Confess your Disney sins!

I think this is my second time posting in this thread...but it has to be confessed:

On my trip in April, instead of buying beers at Uzima Springs when lounging by the AKL pool, I would fill my refillable mug with Bud Light purchased before we got on property and take it down with me. Saved me a few bucks, and no one would think less of me if they saw me with beer in one hand and putting sunscreen on the kids with the other!
Ok I have a few, it makes me sad to say these too...

I have not seen Festival of the Lion King or the Enchanted Tiki Birds shows.

I missed Illuminations last year.(Won't happen this year)

I have never rode Dumbo or the Tea Cups(Again that will change this year)

I have a extreme fear of snakes so I won't be watching HISTA either.

Due to my friend not wanting to get wet, I missed out on Splash & Kali last year as well.

I only did Everest, Dinosaur & Primeval Whirl in AK, nothing else.

And the biggest one of all....never tried a Dole Whip either..

Whew I feel better now haha
I have to confess this....I have scrolled over this thread on a daily basis and it is gnawing away at me. We were at AK in May of this year and Brer Bear was at the entrance to the park. So DH and I go over and have our pic taken with him.

It was SO hot that day...without even thinking, I opened my mouth and spewed the worst Disney sin "Oh Brer you must be really hot in that suit"...well I almost passed out when I realized what I said. The handler gave me the dirtiest of dirty looks and was like "we have no idea what you are talking about". If I could have crawled under a rock I would have. I still feel so bad about it...

Please forgive me DISers...I need someone to tell me its ok...:guilty:
My very first DIS sins...

we walked out during Illuminations after watching for two minutes...:rolleyes1

we left MK in the middle of a great day just to go to "Germany" for brats (but we went back to MK after eating the brats!!) :)

we left our hotel at 9pm just to run to DTD to get marshmallows on a stick dipped in chocolate and coconut...then we went back to the hotel and watched Grey's Anatomy! :rotfl:
That sounds fun-I love that about WDW and POR/POFQ in particular...just hop a boat to DTD and get some munchies to eat while watching hotel TV! We'll be doing this come September(we never stay until park closing....)
I let myself talk me out of getting in line to have my picture made with Darth Vader and some of the other Star Wars characters during SWW. I am a big kid at heart but I made myself believe that I was too old to get in line when my kids didn't want too.
Me and my sister like to skip down the FP line with big smiles on our faces, especially at rides like Space Mountain and Splash. I just love the glares and faces I get from the people in the standby line!

Us too- I have zero sympathy for people who dont know about/care about fastpass after it's been around for as long as it has...;)
My confession . . .

The first time I went to the Magic Kingdom I went one ONE ride and only one. And that ride was Its a Small World!
After I get off of Kali River Rapids I always drop my jaw in front of the people in the line waiting to get on... I can tell who's been on it before and who hasn't because I start hearing comments like "OMG is it that bad?!" "oh nooo...we should've bought a you really wanna get that wet?" I find it hilarious lol

I'm also guilty of having a holier than thou attitude when using FP :-) only a couple times though...there's really no need for FPs when you go during late August!

I avoid characters like the plague. It's so awkward for me. Especially last time when I was in Toon Town and I took a picture with Mickey. I had one of those long, spiral lolipops in my hand. Mickey took it and pretended to lick it. I couldn't keep my mind out of the gutter. Now every time I look at the picture it's "The Day Mickey Licked My Lolipop." .....sorry. Hahaha

I can't get into the parades, fireworks, and shows...they all bore me.

I think Peter Pan is stupid. And Alice from Alice in Wonderland annoys me like you wouldn't believe haha...she's so whiny!

Every year I say I'll explore the countries, but then I get there and never feel like it.

Oh! And I only go on It's A Small World to see how many of the little animatronic kids have defects :-) last August I counted 4!
I would first like to say that I see no sin in liking or disliking any food or attraction at WDW. To each their own I say.

With that said, here are my WDW sins....

On my honeymoon in 2000 98% of our photos were pics of me with characters. There are so few pics of my wife that you would have thought I went by myself.

On that trip to WDW my wife and I went to the main pool at CBR one evening. She had her suit on under her shorts and shirt but I needed to change when we got there. I was reading the locker rules instead of paying attention as to where I walking so I went into a stall and began to change when all of the sudden I began to hear women's voices.:scared1: So I started freaking out thinking that security would be escorting me off of Disney property any moment. Fortunately I still had long hair at the time and so I took it out of the ponytail left my shirt on and as soon as I was alone, made a break for the door and all was well. Now my wife has her favorite WDW story.

On our last trip I felt a little jealous of my DD (2 1/2) because the characters gave her all of the attention and I had to act like a parent and not appear jealous. :sad2: p.s. my wife actually appears in more of the photos from this particular trip.

I love accents and after sitting behind a wonderful couple from Manchester at Fantasmic. I found myself speaking with their accent all the way back to the resort (I don't think this is the sin. The sin is coming up.) So when we got back to the food court at CBR I ordered my meal in said accent. Only to have the guy next to me turn and start talking to me about my day and as far as I know his British accent was 100% authentic. Needless to say my wife turned red and I felt the need to "stay in character". We talked for a good 5 minutes before the guy took his tray of food over to his family.Luckily he never asked me where I was from or else I surely would have been busted. We actually saw that guy a few more times at our resort and each time I had to resume my role.

I have found myself thinking impure thoughts about Alice, Cinderella, Jasmine and Ariel. Not the cartoon versions but the face characters and don't worry my wife has already given me an earful about this one. But come on...they're hot.:rolleyes1

And lastly.....a family get together doesn't go by without me boring everyone to tears about our magical gathering in 2008. But that's what they get for wanting me to plan it.
I napped 3 times on our December trip - once in COP (woke up in time to see granny in her virtual reality glasses); once in American Adventure (2nd time seeing it that trip so I wasn't totally unpatriotic); once in Nemo show at AK (yes, I managed to fall asleep sitting straight up on a bench with no back - it was a late night at MVMCP the night before).

OK, so I slept at WDW! Do I have to turn in my Mickey ears?:mickeyjum
Oh, let's see...

* I've never had a turkey leg, and, not only that, but I never point out the turkey leg stands to DH who has wanted one for years because I think they look gross & just really don't want him to carry one around. I guess I'll just grin & bear it when he finally finds one of the stands himself.

* We've never told our kids about the Country Bear Jamboree because we've never had any desire to see the show.

* We consistently miss the Swiss Family Robinson Treehouse, the Liberty Riverboat, the Hall of Presidents, & Tom Sawyer's Island. We always tell ourselves we'll come back to those attractions, yet we never do. Likewise Astro Orbiter and the Speedway Cars.

* My kids have never played on the HISTK playground because I don't feel like chasing them in order to keep track of them.

* I fall asleep during Spaceship Earth.

* We skip out on the movies in the WS at Epcot.

* On our AK day last year, for some reason, I started having shin splints or something which made walking painful. After we had ridden the little train over to Rafiki's Planet Watch at the AK, I pretended that my legs were hurting a lot more than they really were so that I could sit out while DH took the kids to pet the sheep & goats.

* When I'm waiting for a parade, I normally put my bag beside me so that we won't get too crowded, and, as a family, we kind of spread out a little to reserve some "breathing space" for ourselves.

* On our last night after Wishes, I cry like a baby walking out of the MK.

* The first time we rode Soarin' in 5/2005, we stood in the stand-by line for 90 minutes even though we both knew about & fully understand fastpasses.

* We bought one of those insanely expensive water sprayer bottles while waiting for the afternoon parade at MK.

* I can't stand Stitch. *gasp* One ride is fine, but I hate the way Stitch is everywhere. I don't want Stitch waking me up in the morning!

* Oh, and one for DH - he really, really doesn't like the FotLK Show. :confused3

I'm sure there are more...

Only on page 12 but here goes ...

My boyfriend and I HATE the tiki birds (as we call them) and whenever we are bored with something we call it a "tiki bird"

I am freaked out by characters that look like humans

No one knows about my next trip (except the people who are going) cause we don't want anyone else to invite themselves

I'm sure I have more but I can't think of any right now:goodvibes
i hearby declare, on my honour as a disser, i will eat some mini cadbury eggs to atoll for all our sins.
gosh these are wicked good.

upon arrival at disney i will not however, drink that nescafe coffee. I will instead have a starbucks iv inserted and let it drip on in ........

Mini cadbury eggs are the greatest candy to EVER be invented. I just THANK GOD I can't buy them all year round. I'm sorry, I know that was off topic but I just had to share!
Me and my wife were fighting in epcot last year and missed most of the park. Oh well half of it is closed in december anyway.
After I get off of Kali River Rapids I always drop my jaw in front of the people in the line waiting to get on... I can tell who's been on it before and who hasn't because I start hearing comments like "OMG is it that bad?!" "oh nooo...we should've bought a you really wanna get that wet?" I find it hilarious lol

I'm also guilty of having a holier than thou attitude when using FP :-) only a couple times though...there's really no need for FPs when you go during late August!

I avoid characters like the plague. It's so awkward for me. Especially last time when I was in Toon Town and I took a picture with Mickey. I had one of those long, spiral lolipops in my hand. Mickey took it and pretended to lick it. I couldn't keep my mind out of the gutter. Now every time I look at the picture it's "The Day Mickey Licked My Lolipop." .....sorry. Hahaha

I can't get into the parades, fireworks, and shows...they all bore me.

I think Peter Pan is stupid. And Alice from Alice in Wonderland annoys me like you wouldn't believe haha...she's so whiny!

Every year I say I'll explore the countries, but then I get there and never feel like it.

Oh! And I only go on It's A Small World to see how many of the little animatronic kids have defects :-) last August I counted 4!

Holy Moly I could written this almost exactly the same! Especially about parades and shows. I just can't sit outside in the heat and watch anything. I walk through the countries but just to say I did them.
This thread is hilarious!

Okay on to my sins:

* I have never had (nor will I ever have) a dole whip - those things look gross to me!

* I have told my dd that the characters switch off between DL and WDW (we have APs to DL, usually go to DL once a month and go to WDW once a year) so that on some days when she wants to go to DL I can tell her no that Mickey is not there. Lucky each "face" character we have met at both parks has been savvy enough to back me up on this - and "remembers" her from the other park (I do not think I have too much longer for this one! LOL)

* I do not like ISAW and have convinced my dd that she does not like it either

* I enjoy meeting the characters as much as if not more than my dd

* I have not been on TT, MS, or Soarin

Boy that feels better! LOL!
I have to confess this....I have scrolled over this thread on a daily basis and it is gnawing away at me. We were at AK in May of this year and Brer Bear was at the entrance to the park. So DH and I go over and have our pic taken with him.

It was SO hot that day...without even thinking, I opened my mouth and spewed the worst Disney sin "Oh Brer you must be really hot in that suit"...well I almost passed out when I realized what I said. The handler gave me the dirtiest of dirty looks and was like "we have no idea what you are talking about". If I could have crawled under a rock I would have. I still feel so bad about it...

Please forgive me DISers...I need someone to tell me its ok...:guilty:

I'll tell you its okay!! Its not like you did it on purpose thinking it was funny. It was just an accidental slip of the tongue. I wouldn't worry another second about it!! :hug:
I can't believe I'm admitting this on here...but, I absolutely cannot stand how POTC has taken over Disney! I'm just not a fan; I mean I LOVED the ride, but I am not enthralled by the movies. I remember reading about the conversion to a Pirate Island at DL, and I hated the thought of Tom Sawyer's Island being taken over! Maybe I'm just not a fan of change, but I much preferred it when POTC was just a ride. Please don't hate me!
Hmmm....let's see..... ..okay:

I think the turkey legs are disgusting! :scared:

I fell asleep at American Adventure...both the movie AND the Voices of Liberty pre-show thing! And..the France movie, and Hall of Presidents and even Tomorrowland Transit Authority!!! :sad2:

I hate, hate HATE the Stitch 'attraction', but I'm sure I'm not alone with that one!!! :headache:

I love, love, LOVE the feeling of flying by all the suckers waiting in stand-by lines as I breeze through with my beloved Fastpass!!!! :banana: What is wrong with those people??? :confused:

I'm sure I'll think of plenty more Disney sins but that's a good start anyways!!! :rolleyes:


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