Connections through MyPoints


DIS Veteran
Nov 5, 2001
Has anyone else signed up for the connections program through MyPoints recently? I was supposed to get a $25 gift card and 200 MyPoints points. I have received neither. I wrote the company, but I just got a standard "we'll resend your membership materials" response.

Incidently, they charged my credit card $1, so I know I'm subscribed.
I just signed up for Connections through MyPoints 2 days ago...I already received the 200 points in my account, they were there the next morning! As for the Gas Card, I haven't received my Membership Package yet, so I am not sure about that, but I do know that it said when I received the package, it would have details on how to claim the Gas Card...So, we will see...but as far as the points go, it is an instant thing because after I signed up at Connections, the box popped up that said I was awarded 200 points! :)
Don't hold your breath on that gas card - I signed up last year in August and never received the gas card - even after following the instructions in the member mailing.
I vaguely remember being a member of Connections during a trial offer a few months ago. Now I know why I cancelled my membership.


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