CRO What is it


Earning My Ears
Dec 31, 2000
Hi, I am newer to these boards but love them, but cant figure out what cro is. Is it another reservation place. Please help. I love all your suggestions. We are planning a trip to Disney in November , a family of seven, so all your help is truly appreciated. Thanks
CRO stands for Central Reservations Office or Operations. When you are calling there you are talking to Disney Employees or Cast Members (CMs).
All of these abbrevations tend to drive you crazy until you find yourself using them yourself! :D ANYthing to get that post up fast! :D

<font face="papyrus"><font size=2><font color=blue>BethR
Budget BoardCo-Host
And Just ONE of the Beths...and a Dagny :D ... Hosting the Rewards Board</font>
Thanks for the reply. Is it cheaper to go thru them, are there any better deals there??? I read some things and I don't quite understand it all.
What is the difference calling CRO and 1-407 W Disney for reservations? And what is the number for CRO?

WL 97
DL 00
CS 01
CRO (Central Reservations) takes room-only reservations and makes limited package bookings. For true package bookings, you should contact the Walt Disney Travel Company (WDTC). CRO is the office you reach when you call the 1-407-WDISNEY number. For those of you that hate the letters (like I do), the number for CRO is 1-407-934-7639. The number for the travel company (WDTC) is 1-407-828-8101. I know there are toll-free numbers floating around in cyberspace for these places, but I don't have any of them handy. If you are a member of the Disney Club, you can call 1-800-933-3975 and connect to the travel company.

I hope this is helpful!


Tammy aka Kaa
Budget Board Co-Moderator



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