Confused about DVC


Finally a DIS Veteran
Feb 14, 2001
I am quite confused about the DVC. Well, sort of. I do understand that you buy points to use and once you own the points, there is no more paying for the points at least until 2042 when the DVC may end. Also, I do realize that there is an annual fee that must be paid (anybody know a round figure of how much this is?). The part that confused me is where you can stay. Is there any requirements that you HAVE to stay at your home resort? Also, can you only use your points at DVC resorts? I have only stayed at the Polynesian and Contemporary, but from what I can see, the points can be used on neither resort or am I mistaken? Well, any additional information would be great. I looked at the FAQ here and also looked at the Disney site, but it is all just a little bit confusing to me. Thank you.

Annual fees currently run about $3 to $4 per point, depending on your home resort.

You can use your points to stay at any WDW resort, but generally, your best value for your points is to use them to stay at a DVC resort - it need not be your home resort, but you can only book non-home DVC resorts 7 months in advance, so getting accomodations at a non-home DVC resort can be tough during certain time periods.
Glad to hear you're interested in DVC. We have owned since 1995 and have never been disappointed. It was the best investment we ever made. Annual dues are based on how many points you have. Example: 210 points would cost roughly $600. per year. This includes maintenance and taxes. You can stay at any resort on points. You have an 11 month window for your home resort and 7 month window for all others. This means you can book at your home resort up to 11 months from the day you want to stay and you can book for other resorts up to 7 months from the day you want to stay. You also need to know when your use year starts because if you are not going to use your points(or all of your points) for that year you need to bank them into the next year. You need to keep track of this yourself because if you don't bank them by certain months of the year you could lose them. There are other people on this board who can give you alot more info than I can, but I hope I have helped a little.:D
Originally posted by Panthius
I do understand that you buy points to use and once you own the points, there is no more paying for the points at least until 2042 when the DVC may end. Pan

DVC is kind of difficult to grasp at first so keep asking questions. Actually, you don't buy points. You buy a real estate interest in a resort. The size of the purchase translates into the "points" that are used to make reservations. The points can be used to stay at most WDW resorts (not All-Star or any resort that also has a DVC attached -- rules out BWI and WL), any DVC resort as well as a multitude of hotels, inns, bed & breafasts and timeshare resorts that DVC has made arrangements with. You can also use points to take cruises (including Disney cruises), African safaris, rafting trips, etc., etc. The best value for your points is to stay at DVC resorts but you have lots of other options. The Poly & Contemporary are included in the resorts you can stay at on DVC points. It's nice to have the option to try/return to favorite resorts but staying at DVC, especially a one-bedroom or larger is so much nicer that it's hard to return to just a hotel room.

Here are the 2000 and 2001 rates by which the yearly dues were set for each resort. I gave you the two years so that you can see the charge is fairly stable. By FL law it cannot increase more than 15% in one year.

2000 2001
OKW = $3.16 $3.13
BWV = $4.02 $3.83
HH = $3.26 $3.32
Vero= $4.08 $3.97
Wilderness $3.63
Contact Ron Braumbaugh at DVC, He is very low key salesperson. He will answer any questions that you have about DVC. They will even send you a video tape and brochures.
I think the # is 1-800-800-9800
Good Luck You will love DVC!:pinkbounc
Thanks to all of your responses I am beginning to grasp the concept of the DVC. Another question I have about this is what is the minimum investment to be made to buy into the DVC? I have looked at the resale prices, but I am curious as to the normal pricing not through resale. Again, thank you all for your responses to my previous question.


PS: Anybody know how to get the pink bouncy? I try but I just get the spinning head.
I believe the minimum purchase is 150 points, Currently that is $72 per point for $10800.
Just one little point-- your reservations are made 11/7 months from the date of departure. So if you plan a trip that will end on July 26th, 2002, your first permissable date to make your ressie at your HOME resort would be on August 26, 2001. At a DVC resort other than your home, the date would be December 26, 2001. We bought DVC in 1993 and have loved every minute of our stays there. It was the best thing we ever did for our family. Our girls are grown now and they are buying their own DVC points!!

Glad I'm not the only one having trouble with the pink bouncy!! I got the spinning head too. Hope someone who knows about these things can get it fixed
I spent $14800 for 240 points. My annual maintence dues for these points are about $720 per year.
Since I purchased last October I have taken vacations that would have cost $3500 if I paid the advertised room rate for my accomodations. This figure includes taxes. In 5 years I will have spent $3600 for dues.
$14800 + $3600= $18400/$3500 per year = 5.25 years.
I figure I will break even on my initial purchase price after 5.25 years and the other 36 years is free.
I realize that this does not account for lost investment opportunity, but I would not be home living like a monk. I would have spent the $3500 per year on some other vacation. DVC is a way of stabilizing vacation costs. Just be certain you will enjoy the vacation options offered. Conatact a guide for information. I was able to get everything I needed to describe the entire DVC. Your costs will be different but the basic principle is the same. It is even better if you don't finance your purchase. Good luck!
Do I have to purchase a Park Hopper ticket when I stay at a DVC resort using DVC points?
You don't get any passes for free when staying on points. However, you can buy any pass that you choose, including none at all.
Length of stay passes used to be given out to DVC owners to get them in the parks. A friend of mine was an owner since 1995 and got the passes untill the end of either 1999 or 2000. This benefit is no longer offered but DVC is still a good deal. It was probably offered in the past to build a good customer base for the DVC style timeshare, which was radically different than the typical timeshare offered.

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