CruisingCA is back to WISHing....


<font color=purple>Loves Nut Goodies!<br><font col
May 26, 2004
I officially started my WISH challenge today.

I'm 5'2" and currently weigh 138 pounds. Stepping on the scale and seeing 138 doesn't bother me; seeing my reflection in the mirror and barely squeezing into my clothes bothers me. I weighed this much when I gave birth to my son. I quickly lost all the weight after he was born but when he was around 2 I started to slowly regain the weight.

We came home from our 2001 WDW/DCL pregnant with a little souvenir. When I was 18 weeks pregnant I was placed on bedrest. Later in the pregnancy I started experiencing pelvic pain and I couldn't walk very far without pain. I continued to experience pain post-partum so I didn't exercise. I probably could have exercised on a stationary bicycle but my laziness got the best of my butt grew.

I really need to watch my weight & make healthier choices in life. When filling out medical evaluation forms it seems as if I'm checking off too many of those - "Do you or anyone in your immediate family suffer from..." I personally don't have any health problems yet....but both of my parents take medication for diabetes, both of them suffer from high blood pressure. My dad suffers from high cholesterol & his father had a series of strokes. My grandmothers family has a history of cancer. I want to make better dietary choices and exercise as a preventative measure.

So what did I do today?

I went to a step aerobics class. I didn't add any levels to my step so that I'd be able to finish the whole class. I did well until the ab workout. Geez - I need to tone up this flabby tummy.

I plan on taking baby steps to my WISH goal.
Day 2:

Breakfast: 1 egg, slices of turkey, and a yogurt.

Interval Training class starts at 11:30 (about an hour from now)

Lunch will be: Salad, 2 small pieces of rotisserie chicken, almond slivers, and cherries.

Afternoon snack: a nectarine

I haven't planned anything past my afternoon snack yet.....

Here are my incentives:
1. Lose 5 pounds ..........a 1 hour massage at Burke Williams (to go with my 1 hour facial certificate that DH got me for Valentine's Day)
2. Lose 10 pounds or 1 size ...... Two new outfits.
3. Lose 15 pounds or 2 sizes ..... a new compact Sony digital camera. I love the camera that I have now but I want a little one (that takes great pictures) to take on vacation so I'll be able to just slip it into my purse or pocket.
4. Lose 20 pounds ..... Laser hair removal. (I won't mention where...:earseek: )
I'm not sure how the WISH journal forum works but feel free to comment or post in this thread.

I just got back from the Interval training class and my body feels like jello. I'm sure my upper body muscles will be aching tomorrow.

The one thing I hate about losing weight is that I lose it in my bust first. The last things to lose inches are my stomach & butt (my problem areas). Life isn't fair. LOL. My older sister is a size 1 with natural 34DDs and she never works out. I keep telling her I can't wait till she has kids so that her ****s will finally feel the affects of gravity. He he he.. Maybe they'll deflate a bit too. <evil grin>

I think I'll go walking tomorrow. We live next to a park so I have no excuse for not going walking. Once I get into my exercise routine, I'll go to 24 Hour Fitness on the weekends. They have 2 early morning classes that I like to take but I honestly don't think I'll be in any condition for Karen's Step 2 class tomorrow.

I've had a membership to 24 hour Fitness for years. I refuse to cancel the membership because I only pay $4 a month and if I were to cancel the memberhip and renew sometime in the future, it would cost me hundreds of dollars a year. My membership at the gym at work costs $5 a month.
Day 3:

I completed the Billy Blanks' Taebo Cardio workout today. I've had the 3 disc Taebo set for months but this is the first time that I've actually exercised. I tried one of the flex dvds for 5 minutes and decided that the freshly baked smell of blueberry muffins seemed like a better idea so I walked my butt to the kitchen, had a muffin & WATCHED the rest of the workout. LOL.

I'm going to look for a few more dvds so I can workout at home on the weekend or the days I don't go to the gym. I see a lot of people talking about the Firm. I think I'll check it out online. I think I'll try posting a thread to the WISH board to see what everyone else likes.

My muscles are aching from my workout yesterday. Oh well. At least I can feel that I've actually done something.
Yesterday I bought new workout clothes from Lady's Footlocker. The pants, tops, and shorts were $4.99 each and the matching jackets were $9.99 each. Everything was at least 75% off. :) Then I bought 2 new sports bras from Sportmart. My old sports bras were TOOOOOO tight. After working out yesterday, I had a really tough time trying to peel my old sports bra off. I thought it would be too embarassing to ask my DH to help me take off my bra. Help, I'm sweaty & stinky & I can't take my bra off. How lovely.

I went to the gym today. By the time I had finally gotten over there, all the classes were over. I hate working out on the machines. I did 20 minutes on the treadmill and 10 minutes on the stationary bicycle. Not much but I don't want to burn out on exercise.

I went to Whole Foods after the gym and bought fruits, healthy snacks, the vegetarian burritos that I love, and a few other things. I even bought those Vegan Trail Mix Cookies. I'll eat one a day as a treat. I've been doing a lot better about portion control. I don't eat food just cause it's there anymore.

I believe tomorrow is CardioKickboxing at the gym at work. It sounds like fun & I can't wait to try it.

What did I eat today?
Breakfast - 1 egg & bacon
Snack - grapes
Lunch - Chicken Salad Salad....(LOL - chicken salad on a green salad with cherry tomatoes), tortilla chips
1 Trail Mix cookie
1 nectarine (yum!)
Dinner - Rice, fish, bamboo shoots & veggies
Snack - granola with hemp seeds & soy milk
I drank lots of water & 1 small cup of fruit punch

I packed my breakfast, lunch & snacks for tomorrow:
Breakfast - 1/2 papaya, peach yogurt
Snack - mixed nuts
Lunch - chicken salad salad with sliced almonds, chicken & spinach soup
1 nectarine, pirate's booty

Dinner tomorrow will be tacos & corn on the cob
OK, I've gotta ask - what's "pirate's booty"???

We're at about the same point. I'm 5'2" and weighed in at 137 this morning. I admire your exercise! I've been walking and will be stepping it up to train for the Disney half marathon, but your classes at the gym sound like fun! I've done cardio-kickboxing - definitely a good workout!

Welcome to the WISH Journal board! I'm glad you've joined us on the road to healthy living!!
Hello and Welcome to WISH journaling!:wave:

You sound like you are off to a great start! Your menus look great and you are getting your exercise in! Keep up the good work!:Pinkbounc

I like how you have set up specific rewards for each goal that you want to attain when it comes to your weight loss. Each one will be a celebration of you and all of the hard work you will accomplish! A wonderful idea!!!::yes::

I saw in one of your earlier posts that you are looking for new exercise DVDs and mentioned the FIRM. I have been FIRMing since January and I love it! If you have any questions, please feel free to ask or you can post on the FIRM thread on the WISH boards.

Have a great day and keep up the good work!

Thanks for the encouragement!!

Pirate's Booty is a puffed rice & corn snack that is flavored with aged white cheddar - it tastes like a lite version of cheetos. One of my friends who has lost over 50 pounds with WW introduced me to Pirate's Booty. There is also Veggie Booty. 1 ounce of Pirates Booty (which is a fairly large portion because it's so light) has 130 calories. It's probably not good for those who are doing SBD or Atkins but you'd be able to fit it into your WW diet.

A girl can get addicted to exercise. I've only been exercising a few days but my skin already looks better and I feel better. I don't feel so sluggish. It'll be a while before I really start seeing results but that's okay. I know it will be a slow and long process.

I know I don't have the discipline to cut out carbs, count points, or count calories so I've decided to make healthier choices in my diet and to exercise portion control. Later, once I get into my exercise routine, I may change my mind about a structured diet. I just couldn't see myself starting to exercise and starting a diet at the same time.
I took the Cardio Kick class at the gym at work & I FEEL GREAT!! It was a lot of fun and I still feel like I have a lot of energy left.

There are a bunch of people who play volleyball during their lunch hour. We have a beach volleyball court at work and since we live in California, there are usually people who play year round. That was a lot of fun. Maybe if they have a large group playing, I'll join in the game too. I'm too out of shape to play a 2 on 2 or a 3 on 3 game yet. It'll be a good way to work on my tan. :sunny:

I still need to take my vitamins. Sometimes I don't like the way vitamins make me feel. I think I have to take them on a full stomach AFTER I've worked out. Do you think it makes a difference when you take them?
Welcome Rae Ann,

Sounds like you are well on your way to healthier living! Baby steps are definitely the way to do it. After a while each little change will be more habitual to you and you won't have to think about it so much, then you'll be ready for something new. I like your focus on planning, especially your planned rewards!:sunny:
Keep posting to WISH; great support here when your motivation flags or when you start to slip a little.:wave:
6 straight days of exercise and I feel good. I know it's only been a week but I think I'm starting to see results and I think I'm starting to lose my "back fat". I'm going to have to get refitted for a bra. My bras were already getting to be a little big (after breastfeeding DD for so long) but now after I've started to exercise my cup size shrunk even more!!

I went to the step class at work again. I've been feeling great after working out so this time I added a level to my step. I still feel great. We didn't have to do too many reps of crunches. I hate doing crunches.......

I hate to complain about someone who's trying to work out but this one lady ALWAYS comes to class 15 minutes late. Monday class is at 12, Tuesday & Thursday 12:30, Wed 12:15 & Friday 11:30. How can she always be 15 minutes late?

Tomorrow is Yoga.

Last night for dinner I had a vegetarian burrito.

B: 1 egg, turkey slices, papaya
S: mixed nuts
L: Healthy Choice portabello mushrooms w/beef tips
S: yogurt & a nectarine
Today was my first day of yoga class. I'm not sure if I like yoga yet. I will try it at least 2 more times to see if I really like it or not. I don't feel like I really got a good workout. I know it's hard to compare yoga to aerobics or some other type of cardiovascular activity but................I'm not sure if I'm really into it. I'm going to try to exercise tonight because I don't really feel like I've worked out. I have to take DS to basketball camp by 5:00 so maybe I'll head out to the Torrance 24 Hr Fitness for Cardio Xpress at 5:30.

I did NOT do good at dinner last night. We went out to Lucille's. I ordered the gumbo. I ate a little bit of it and brought most of it home. I may have a little bit of it tonight if DH hasn't already eaten it. I also had a biscuit....I know that can't be good for me but oh well....a little bit won't kill me. I know I'm still doing good.

B: Silk chocolate soymilk, yogurt
S: Mixed nuts
L: Green salad, sliced almonds....healthy choice
My coworker came in here with a piece of chocolate cake.......and I ate it! :earseek:

Turns out I've got my days mixed up again. Cardio Xpress is tomorrow at 5:30. I think I'll go home and do the Taebo Flex dvd instead. Sigh.
Don't worry about the cake. Just consider it a small blip in a long line of healthy behavior you've been following. Good job with the exercise...that's wonderful that you are trying out different're keeping yourself from getting bored and you're challenging your body in different ways, all good!
Keep it up,
Last night I did the Taebo Flex express dvd. I really should have done the other dvd because it didn't feel like the express tape workout was enough. I can't wait until I get my Firm dvds & equipment. Everyone on the boards seem to like the Firm workouts & I feel like I'm missing out. I want to be a Firmie too. <pout> :teeth:

I went to my step class today. I was a little late because I had a meeting that took a little longer than expected. I still got a great workout - it seems like she's making the class a little more advanced. Yippee!!

I should be getting 2 fitness dvds in the mail today from Netflix. I ordered the Firm: Maximum Cardio Burn Plus Abs and the Island Girl Workout: Hula. It's only rated 2 stars (out of 5) on Netflix but I'm curious to see if this workout is good for me. I used to dance hula (many, many years ago) when I lived in Hawaii. I've always wanted to take hula classes again with DD.

D (last night): a small bowl of gumbo & a biscuit.
B: Banana, yogurt, chocolate soymilk
L: 1/2 a bean, rice & cheese burrito, green salad, nectarine
S: Yogurt

Mmmm. I love Cedarlane frozen burritos. Cedarlane makes low fat, organic foods. They have a new carb buster line of foods but I haven't tried any of those yet.

I was reading an article in Shape magazine that rates several of the latest diets. SBD was rated the highest IF you start with Phase 2 of the diet. I may get the SBD book to see what Phase 2 entails.
Hi Rae Ann,

I just wanted to say Welcome to WISH Journals. You are doing an awesome job. Your dedication to exercise is impressive. My only suggestion would be to track your measurements. You sre doing exercise that will build some muscle. Your scale might stall, but my bet is that you will be losing inches. Tracking inches is a great way to stay motivated when the numbers slow down.
Keep up the great work,
Thanks for the encouragement! I have been meaning to take my measurements and to take a "before" picture. You're right! I think the needle on my scale is stuck! :Pinkbounc Maybe if I bounce on it a few times. LOL

I know I've already lost at least an inch on my bust because my bras really don't fit right anymore. Why oh why is that the first thing to go??

I tried out the 2 dvds that I got today. The netflix rating on that hula dvd is right. It sucked and the instructor was irritating. I only did half of the Firm dvd because I think I've had enough exercise for today. I can't wait to get the rest of my Firm merchandise. I used a step stool instead of the Fanny Lifter. It seems to work fine.
WOW - you are off to a fantastic start!! ::yes::

For pure toning, my favorite FIRM tape is Body Sculpt (from BSS1). My thighs always thank me after I do this workout! :hyper:

Oh, and I can so relate about the bust issue. :( I guess if that is the price to pay to have a firm body it is worth it! :D
I did the interval training class at work today. I had fun in the class. Next week Veronica (the girl who usually teaches the class) will be back. I wonder how it'll be.

I want to wake up early tomorrow morning so I can go to Karen's step 2 class at 24 hour fitness. Maybe if I don't put any levels on my step I can keep up. I love her workouts! I swear you lose an inch when you go to one of her classes.

I've been thinking about going to a tanning salon. My skin is soooo doesn't look healthy. I know that's not a good reason to tan but I figure if I look better & feel better about myself, it should be okay. I don't want to bake myself to a chocolate brown, just a little tan. I think I'll try 2 six minute sessions to see how I like it. I do tan fairly quickly when I'm in the sun - I just don't like to spend a lot of time in the sun. I'm not sure when I'll go to the tanning salon. Maybe in November so I'll have a tan started when we go to Hawaii in December. I want to wear a bikini on our vacations & don't want to show a white belly. :sunny:

B: yogurt
S: mixed nuts
L: green salad, chicken salad, nectarine
S: lemon zest luna bar
D: ??????????
10 straight days of exercise. I don't think I've ever exercised 10 days in a row.

I bought some 3 pound weights to use when I exercise. I also bought a brand new gym bag because I'm tired of using DH's manly man bag. LOL. I got a lavender bag and I told DH he's free to use it anytime he wants to.

I also got the South Beach Diet book. I'm still reading it but if decide to go on the diet, I'm going to start with phase 2. It's all about healthy living and moderation for me. I don't want to deprive myself of fruits and certain carbs like some other diets.

I went to a Step 2 class at 24 hour fitness at 7 am. I can't believe I actually got up early to exercise. I feel great though. We went to Whole Foods after working out & we still have the whole day free to do something else. I felt a little confused at some parts of the work out. I have to get used to the different steps and some of the routines. It may take me a few classes but I'll get it.

Tomorrow's step class is at 8 am. Then on Monday, there's another class at 9.

Dinner last night: Grilled fish from Wahoo's with a little bit of black beans & rice.
S: Vanilla soy milk
B: Banana, luna bar

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