Could you use a FREE stroller Dec 5-12 ? DATES ARE FILLED


I don't need a vacation - I need an ADVENTURE!
Mar 16, 2003
We are in need of a stroller sitter for the DIS stroller swap from December 5 -12. The person signed up for this time slot is MIA. If you are interested in a FREE stroller those days, please PM me right away.

If you are going to be on property those days but are able to "babysit" the stroller, that would be great!

Help keep the swap going! Here's the stroller schedule link:

DIS Stroller Swap II

I can't help...other than to give this a lift:)

I will be there the 6th and leaving on the 11th. How does the stroller swap work? We were planning on bringing our stroller but I'm worried about having to much junk with us. I liked our stroller because it reclines, it's simple and I purchased a rain cover. what does this stroller look like?
just wanted to add we are leaving at 6am tomorrow for florida but will be at a disney resort on the 6th - 11th.


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