Corner Punches??


DIS Veteran
Apr 26, 2000
Has anyone used the punches that trim/round off the corners of your pictures? I am thinking of purchasing one and would like some opinions?
Grover in Winnipeg
My corner rounder is one of my most favorite sb tools. I don't know what I'd do without it. :eek: I also like to use my Fiskars scissors to do some fancier corner cuts. :)
I 2nd Creative memories corner rounder is one of the BEST purchases I have made for scrapping. It is so simple but makes my pictures look so nice. Every "non-scrapper" who looks at my books says " Hey,how did you get the corners like that?"
I just tell them that I am really "crafty" ;)
In the beginning I used my corner punch quite a lot but now I hardly use it. I think you go through fazes.
My 2 most important tools are my corner rounder and 12x12 Fiskars paper cutter. Can't live without 'em!
I used one that my sister has and fell in love with it! I bought one for myself, but I haven't done any scrapbooking since then, so I haven't used it yet.
You should get one, definitely! Some pages I round all my corners, other pages I leave them "as is" - but just so you have the option you should get one - you'll get your money's worth.
On the DYI program they showed where you can use a screwdriver and pop out the "stoppers" in these punches and use them to make borders on a page. I have not tried this! They were reassuring that the pieces would go back in and it would work again but I haven't been brave enough to try it! They made some wonderful borders with it.
I absolutely love my corner punches. I have the standard kind that simply rounds your corners. If I have cut pictures on the page into circles or ovals, I like to round the corners of my square or rectangular photos.

I also have two of the corner slotted punches. I use these on the mats for my pictures. One cuts two straight slots diagonally across each corner. The other cuts two scalloped slots diagonally across the corner. This lets you slip the corners of your photos into the corners of your mats. You can adhere the mat to the page, yet the photo is still easily removable from the page if you think you might ever need to remove it. (I really love this option for heritage photos---I hate permanently adhering them to a page.)

I have the Marvy Uchida brand of punches which can be found in any scrapbook store, Michael's, or Hobby Lobby. Hobby Lobby has their punches on sale for 25-50% off fairly regularly (at least here in my town) and Michael's is always running a 40% off coupon, so you can get these fairly inexpensively. The regular corner punch is about $8; the slotted ones are around $12 at full retail price.
Creative Memories Corner Rounder is a good buy. It's easy to use and it stores all your "trimmings' in a little pocket so they don't fly everywhere! Thumbs up! :smooth:
Another vote for the CM corner rounder...and not just because I'm a CMC...I had a CM corner rounder for 5+ years before I ever became a CMC and ALWAYS use it. Un-rounded corners kinda bug me for some reason.
LOVE my CM corner rounder. Wouldn't scrap without it. Most of my layouts have rounded corners. Maybe one layout in 30 has square corners. Invest - it will be one of the best purchases you make!



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