Cheap Ponchos at Walmart


Sep 18, 2000
I don't want to get soaked on any "wet" rides at WDW and don't want to wear a trashbag. Found adult size ponchos in a clear snap pouch for less than $5 each at Walmart. Children sizes even less. They'll pack easily and will carry easy in backpack. They also come in several colors and are made of a vinyl, not to heavy but not too thin. I hear the ones at WDW are yellow only and cost $6 now. :)

[This message was edited by pdzabe on 02-12-01 at 12:23 PM.]
At "The Dollar Tree" in the Memphis area you can get a pack of 2 for $1.00. I'd be sure to check out this store if they have them where you live. They often carry name brand items and alot of great stuff (including Disney) for only $1.00! ;)

Be aware that those really cheap ponchos (like baggie type plastic) are really one use only ponchos and tear really easily.
Target also has the 99 cent ponchos. They have been fine for us for several trips and are easier to pack up in the backpack than the heavier duty kind. For the price, if they rip you can get another one. Also if its really warm and then it rains the heavier ones are just that much warmer to wear.I have to say though, the Mickey ones you get at the park are much cuter and I will forever remember the site of my DH running in the rain to get Mickey sundaes at Caribbean Beach in a heavy down pour, while wearing his Mickey poncho. What he won't do for his Disney kids!
from Walmart for $.87. They were a godsend for us last trip while it was sprinkling. We didn't have any real downpours. (In fact I had more than a dozen people ask me where they could get them - If I'd had extra I could've made a fortune! LOL) One of the best benefits is their size when stored. I didn't have a problem with them tearing but I could see that they wouldn't hold up to any great wear and tear. DH hates them tho, he doesn't like that they kinda cling to you so this year I've spent the big bucks ;) and bought the $2.50 vinal ones from the dollar store but I think I'll take the "trash bag" ones for me. The convenience is just too much to pass up.

Confirming the .99 cent ones at Sports Authority. They are packed in a small plastic bag about the size of a deck of cards. Disposible and cheap.
WalMart has the cheapos at $.97. I picked one up yesterday to toss in a fishing tackle box. They were on the ladies umbrella display.
someone posted on here before that Big Lots had them 2 for 88c. packed very small. for that price you can use them once and throw them out, and not worry about repacking them when they get wet.
I'm also in favor of the really cheap ones that you can throw away. Repacking a wet poncho is no fun, especially since it's hard to fold them up small again. If the cheap ones rip, throw it away and put on another one. You can get 6 for $6, and that should be plenty for most trips (unless it's a long trip during the rainy season).


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