I like cornrows and want to adopt that style, I'll be told it's cultural appropriation by any race at this point. I think Bo Derek was the last white person to pull it off. What else needs to be pointed out that separates us in a celebratory way? Style of music? Clothes? Language? But only certain groups can emulate those things? Can we really acknowledge differences, then?

Thanks if you've read this far and not rolled your eyes out of your head. I honestly don't know how to come to a close with any of these thoughts. I can usually see the gray area in most matters and don't think I fall into one side or the other. All I know is racism is wrong and I try not to perpetuate it. Is that not good enough? Equality for all?

The contributors to this thread are assured this not a place of "judgment" or segregation. It is our hope no one confuses educational awareness on the path to allyship with judgment or being vilified.
No one is rolling eyes. The DOC's here to open hearts and minds.
If one has a feeling of judgment that keeps surfacing, then one may have to question if ally-ship is your ultimate destination.
Change is never easy. Change is often uncomfortable. It is too easy to say "shut down' or "they (those who are different) do not belong.

Hard to believe people of color, all colors have experienced things as Guests of the Disney Parks and Resorts, that any White person would not stand for. And before the thought, "well why don't you stand up/push back/ cut back in line/tell them where they can go."
We can not. If we, people of color were to respond, then we are seen as the "trouble maker", or "the one who started it."
Thankfully times are changing. Disney as a company is learning and applying the lessons of racial awareness, diversity, and inclusion.
It is not enough to say or simply be diverse, you also have to have inclusion.
This thread came about as a sincere effort for people of all colors to share our perspective of the Disney experience with fellow Disney fans of color and our White Allies/Brothers & Sisters.
Allies who for their own growth and fellowship or for their children, who want to live in a world that truly does become a smaller world, after all.

Any posts that refer to outdated racial tropes will be challenged. For years in the public sphere were those statements and conversational niceties that non-allies and allies alike quote, thinking it does not make them appear to be racists.
Most people respectfully evolved and educated themselves to stop using racial descriptors "Negro", "Red skin" ( as used for a Sports team), "Yellow skin" "Colored."
The growth of global Humanity requires us all to acknowledge, what was once considered "acceptable" labels or treatment in reference to any group of people will no longer be accepted or tolerated.
The events & demonstrations over the past few months have placed the topic of race relations on center stage. Not only here in America but also in the United Kingdom, Europe, Africa, and Australia.
When reading the term "The Aborigines / the Aboriginal people", you might assume you are reading a "politically correct" description that suggests that Aboriginal people are all the same. The fact is Indigenous Australia is multicultural. Before the invasion of Australia, there were over 200 distinct languages and tribes.
The more respectful and appropriate terms;
Indigenous Australian people(s)
Aboriginal person

Today many White Australians are making the effort to heal the truly inhumane crimes committed against Indigenous Australian people.
It is not 'easy' for many White Australians. Many feel put out or feel things are more divisive. White people for the first time are being "Challenged", an that is something they are not used to experiencing. It makes them feel uncomfortable because they are experiencing feelings of powerlessness, lack of control, and influence.
That was the same tensions felt by many White Americans back in 1960 when Black American students began peaceful protest for civil rights by staging a sit-in protest at a Woolworth's luncheonette counter.

More White Australians realize they have a long way to go and need to put in the time and be willing to make an effort to learn, heal, and grow.
You may ask yourself, what does this Australia segment have to do with life in the USA? And that would be a good question. Answer this question, were you previously aware of how Black and Brown people in the 20th century are treated around the world ( UK/AUS) as well as here in the USA? If the answer is 'no,' then you have the choice to learn and grow.
Becoming an Ally means seeing beyond your backyard.

And now for our Disney connection.
Becoming an Ally and seeing Epcot Centre (World Showcase) as more than just a theme park.

For all of the fans of Epcot, before the global Pandemic Covid-19.
When visiting Epcot's World Showcase, there were many opportunities to expand cultural awareness. Interacting with international Cast Members by engaging in conversations about their home countries.
In the old Norway pavilion, after exiting "Malestrom", stopping to watch the film about Norway.
Now that Disney has temporarily canceled the International College program, Epcot park guests will miss out on an opportunity to expand cultural awareness for their families, particularly the children. To meet and have the chance to speak with friendly people who do not look like them unless you are planning a visit to the United Nations complex located in New York City, NY.

The Disney attraction that truly symbolizes "World Peace" was "It's a Small World." The truth that children are born into this world with no concept of hate. Hatred is something that is taught.

Quiz time - How well do you know "It's a Small World?"
In the last half of the "It's Small World" attraction, the little dolls representing children around the world are all dressed in White-colored costumes.
Does anyone know why?
Extra bonus point if they can what correct way to interpret the attraction, knowing what we know as Allies know today.

In closing, I will share a quote that reminds me of a different world, a future world.
In this world.
"Some people choose to see the ugliness in this world, the *******, the disarray. I choose to see beauty. To believe there is an order to our days, a purpose. I know in my heart, things will work out as they are meant to."

I wish you all a happy Sunday filled with Peace, Love & Light,
Your AKL Ranger

If anyone is interested in learning more about the efforts of racial healing between Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islanders and White Australians, here is a video.

Australian Eye 2001

In the UK- Great Britain hosted a program for racial awareness called "The Event" link for that video.
UK's The Event racial healing
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I’m confused. This is the DIS Unplugged subforum. I read the OP again, but don’t see anything specific about where he wants it?

We are in the process of petitioning the Dis Boards Admins to be granted full forum status. Once we are a full forum, we will be moved into the appropriate section. Please be patient.
Quiz time - How well do you know "It's a Small World?"
In the last half of the "It's Small World" attraction, the little dolls representing children around the world are all dressed in White-colored costumes.
Does anyone know why?
Extra bonus point if they can what correct way to interpret the attraction, knowing what we know as Allies know today.

I'll take a shot - and will attempt without googling ;)

I've always understood the last room to be the "heaven" room and took it to mean that while there are separate countries on earth we will all be together in one place in heaven and there is no division there

The white garments I see as symbolizing that - just white being associated with heaven (clouds, what angels wear, etc) plus like baptismal garments representing having your sin washed away

The contributors to this thread are assured this not a place of "judgment" or segregation. If anyone feels educational awareness on the path to allyship is be judged or vilified.
No one is rolling eyes. the DOC's here are opening hearts and minds.
If the feeling of judgment keeps surfacing, then question if allyship is the ultimate destination.
Change is never easy. Change is often uncomfortable. It is too easy to say "shut down' or "they (those who are different) do not belong.

Hard to believe people of color, all colors have experienced things as Guests of the Disney Parks and Resorts, that any White person would not stand for. And before the thought, "well why don't you stand up/push back/ cut back in line/tell them where they can go."
We can not. If we, people of color were to respond, then we are seen as the "trouble maker", "the one who started it" even when no fault of our own, where in fact the victim.
Thankfully times are changing. Disney as a company is learning and applying the lessons of racial awareness, diversity, and inclusion.
It is not enough to say or simply be diverse, you also have to have inclusion.
This thread came about as a sincere effort for people of all colors to share our perspective of the Disney experience with fellow Disney fans of color and our White Allies/Brothers & Sisters.
Allies who for their own growth and fellowship or for their children, who want to live in a world that truly does become a smaller world, after all.

Any posts that refer to outdated racial tropes will be challenged. For years in the public sphere were those statements and conversational niceties that non-allies and allies alike quote, thinking it does not make them appear to be racists.
Most people respectfully evolved and educated themselves to stop using racial descriptors "Negro", "Red skin" ( as used for a Sports team), "Yellow skin" "Colored."
The growth of global Humanity requires us all to acknowledge, what was once considered "acceptable" labels or treatment in reference to any group of people will no longer be accepted or tolerated.
The events & demonstrations over the past few months have placed the topic of race relations on center stage. Not only here in America but also in the United Kingdom, Europe, Africa, and Australia.
When reading the term "The Aborigines / the Aboriginal people", you might assume you are reading a "politically correct" description that suggests that Aboriginal people are all the same. The fact is Indigenous Australia is multicultural. Before the invasion of Australia, there were over 200 distinct languages and tribes.
The more respectful and appropriate terms;
Indigenous Australian people(s)
Aboriginal person

Today many White Australians are making the effort to heal the truly inhumane crimes committed against Indigenous Australian people.
It is not 'easy' for many White Australians. Many feel put out or feel things are more divisive. White people for the first time are being "Challenged", an that is something they are not used to experiencing. It makes them feel uncomfortable because they are experiencing feelings of powerlessness, lack of control, and influence.
That was the same tensions felt by many White Americans back in 1960 when Black American students began peaceful protest for civil rights by staging a sit-in protest at a Woolworth's luncheonette counter.

More White Australians realize they have a long way to go and need to put in the time and be willing to make an effort to learn, heal, and grow.
You may ask yourself, what does this Australia segment have to do with life in the USA? And that would be a good question. Answer this question, were you previously aware of how Black and Brown people in the 20th century are treated around the world ( UK/AUS) as well as here in the USA? If the answer is 'no,' then you have the choice to learn and grow.
Becoming an Ally means seeing beyond your backyard.

And now for our Disney connection.
Becoming an Ally and seeing Epcot Centre (World Showcase) as more than just a theme park.

For all of the fans of Epcot, before the global Pandemic Covid-19. When visiting Epcot's World Showcase, how many of you took the time to strike up real conversations with the international Cast members ( International College Program)?
In the old Norway pavilion, after exiting "Malestrom", did you stop to watch the film about Norway?
Now that Disney has temporarily canceled the International College program, Epcot park guests will miss out on an opportunity to expand cultural awareness for their families, particularly the children. To meet and have the chance to speak with friendly people who do not look like them unless you are planning a visit to the United Nations complex located in New York City, NY.

The Disney attraction that truly symbolizes "World Peace" was "It's a Small World." The truth that children are born into this world with no concept of hate. Hatred is something that is taught. Back in During the last half of the "It's Small World" attraction, the little dolls representing children around the world are all dressed in White-colored costumes.
Does anyone know why?
Extra bonus point if they can what correct way to interpret the attraction, knowing what we as Allies know today.

In closing, I will share a quote that reminds me of a different world, a future world.
"In this world.
Some people choose to see the ugliness in this world, the disarray. I choose to see beauty. To believe there is an order to our days, a purpose. I know in my heart, things will work out as they are meant to."

I wish you all a happy Sunday filled with Peace, Love & Light,
Your AKL Ranger

If anyone is interested in learning more about the efforts of racial healing between Aborigiinal & Torres Strait Islanders and White Australians, here is a video.

Australian Eye 2001

In the UK- Great Britain hosted a program for racial awareness called "The Event" link for that video.
UK's The Event racial healing

You might find the feelings of the family of the member of the Blackfoot Nation who designed the logo for a certain NFL team interesting to read.


Quiz time RESULTS - How well do you know "It's a Small World?"
In the last half of the "It's Small World" attraction, the little dolls representing children around the world are all dressed in White-colored costumes.
Does anyone know why?
Extra bonus point if they can what correct way to interpret the attraction, knowing what we know as Allies know today.

I'll take a shot - and will attempt without googling ;)

I've always understood the last room to be the "heaven" room and took it to mean that while there are separate countries on earth we will all be together in one place in heaven and there is no division there

The white garments I see as symbolizing that - just white being associated with heaven (clouds, what angels wear, etc) plus like baptismal garments representing having your sin washed away

Good afternoon D.O.C.'s and Happy Monday.
I have always chuckled when I hear Disney fans refer to the final staging room in "it's Small World" as the "Heaven room."
I agree it is very angelic-like. The spotless clean clothes could make for an interesting washing detergent commercial.
The original production of "it's a Small World" starting with the beautiful art direction by Mary Blair.
The attraction "it's a Small World" is based on the idea of seeing the world through the eyes of small children. The design style is a nod to the creative art style and play typical of children when provide construction paper, crayons, scissor, and glue.
The boat ride through "it's a Small World", progresses through various scenes with small doll figures dressed in "native" costumes. At the start of the ride, the rooms are filled with colorful wall treatments in Mary Blaire's style. The doll costumes are all vibrant colors.
The color represents a unique cultural identity for each doll. As the ride continues, you reach a room where everything is white. The set decoration, the costumes on the dolls. This does not symbolize "all dolls go to heaven" instead, the "white room" symbolizes "a stripping away of the things that separate us." The white-colored costumes break down the barriers to the concept of peace through one world. In today's awareness of diversity and inclusion, the journey through "it's a small world" would be reversed. The idea of Peace and acceptance starting off with white-colored costumes, but in their own individual countries. The journey continues and all the dolls (little children) would instantly be transformed into their native costumes, accurately depicted and vibrantly colored. As the ride ends the dolls are shown interacting and playing together, crossing boundaries.
This version now provides two positive outcomes and lessons.
First, it would show children can achieve peace and interact with each other.
Second, this playful, peaceful interaction can take place even though we are all dressed differently and come from different backgrounds.

I found a video from Disney Parks about "it's a Small World."
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D.O.C.'s (Dis'ers of color) and Allies @ Disney - Thread update.

We have officially requested official Dis-Board Forum status. Now we wait for the decision.
In the meantime, if you found the content in this thread helpful as a family of color or educational as an ally, please remember to cast a vote of support for the creation of our D.O.C.s Forum in the poll at the top of the thread.

Once the Thread officially becomes a Forum, we will be moved to the best location, hopefully alongside our Forum ally LBGTQ+ Forum. Please keep in mind, the inspiration for this Thread is Disney (vacation) experiences by those individuals of Color (Black, Latino, Asian, Pacific Asian Islander, First Nation, and Native American Indian people) and our Allies. This thread is the Disney vacation experience and planning (pre/post-trip reviews ) including Disney history, entertainment from the perspective of People of Color, and our Allies.
Because of the sensitivity and respect families of color deserve when planning Disney Vacations, this future forum should not be moved into a sub-heading of "Just for Fun."

Peace, Love & Light pixiedust:
Your AKL Ranger,
keeping Jambo House safe from poachers 🦁 🇰🇪🦓
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One of the first steps is to lay down our/your verbal/written/thought swords.

I made a mistake recently and acknowledge I am not only not perfect, but will trip up going forward. I have roots traced back to our homeland, Germany, but will NOT let that be a another layer of mortar for this ridiculous wall.

Without going into online and outlawed subjects, we are all pure and through sin have become tainted. Yes, I believe holistically in a true (young) Earth fact-given truth. I was mentored and truly believe......
On this day in Disney history: July 14, 1955
inal construction and preparation take place in Anaheim on Walt's new theme park (just 3 days before Disneyland's grand debut). During a test ride, Disneyland's Casey Jr. Circus Train almost tips backward while traveling uphill! Lead weights will be added to the front, allowing it to temporarily run on the park's grand opening day. (On July 18 the attraction will close allowing the steep uphill grade to be reduced.) Over in Tomorrowland, final details are added to the Disneyland Moonliner Rocket.





Your AKL Ranger,
keeping Jambo House safe from poachers 🦁 🇰🇪 🦓
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WDW Trip planning
How many individuals or families here are confirmed or actively planning a visit to the Walt Disney World Resort Orlando, FL with an arrival date within the next 60 days or less?

  • Bags are packed arriving within the next 30 Days?

  • On the phone with DVC or a Dreams Unlimited Agent arranging a future visit arriving within the next 30-45 Days.

  • My family will be returning to the WDW Resort in 60-90 Days?

  • See you not so soon, greater than 90 Days + before we return.

Your AKL Ranger,
keeping Jambo House safe from poachers 🦁 🇰🇪 🦓
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"What's in your Disney fanny pack / Bum bag?"
For the intrepid Dis'ers who are ready to return to the Walt Disney World Resort, what is in your fanny pack / Bum bag, Disney backpack or day bag when you enter the parks? Share your list with us. :hyper2:

510278 Check

510281 Check

Remember you must cover both your nose and your mouth.

510282 Check
Anyone else glad Disney touchpoint finger scanners have gone away?

510283 oh yes Mocha Frappuccino Check

510284 Yes, wait, what?

Yes, Polaroid is back, new and improved.

Churros Check,
double Check!

Wishing everyone Peace, Love, and Churros for everyone pixiedust:

Your AKL Ranger,
keeping Jambo House safe from poachers
🦁 🇰🇪 🦓
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"What's in your Disney fanny pack?"
For the intrepid Dis'ers who are ready to return to the Walt Disney World Resort, what is in your fanny pack, Disney backpack or day bag when you enter the parks? Share your list with us. :hyper2:

View attachment 510278 Check

View attachment 510281 Check

Remember you must cover both your nose and your mouth.

View attachment 510282 Check
Anyone else glad Disney touchpoint finger scanners have gone away?

View attachment 510283 oh yes Mocha Frappuccino Check

View attachment 510284 Yes, wait, what?

Yes, Polaroid is back, new and improved.

View attachment 510285
Churros Check,
double Check!

Wishing everyone Peace, Love, and Churros for everyone pixiedust:

Your AKL Ranger,
keeping Jambo House safe from poachers
🦁 🇰🇪 🦓
Now all the Brits (and possibly others) are aghast. You said a rude word! 😂 Bum please not the ‘f’ word. 😂😉
Now all the Brits (and possibly others) are aghast. You said a rude word! 😂 Bum please not the ‘f’ word. 😂😉
LOL. A friend of mine spent a semester abroad studying in England. Her roommate was horrified when she said she had to grab her fanny pack before they left the room for dinner.

"What's in your Disney fanny pack?"
For the intrepid Dis'ers who are ready to return to the Walt Disney World Resort, what is in your fanny pack, Disney backpack or day bag when you enter the parks? Share your list with us. :hyper2:

View attachment 510278 Check

View attachment 510281 Check

Remember you must cover both your nose and your mouth.

View attachment 510282 Check
Anyone else glad Disney touchpoint finger scanners have gone away?

View attachment 510283 oh yes Mocha Frappuccino Check

View attachment 510284 Yes, wait, what?

Yes, Polaroid is back, new and improved.

View attachment 510285
Churros Check,
double Check!

Wishing everyone Peace, Love, and Churros for everyone pixiedust:

Your AKL Ranger,
keeping Jambo House safe from poachers
🦁 🇰🇪 🦓

I love the new Polaroid cameras. It reminds me of the first trip we ever took to Disneyland (I was 8 and Space Mountain had just opened - I'm so dating myself). We documented that trip with a Polaroid. While I use my phone as a camera for the most part, I do like having the instant photos as keepsakes.
Now all the Brits (and possibly others) are aghast. You said a rude word! 😂 Bum please not the ‘f’ word. 😂😉
"What's in your Disney fanny pack / Bum bag?"
For the intrepid Dis'ers who are ready to return to the Walt Disney World Resort, what is in your fanny pack / Bum bag, Disney backpack or day bag when you enter the parks? Share your list with us.​

A special hello to our cousins across the pond. :wave:
Just when you thought this thread was going to sleep, we all got an unexpected French/ Irish lesson. :earseek:
I applied a strike-through for the "fan" word, as some readers in America my not connect "Bum" bag.

Thanks for being good sports.

Your AKL Ranger,
Keeping Jambo House safe from poachers 🦁 🇰🇪🦓

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