Christmas Shopping 2008

I've been thinking on what to get. I always get something at disney for them, and we leave less then a week:cool1: :rotfl2: :banana: :woohoo: :yay: :dance3: :cheer2:

When I get back, I'll have to put my rain to work:idea: I'm kinda of guilty of regifting the baby gifts. With 3 kids, the toys can pile up, so I hide the baby toys and give them again for christmas for the next baby. The baby still gets new gifts, but that way I ahve a control on the toys. Mind you the baby will only be 7mos. After the first Christmas it's always new. We also only give are kids 3 gifts, just like the 3 Kings! The kids buy for each other so this yr they will get 5 gifts total. I also come from a big family, so I ahve to keep track of things coming into the house. 6 Christmas can get CRAZY!:scared1:
DD's - Wii ( already bought), we will get each their own color grips have apink for DD#1) and a nunchuck & stering wheel. Mario kart. I would like to get the rechargable batteries and charging station too.
The Wii is geared more toward our oldest but she will also get an outfit and her own game.
DD#2 - I want to get her a new tricycle/bike with training wheels she is only 34" tall and doesn't like the one she has - "I don't fit right, Mama", I will get her an outfit also, and either a small toy or her own game if they comeout with more preschool ones.
DD#3 - she turns 1 on Dec 3rd - We will probably buy her a toy or two and I already bought her an outfit from Disney store - (Dalmations including a spotted coat!)

We decided not to buy as much stuff this year because of our trip and everyone spoils the girls - our living room looks like Toys r us exploded on Christmas morning!

For each of our mom's I want to get a Snaptotes purse made with the girls picture on it. (And one for me too!)

DH - I am trying to put money aside to get him some kind of package of Phillies tickets - he has been wanting season tickets for years but that is just too expensive for us. So hopefully a partial package will be within reach.

My Dad - a new office chair (real exciting I know)

No idea about his dad.

the extended family - movie tickets/giftcards for the cousins.
Last year after Christmas, I knew that we needed to change some things.

First, we buy WAY too many gifts for our children. We have 4 kids (DD14, DD12, DD9 and DS6) and last year they didn't even know what to ask for since they have everything!!!!! That is not the way it is supposed to be.

Second, we buy for WAY too many people. This had gotten to the point that I was counting down for Christmas to be over, and I am NEVER usually like that.

So, my Dh and I decided to make some BIG changes.

First, we have cut down on the kids gifts. Big time. But to make up for that we are taking a family trip to Disney. No one else is coming along...just us.

And we have already told sisters, and brothers that we are not buying gifts anymore. And you know what? They were relieved too!!! They just didn't want to be the ones to say it! We will still get together, but this will help to make Christmas more of what it is supposed to be about.

And I am SOOOOO looking forward to Christmas this year.
My DS (7) stated that he only wants Star Wars toys from Santa. Oh goodie, Wal-Mart had some of the figures that he wanted 1/2 off - I got 6 for $3 a piece. These will make great stocking stuffers. Now, all that is needed are two more from us and one from Santa.

My DS is the only one that my DH and I buy for at Christmas. My mom, sister and I decided last year to no longer buy gifts for each other and our DHs but make Christmas treats and share on Christmas night. This way everyone has yummy treats on Christmas Day and no cluttering junk to take home. Most of my sister's children have moved out - so they too can now join in on our "homemade" Christmas.

Oh, I do have one nephew (13) to buy for - not sure what to get him. He isn't interested in anything and I don't give money or gift cards at Christmas. Still have to think about that one!
My DS (7) stated that he only wants Star Wars toys from Santa. Oh goodie, Wal-Mart had some of the figures that he wanted 1/2 off - I got 6 for $3 a piece. These will make great stocking stuffers. Now, all that is needed are two more from us and one from Santa.

My DS is the only one that my DH and I buy for at Christmas. My mom, sister and I decided last year to no longer buy gifts for each other and our DHs but make Christmas treats and share on Christmas night. This way everyone has yummy treats on Christmas Day and no cluttering junk to take home. Most of my sister's children have moved out - so they too can now join in on our "homemade" Christmas.

Oh, I do have one nephew (13) to buy for - not sure what to get him. He isn't interested in anything and I don't give money or gift cards at Christmas. Still have to think about that one!

Oh, I forgot to mention. My DS (7) is given about $50 to go out and buy Christmas gifts. He loves to go shopping at Christmas - in fact, he was picking out earrings for his Nene for her gift. I told him that he needed to wait until we got back from our vacation.
That is not the way it is supposed to be.

And I am SOOOOO looking forward to Christmas this year.

Isn't that a much nicer feeling than stressing over how many gifts people get/give? We are all sooo very blessed--this is the best time to reflect on that. Also, I try to teach my kids "it's the thought that counts" and also quality not quantity!! One good gift that they really want, is so much better than 3 or 4 things they don't, just to have more under the tree.

Oh, I do have one nephew (13) to buy for - not sure what to get him. He isn't interested in anything and I don't give money or gift cards at Christmas. Still have to think about that one!

Does this nephew like to read? There are some great books out there and if you find one that is a set of several, this can be added to, or a really great author and add books by he/she for the next occassions. I am a big book giver. I think books are just unrivaled!!! I see you don't like to do gc for Christmas, but I do give them to the local bookstores for some of our little friends at church.
DH---not a clue
DS8 (special needs) he's really into cars so I'm hoping they come up with some new stuff! I've gotta come up with something for him...

IN-Laws--we've decided no more gifts, but we are going away for a weekend. (I already have travel mugs, snuggly disney socks for the women, snacks, candles etc. to put in their rooms though)
Nieces--Goodnight Princess Kits (disney princess books, magical wands, tiarras, etc) done!
Siblings--I've created Christmas kits for them (ornaments, box for christmas recipes I make, etc)
Dad---Journal kit
Mom---no clue yet
Grandparents---probably pictures of family
Sons Teachers, aids, therapists, bus driver etc--I got a ton of bath and body sets on clearance so everyone is getting these. Already done!
Oh, I do have one nephew (13) to buy for - not sure what to get him. He isn't interested in anything and I don't give money or gift cards at Christmas. Still have to think about that one!

I have a 13YO nephew & he's getting a cross necklace for Christmas. Its very masculine & you can find all sorts of styles & sizes. Our local Christian store had them for $3 each on clearance.

If he's not Christian or of a different religion (which I'm sure there's jewelry for lots of religions), there's lots of generic 'guy jewelry' out there. I found a leather thong necklace with an abercrombie charm on it for $5 at an abercrombie outlet. They also had bracelets. I've even found great necklaces & bracelets at Target.
Ya'll are doing great!! I am proud of you all!! As you know I was going to start some stuff this weekend and putting away and making on-line orders (american girl,etc), but we may be evacuating tomorrow:scared1: YIKES!! what a weekend this is turning into!! So, I will have to put this on the back burner till Gustav is finished. So, if we are good, I'll def. do some stuff next week---if we have to evac it'll be the next week.Depending on IF we have electricity. When Rita hit, we didn't have power here for 2 weeks.....that is a long time in our area with out air!!!!So,,,if you don't hear from me for a week----I'm on a mini-vacation waiting for power!!!!!I may be checking back on til tomorrow when we know if we have to leave or not.For all my Texas and La friends---stay safe & keep praying!!!
Isn't that a much nicer feeling than stressing over how many gifts people get/give? We are all sooo very blessed--this is the best time to reflect on that. Also, I try to teach my kids "it's the thought that counts" and also quality not quantity!! One good gift that they really want, is so much better than 3 or 4 things they don't, just to have more under the tree.

Does this nephew like to read? There are some great books out there and if you find one that is a set of several, this can be added to, or a really great author and add books by he/she for the next occassions. I am a big book giver. I think books are just unrivaled!!! I see you don't like to do gc for Christmas, but I do give them to the local bookstores for some of our little friends at church.

No, he's not interested in reading. In fact, he hates it! Actually, he doesn't like much of anything. He doesn't like any athletic sports, doesn't like to read, not that much into video games, doesn't wear any jewerly and he pretty much stays at home, not a lot of friends - so games are out of the question. The only thing he is really interested in is hunting. Both of his parents are home-bodies and hunting is the only thing that him and his dad do. But if any of you are familar with hunting then you know that's its an expensive sport and I don't have that kind of money to spend.

So, this is why I don't know what to do. I have asked my sister and she doesn't know what to tell me to buy. He has only mentioned one thing to her and that was a motorcycle. So, I don't know! He is always hard to buy for. It really would do me no good to even consider a gift card because he doesn't shop. In fact, he doesn't leave that house unless he has too. He is to old for toys, doesn't like to get clothes and I can't stand his choice of music therefore, I'm not going to purchase those CDs.

One year, I made him a blanket. He didn't care for it as a gift but he uses it. Does anyone know someone else like this? If so, I would love to know what you do for them.
I'm an early shopper married to a late shopper and by late, I mean, Christmas Eve. :lmao:

So far, DD is getting a tricycle and kids digital camera. She may get a new pink vtech laptop since hers takes such a beating. I am thinking some doll baby supplies, as well.

Dh is hard.. if we're still in PA then flyers santa sack, if not, then a gps.

I want an imac ;)
Disney Walle--maybe a bottle of cologne? My son is turning 13 in Dec and this may be something we get him. You know to where when we go out to eat, or church. Nothing loud, just something for a good kid to smell nice;) I can't think of anything else to tell you. He's tough!!!
Well, Gustav is gonna miss us--for the most part!! wind and rain.....So, I am back on my 2 focus points at this time. Getting ADRs planned and Christmas shopping. All the stores here are closed, but I can do a few things on-line. I had been holding off on Amer.Girl thinking if I ordered and we all evacuated, then the mail delivered it while we were gone....Too iffy for me!! So, I think I am going to do that today & when our local Vera Bradley opens back up later this week, I will start putting some pieces on Lay-A-Way. Thank goodness they offer that here! Makes it seem cheaper some how!!!;)

I just remembered something for a stocking stuffer--flashlights! I usually get them one-they love 'em!!Especially the ones with the Disney characters on them. Then when the lights go out we all have one!!!:laughing:
Omgoodness.Christmas???? Lol we haven't even got all of DS's birthday presents yet (Sept.24th).
We go all out for Christmas.He is our only child and we waited over 10 years for him so we do spoil him.

I know a couple of things on the list is :
Battery Powered JD gator
Doctor kit,he loves the one at his nursery school
New Buzz
Bath toys
clothes <---my addiction is shopping for him clothes

Toothbrushes :he lovesss them

That's all I can come up with off the top of my head.Oh and I want a baby for Christmas :wizard:

Anymore ideas? I need more of a list for DD (7 in Nov) for gifts from family.

Well...lets see-my dd is getting Elizabeth for Christmas and some clothes for her. That is the major thing from us.Her 2 brothers will get her something,Nana and aunt/uncle/other grandparents.She's asking for a pink kick scooter,some of those little puppy pockets( the nursery set), the dr.kit for Little Mommy dolls and that's about it. Oh, she just saw the horse for Snow White at Wal-Mart the other day and said"Iwant that from my Nana"!!! so, that's probably what Nana will get her!!

does your dd(7) like books--reading books? I have said before I am a book-junkie, and I always find a good book for the kids(friends) birthdays-they all have so much stuff it's hard to keep up with it.what about the 'Betsy-Tacy' series? Or Anne of Green Gables (you would have to help read this, but it's something she can always keep), or Little House on the Praire books? Does she have or allowed to wear jewelry? For my dd's 5th bday, we got her the prettiest little necklace-it's calling Darling Daughter, and they have a teeny tiny little daimond in there and we got the butterfly. They have angels, initials, all kinds of things, and the chains are adjustable so they can wear them forever.It's silver & it's soooo pretty. They weren't very expensive either.That was her favorite thing, I think.

Maybe just a few more outfits for her AG doll? If she's that into it, maybe you should focus just on that stuff? I know Target and TRU sell clothes and access. for other dolls that would probably fit/work.They are a lot cheaper too!!
If I may make a suggestion, have you considered making a memory book for the grandparents? I've made them for my mother & MIL every year for the last three years and they LOVE them. They both have told me they would be disappointed if I stopped making them. They like to spend a lot of time with the kids and since they cannot possibly be here every waking moment, the book is nice to fill them in on the moments they missed throughout the year.


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