Could the Dream Turn the Grump into a Believer? Charleston Update 10/13

You weren't kidding when you said it was a mega update! :lmao:

What a great last day -- I could just see Charles being the same way as Don about me telling him how to dress, so I felt triumphant right there with you when Don had to go change. :thumbsup2

You're right -- I think that young adult was probably autistic or something. :confused3

As far as the kids/teen clubs -- I have a feeling if we take a cruise my two will be like that. I was talking about the Alaska cruise with Chelsea yesterday and said, "They even have teen clubs." Her response was, "I'm not going there by myself," and I suggested that her brother would be old enough to go with her. She wasn't amiable to that suggestion at all. Heaven forbid they should branch out and make friends. :sad2: Oh well.

Love all your souvenirs -- great choices!
Awww, last nights are the worst :sad1: I absolutely love your beach bag, though! That sticks that the key-chain broke so quickly!
You got some great pictures of Believe-- sounds like an amazing show!

Last nights are the worst! I was firmly in "I never want to leave" mode!!

All of the shows were good. I think Believe probably made me feel more emotional just because it was the last one, ya know?

Holy Cow! that was a mega update and tonight I am doing things in reverse. I looked at all your pictures NOW and then I am going to read through the whole update again when I am not so tired.

All I can say right now is.....

Great Souvies!

Wonderful pictures and the boys and the whole family!

Unbelievable looking food! WOW!

Be back tomorrow!

Yeah, I figured since I had some time I better just go ahead and knock out that whole last day!

I was pretty happy with all my purchases :goodvibes

Michelle, you are really going to town missy!
it's a good thing we are going back so soon, this is reliving the last dinner on the ship is making me sad...

Trying to get this thing done! I don't want to get back from Disney, start another report and still have this one to finish up.

Going back to WDW is good yes, but I don't know when I'll be back on that ship :sad1:

That's one heck of an update. But I enjoyed every picture of it.

The food porn was fantastic as was the pix of the ship. I'm glad you didn't bump into that kid again....I think I would have lost my cool if I were in your place.

Shame that Don didn't want to re-book another cruise. I don't get that either. :sad2:

I love your souvenirs, especially the bag. :thumbsup2

I think you've definitely convinced me to go on a Disney cruise. I just have to work out when to fit it in. :rolleyes1


I really tried to stay calm with that 'kid' because I'm certain that he had some kind of disability, it was hard when he pushed my child though :mad:

Let me know when you have a spot to sqeeze a cruise in, I'll book it for you :thumbsup2

Great updates! I've heard really good things about Believe, but I wonder if that has anything to do with it being the "last night" show? Great family pics again!

IMO you were completely justified in getting another beach bag. Who can have too many of those? :rotfl:

Animators palette looks like a really cool place, and good for DS ordering off the adults menu! :thumbsup2

I'd love to do a cruise, and DH would probably agree to a cruise next summer (he's on the fence about WDW), but I don't know if I'm ready to give up park time with such a little girl.

Yes, I definitely think "Believe" benefits from being the last show of the cruise. It was good, but it's made better by everyone sitting there being wistful about their trip, wishing it didn't have to end!

My thoughts exactly on the beach bag, you know, cause Oklahoma is so close to the ocean....... :rolleyes:

Do both WDW and a cruise! A few days at WDW followed by a relaxing cruise would be a great trip!

I cannot believe this trip report is coming to an end:sad1:, nooooo. I have so enjoyed it! I told you before, that your boys remind me so much of mine. Especially in this last report with their docker pants on, looking so sharp and handsome.:thumbsup2. You do know that the one with the two of them in the port hole HAS to be your Christmas card this year, right?;) it was perfect of the two of them. Awesome report! And when you go to DW, can you let us know when you start your new report, here on this thread so we can follow? My son works at DW (behind the scenes), I'll have to show him a pic of your family to say hi if he sees you!:)

I'm going to have a very hard time deciding which picture(s) to use on our Christmas card this year! You can bet that the porthole one will make the cut though :thumbsup2

Yep, I'll post a link to the new report here when I get back!

What a cool job for your son! Yes, tell him to say 'Hi' if he sees me - I'll be the one walking around Epcot with a bunch of great girls, sipping on a Cosmo slushie :goodvibes
Great update. It's so getting me in the right mood for my holiday, this time next week we will be at the airport waiting to board. :goodvibes

:yay: Your trip is coming up fast! At this time 4 days from now, I'll be checking into the WL!!

Really enjoyed this last update. I've mostly been lurking but have been following each of your updates.

I had to laugh about your DH not believing you about the shorts. Why do husbands question us? Don't they know we read the Disboards faithfully? Usually my DH now just concedes that when it comes to Disney, I know what I'm talking about ;).

And too bad your boys wouldn't do the kids clubs. But I feel your pain, my kids didn't go on our RC cruise either :sad2:. But your pictures have so made me want to go on a Disney cruise. But my resister (DH) keeps saying no. I shouldn't complain, I am in the process of planning our CA trip and am booking four days in Disneyland (he knows we're going there, not just how long :)).

Anyway, just wanted to let you know I have been enjoying your TR and have a great trip to WDW (I'm jealous)!

I have no idea why Don was being so stubborn about the shorts! He doesn't like to admit that I might know what I'm talking about, I guess :rolleyes:

How did you like RC? Which ship did you sail on? I'm looking at one for spring break, of course, Don isn't biting - but I'm still trying!

We spent 4 days in DL when we went to California too, it was just about the right amount of time.

Wow! Your last day sounds awesome! The pictures of your family on deck all dressed up are wonderful! They are just as good as the ship photographer pics!

I'm so glad to hear that you got to ride the AD.

We want to do the detective game too. Sounds like fun! About how long did it take?

I'm really sorry to hear that Don wouldn't rebook. I don't understand that either. if he liked it so much, what did you have to lose? You could've gotten a full refund if you changed your mind. :confused3 Sometimes you just can't figure men out.

Thanks Rinky! I love my camera, it takes pretty good pics.

I wish we would have had more time to ride the AD, both of us agreed that future cruises need to be 7 days, 4 was just not enough.

I think we took about an hour to do the detective game. :confused3 I honestly can't remember. We didn't traverse back and forth across the ship, doing them in order of which floor they were on, instead we did all of them on one end of the ship and then walked to the other end and did the ones there. There is no specific order that you need to go in. Also, we did it on what was probably the busiest day, since it was the only at sea day.

I even told Don we could get a refund if something came up, but he was just not going to do it. I think he was afraid if we booked, he was locked in, not through Disney, but through me....

Love the mega update Michelle! Glad you tried Palo brunch. I am hoping to get a spot for us. If I'm remembering correctly I think they only have brunch on sea days so you couldn't do it on Nassau day.

So, you're going to tease us with the fact that you did actually buy the D & B, but we still can't hear the story :)

Your server seems a bit highstrung to be working for DCL. I wonder how long he's been there. So glad you finally got a drink even though it took some work on your part.

Brunch was really good. I hope you are able to grab a ressie for yourself! If you can't book one online before you leave, if you go soon after you board, you will probably be able to get one. They give you a number to call, but I've read that you will have better luck if you just walk up there to make the reservation in person instead. Anita made ours, so I'm not positive, but I think that is what she did.

Oh, there is still more to come with the D&B story.......

I should probably take a page from your book and get some updating done LOL! I have seriously slacked off LOL!!!

Oh well...Loved your updates!! I really am anxious to get myself on a cruise ship!! That is going to be AWESOME!!

Glad you guys had the best time!!! What a way to go out with a bang!!!!

Yeah, get some updates done lady! You'd think school started or something :confused3 :laughing:

You are going to have a great time on the cruise!
The shorts story is absolutely hilarious. Poor Don! :lmao:

I wonder why Don didn't want to book another cruise. Do you think it was the money aspect perhaps?

I would not be a fan of tipping the head server either. I like to give to those who deserve it.

I LOVE that picture of your boys in the window, with the ocean behind them. Do you have that framed? :)

No, not poor Don! Poor me, for having a husband that doesn't listen! :laughing:

Don is always frugal when it comes to vacation, I'm the spender - he usually just relents eventually, so I'm sure cost did come into play.

I have not printed a single photo from our trip yet :sad2: There are several I'd like to frame though!

All caught up and still in love with all of your photos. Enchanted Garden looks so beautiful.

Your boys take fantastic photos. I actually love that one of them from the dinner they had one their own. They looks like they are genuinely having an awesome time.

All of your meals look so good. So much better than what I have to eat today, that's for sure.

The Dream just looks gorgeous. You know I would have been in line with my daughter for those princesses you saw.

The boys did have so much fun! They loved the freedom they were given on the boat as well.

Yep, I thought about you when I posted that picture of the princess meet & greet! Your DD would be in heaven, there were characters out everyday and night :thumbsup2

Michelle, it seems I missed several updates while we were at DW and in Marco.

First, let me comment that I love that DH helped DS make a "Mickey head" in the sand. There is room for hope yet.

Your pictures at Castaway Cay and your meals are so tempting (however, we've decided NOT to do the cruise in 2013 which you will read about further along in my TR).

Yep, I've been busy trying to get this thing done :thumbsup2

I will always have hope that Don will come around, it's too depressing to think otherwise :laughing:

Oh no on the cruise! Well, I won't ask you to spill it now, I'll just wait and find out why along with everyone else.

The last day of vacation is always sad, but seems worse that last night on a cruise for some reason. :sad2:

I am excited to do the Detective Agency, but I promise to wait my turn & not push ahead of the kids.:rotfl:

Lovely Palo brunch but why oh why did Don not listen to you about the shorts? Like you hadn't done your research. :rolleyes1

I think the last night of the cruise was so bad because of the way you are totally papered, seriously, you want for nothing on a cruise! No one ever wants to go back to real life after that!

Yes, don't be pushy, let the children have their turn ;)

I don't know why Don wouldn't listen to me on the shorts, he knew how much time I spent on the boards reading up on the cruise before we went. He just didn't want to give me the satisfaction of changing before we left room. I had to try really hard not to laugh when he was denied entry to the restaurant :laughing:

Now I am caught up again.

All I can say is the last night sounds so sad. Oh My - maybe when I cruise I just better do a 7 night cruise to start. :rotfl:

The Believe show sounds amazing, but again - so sad because you are leaving.

Glad to know the boys had lots to do without even using the clubs.

Your entire cruise sounded so wonderful. sorry you did not get to rebook. That would have been so nice.

I am thinking about a cruise for Nick's HS graduation in 2013. :thumbsup2

Yep, just do 7 nights, I can guarantee you 3 or 4 will not be long enough!

I think that would be a great graduation present!
Wow Michelle you have been one busy lady!

Love the Palo brunch pictures and Don should have just listened to you as then he wouldn't have had to go back and change! :laughing:

Yay on the shopping purchases! It's a shame that the keychain broke very quickly.

Oh no on it being time to pack :sad2: I am so looking forward to seeing pics of your new D&B bag.

Great show pics and I love the sunset photo :thumbsup2

Palo brunch was really good, fantastic service too!

I was really bummed my keychain broke so easily :sad1:

All caught up.

It sounds like that last day is so bittersweet. It is so hard to go leave after a wonderful trip.

I enjoyed all the ship pictures and the detective agency mission looks really cute like Kim possible.

It was very hard to leave!

The detective agency game was fun. You stood in front of a piece of 'magic' art and held up your card. Then the art would transform into something else, you might have a task to complete, then you would get a clue to help you solve your mystery. I've never done Kim Possible, but it sounds similar.

What a great update!!! I love what you included so fun! I can't wait for next week, and I am anxiously trying to get my dang TR on Vero DONE, too! I still have to get to Fort Wilderness and AKL!!!! LOL!! But I made headway with THREE posts so far on Vero, so come on over!!!! :thumbsup2

This time NEXT week we'll be where??!! I can't remember :rotfl: Talk about leading the blind around, Michelle, you are going to be busy with Me, Jen, Anita, etc!!! LOL!

At this time 4 DAYS FROM NOW we should be checked into WL and having a cocktail by the pool :woohoo:

Great Mega-update! I love your picture frame - I have the same one from WDW just without the cruise insignia. Our family portrait with Donald from Tusker House is displayed in it here in my living room! Hope you enjoy yours as much - and good luck selecting JUST ONE photo for it!:lmao:

Yes, selecting the photo is the hard part, I still haven't put one in it!

All caught up! I love the picture of the boys in window, just a great picture! Your dinner looking amazing! I'm really ready to take a cruise!

I'm ready to take a cruise too, I've got the itch really bad right now!

You weren't kidding when you said it was a mega update! :lmao:

What a great last day -- I could just see Charles being the same way as Don about me telling him how to dress, so I felt triumphant right there with you when Don had to go change. :thumbsup2

You're right -- I think that young adult was probably autistic or something. :confused3

As far as the kids/teen clubs -- I have a feeling if we take a cruise my two will be like that. I was talking about the Alaska cruise with Chelsea yesterday and said, "They even have teen clubs." Her response was, "I'm not going there by myself," and I suggested that her brother would be old enough to go with her. She wasn't amiable to that suggestion at all. Heaven forbid they should branch out and make friends. :sad2: Oh well.

Love all your souvenirs -- great choices!

Hey, well I did warn you, what with 'MEGA' in all caps like that ;)

Why do our silly men continue to question us? They really should know by now that we know what we are talking about - especially when it comes to Disney!

I've seen your chatter about the Alaska cruise, I am really interested in that one too!

Justin met quite a few people, but they were all on the basketball court - there he is in his element and not bashful at all. I think the key to the kids clubs is to go on the first day when very few kids know each other. I understand where Chelsea is coming from though, at her age I doubt I would have gone into the club without a friend either.
Why do our silly men continue to question us? They really should know by now that we know what we are talking about - especially when it comes to Disney!

It defies understanding. :laughing:

I've seen your chatter about the Alaska cruise, I am really interested in that one too!

I keep saying it would be the trip of a lifetime, and if it is with Disney -- all the better! ;)
MEGA update indeed! :thumbsup2 The last day and night are always the hardest...especially the packing part because you know your trip is over. :sad1: Sounds like you made the best of it though...the pictures of your family all dressed up are really nice! :goodvibes I love your souvenir choices...the ship charm is really cute! Did you LOVE having a balcony? Chris and I have had a balcony cabin on 90% of the cruises we've been on and I don't think we'll do anything else on future cruises...we've been spoiled by it and it's so hard to imagine cruising without one now! So glad Don enjoyed the cruise's too bad you weren't able to talk him into booking your next cruise, but I'm sure you'll be able to help him "come around," especially since he seemed to enjoy this cruise so much!
It defies understanding. :laughing:

They're men, that's all we can say :laughing:

MEGA update indeed! :thumbsup2 The last day and night are always the hardest...especially the packing part because you know your trip is over. :sad1: Sounds like you made the best of it though...the pictures of your family all dressed up are really nice! :goodvibes I love your souvenir choices...the ship charm is really cute! Did you LOVE having a balcony? Chris and I have had a balcony cabin on 90% of the cruises we've been on and I don't think we'll do anything else on future cruises...we've been spoiled by it and it's so hard to imagine cruising without one now! So glad Don enjoyed the cruise's too bad you weren't able to talk him into booking your next cruise, but I'm sure you'll be able to help him "come around," especially since he seemed to enjoy this cruise so much!

I think the ship charm might be my favorite purchase, it makes me smile whenever I look down and see it on my wrist :goodvibes

The balcony was great! I agree with you, I just can't see cruising without one now!

I know Don wants to go on more cruises, it's getting him to commit and spend the money that is the hard part :rolleyes:
So this update is going to be short on details, because I honestly can't remember too many, a side effect of taking 4 months to complete a trip report. And the fact that I was pouting because I didn't want to go home didn't help either. :rolleyes:

I do remember that we got a wake up call on this morning because we were afraid that we wouldn't wake up in time. I also remember that I was very happy to have the 2nd dinner seating on this cruise, because that meant that we also had the 2nd breakfast seating on the last morning and so we could sleep in a little bit longer. :thumbsup2

Once I roused myself out of bed, I did what I had done every morning of our cruise, I walked over and opened our drapes to step out onto the verandah. Imagine my disappointment when I saw the port terminal instead of the open ocean. :sad:

We elected to not take our carry-ons down to breakfast with us. I know they like you to take them with you and just get the heck off of their ship after you finish eating, but I just couldn't see lugging them into the restaurant when we still had plenty of time to eat and disembark before they would come looking for us to make us leave. I just made sure that everything was packed up and that they were pushed over to one corner of the room so that if they wanted to start cleaning before we got back, they could.

Breakfast was unmemorable, the food was just okay. Breakfast was the only meal on board that we weren't impressed with - it was all just very bland.

Pretty sure this was mine, and I think Justin got the same thing


This was Don's - not even sure what it is!


I think Jared just had doughnuts. I remember getting on to him for asking Petar to bring him more when I wasn't paying attention. I made him share with Baylor and Justin, cause goodness knows he did NOT need more sugar that morning, we were getting ready to be trapped in the car for a very long time! :laughing:

After we finished breakfast we made our way out to the atrium. We asked a couple if they would take a group picture for us


Then we said our goodbyes to our new friends. They were off to Vero Beach, I was jealous!

We went back up to the room and grabbed our carry-ons and then we hung our heads low and reluctantly walked off the ship. We found our luggage easily and got in line to go through customs. Again, this was pointless, we handed the agent our declarations page, he barely glanced at it, didn't look at our passports at all, and sent us on our way. :confused3

Our plan for this day was to go to Kennedy Space Center before heading for home. When we had talked about it the day before, Don had expressed an interest in getting on the road early so that we wouldn't get home so late the next day. I told him if we were going to spend the money to go to KSC, I didn't want to rush through it. If he was going to be looking at his watch the whole time, then we should just skip it.

We went, he looked at his watch over and over, and was pushing to leave by noon. :headache: I was irritated but agreed to go after I had a chance to look through the gift shop. We made a few purchases and when I was checking out the lady told me that the shuttle was on the launching pad, prepared for it's final launch which was just a few weeks away, and that we should really take the bus out to see it. I told this to Don, and he wasn't interested, he had a one track mind at that point, and that was to get on the road. :sad2: So we didn't see it - real history in the making, right there just a short bus ride away, and we didn't see it. When we got home and I told that story, he said he misunderstood me and would have gone if he had known what I was saying - he admitted he wasn't really listening - again, cause he was ready to get on the road......

Here are our pictures from our time at KSC:









Continued in the next post










I think this might have been the most exciting thing we saw that day, according to the boys - a real alligator - in the pond on KSC property - yikes! :scared1:


I think we left by about 12:30, 1:00 at the latest, and we began the long boring drive home.

It was somewhere in Georgia, while traveling along I-75, that it dawned on me that I had left my new D&B in our stateroom! I was immediately sick to my stomach, thinking that I had lost a $275 handbag! :guilty: I didn't have Disney's lost and found number with me, so I called the owner of our agency to get it. I got her voice mail. I remembered that I still had our cruise booklet in the car and it had the DCL number on it, so I called it and explained what had happened and they put me in touch with lost and found. No one answered, so I had to leave a message and wait for them to call me back. I was a nervous wreck waiting for that phone call! Finally someone called, only to tell me that they couldn't help me. The ship had already left port and if my purse had been found when they cleaned our stateroom, it would be in lost and found on the ship. She wouldn't know if they had it until the Dream returned back to Port Canaveral. So, I had to wait 5 days, because the current cruise was a double dip, to find out the fate of my bag.

It was a very long 5 days! But it was good news when they called, because they had my bag and were shipping to back to me, free of charge :woohoo:

Here it is, the photo many of you have been waiting almost this whole report to see, my Dream Dooney & Bourke



I love my bag and am overjoyed that my absent mindedness didn't cost me!

So, that's it. Our drive home was uneventful, but very long. We decided to NEVER drive that long of a distance again, that drive sucked all the relaxation right out of the vacation, so from now on - we fly to Florida, period! :thumbsup2

Thanks so much to all of you for reading along and commenting, you are what make writing these reports so much fun!

I'll be back, hopefully before I leave for WDW, with some pictures from our little trip to Charleston for any of you who are interested.
Sorry you didn't get to watch the shuttle launch. Cute bag!!!

Can't wait to hear about your girls trip for F&W!
Sorry that Don wouldn't stay for the shuttle launch, but your pictures of KSC are terrific...including the alligator.

I'm so glad your D&B bag was found and how sweet of them to ship it to you free of charge. It's a great bag!

I thoroughly enjoyed your report and look forward to your pictures of Charleston.
Oh Michelle, I can't believe it's over! I'm so so glad they were able to find your bag and get it back to you. My imagination has painted the picture that it came alive at nights like Toy Story and had a second wonderful vacation without you :rotfl:

You sure kept cool, calm, and collected with Don during some times I wouldn't have been able to :)

I'm glad you decided to fly next time. I know it's more money, but it definitely makes the vacation all the better that you can just sit back and relax from the beginning of the trip.

Can't wait to hear about any extras you want to share with us :)
Don reminds me so much of my husband Michelle. I don't get why they are that way. Do they not like to just relax and have fun? Geesh, men!

I am like you. If I am spending the money, I want to enjoy something and get my money's worth. I do not like to be rushed. I'm bummed you didn't get to see the shuttle launch. That would have been so, so neat!!

I am so glad your pretty purse was not lost. What a wait though. I would have been a wreck! :scared1:
Sorry you didn't get to watch the shuttle launch. Cute bag!!!

Can't wait to hear about your girls trip for F&W!

The actual launch was still about a month away. But the shuttle was out there on the pad ready to go. All we had to do was go out and see it. If it had been an actual launch day I'm sure the crowd would have been crazy!

Sorry that Don wouldn't stay for the shuttle launch, but your pictures of KSC are terrific...including the alligator.

I'm so glad your D&B bag was found and how sweet of them to ship it to you free of charge. It's a great bag!

I thoroughly enjoyed your report and look forward to your pictures of Charleston.

Well, I guess I need to go make my post more clear, it wasn't the actual launch day yet, it was still a few weeks away.

I thought it was pretty cool to see the alligator in the water like that - it was a bit unnerving though cause he was pretty close!

Oh Michelle, I can't believe it's over! I'm so so glad they were able to find your bag and get it back to you. My imagination has painted the picture that it came alive at nights like Toy Story and had a second wonderful vacation without you :rotfl:

You sure kept cool, calm, and collected with Don during some times I wouldn't have been able to :)

I'm glad you decided to fly next time. I know it's more money, but it definitely makes the vacation all the better that you can just sit back and relax from the beginning of the trip.

Can't wait to hear about any extras you want to share with us :)

He!He! I bet my bag has some fun stories to tell. Wish I would have been stuck on that double dip cruise with it!

I wasn't so nice as we left. I think I acted very mature, and stormed off ahead of him and then didn't speak for many miles :rolleyes:

Yes, only flying from here on out - that 22 hour drive is INSANE!

Don reminds me so much of my husband Michelle. I don't get why they are that way. Do they not like to just relax and have fun? Geesh, men!

I am like you. If I am spending the money, I want to enjoy something and get my money's worth. I do not like to be rushed. I'm bummed you didn't get to see the shuttle launch. That would have been so, so neat!!

I am so glad your pretty purse was not lost. What a wait though. I would have been a wreck! :scared1:

I was so irritated with Don that day. It is NOT cheap to get into KSC, and to spend that much money for just a few hours seemed very wasteful to me. He was hellbent on getting home though and that was a bigger thing to him than the money. I wish he had been more forthcoming before we went in and we would have just saved the cash!

I would have loved to have seen the launch too, but like I said - it was still some time away. I still would have liked to have seen the shuttle connected to the rockets though, up close and personal! I'm going back right now to modify my post to make it less confusing!

I would have literally been sick those 5 days! Not sure how you managed. I :love: your purse!! It is probably one of the prettiest D&B I have seen.

Too funny about Don and his shorts at Palo! :confused3 Men will never learn that us women are always right!!! :rotfl2:

Too bad that you didn't get to see the shuttle at the space center. I have not been there since I was a child. Boy, it has changed.

Can't wait to see your pictures from Charleston. We were there several years ago when Tropical Storm Gaston blew through. It is such a beautiful town. Did you make it out to Ft. Sumter? I wanted to go there but time didn't allow.

:banana:Yay for 3 days!!!! You are getting so close!

You would think they would send things left behind on the ship to the terminal lost and found :confused3 Oh well, I know you were thrilled to get your purse back! I would have been so upset if that had happened to me! We had to turn around once and go back to Pop Century for my pillow :lovestruc luckily we hadn't gone too far!
I agree about 2nd seating being nice for that last breakfast.
I cannot believe you left that coveted bag on the ship.:scared1: So glad they found it & sent it to you. When we cruised on the Magic in 2007, I had meant to buy the CD of the music for Twice Charmed & forgot. Eric called them to get it for me & they shipped it to us without a charge. That was some of the best pixiedust: we have ever received.

Sad that your report is over :sad2: but glad you will be writing another one very soon.

Can't believe I leave for my cruises in 11 days! And although I will be a little less mobile b/c of my darn stress fracture, I fully intend to enjoy myself to the fullest. :woohoo:
I cannot believe Don didn't allow you to re-book!!!!!! Mr. Frugal could have saved a BUNDLE! What a huge bummer!!! I'm so sorry, I thought for sure he was IN. :sad1:

So, so, so relieved you got your D&B back - it's adorable! I don't think I had seen that pattern yet.

Looking forward to the trip to Charleston and hearing all about the amazing-I'm super jealous-girl's trip this week! I so wish I could hop on a plane and join you ladies. :hug:
Oh no on it being time to leave :sad2: I love the group picture you got before going your separate ways.

Great pics of KSC! A shame that you didn't get to watch the shuttle launch.

Wow at the bag drama! :scared1: I'm soo happy to read it was found and returned to you. It looks great!

Have a great Disney World trip - can't wait to hear all about it!


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