*COMPLETE!!!!*THIS IS THE WILDERNESS!!! A Selfie-tastic April/May 2014 Teacake Adventure

No Strings FP - so AWESOME!!! That was one thing I loved about the old FP system, being able to give them to someone on your way out and spread a little pixie dust. Stinks that you couldn't use it for A&E, that would have been so perfect in your Disneybounding outfits!

The balloon pics came out great, even if the CM didn't have the best attitude about it.
How lovely of that stranger to give you that FP but what a shame that it couldn't be used for Anna and Elsa!
So sad about Katherine's ring, it was so pretty! :(
The Olaf Apple sounds so delicious, and to get a free sample is even better as $10 for a snack is ridiculous!haha
Yes! I couldn't get over the price! $10 for an apple?! That's 2 Dole Whips! You can see where my loyalties lie :rotfl:
Hi Hollye! Just finished your February TR (I stalk TRs to pass the time until my next trip) and loved your writing style so I came over to get on board with this one too! Can't wait to see what's next!

Oh, wow thank you for such a sweet compliment!!! Hope you enjoy this one too! :blush:
Aww that is such a sweet CM encounter!

Bahaha that is a great idea to do Mickey ears.

YAY no strings FP!!

Your balloon pics came out awesome! I kind of failed at it in November so I hope to try it again this summer.
I wish mine and Laura's turned out a little better too! Ugh! I guess I'll just have to go back to Disney and try again! What a SHAME :lmao:
No Strings FP - so AWESOME!!! That was one thing I loved about the old FP system, being able to give them to someone on your way out and spread a little pixie dust. Stinks that you couldn't use it for A&E, that would have been so perfect in your Disneybounding outfits!

The balloon pics came out great, even if the CM didn't have the best attitude about it.
We really wanted to meet them in our disneybounds too! But I guess it wasn't meant to be :sad:
*Deep Inhale and Exhale* "I NEED A GROUP OF TWO!!!"


Emily and Katherine's mom decided to opt out of this ride and they watched!
We picked the purple tea cup again and I was on camera duty!

Selfie Count: 14

So I realized that it's not the smartest idea to look at a camera while you're spinning...
After getting off that, I was probably walking like a drunk :rotfl:
We decided to head on over to Dumbo!

We waited maybe 5 minutes and were ready to board!


I couldn't get over how beautiful this ride was! That was my firs time riding the new version! It was really like the first time I rode it that I can remember! I know I rode it on my very first trip but I didn't really care :sad2:
Then it was through new Fantasyland we went.
There's our man!



We were on our way to Winnie the Pooh!


While we were in line, there was a CM who was calling out for small groups to come forward in line but the way he did it was SO hilarious!
It was like
*Deep inhale and exhale*.... "I NEED A GROUP OF TWO!!!" :rotfl2:
I wish I have a video of Kat doing that! She got me EVERY time! LOL! It was just SO hilarious because he was like perfectly calm and then all of sudden he's screaming at the top of his lungs! Ohhh, good times!
So for the rest of the trip, if Emily and Kat heard someone with a super loud voice they would say "They need to work at Winnie the Pooh!"
The CM also noticed our disneybounds!
After that, we walked on over to It's a Small World! I wasn't expecting to like this ride as much as I did! My Mom is not the biggest fan so I wasn't expecting to like it all that much either! But I did have the song stuck in my head the rest of the night :rotfl2:



I just couldn't resist taking pictures of the floating lanterns!

Next, we got in line for Peter Pan's Flight! I was glad to see that the line wasn't very long but that was probably because we were riding during wishes! But MAN wishes is LOUD behind the castle! It was so loud, I was looking at the CM to see if they found this concerning! But they were cool as cucumbers!
We got on our ship and enjoyed flying to Neverland!


Next was Haunted Mansion!!
I tried to get pictures I promise, but they all turned out blurry!
How about a story instead kids?!
So, while we were in the stretching room, we happened to be right in front of some serious Mickey Mouses (these guys were hardcore!) and so Kat and Emily were whispering and I had a pretty good idea what they were talking about but I didn't want to ask so we didn't call attention to ourselves (we gotta play it cool right? ;))
Good story? I thought you would like it! :lmao:
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Yes! I couldn't get over the price! $10 for an apple?! That's 2 Dole Whips! You can see where my loyalties lie :rotfl:

My loyalties would lie with the Dole Whips too, but it's lucky I'm allergic to apples, so there is no temptation next week when I'm there :rotfl:

Your photos on the tea cups are so cool, I love the blurred background! Dumbo looks so beautiful at night, with the lights and water! The CM at the Winnie the Pooh ride sounded hilarious!
My loyalties would lie with the Dole Whips too, but it's lucky I'm allergic to apples, so there is no temptation next week when I'm there :rotfl:

Your photos on the tea cups are so cool, I love the blurred background! Dumbo looks so beautiful at night, with the lights and water! The CM at the Winnie the Pooh ride sounded hilarious!

Oh I didn't know you were heading back to the world!! I hope you have fun!! Are you planning to write a TR? I'd love to read it!! :goodvibes
NO FISHING On Splash Mountain
After declining the tempting offer of becoming a permanent residents of the mansion, we exited with those Mickey Mouses in our sights :lovestruc
Unfortunately, the turned left toward Fantasyland and we went right into Liberty Square!
A cute couple walked up to us and asked if we could take their picture too!
Then we walked around and over to the one, the only, SPLASH MOUNTAIN!! :cool1:
This was very exciting because this was mine and Laura's first time riding it EVER! We almost didn't ride it because Kat's Mom was like "Let's not ride this we'll get all wet!" and Katherine was like "No we won't! You only get wet if you sit in the front!" (Yeah, famous last words)
The wait was only 5 minutes!! :banana:


I kinda knew what to expect on this ride because I had watched the vacation DVD (at least I think it was) where they were talking about how the ride was designed to have a bunch of twists and turns trying to confuse you so you wouldn't expect the drop!
So we all get in line, and we are like the only people there and so Katherine's like
"LET'S RIDE IN THE FRONT" :laughing:
Nobody wanted to ride with her so I said "When in Rome" and pulled out my rain coat because I'm a sissy and sat down with her! Wanna guess what I sat in? A HUGE PUDDLE OF WATER. Yep.
But really I didn't care all that much maybe I gave somebody a good laugh seeing someone walk around with a perfectly dry dress and then a huge wet spot on their behind! :lmao:
The only thing that really stands out to me from this ride was us being all slap happy and scolding the bear in our British accents
"NO FISHING!" :rotfl:
After that amazing ride, we made a bathroom stop and then walked on around to the castle!
Sigh, I miss it :sad:



Selfie Count: 15

As you can see the Elsa braid had come out :sad2:
Which is very sad since the next thing we did was take pictures in front of the castle in our Disneybounds!
Do the Emily!


After taking pictures, we decided to head out of the park! We were TIRED! We decided to take my second favorite kind of Disney transportation:

We just plopped down on the sidewalk and waited for our boat. When it came we just HAD to ride up front where, by the way, you can still get wifi from the park! Of course I would know that! :laughing:
Then, we got dropped off at the docks but we had no idea where we were supposed to be going! We walked all the way up to the buses that they have running around the resort and waited for Kat's awesome Dad to pick us up! But when he got to the bus station there was really no where for him to stop to let us get in so he kinda just pulled in the bus lane :rolleyes1
But talk about curb side service! ;)
We got back to our cabin, showered, ate cheese balls and listed to Emily's great commentary and soon went to sleep!
Daily Selfie count: 8
Hive five Count: Who knows?! We lost Count :rotfl:
Continued In The Next Post
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Oh I didn't know you were heading back to the world!! I hope you have fun!! Are you planning to write a TR? I'd love to read it!! :goodvibes

I am planning on writing one and would love for you to follow/read along :goodvibes

Loved the last part of your day, that is the only bad part about splash the puddle you always end up sitting in! I'm glad the temperature is in the 90's at the moment!!:rotfl:
The castle at night is so pretty, especially with the moat and the reflection!!
I am planning on writing one and would love for you to follow/read along :goodvibes

Loved the last part of your day, that is the only bad part about splash the puddle you always end up sitting in! I'm glad the temperature is in the 90's at the moment!!:rotfl:
The castle at night is so pretty, especially with the moat and the reflection!!

Have an AMAZING trip!! Enjoy those Dole Whips!!:lovestruc
Whenever you start your TR just comment with the link and I'll be there reading! popcorn::
Welcome to a very SPECIAL update! I have all the teacakes here with me to join in on the conversation!!! I hope you enjoy! :goodvibes
Hollye: This morning we did something that some of you may consider a horrible Disney crime; WE SLEPT IN UNTIL 11:30AM!! I know, but we needed it! After we all finally slid out bed, we turned on Sofiia the First and got ready! Then Kat’s Mom ran down and got us all breakfast boxes! There was french toast sticks, hash browns, bacon, sausage, eggs, and a biscuit! It was SO good!
Katherine: Yummy!
Emily: BACON!!!!!!!!


Hollye: After we ate, Kat’s Mom had a surprise for us! We were going out on Mouseboats! I had no idea what they were but I was excited to find out! So it was down to the docks we went!
Laura: (Mickey Mouse March tune) Bum-Bum-Bum-Bum-Bum-Bum-Bum-Bum M-o-u-s-e-B-o-a-t-s!


Hollye: As you can see it is absolutely beautiful down there! They even have a little beach area with volleyball nets set up! Have I mentioned that Ft. Wilderness is PERFECT?!
Kat: Briar Bear should come to the Fort Wilderness port so he won’t be fishin’ illegally on Splash Mountain anymore! :rotfl:
Emily: Does that sign really say young’uns?



Hollye: Here’s a picture of the sign that lists the prices of all rentals! We walked up to the counter and our CM was named Laura! After we signed up and everything, she was explaining to us the risks ect. and she was like “You know, this lake was here when the property was bought. We didn't dig this out so you might encounter some alligators or snakes because this is the actual wilderness!!” :lmao:
We thought that was so hilarious if anything happened randomly because of nature we would just look at each other and be like “THIS IS THE WILDERNESS!!”
Laura: Katherine and her mom made all of us these super cute pocket T-shirts with our initial on them! I wore mine to go boating in… and ended up with a nice farmers tan! Hollye and I are experienced boaters, so it was really fun to get to use our boating skills once again- for me anyway- Hollye was too freaked out about the size of the boats and the water police to get into the captain's seat ;)
Kat: All Emily wanted to do was go on one of the islands to find out what was actually in THE WILDERNESS!
Emily: I just wanted to see if there were actual alligators. I didn't see any, so I think that the “ACTUAL WILDERNESS” lady was being a little over-dramatic


Hollye: After giving us a good laugh, the CM gave us wristbands and sent us over to get life jackets! #ModelPoses
Laura: (please read in your best british accent) let us compare these two pictures. At the bottom we have two adorable teens in their life jackets, getting ready to take a nice outing across the pond. (you may now switch to your finest country accent) At the top we have two sisters who have just scared off all the wildlife and the young’ns under 7. Now they venture out to wreak havoc in lil’ boats.
Kat: I think you should disregard Laura’s last comment because like fo’ real these two teacakes are the totes most adorable girls you will ever meet in your whole life!
Em: I think we all look cute!



Hollye: Then, we were sent over to another CM who taught us how to drive the boat and gave us like 5 basic rules
1.Do not EVER stand up in the boat
2.Do not go in the restricted areas
3.No waves in the no wake zones
4. Only go to the other resorts if you need to switch driver
5.Stay clear of the resort boats
Laura: 6. please be sure to break all the rules in the first 5 minutes.
Kat: BROKEN RULE #1: Emily and I were minding our own business pulling out, chillin’, relaxin’, just havin’ a good time, when we noticed we had pulled out in front of a GIANT barge… Then, we couldn't remember how to work the boat because we were too distracted ogling at the rope in the shape of Mickey to listen to the directions! Emily couldn't figure out how to make the boat move and we were stuck idling in front of this GIANT barge coming into the dock! (Last time we came to Disney the Mouse Boat I had didn't work properly and was really slow) My Momma Mia told us to go back to the dock and get another boat, Laura and Hollye were pulling out, a GIANT barge was coming towards us, and we couldn't figure out how to work the boat. All of a sudden Emily gets the boat a’movin and we screech out of the dock and onto our adventure. BROKEN RULE #2: Barely 5 minutes into our outing my Mamma Mia gets pulled over by the boat po-po for driving her boat in the ski zone! (Of course it was her! Lol) BROKEN RULE #3: Mamma Mia was driving around our boats in circles taking pictures of us, and Emily said, “I’m not scared of the other boats, I’m just scared of your mom.” BROKEN RULE #4: To us it looked like Mamma Mia was trailing a GIANT barge really closely. She says she wasn't but, it sure looked like she was! (There seems to be a recurring theme here, doesn't it?)
Emily: For the record when I couldn't figure out how to get the boat started that large boat was so far away and nowhere close to us, but everyone was freaking out! I had everything under control……..eventually.


This was the map they had on every boat telling us where we could and couldn't go

Hollye: We paired up Emily and Kat, Laura and I and then Kat’s Mom by herself!
Laura: If you have long legs and bony butts like Hollye and I, these adorable boats may get slightly uncomfortable after a long period of time… so bring a cushion.
Kat: Make sure you wear plenty of sunscreen! You can’t be burnt if you are going to make a good impression on Gaston!
Emily: If you have short legs like I do you will be perfectly comfortable with plenty of leg room!



Hollye: Then they released us into the big blue! After a little trial and error we were able to drive like pros (We probably broke like every rule in the process)
Kat: Drive like “Pros!”
Emily: Rules were meant to be broken.
The view was absolutely amazing! There’s Space Mountain and just the tip of the castle!


Beautiful Wilderness Lodge!

And then we went over the waterbridge! I didn't realize until later that day when we were on a bus that it has traffic that goes under it!!

Kat: I didn't realize until later, that we had been driving by the Magic Kingdom port (Pictured above) ALL morning! Haha #BlondeMoment
Continued In The Next Post
*If you "Instagram" all the teacakes have a joint account! Just search @disney_teacakes*
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What an amazing experience you girls just done! I really want to go on those boats but the thought of alligators is so scary!! Haha! And how magical to be driving past the Magic Kingdom!!!:lovestruc
Tell Emily there are actually alligators, but only little ones as the catch the larger ones and release them somewhere else, as my uncle asked a Poly CM as my youngest cousin (whose 6) ended up seeing them on the Poly beach!

I'm going to try and keep updated (as we have take lots of breaks during the days being from the UK and jet lag!) but I take off in 6-7 hours for 16 days of holiday(vacation)!:)
What an amazing experience you girls just done! I really want to go on those boats but the thought of alligators is so scary!! Haha! And how magical to be driving past the Magic Kingdom!!!:lovestruc
Tell Emily there are actually alligators, but only little ones as the catch the larger ones and release them somewhere else, as my uncle asked a Poly CM as my youngest cousin (whose 6) ended up seeing them on the Poly beach!

I'm going to try and keep updated (as we have take lots of breaks during the days being from the UK and jet lag!) but I take off in 6-7 hours for 16 days of holiday(vacation)!:)
WOW I could do some serious damage if I was in the World for 16 days!! :lmao: Once again, have fun and don't be too afraid of those alligators ;)
SPLASH!! My truest of loves, I'm so glad you finally got to ride it!

The boating sounds so fun! I can't believe how close you got to MK and Wilderness Lodge. I wish I could have done some of the boat stuff they had at POR. There's just not enough time.
SPLASH!! My truest of loves, I'm so glad you finally got to ride it!

The boating sounds so fun! I can't believe how close you got to MK and Wilderness Lodge. I wish I could have done some of the boat stuff they had at POR. There's just not enough time.

It was SO fun!! One of my favorite things about this trip was that we took everything so slow! I kinda felt last trip with FP+ that I was being rushed but this time we just took it easy and got to enjoy things normal disney guests usually don't! :woohoo:
What Is This, Tostitios?!
Due to a slight misunderstanding, Emily didn't end up writing on this update! I'M SO SORRY :sad: But, I promise she'll be back before this TR is over ;)
Meanwhile on Kat’s and Emily’s boat…
Laura: who’s watching the water?!
Kat: Haha guess we just broke a 5th rule: Always keep your eyes on the water at all times!
Selfie Count: 16


The Grand!! It’s so AMAZING


Emily and Katherine decided to change drivers at the Poly! I decided not to drive because I didn't trust myself! LOL! While we waited, we got to check out the new DVC villas!
Kat: After 30 minutes me and Emily wanted to change drivers. We pulled up to the Polynesian and it looked like there was absolutely NO workers at the dock. We kept idling closer and closer to the dock (Which took forever!) Finally we get really close to the dock and see some workers, Emily screams, “HEY, WE WANT TO SWITCH DRIVERS” I was like, “Gurl, you could work at Winnie The Pooh!” The workers were very petulant at us and didn’t speak to us the whole time we were slowly pulling into the dock. They told us how to switch and we did, we thanked them and they simply grunted at us. The whole time we were slowly idling out of there we laughed our heads off about the Lurchs for cast members. (In case you were unaware, Lurch is the very monotone, creepy, and placid butler from the tv show The Addams Family!)


After that, we decided to head back since we had been out about an hour! We got back and headed back to the cabin! I loved the Mouseboats and would suggest it to anybody!
We got back to the cabin freshened up, and headed out the door! Today we are disneybounding the fab 4!! (Well… We have Mickey, Minnie, Daisy, and Donald)
Now that I think about it, I have another outfit that would fit the Mickey theme much better but whatever! So, I was Mickey and Emily was Minnie


And Laura was Daisy and Kat was Donald!
Laura: I had a large “Daisy worthy” bow in my hair… you just can’t tell from this picture!
Kat: We are totes adorable!


After taking this picture, we took a video doing the “Hot Dog” dance from mickey Mouse Clubhouse Lol! We’re five, it’s fine.
Laura: We actually had to watch an episode of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse to learn the dance!
Kat: We are “top-notch Hot Dog dancers!” :p


Then it was off to the bus stop! While we waited, we took a picture of all the things on our wrists! Think we have enough? Ha!
Kat: #WristCandyHolla


Our bus pulled up and we were on our way! Where to? Animal Kingdom!!!
We had the whole bus to ourselves! Thats’ the ‘Rents up front!
Laura: Katherine's mom was swinging her feet back and forth like a little kid! It was really cute!
Kat: A whole bus to ourselves? The better to hear the AMAZING Disney music playing in the background!

Then it was Snapchat time!!! I’m not sure why that says we’re going to Magic Kingdom though… Katherine can you shed some light on this situation? hehe
Laura: Its alot harder than you would expect to get four people and two pairs of mouse ears in one selfie...
Kat: Obviously, I was so dazzled by Disney that I didn’t even know where I was going! Haha
Selfie Count: 17


Hello beautiful!!

We got through security and the gate and grabbed some maps! I wanted one in a different language for no apparent reason, so I grabbed a Portuguese!!
Laura: this reminds me of when we went to Magic Kingdom on our last trip and Autumn grabbed a map in every language! Now Hollye and I have random MK maps in our rooms that we can’t even read!
Kat: I just got an English map! I’m not as advanced as crumpet and teacake over there!


It’s been too long Tree of Life!!!
Laura: THERE'S MY “DAISY WORTHY” HAIR BOW! isn't it cute?! Just a reminder that Hollye and I haven’t been to Animal Kingdom since our first trip. And we don’t really remember much of it… so this is another first for us!
Kat: I would suggest grabbing a chocolate covered banana on your way in! THEY ARE TO DIE FOR!


We decided to split up from Kat’s parents! They were going to watch the parade and we had FP+ to Expedition Everest!! A first for Laura and I! Emily was very pumped for this!
Laura: I was too! I just didn’t know that I liked that ride yet...
Kat: It was also my first time on that ride! What a blast of an expedition!



We had to make a quick dancing stop! I guess we had to get it all out of our systems before we got on the ride since there is NO DANCING
Laura: This place is awesome! We just walked around a corner and there was a DJ and a dancing instructor! How could you not take a detour?!
Kat: Once again, “Top-notch dancing pros!” :p



We hopped in line! WOW I SEE WHY EMILY WAS SO EXCITED FOR THIS!!! This ride was amazing!! From the view, to the thrill I loved it so so much!!
Laura: This whole area was beautiful! It makes me want to visit Nepal!!
Kat: Spoiler Alert: We were with an amazing expedition group and escaped the yeti’s grasp!



We loved it so much that we had to go again! The second time we were in the room with all the yeti themed things were and this little girl behind us was looking at a glass case and then yells to her group “What is this, Tostitos?!” LOL
Laura: haha oh yeah! The museum themed waiting area was really cool. If you looked close enough you could find some pretty funny stuff.
Kat: When my cat gets really overwhelmed she starts moving her head rapidly back and forth! So, when I was in line with all of the amazing yeti paraphernalia I felt like kitty, trying to take it all in!:lmao:
After riding, we met back up with the 'Rents!
Continued In The Next Post
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Loving your report. You guys seem like a fun group! Looks like you had a very memorable trip. Patiently awaiting the next update!
Fish Are Friends NOT Food
After we met up with Kat's parents, I believe we made a bathroom break and headed over to Dinosaur!!!


I was very excited for this ride because it was a 1st for Laura and I!
We were all going to go on the ride but after Kat's Mom talked to a CM about how jerky this ride was, she and Kat's Dad decided that they would sit this on out!
So we went on ahead and enjoyed the little corny video and then we walked down the steps to get on our jeep thingy! While we were walking down, I took this opportunity to put my useless Disney knowledge to use and told everybody how there were pipes left over when Mcdonalds owned this (I think) and they had put the chemical formula for ketchup, mustard, and mayo! They seemed interested but they were probably just trying to get me to hush :rotfl:
I really liked this ride! It was definitely much creepier than I had expected! I'm a very jumpy person so with things jumping out all over the place, I probably looked like I was having a seizure LOL
I can't remember if Emily or Kat had been on this ride before, but I knew that where the ride camera was something jumped out at you, after seeing numerous ride photo's so that should explain my face. But like 'Fo Real, this is the best ride photo from the whole trip we all look like we are so done. And Emily is like giving this dinosaur the #SlowBlink :rotfl2:


When we came out into the gift shop, I happened to look down and I saw this:

I don't know why but I found this SO hilarious! They're like "Best man-eating-beasts forever! Right Buddy!?" :lmao:
It was now time for us to head over to Finding Nemo the Musical!


Okay, honestly I wasn't excited to watch this show, I hadn't really heard much about it and I'm one of those people you have to like force into new things and then I love them! And that's what happened here! THIS SHOW IS PERFECT!! Hands down my favorite show in Disney!! From the soundtrack, to the adorable puppets, we all adored it! Laura and I still to this day will sing
"TOGETHERRR, WE'LL (Insert random action) TOGETHERRRR" I just love it!
So, we got into the theater and it was pretty packed, but we were able to get some great seats near the front!
The very first thing I noticed when I sat down was a hidden Mickey!


Then Emily pulls out some goldfish crackers which we thought was really ironic because ya know, Nemo is orange. But then we looked around and and like three families around us were eating them too!! Lol! Including this one family who were from South America!! I was really interesting listening to them talk because the family spoke very limited English and so they would always have to look to the Dad to explain something Kat's Mom had said!
Soon, the show started!

"We go in and we go out, we go in, and we go out"

P. Sherman 42 Wallaby Way, Sydney

Sharkbait Oh, ah, ah!

"Just go with the FLOOOOOOWWWWW"

And as if I couldn't love this show any more, THEY RELEASED BUBBLES ::yes::

So after that magical experience, we headed back to Dino-land!

And something else magical unfolded before out eyes, DANCE PARTY TIME!!!



I couldn't believe how amazing this day was going! But then it had to go a get ruined by the Primeval Whirl...

So this was like the only thing we rode on my first trip so I was very excited to ride it again but for some reason, the specific car that Laura and I were seated in was SO rough! I couldn't believe it! I was actually afraid I had whip lash! Thankfully I didn't actually get it and I hightailed it off that ride!
And then we failed at getting a picture with this welcome sign!


Then it was time for another bathroom break and to start heading out of the park!
Continued In The Next Post
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The dance party looks like so much fun! I didn't even know they did such a thing. Hopefully that's something we can catch next trip. It looks like there were a lot of rare characters there!
Hey girl! I am home :( on the down side, no more Disney...on the plus side, I can catch up on your TR!!

Having a bus to yourself is the BEST, it's like being a VIP!

I'm glad you loved Everest! It's amazing.

I don't do Dinosaur because I am a weenie. Even though Jurassic Park is one of my favorite movies, the huge dinosaurs jumping out at me would freak me out too much. That's a fabulous ride photo though!

NEMO!!! You got such good pictures! We sang the songs all trip haha. "Go With The Flow" is a personal fave.

I didn't get to go to any dance parties this trip :( so sad! The Dinoland one looks crazy fun.

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