Chris Rock Live: Selective Outrage

I know Ellen Degeneres's reputation has taken a hit in recent years but I watched her comedy special Relatable on Netflix last year and I really enjoyed it. I think she only dropped one f bomb and that was in reference to being asked to take her shoes off at a friends house while wearing her favorite socks that had holes and she said "I gotta get the f outta here!!!" I mean I can relate to that lol.
Perfect example of "intentional and deliberate." Used for emphasis in this situation.

Post above yours mentioning "uh" and "ah". That is the profanity I was talking about in my post. Profanity used instead of "uh" and "ah" when they are speaking.
Twice no mention of men's use of the f bomb. Got it 👍
Because I'm talking Hollywood here. I'm discussing scripted movies. It's specifically the female roles and not the male roles. Male roles, unless mob style movies, generally use profanity "intentionally and deliberately" within the context of the script while I mentioned romantic comedies where they injected profanity and sex talk, usually quite dirty sex talk, out of context to the scene constantly.

Then I compared it with real life and said that women are wonderful creatures and loved by everyone and God's gift to the world and everything else gushy because I didn't say one thing derogatory about women. Only that women are not like this, or at least the women I speak with do not talk like this even though my coworker apparently does. So, have issue with him, not me. Or have issue with Hollywood writers who script it.
I'm a woman who F bombs quite a lot. I also have a degree in English from a good University. I married a Marine. Cursing is the norm between us. He is pretty darn smart and successful himself. I consider myself a pretty classy broad.
I don't think frequent use of profanity shows someone is not smart, educated, or successful. At the same time, I don't think frequent use of profanity shows some IS smart, educated, or successful.

I do think overuse of profanity takes away the emphasis of using it.
Because I'm talking Hollywood here. I'm discussing scripted movies. It's specifically the female roles and not the male roles. Male roles, unless mob style movies, generally use profanity "intentionally and deliberately" within the context of the script while I mentioned romantic comedies where they injected profanity and sex talk, usually quite dirty sex talk, out of context to the scene constantly.

Then I compared it with real life and said that women are wonderful creatures and loved by everyone and God's gift to the world and everything else gushy because I didn't say one thing derogatory about women. Only that women are not like this, or at least the women I speak with do not talk like this even though my coworker apparently does. So, have issue with him, not me. Or have issue with Hollywood writers who script it.
Because I'm talking Hollywood here. I'm discussing scripted movies. It's specifically the female roles and not the male roles. Male roles, unless mob style movies, generally use profanity "intentionally and deliberately" within the context of the script while I mentioned romantic comedies where they injected profanity and sex talk, usually quite dirty sex talk, out of context to the scene constantly.

Then I compared it with real life and said that women are wonderful creatures and loved by everyone and God's gift to the world and everything else gushy because I didn't say one thing derogatory about women. Only that women are not like this, or at least the women I speak with do not talk like this even though my coworker apparently does. So, have issue with him, not me. Or have issue with Hollywood writers who script it.

Keep digging that hole.
I can't believe how much this entire show is being dissected (media), beyond the Will Smith part. It is comedy, some jokes fall flat, some are hysterical. It is ridiculous how it is being picked apart on content, mostly a negative slant up here (Canadian media).

Watched it. And I fully laughed out loud many times & that is good enough for me (no issue with swear words).

Was it the best? Nope. But a few full joyful laughs is worth the watch for me.

Suge Smith was the best for me a la Will. Just did me in, laughing.

But on a more serious note - and me now dissecting! Bad me - I have zero issues with him going after Jada for two reasons -

1) As Will slapped him he said Keep my wife's name out of your .....

So I honestly liked that as.a man he is not going to get slapped in front of millions & heed to the bully at hand.

2) He is right. Jada trying to get Chris to not host years back was ridiculous. And no one's marriage is anyone's business but they made theirs a place to discuss. Even if they were separated to interview a man about how he felt about you being with another person, well I can not even imagine that pain - and that is truly what was probably going on that night.

Okay enough dissecting that very short part of the show. For Chris' sake I wish it was not live. But overall, it was worth the watch for me.
I can't believe how much this entire show is being dissected (media), beyond the Will Smith part. It is comedy, some jokes fall flat, some are hysterical. It is ridiculous how it is being picked apart on content, mostly a negative slant up here (Canadian media).

Watched it. And I fully laughed out loud many times & that is good enough for me (no issue with swear words).

Was it the best? Nope. But a few full joyful laughs is worth the watch for me.

Suge Smith was the best for me a la Will. Just did me in, laughing.

But on a more serious note - and me now dissecting! Bad me - I have zero issues with him going after Jada for two reasons -

1) As Will slapped him he said Keep my wife's name out of your .....

So I honestly liked that as.a man he is not going to get slapped in front of millions & heed to the bully at hand.

2) He is right. Jada trying to get Chris to not host years back was ridiculous. And no one's marriage is anyone's business but they made theirs a place to discuss. Even if they were separated to interview a man about how he felt about you being with another person, well I can not even imagine that pain - and that is truly what was probably going on that night.

Okay enough dissecting that very short part of the show. For Chris' sake I wish it was not live. But overall, it was worth the watch for me.
Suge Smith was hilarious And spot on.
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Obviously that's your opinion, but the intentional and deliberate use of profanity signals a higher intelligence and mastery of language.

And yeah, ALL comedians are insecure. That's the entire reason they became comedians.
I'm a woman who F bombs quite a lot. I also have a degree in English from a good University. I married a Marine. Cursing is the norm between us. He is pretty darn smart and successful himself. I consider myself a pretty classy broad.

Really? How did you arrive at this conclusion?

I really hate hearing people dropping the F bomb, it is such a crude word, and it just isn't necessary.

Question (I'm not trying to offend you, but I do have an honest question), do you speak this way in front of your children? Do your children go to school and speak like that? Maybe dropping the F Bomb to their teachers? I don’t think that’s ok but if this is what they are hearing/learning at home who can blame them? I would say the blame lands squarely on mom and dad's doorstep. Do you want a young person using that language with you? Just remember that children are products of their environment and if they are constantly hearing mom and dad talking that way chances are they too will talk that way.

As far as the CR special goes I think it was aptly named. Some many different things that could “outrage” so many for various reasons. Overall, it was pretty funny but the thing that "outraged" me the most was the use of the word "******". This is such an ugly and offensive word; I really HATE hearing it and here we have a successful black man throwing the word around like it’s nothing and maybe to him it is. I think he used this word as much as he used the F bomb. I guess he wouldn't be so outrageous if he didn't. Why is it ok for rappers and black comedians to use this word? If they don't want everybody using that word, then maybe they too should stop using it.
I haven't watched the special but plan to eventually.

I do know my opinion of will smith and jada together shifted over the years. It wasn't even the slap. Just the way they carried themselves in public mostly jada really like an air of arrogance.

There have been scuffles of hosts, guests, etc over the years but usually on MTV lol so I think it shocked everyone how blatant and out in the open the slap was. I do think there's bad blood between them all and I can't say that Chris Rock is innocent in it all. But a slap was not ever deserved nor appropriate in the least so I understand Chris choosing to take his time and putting it out there in the way he knows how..through a comedy spot.
Well this has taken a different turn. I love comedy and appreciate all types of comedians, even ones who curse. My favorites are Birbiglia, Bargatze (a non-curser), Louis C.K. (yep, still, I said it), Hart, Lewis Black, and Chappelle for men. I like Foxworthy and Dunham but not as much as the others. Schumer and Madigan are two of my favorite women.
Well this has taken a different turn. I love comedy and appreciate all types of comedians, even ones who curse. My favorites are Birbiglia, Bargatze (a non-curser), Louis C.K. (yep, still, I said it), Hart, Lewis Black, and Chappelle for men. I like Foxworthy and Dunham but not as much as the others. Schumer and Madigan are two of my favorite women.

I think Nate Bargatze is freaking hilarious. Definitely one of my favorite comedians in the last few years.
Really? How did you arrive at this conclusion?

I really hate hearing people dropping the F bomb, it is such a crude word, and it just isn't necessary.

Question (I'm not trying to offend you, but I do have an honest question), do you speak this way in front of your children? Do your children go to school and speak like that? Maybe dropping the F Bomb to their teachers? I don’t think that’s ok but if this is what they are hearing/learning at home who can blame them? I would say the blame lands squarely on mom and dad's doorstep. Do you want a young person using that language with you? Just remember that children are products of their environment and if they are constantly hearing mom and dad talking that way chances are they too will talk that way.

As far as the CR special goes I think it was aptly named. Some many different things that could “outrage” so many for various reasons. Overall, it was pretty funny but the thing that "outraged" me the most was the use of the word "******". This is such an ugly and offensive word; I really HATE hearing it and here we have a successful black man throwing the word around like it’s nothing and maybe to him it is. I think he used this word as much as he used the F bomb. I guess he wouldn't be so outrageous if he didn't. Why is it ok for rappers and black comedians to use this word? If they don't want everybody using that word, then maybe they too should stop using it.

My kids have never cursed anywhere. They are both autistic and very black and white about rules and since it was a rule in, like, preschool, they have never let it go. They are 16 and 18 year old boys. They giggle when they hear a curse word but they will NOT use them. As an aside, they both have VERY SIGNIFICANT language deficits and read at about a 4th grade level. They don't have the intellect required to use curse words in a nuanced way.

My kids both watch some pretty rough *language wise* videos on YouTube that are making fun of things they used to like as kids, like Thomas and Friends ("Uncensored") and silly stuff like that. They are both exceptionally well mannered young men overall. They have each received numerous accolades from school for their embodiment of the following values: Integrity, empathy, respect, honor. My filthy mouth has had no impact on their personalities or behavior.
Holy freak, I think a few freakin folks here freakin misunderfreakinstood the freakin extent of what the freak I was talking about.

Surely you ladies don't talk like that when you say you drop f-bombs. I'm talking every other word here. Like the way women talked in these romantic comedies of the 2000's into 2010's, I have never heard a woman speak in a manner that would make the Sopranos blush.

But yeah, if you do speak in general conversations in public with anyone you come across far worse than Hollyweird depicts mafia families, that would be very highly unattractive.

I am in no way against "intentional and deliberate" profanity usage.
I have absolutely no idea what rom coms you're talking about. None I've watched fit that description.
Well this has taken a different turn. I love comedy and appreciate all types of comedians, even ones who curse. My favorites are Birbiglia, Bargatze (a non-curser), Louis C.K. (yep, still, I said it), Hart, Lewis Black, and Chappelle for men. I like Foxworthy and Dunham but not as much as the others. Schumer and Madigan are two of my favorite women.
I too enjoy a wide range of comics. One of my favorite female comedians was always family friendly...Rita Rudner. One of my favorite quips, "I bought a new dress because I needed change for the gum machine." DH has heard this excuse for many years! 🤣😉
Just saw it, thought it was great. I wasn't expecting the Meghan Markle bit, not a lot of talk about that. The dead babies part was uncomfortable, but I agree - it makes you think and maybe has a different meaning below surface level. The Will and Jada bit was enough to put an end to the questions surrounding it and didn't hold back.

Overall - hilarious.

He curses a lot, but it doesn't bother me. I grew up in a family that doesn't curse, I also choose not to curse unless in very specific situations (ie: driving and someone is about to hit us). I don't necessarily agree that it's a sign of intelligence, I know that myth gets thrown around but it doesn't mean it holds fact. Cursing can convey meaning differently, sure, but I think finding alternative words that aren't a crude attempt to shock can be a sign of better mastery of language. There is a reason you don't see a course titled "Cursing in Everyday Language 101" in universities, but see memes with "I'm an intelligent, classy, well educated woman who says f a lot" on Facebook...
Just saw it, thought it was great. I wasn't expecting the Meghan Markle bit, not a lot of talk about that. The dead babies part was uncomfortable, but I agree - it makes you think and maybe has a different meaning below surface level. The Will and Jada bit was enough to put an end to the questions surrounding it and didn't hold back.

Overall - hilarious.

He curses a lot, but it doesn't bother me. I grew up in a family that doesn't curse, I also choose not to curse unless in very specific situations (ie: driving and someone is about to hit us). I don't necessarily agree that it's a sign of intelligence, I know that myth gets thrown around but it doesn't mean it holds fact. Cursing can convey meaning differently, sure, but I think finding alternative words that aren't a crude attempt to shock can be a sign of better mastery of language. There is a reason you don't see a course titled "Cursing in Everyday Language 101" in universities, but see memes with "I'm an intelligent, classy, well educated woman who says f a lot" on Facebook...
Most of Rock's comedy has meaning below the surface. He opens up conversations that are otherwise difficult to discuss.
My kids have never cursed anywhere. They are both autistic and very black and white about rules and since it was a rule in, like, preschool, they have never let it go. They are 16 and 18 year old boys. They giggle when they hear a curse word but they will NOT use them. As an aside, they both have VERY SIGNIFICANT language deficits and read at about a 4th grade level. They don't have the intellect required to use curse words in a nuanced way.

My kids both watch some pretty rough *language wise* videos on YouTube that are making fun of things they used to like as kids, like Thomas and Friends ("Uncensored") and silly stuff like that. They are both exceptionally well mannered young men overall. They have each received numerous accolades from school for their embodiment of the following values: Integrity, empathy, respect, honor. My filthy mouth has had no impact on their personalities or behavior.
DLGal, we'll meet and go to Disneyland one day and F-bomb our way (quietly) through the park! Seriously, though, I know I F-bomb a lot. I mainly do it at work. It's creeped in on me. I used to be in my 20s and thought it was HORRIBLE to use the "F" word. I do use it much too often. Mainly just between very close friends and some coworkers. I blame it on my career in the military (pilots and sailors for 30 years). That's how it goes at work and I just fell into it.

I tone it way down with my elderly parents because I know they find it offensive. I certainly don't speak that way in company where I don't know them. But when I'm with my fellow F-bombers, it's oddly sort of joyful. Can't explain it!


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