Chip and Dale's Fireside?


Earning My Ears
Dec 31, 2000
I read a post on here a few days ago that talked about Chip and Dale's Fireside. I think the post said this was free if you are staying onsite.
Does anyone know where I can find information about this event. We are going in November, and are on a tight budget. Thanks for any help and God bless you all.
It's called Campfire and singalong and it's held everynight (weather permitting) at the campground at fort wilderness You can roast marshmallows and sing along with a CM Chip and Dale come around and afterward they show a Disney Movie It starts right before dark.Check for the time after you arrive

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I get so excited everytime I post and I find an answer in a heartbeat on here. My family isn't as into the planning as I am (we go in November). But everyday I learn something new on here. Just can't wait to see the look on their faces when they see all the wonderful things I have learned from the great people who post here. Chip and Dale's Campfire sounds like just our thing. God Bless you all-- we never thought on our budget we could do this until we found this website.
Your welcome and have a Great Time at Disney!!!!!

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