Choosing names .......

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<font color=red>.... but you can call me Shirley :
Aug 21, 1999
... with Eda's baby shortly to arrive, I was wondering when and how long it took you to decide your baby's name/babies names!

Did you decide on a name before he/she/they were born? Did you have a short list, or did you wait until they were born and decide?

We had a short list and we decided which name from those suited once they were born ...... how about you?
I decided on DS's name while I was pregnant with him. I couldn't sleep one night and went out to watch TV. They were playing the Patriot Games and I thought John Patrick Ryan "Jack" sounded good. DH's name is William, so we named DS John William and we call him Jack.

It's funny because I always thought I wanted to name my son Nicholas. Other than that, I really didn't have a list or anything.

My brother and sister-in-law were arguing over the baby's name in the delivery room. :rolleyes:
With my 2 boys I didn't name them until they were born and then decided that they looked like a Zachary and a Daniel!! And no-one else had a say in the matter - no budging for me.
Decided right away when pregnant with DS that he would be Joseph III, named after husband and DD was a little different...husband wanted Nicole (but wanted to call her Nicki), I personally wanted her called Nicole if that was her name, so I got to name her my first choice of Brianne and gave her Nicole as her middle name, (after she was born):D
Great topic!

When I found out I was expecting - straight away we decided that if it was a boy he would be called James Christopher and if it was a girl then she would be called Natalie Joyce (Joyce is my maiden name). I loved the name James and have always called him James. It very rarely gets shortened to Jimmy - which I am not too keen on, and NEVER EVER gets shortened to Jamie - which I hate with a passion (apologies to any Jamie's out there). Sometimes he gets called Wol (short for Warren) but that is mainly on the football pitch.

When I was expecting Katie - by this time my cousin had had a little girl and named her Natalie, plus as ironic as this may sound, but we had neighbours whose surname was Joyce (no relation) and they had a daughter whom they called Natalie - so my original choice of Natalie Joyce Warren went out of the window. By then though I had changed my mind to Katie Ann for a girl anyway - and if she had been a boy he would have been David John.

:D :D :D

I think I am lucky because both of them really like their names and Katie was really pleased that she was able to keep her real name as her 'Stage' name for her Equity Card.....
Had trouble picking a girl's name and couldn't decide between Adam or Scott for a boy.

We thought the answer would be to call a boy Adam Scott then decided against it when we realised what the initials spell - surname starts with an S also!

I did come up with "April May June" for a girl but the rest of the family were not impressed!
I had one of those baby name books and we went through it loads of times and just couldn't decide. I quite liked Holly for a while as Katie was due on Christmas Day, then pondered Hope for a while, but Phil thought that was a little unusual. We didn't really have a boys name for ages, although would have used William as a middle name as it's passed down through Phil's family.

Then one weekend we went to York and all weekend we were discussing names and Katie & Benjamin just popped into my head, and from that point on the baby was known as Katie Benjamin. She is Katie Louise, (actually she's Catherine) and would have been Benjamin William. I am really not sure where Louise came from, it just sort of sounded right with Catherine. Of course, as soon as my brothers heard they nicknamed her Katie Lou (said with strong american accent), which I hadn't planned on! I guess you can never win.

Now we are discussing it again, and again I really have no idea - although I don't fancy Benjamin anymore. I quite like Molly which was Phil's grandma's name, but then I feel like if we pick one grandma's name, then what about the others, and my grandma's where/are called Connie and Elsie neither of which appeal to me. I think Boys names are even harder, especially as all S names are out, with our surname, so no Stephen Stephensons! At the moment I am leaning towards Max but that will probably change by next week!

Sorry - I've written a book, but it's a topic that's quite relavant to me right now!

With my DS we wanted a Scottish name and I liked short names, so it got narrowed down and became Scott or Ross. My dad was called Robert and my DH had his dads name in the middle so we decided Ross Robert sounded good, still do. When DD was due, we wanted a short name again and I kept picking names that DH wasn't keen on. Then I heard the name Jade which I liked. I put this suggestion to DH who for the first time felt he quite liked it. But the icing on the cake was later that day when DH read his horoscope which said his lucky colour that day was Jade, so Jade it was, and she suits it, both were decided before they were born. I did do a suitability check once they were here to see if they looked like their names and had no changes of heart.
With my DS we wanted a Scottish name and I liked short names, so it got narrowed down and became Scott or Ross. My dad was called Robert and my DH had his dads name in the middle so we decided Ross Robert sounded good, still do. When DD was due, we wanted a short name again and I kept picking names that DH wasn't keen on. Then I heard the name Jade which I liked. I put this suggestion to DH who for the first time felt he quite liked it. But the icing on the cake was later that day when DH read his horoscope which said his lucky colour that day was Jade, so Jade it was, and she suits it, both were decided before they were born. I did do a suitability check once they were here to see if they looked like their names and had no changes of heart.
well we have a name for both girl and boy as we don't know the sex of the baby but i think i will wait a few more days before i reveal them!!!!

Both times I was pregnant, I had lists of girls names, but no boys names. Just as well I had 2 girls! I think it's because it's easier to be inventive with girls names. You have to be so careful with boys - my brother's called Daryl and he has always hated it with a passion.

My list of girls' names included Martha, Mollie, Nancy, Rosalie and quite a few others which slip my mind at the moment. We liked Abigail, but my surname at the time was Tatnell and we thought Abbey Tatnell was a bit cruel! (Abbey National).

We ended up with the very traditional names of Georgina and Harriet. When they were little they were Georgie and Hattie. Now they're George and Hat. When I was pregnant with George, I liked Harriet, but dh didn't. By the time I was pregnant with her, dh had come around to Harriet, but I had other ideas. When she was born, the midwife asked her name and dh said "Harriet".

If I was having a baby now, I would choose either my Gran's name, Constance (Connie), or Matt's Gran's name, Annice for a girl. For a boy it would have to be something 'ordinary' (i.e. nothing which would cause any mickey taking in the pub).
We had chosen Katie's name long before she was born - Katie Elizabeth - we both said Katie at the same time and then I liked Elizabeth for her middle name. She knows when she's in trouble because she gets called both her names!!

We really did struggle with a boys name. Darryl wanted it to begin with a D because generations of menfolk in the Osborne clan began with a D, but couldn't have any sensible ones because they'd all been used and I didn't want baby Osborne reminding us of some of their relatives!!

Thank goodness Katie was born a girl because we'd probably be struggling now, nearly 10 years on, because we've never been able to agree on a boys name:rolleyes: ;)

Her one pet hate at the moment is that I "embarass" her because I still call her Katie-Lou - and I'm not going to stop, he he.
First time around, I could never imagine myself with a little boy so had no boy's names picked whatsoever but I knew if it was a girl she would be Mollie Jessica and it never wavered, even when she was born it suited her.

Second time was different, I liked Alice which Darren hated, second choice was Amy but there were already two Amy's in the family so that seemed enough. In the delivery room the midwife was asking me if we had names sorted to which I replied, if it was a boy he would probably be Jake but if it was a girl we had no idea. There was a radio playing in the background so she said maybe something would come on the radio that would inspire me. It was the week before Christmas and the next song they played was the Progues and Kirsty McCall, you know the song that always gets played over Christmas? Well just then our little girl popped out and I turned to Darren and said what about Kirsty, Kirsty Louise sounds nice and he agreed! She's known to us as Kirsty Lou and every Christmas when I hear that song wherever I am I always think of her.

We knew we'd have either Alexandra for a girl or Alexander for a boy first time round (turned out to be a girl) and second time round we wanted Andrew for a boy and had a short list of 4 names for a girl - Emily, Juliet, Marianne or Laura - and she just looked like a Laura when she was born!

We knew we couldn't have Donna, Connor or Honour though! Not with a surname of Bonner!!
Way before I even got pregnant with my first I had a boys name picked out & it was only while I was pregnant that I decided on a girls name.

When I was expecting my second child I kept the girls name the same just changed the middle name (No 1 was a boy) & had a boys name picked out, but it wasn't until a few days before he was born that we decided on a middle name.:)
I wanted my son to be named for one of the Martyrs of the Alamo, so I named him Travis in honor of Col. Wm Barrett Travis.
(It's a Texas kind of thing to do ;) )

He has two middle names: Willson was his grandmother's maiden name. Warren was the name of a man who was a surrogate father to me and who died in my 7th month of pregnancy :(

Kath, you've reminded me of someone I knew when I lived in Texas. She named her twins boys Austin and Houston. :rolleyes:
I guess that's better than Dallas and El Paso.
Gosh, we bought about 3 name books before deciding. For our first born son I liked.... Louis, Alexander, Zach, Ross and Harrison but in the end went for Cameron (Louis being his middle name). For our second son I really wanted Harrison (hubby hates it!!) and hubby wanted Elliot in the end we compromised and he's called Elliot (Harrison middle name). For our third son we couldn't think of any more unusual(ish) names so we named him after our friend and used hubby's middle name for his middle name, he's called Adam (George).

I didn't bother thinking of girl's names because I knew I was having boys!!!

What a good thread - it's so interesting to see how/why people have chosen their children's names. :)

Well, having grown up with an unusual name myself and it having a lot of benefits we decided that when I was expecting first time around the baby would either have a Dutch or Welsh name (me being half Dutch & the kid's Dad being Welsh), name books were bought and we quickly decided that Dutch names were going to be way too difficult so Welsh or English won the day!

As it is Dutch custom to have printed cards made out to announce the baby's birth we had to decide on both a girls name and boys name beforehand and plumped for Bryn Ashley, Ashley was chosen by David's Mum and I'm so pleased because she died shortly after he was born (a girl would have been Kirsten Jess). I loved the name Iauen but we decided that the spelling and pronounciation would be way too tricky!!

Second time around we opted for Carys Beth (a boy would have been Toryn Luke - My Mother breathed a sigh of relief when we had a girl, she hated the names!!). Beth was chosen as my Mum's middle name is Elizabeth.

It is pure coincidence that we now make up the first three letters of the alphabet (Astrid, Bryn & Carys) with David (their Dad) providing the fourth!! Plus just to bore you further all our middle names and surname are also the first three letters: ACB, BAB and CBB!! :)

Alison - Donna Bonner??! no, can see your reasoning there!!!

Astrid x

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