Closing time @ DCA in May?


DIS Veteran
Sep 27, 2000
Can anyone tell me how late the parks will be open on week nights in the middle of May? I just found out I will be at a conference at the Anaheim convention center on May 16 & 17 (Wed. & Thurs.), & was hoping to jet over to the check out DCA after the conference, Thurs. p.m.

I understand DCA is not too large so maybe an evening would be enough to see most of it (?) I haven't been there for almost 2 years, & now a conference, & it's really weird, because DS has a band competition there the week before!

Does anyone know what the closing times will be then??? Thanks so much for any info.

<IMG SRC="/infopop/emoticons/icon_confused.gif" alt="confused">
Hi Dylan's Mom! The park hours for May can be found on the official Disneyland website, and it looks like for May 16 and 17 DCA and Disneyland will both be open from 9:00 am to 9:00 pm. Keep in mind that park hours DO change, so check back again before your trip to get the final hours. :)

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