Coronavirus and DCL Megathread - Suspension of Departures for the fleet until early November. Booking only available from early December.

Indeed. Some reputable sources, but this is certainly information being reported widely:
As these, and other, articles make clear, this is akin to issuing a state of emergency after a natural disaster -- it will speed up the flow of money globally, and is designed primarily to help stem the spread of the virus in less developed countries.

While of course it remains something to be aware of if you are at risk (if you work in a hospital, if someone in your life recently traveled from Wuhan, etc), it is still less severe than the flu. Taking the precautions one should always take to avoid contagion (washing hands frequently, staying home when sick, getting the flu shot, not licking public spaces, etc) is still reasonable.

Everyone measures risk differently. Do what is right for you and your family to feel safe.

I work for a University that has hospitals and international affiliates, including in China. We've received frequent updates about the appropriate protocol for employees based on level risk. Ranging from -- the Hong Kong center is closed, everyone is staying home down to people like me who have essentially no measurable risk and don't need to do anything.

Last WDW trip my 5 year old was licking the hand rails! Gotta wonder what goes through their heads that that seems like a good idea lol
The human body is designed to deal with viruses and other sicknesses. You can drive yourself crazy if you stop to think about all the potential exposures out in the world during regular daily activities: ATMs, grocery carts, door handles, bathrooms, cash money, fast food restaurants, playgrounds, etc. My husband had the flu this year and ended up in the hospital. I never got the flu shot and was totally exposed to the funk, but never got sick. Superhero?... probably, or just the nature of how these type of viruses work. Stress and worry are super detrimental to our health and overall ability to fight off yucky stuff. Like others have said, we should not stress about these things. Take normal sanitary precautions and enjoy life. :P
Yep. I just got off the Magic Jan 14 and the flu symptoms started that night. Seemingly half the people on the ship were sick. Tons of coughing, lots of people laying down looking miserable. Wife and I are incredibly careful with germs, always sanitize tray and arm rests on planes, use the wipes and/or sanitizer before and after eating on the ship including each time we touch something on the buffet. We even use the wipes as a layer for pulling down the ice cream handles and using the soda machines like weirdos. Still seems impossible to not get sick during this time of year.
Sorry to hear you are sick B2 Hope you had a nice cruise though. Get well soon.
On DCL, they do have you wash your hands before going into Cabanas, but after you get your food, wash or sanitize your hands before eating again. You don’t know who sneezed on their hands and then used one of the serving spoons
I'm planning on taking vinyl gloves for the buffet. I have them already, so it's an added measure of safety for me. I have a weak immune system, so I'm being extra careful. we leave for a 4 day Bahamas on the Dream on the 24th.
I'm planning on taking vinyl gloves for the buffet. I have them already, so it's an added measure of safety for me. I have a weak immune system, so I'm being extra careful. we leave for a 4 day Bahamas on the Dream on the 24th.

Also, maybe having someone else in your party fill the plates, and then sanitize? It's more work. I'm thinking about doing this for my kids. (You know, mommy sacrificing her health for the sake of the littles.)
I have a plane to catch to San Diego in a couple weeks. Went to Walmart yesterday and I bought a 5 pack of the industrial mask. Not supposed to be at all effective, but I got some and will probably wear one, my husband said no. But I will say, they were low in stock of them.
I have a plane to catch to San Diego in a couple weeks. Went to Walmart yesterday and I bought a 5 pack of the industrial mask. Not supposed to be at all effective, but I got some and will probably wear one, my husband said no. But I will say, they were low in stock of them.
Just on eye witness account, my parents just flew to miami and did not see anyone wearing masks in the airport. I will be flying on Saturday with two small kids from manchester to philly to pensacola and we will not be wearing masks. I do have wipes for the plane but that is it.
Are there any scientific accounts or real news you can read out there which can tell you what is working and what's not?


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