Cass, Rob & Kira - 20 Hours at Aulani and other Oahu Adventures July 2024

Part 3

Here are the results of my little trip around the resort with my iPhone. :goodvibes 📸


















You knew there were going to be photos of trees, right? :rolleyes1








When I got back, it was time for lunch. As I mentioned before, there was no way I was eating at Ulu Café so we ended up getting our lunch from Mama's Snack Shop. Rob got the coconut shrimp and Kira and I split some chicken tendies. This was $38 USD with tax. It was decent, nothing spectacular. I wish they had the Ken's honey mustard sauce. Man, I miss that stuff! ::yes::


By the way, there were birds around us all day long! So many birds! So many different colours and kinds. We liked Red here, the most. ;)


Once we finished lunch, I asked Kira if she wanted to go check out the lobby area since it was now daylight and she could see it much better than the previous night. She wasn't too keen until I mentioned that we could also check out the stores. :rolleyes:

We took a quick spin through the fancy schmancy Hale Manu, which is aptly named since it means "bird house".



I liked a few things from that store but everything is so expensive and I'm a thrifty girl so we went to the slightly cheaper Kālepa's, which is also aptly named as it means "merchant". :p

The entrance area was still decorated with Pride merch, which I thought was weird but okay. :rolleyes:🏳️‍🌈


We strolled though here and we both found many things we had wanted but we ended up not buying anything that day. So expensive. :sad2::sad:






I am at my image limit so stay tuned for more in the next chapter. :smooth:
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We spent two days at Aulani after our 30th anniversary Pride of America cruise. It's beautiful. I had to laugh at $73 for breakfast served in to-go containers!
Part 4

I am going to fit one last chapter in before I leave for my trip tomorrow because I want to finish the Aulani part of our trip and write my (probably unpopular) review on it. I won't be able to write the next chapter for at least a week.

Kira and I carried on with our tour of the main lobby area.





And then we headed back down to the pool area. Here's the prices for Rainbow Reef. I would have loved to do this but it's way too cold for Rob in there and Kira would need special prescription goggles to actually see anything.


Back to our spot to chill for a bit longer. Rob ended up moving over a little to be under the umbrella as Rob and Kira's chairs were a little in the sun by now. Mine was fine, so I just stayed there and Kira just moved into Rob's old chair.


I never did mention it, probably because I only have video and not a photo of them but after lunch we got two Dole Whips from Ulu Café. One for Rob and I to share and one for Kira, who isn't big on sharing. :rolleyes:

They decided that it was time for another! :laughing: You probably wouldn't believe me if I told you just how many Dole Whips we had this trip. :poop::rotfl:

These ones were very melty. She had apologized when she gave them to us as they were already quite melted when she handed them over. They were $7 USD each, plus tax here at Aulani. I didn't care for this one, it was really melted so I let Rob have this one to himself.

Please don't ask me why he was sitting like this while he ate it. :rolleyes2 :confused3:rotfl:


All day long, we had flowers and leaves dropping on us from the tree above us. It scared the crap out of all of us the first few times it happened. :rotfl2:

By the end of the day, there were hundreds of these flowers all over the ground!


For the last few hours, I popped in and out of the Wailana Pool every 20-30 minutes to cool off. Sometimes Kira would join me and we would chat and laugh, other times, it was just me in the pool, in a shaded corner trying to find some peace and quiet.

There were lots of kids in the pool and they were very loud. I don't begrudge kids in the pool, being kids but when they are so loud that your brain hurts, it makes for a less than pleasurable time. :scared:

Rob stayed in his lounge chair, reading his book most of the day but it's hard to concentrate when all you hear is "MARCO! POLO!" being screamed out every few minutes for hours on end. :crazy:

At one point, it was beginning to really grate on my nerves so I left to cool off in another pool. I headed to the infinity edge pool and found a small little corner overlooking the ocean. I left about a 6-inch space between me and the corner, which I thought was pretty safe where no one might wedge themselves in there but I was clearly wrong. A few minutes later, a kid about 12 or 13 years old, made his way into that tiny little space next to me, all the while screaming at the top of his lungs, some rhyme game to his friend, who was about 20 feet away. I am deaf in my left ear but sadly he was screaming in my good ear. :guilty:

I moved over a little and then he proceeded to kick me over and over (swimming back and forth), all the while continuing to scream, until I left. :eek:

So, here's my thoughts on the pool area of Aulani. I completely get that this is a family-friendly resort and I'm not complaining that there's kids at a family resort BUT what would be nice, for those of us who either don't have kids or have older kids, is to have a quiet area where we don't have to listen to all of the screaming all day. Obviously, the Wailana Pool was adult-only before and is going to be again very soon, which is such a good decision by Disney but it's just sad that they didn't make this change sooner.

It's like Disney cruises. There's many great family-friendly places on all of the ships, but there's also adult-only areas for when you want or need a break from kids. Even at WDW and DL, while there's no adult-only areas technically, there's always a quiet space somewhere that you can go if you need a break from the crowds or kids or you just need some space.

So, back to our spot with the still-noisy kids, I suggested we move over near the adult hot tub so we can get away from the marco-polo-ing and get ready to watch the sunset because watching sunsets in Hawaii is an event and mandatory, of course! :rotfl:

Rob set up shop just a few feet away from the adult hot tubs and Kira and I then headed down to the ocean.


She stayed on the beach enjoying the waves.





I headed out into the ocean and enjoyed the lovely quietness as I swam way out, as far out as I was legally allowed. :rotfl2:

While I was way out there, this guy, in his early twenties, swam up to me and said "Aren't you scared being way out here?" to which I quickly and nervously replied "SHOULD I be???" :eek:

I had assumed that he was a local that knew something that I didn't but then I realized that he was also out there, with me. :scratchin

And then he replied with a shrug of his shoulders and a puzzled look on his face and I immediately felt better. :laughing:

I watched as people lined up to get their sunset photos.


And I enjoyed watching the sun set behind the beautiful palm trees. :love:


I asked Kira to join me in the water and then watched the rather entertaining journey of her trying to get in. :teeth:

Don't get me wrong, it was just as comical for me getting in and out, she just didn't get it on camera. :lmao:


Kira and I enjoyed the next 30 minutes or so watching the sun go down. What a view! 😍




This was Rob's view. ☺️ If you look closely, you can spot a teeny tiny Kira and Cass. :p :magnify:


Kira was done and headed back to Rob while I enjoyed a few more minutes out in the quiet end.


Once I was done, we headed into the adult hot tub so Kira could warm up.


I really loved this tree that was right next to the hot tub.


We grabbed our stuff and headed over near the Waikolohe Pool just so I can swim in it and say I have been in all of the Aulani Pools. :earboy2:

We were a little snackish by now and thought maybe we would split something over at Off The Hook but at night it turns into a table service restaurant and the wait for a table was 40 minutes! :eek: Umm no thanks! We decided we weren't that hungry after all. :cool:

It was now 7:40pm and we decided to just call it a day and head over to the Marriott to check in.



We grabbed our luggage from Bell services and then got valet to grab our Jeep.


I will stop here and finish off my review of Aulani now.

Please keep in mind, this is MY review, based on MY experience and MY preferences. I have already mentioned that my opinion of Aulani is probably very unpopular and I doubt many people will actually agree with it. So please keep those things in mind. :rolleyes:

Let's start with the good. ::yes::

It is a GORGEOUS resort! I mean truly, truly beautiful! The buildings themselves are stunning, you can see them from miles away and they definitely stand out in their beauty. Nothing else on the island (that I saw) looks as nice as Aulani does. It looks even better at night with the lights and all of the tiki torches on. The effort that went into even the tiniest details is awe-inspiring. It is not DISNEY in Hawaii, it is HAWAII with Disney features. Apart from the characters, you could probably spend a week there and not even know it is a Disney resort, if you weren't paying close attention. The foliage, the colours, the views, not only of the ocean but all around is simply breathtaking.

The room was fantastic and we had the very cheapest room so I can just imagine staying there in an ocean view 1-bedroom villa!🤩

The lagoon is also lovely. There are four man-made lagoons at Ko Olina. Aulani shares the first lagoon, also called Kohola (whale) Lagoon, with the Four Seasons Resort. The second lagoon, the Honu (turtle) Lagoon is home of the Beach Villas, a condo resort. The third lagoon, Nai'a (dolphin) Lagoon is where the Marriott Beach Club timeshare resort is (where we will be checking into in the next chapter) and the fourth and final lagoon, the Ulua (fish?) Lagoon is located near the marina and a large public parking area, used mostly by locals.

What else is good? :scratchin

Dole Whips! That is definitely a pro for this family!

Unfortunately, that's where the good ends, in my opinion.

Now for the bad. :sad1:

Price-wise, everything at Aulani is outrageously priced. I get it. They charge so much, for the rooms, the food, the extra activities, the merch, because they can! And people will pay it! Aulani is filled to capacity almost every night, regardless of the season! Before Covid, you could find some nightly rates for around $400 during the off-season but those rates are long gone, probably never to be seen again. You get better value for your money using DVC points but you need to plan ahead for those and not all of us can afford to buy DVC.

Having said that, if you have the money, Aulani is the place to spend it! And if you have little kids and are okay with the noises of other little and not-so-little kids, there is no better place on Oahu! Just the characters alone is worth it if you have the cash to blow.

The food, while expensive, is also not that good. We obviously didn't try everything but what we did try was so overpriced and just mediocre. I don't mind paying higher prices for food (remember, we dropped $7 USD each, plus tax, on many, many Dole Whips!) if the food is actually good. It just wasn't. When Rob and I were at Aulani last October, we split some chicken strips from the Ulu Café and while the chicken strips were okay, the fries were inedible! We ended up throwing them out, they were so gross! And that was $20! :scared:

After spending the entire day there, I can now tell you that there are not enough bathrooms! I waited in so many lines just to use the bathrooms! The ones closest to Ulu Café and the beach and the two pools we used the most had exactly TWO stalls!

While they had a decent amount of characters out to meet and greet, be prepared to wait in lines! I saw some of the lines and how long they were and there is no way I would wait that long, out in the hot sun for any character! But for those who don't go to the parks often or at all, it's a great way to see them. :thumbsup2

The layout of the resort is not the best. Once you get the lay of the lands, it's a little easier to navigate but so many people didn't know how to get to where they were wanting to go. I helped out more than a few people and I heard many others saying that they had gotten lost. There aren't enough signs (if any?) and the fact that you had to walk all the way around the lazy river, the two slides, the kids huge play area and the main pool is not ideal. Yes, we did find a bridge that went over the lazy river but still, I didn't love the layout.

Not. Enough. Chairs. I think this is a direct effect of having everything in the middle of the two towers and not a lot of extra space, so not sure what else they could do?

And lastly, and this is kind of nitpicky but I'm still going to say it because it was an issue last October and again on this trip so they can't say it's something they didn't know was an issue, :rolleyes2 but the ice and drink machines, ugh....Disney!!! :sad2:

When we were there last year, both ice machines stopped working around 4pm. Now for some of you, this is not a huge issue, if at all, but for someone who overheats easily and also just loves their drinks very cold, this is a problem. Well, guess what? It happened again. Both ice machines stopped working. If you wanted ice after about 3pm, you were out of luck! There are only two ice machines, both right at Ulu Café and you could not get ice from the Coca Cola Freestyle machines. They had three Coca Cola machines for drinks at Ulu Café and only two of them were working. And one of those was not working properly so the drinks that came out of it were disgusting! I was not the only person who had the same opinion, I saw many other guests taste their drinks and then dump them immediately because they were so bad. Now, like I said, I don't mind spending $22 for the basic refillable mugs, or even $34 (plus taxes) for the nicer ones but when there's no ice and only one of the drink machines work properly (and the lines to get the drinks were insane sometimes!) I am not a happy camper. >:(

And there is no ugly. Not in Hawaii. :rolleyes1

I will say that Kira and I have some sensory issues (who knew there was a name for that! Not me! Not until last year, that is! :rolleyes:) and the whole screaming kid thing is more of a "me" problem for her and I and I bet most people wouldn't even notice it.

I'm not saying we had a bad day. On the contrary, actually. We had a blast and made the best of everything! I am 100% glad we did the one day at Aulani. I wanted all of us as a family to experience it together and we are very lucky that we had the opportunity to do so. I know many people won't ever get to Hawaii in their lifetimes and I am betting most people would love to have the problems that we had, right?



Without the discount, the one night would have been $900 USD plus tax so you have to figure out the value for the money you spend, right? And if I am just basing it on that, for us, I would have to say that it was not worth $900.

So, that's our 20 hours at Aulani. :flower:

Join us in the next chapter as Kira and I check into a very lovely luxury resort in our swim suits and cover ups. :rolleyes::laughing:

See you in just a little over a week! :wave2:
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Gorgeous sunset photos 😍 😍

As a DVC owner with both contracts at Aulani let me just say I agree with every single one of your pros AND cons 😂😂 The food is mid at best although the Ahi Tuna poke nachos are to die for and we got them twice last trip ...and there was a burger on the pool menu pre Covid that is not offered now 😈....but overall we get a one bedroom villa (or two bedroom if we have the points) and cook/prepare the majority of our meals (still getting the occasional lunch or dinner out). Also I am so so so thankful the adult pool is coming back!!
Anyway, enjoy your next trip and we shall wait with breath that is bated for the next installment 😁
So, here's my thoughts on the pool area of Aulani. I completely get that this is a family-friendly resort and I'm not complaining that there's kids at a family resort BUT what would be nice, for those of us who either don't have kids or have older kids, is to have a quiet area where we don't have to listen to all of the screaming all day. Obviously, the Wailana Pool was adult-only before and is going to be again very soon, which is such a good decision by Disney but it's just sad that they didn't make this change sooner.

Absolutely 100%! I have not been back to Aulani since before the pandemic but what has always kind of got to me was that the adult/Wailana pool is kind of basic. It felt like it was an after thought or not as important as the other pools. I am glad they will be making adult only again though.
For me, it's the lazy river. We love lazy rivers and if it weren't for it, I don't know if Aulani would be on my list of resorts to return to. The other pools are cool but you spot on about how crowded, loud and chaotic they can be.

Price-wise, everything at Aulani is outrageously priced.

Again, I 100% agree and with the exchange on the Canadian dollar it makes it so much worse for us Canucks.
Happy to have found your report. I remember reading many of your cruise trips back in the day and can't believe that Kira is all grown up now. Congrats to her!

I look forward to following along. We made our first and only trip to Aulani last summer, using our DVC points to stay in a two-bedroom villa (a big splurge for the four of us). I loved it and am planning a return trip for next summer, hopefully. It felt like a true vacation. Next time, I want to plan on my resort time. That being said, I agree with much of your assessment, especially the lack of signage. And the outrageous prices (yes, I know it's Disney, but seriously?).

Can't wait to hear about the rest of your trip.
Your pictures are gorgeous!
Thank you! :blush::hug:

We spent two days at Aulani after our 30th anniversary Pride of America cruise. It's beautiful. I had to laugh at $73 for breakfast served in to-go containers!

Happy belated 30th! :love:

Yes, I was not expecting them to serve it in to-go containers since she even asked us if we were eating there or taking it to go. :confused3:rotfl2:

Gorgeous sunset photos 😍 😍

As a DVC owner with both contracts at Aulani let me just say I agree with every single one of your pros AND cons 😂😂 The food is mid at best although the Ahi Tuna poke nachos are to die for and we got them twice last trip ...and there was a burger on the pool menu pre Covid that is not offered now 😈....but overall we get a one bedroom villa (or two bedroom if we have the points) and cook/prepare the majority of our meals (still getting the occasional lunch or dinner out). Also I am so so so thankful the adult pool is coming back!!

I am so glad you agree, I was worried you were going to think I was being dramatic. :rolleyes::laughing:

I have read about those poke nachos but none of us would eat that. :crazy2: I have also heard there's a few really good items on the regular OTH menu but since we didn't want to wait 40 minutes for a table, we weren't able to try them. :sad:

Oh, a 1 or 2-bedroom would be fabulous! And yes, making your own food and then maybe popping over across the street now and then would be fabulous!!!! I would 100% do that! :worship:

Anyway, enjoy your next trip and we shall wait with breath that is bated for the next installment 😁

Thanks! Looks like I am headed into a lovely tropical storm! :lovestruc:love::cloud9:

Absolutely 100%! I have not been back to Aulani since before the pandemic but what has always kind of got to me was that the adult/Wailana pool is kind of basic. It felt like it was an after thought or not as important as the other pools. I am glad they will be making adult only again though.
For me, it's the lazy river. We love lazy rivers and if it weren't for it, I don't know if Aulani would be on my list of resorts to return to. The other pools are cool but you spot on about how crowded, loud and chaotic they can be.

Again, I 100% agree and with the exchange on the Canadian dollar it makes it so much worse for us Canucks.

It was 100% an afterthought! When Aulani opened, they didn't have the Wailana Pool OR the Ka Maka Grotto pool or the luau! They didn't think people would stay at Aulani, they thought it would just be a place where they sleep and then head off to the island's attractions. :rolleyes: Boy were they wrong! :laughing:

I wish I had more time to do the lazy river, I love those! The one at Cabana Bay is amazing (but always full of very rowdy teen groups) but the fast lazy river at Volcano is 100% the best! So is the slow lazy river there but we always seem to go for the fast one. :laughing:
Happy to have found your report. I remember reading many of your cruise trips back in the day and can't believe that Kira is all grown up now. Congrats to her!

I look forward to following along. We made our first and only trip to Aulani last summer, using our DVC points to stay in a two-bedroom villa (a big splurge for the four of us). I loved it and am planning a return trip for next summer, hopefully. It felt like a true vacation. Next time, I want to plan on my resort time. That being said, I agree with much of your assessment, especially the lack of signage. And the outrageous prices (yes, I know it's Disney, but seriously?).

Can't wait to hear about the rest of your trip.

Thanks! She reads these, so she will see it. :hug: :love:

Oh that's lovely! I hope you get back there next summer! :goodvibes

I am shocked that there's not more signs honestly! I have a great sense of direction but it would take Rob and Kira 3 or 4 days to figure out where to find everything on their own! Good thing they had me. :earboy2::rotfl2:

I will 100% be back as soon as I win the lottery! 🤑
Thanks for linking from the DCL boards! I was just planning to lurk but wanted to say that I’m right there with you on the coffee mug thing!! Any time my husband inadvertently uses one of my mugs for his coffee I’m like, “Welp, that one’s yours now.” That Aulani one you got is gorgeous!
Yes it is very expensive that’s why we only did one night. My husband did it for our 29 th anniversary. We had a good room and could watch the Luau below us.

Got there around 4 in the afternoon and had to leave in the morning because we were island hopping to Maui.

We didn’t even make it in the pools. Just walked around mostly. I wanted the sunset pictures but it stayed kind of cloudy. We got a lot of pictures for $25 it was a bargain. We had 3 different photographers too because no one was there. We bought the Aulani dress and shirt on the cruise too.

Not sure why the ice cream/ snow cone place closes at 6:00 went there after pictures and was so disappointed. We did get to get at the restaurant by the pool later it was nice.

We thought it was funny that it was the same price to park yourself or valet. That was a no brainer until the next morning we called down for our car and just took the elevator down and said we missed it they took it back. Took so long to come back out we thought we would be late for the airport.
So excited you're back with another trippie!! :) We've never been to Hawaii--I despise flying, and I just haven't been able to muster up the courage for the long flight LOL Aulani is absolutely gorgeous. Other people I know have expressed some of your same opinions, especially on the food and $$. I do hope to visit someday myself!

Looking forward to the next installment! :)
Thanks for posting this! I’m hoping you are able to post an equally detailed review of the Marriott since I always hear the MVC properties are great in Hawaii.
I am 100% with you on Aulani. We spent 5 days on Waikiki at the Moana Surfrider, seven days on our Pride of America cruise and 2 days at Aulani after the cruise. We MUCH preferred the Moana Surfrider, even with it being in the heart of busy Waikiki. I have grandsons, and I like kids, but the place was SO BUSY with SO.MANY.KIDS. in a space that just didn't seem big enough. I agree that it likely would have been better had the adult-only pool been functioning as such. I'm glad I experienced it, but I have no desire to go again unless we have littles with us.
I really loved Aulani when we were there, but we rented points from a DVC'er and it was still a lot of money. We are now DVC owners and have a contract at Aulani, that's the only reason I'll go back... definitely not for the very basic/overpriced food LOL. We also will stay in 1 or 2br suites and cook most of our food, or venture out to the rest of the island to find good eats. Very good summary of the resort, honestly, and great pics too!
Loving your trip report. We did seven days on the Pride of America cruise and 2 days at Aulani after the cruise for our 30th wedding anniversary. We were lucky enough to get a partial ocean view. Thank goodness the people we were with were all cast members and got a discount. We too look forward to returning to Hawaii but we would stay somewhere else. Prior to the cruise we stayed in Waikiki and really enjoyed that.
Cass!! :love1: I am finally here, took me long enough, huh? I started late last night, and finished at 2:00 am. (albeit with no honey nut Cheerios, hello they were stale, it has literally been that long since I read a Cass trippie, I had to settle for cinnamon Life, it was almost as good). You as always, my friend, did not disappoint and didn't leave any detail out, absolutely loved it. Loved it! 😍

How incredibly lucky is Kira, what an amazing graduation present. And! Universal. Wow!! She will never forget this. I know you will be sad she is off to Nova Scotia, but she will always be back doing these trips with you guys, that I know. I hope she loves University!

So we are DVC members (BCV) for 21 years now, this has been super helpful. We've never been to HI, have always wanted to go. I'd have to save up for at least 2 years of points and I've read enough about the cost of staying there, that we'd grocery shop first, and probably eat across the street alot. Whenever I saw your eggs and potato dish, I kept going back to the price list (so great that you post menu pictures) and shocked myself. For that? I'm like, Cass and Rob need to get back on the ship, like now, this is highway robbery.

Loved your good and bad. And that you are brutally honest with the bad. Truly hope Disney reads these (although they would have improved the soda machines). I share your sensory issues, especially since I have adult kids now. Oh how I felt that kid screaming in your ear at the pool!! To the core. Question on the tube part of the slide, I can't do dark enclosed slides. But I love tubes. Did that end up being completely dark? It looked like a total blast. Adored Kira's flowers in her ears :flower1:. Oh you have some winners of photos together, love love.

We are headed to Japan soon! You'll see on FB soon. Can't wait for more on this trippie, thank you as always, you are the Queen of them!!
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Thanks for linking from the DCL boards! I was just planning to lurk but wanted to say that I’m right there with you on the coffee mug thing!! Any time my husband inadvertently uses one of my mugs for his coffee I’m like, “Welp, that one’s yours now.” That Aulani one you got is gorgeous!

I am so glad you didn't just lurk! I love it when people post and tell me they are reading it! Sometimes, as I write, I think to myself that no one is reading and so what is the point of all of this time and work and then someone posts a comment and it gives me to motivation to keep going. :goodvibes

That is so funny, I have had the exact same conversation with Rob so many times! :rotfl2:He uses most of them for coffee, which is totally fine, that means they are well used but I would like to have one or two for myself. :p I keep one to bring with me on my trips and use in my room for my daily vacation Diet Coke! :teeth: It's so weird because at home, I only drink water but will have the occasional Diet Coke (but I don't like it in the can, only from McDonald's!) but on vacation, I always get a case of DC and fill my Disney mug with ice and I have at least one per day and it is soooooo good! 🤤

Yes it is very expensive that’s why we only did one night. My husband did it for our 29 th anniversary. We had a good room and could watch the Luau below us.

Got there around 4 in the afternoon and had to leave in the morning because we were island hopping to Maui.

We didn’t even make it in the pools. Just walked around mostly. I wanted the sunset pictures but it stayed kind of cloudy. We got a lot of pictures for $25 it was a bargain. We had 3 different photographers too because no one was there. We bought the Aulani dress and shirt on the cruise too.

Not sure why the ice cream/ snow cone place closes at 6:00 went there after pictures and was so disappointed. We did get to get at the restaurant by the pool later it was nice.

We thought it was funny that it was the same price to park yourself or valet. That was a no brainer until the next morning we called down for our car and just took the elevator down and said we missed it they took it back. Took so long to come back out we thought we would be late for the airport.
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Ahhhh, I love it! Matching outfits too! :lovestruc

I find many places close early, which is too bad. Not everyone goes to bed at 8pm! :rolleyes:

Yes, no brainer for the valet but yeah, it can take some time for them to get it. Glad you made it in time for your island hopping to Maui! :thumbsup2 That's the one island we haven't made it to yet. We were supposed to go on our cruise last year and then sadly, the fires destroyed so much of Lahaina, which was our port stop so we did two stops at the big island instead.

So excited you're back with another trippie!! :) We've never been to Hawaii--I despise flying, and I just haven't been able to muster up the courage for the long flight LOL Aulani is absolutely gorgeous. Other people I know have expressed some of your same opinions, especially on the food and $$. I do hope to visit someday myself!

Looking forward to the next installment! :)

I hope you get to go someday! The flight is long but Hawaii is soooooo worth it!! ::yes::

Thanks for posting this! I’m hoping you are able to post an equally detailed review of the Marriott since I always hear the MVC properties are great in Hawaii.

Oh yes, absolutely! We spent seven nights there so there will be some details. I am nothing, if not OCD-thorough:lmao:

I am 100% with you on Aulani. We spent 5 days on Waikiki at the Moana Surfrider, seven days on our Pride of America cruise and 2 days at Aulani after the cruise. We MUCH preferred the Moana Surfrider, even with it being in the heart of busy Waikiki. I have grandsons, and I like kids, but the place was SO BUSY with SO.MANY.KIDS. in a space that just didn't seem big enough. I agree that it likely would have been better had the adult-only pool been functioning as such. I'm glad I experienced it, but I have no desire to go again unless we have littles with us.

Wow, that is saying a lot because Waikiki is CRAZY busy!

I agree, it would be so much better with some more space! I felt like we were all crammed in the whole time! :crowded:

I really loved Aulani when we were there, but we rented points from a DVC'er and it was still a lot of money. We are now DVC owners and have a contract at Aulani, that's the only reason I'll go back... definitely not for the very basic/overpriced food LOL. We also will stay in 1 or 2br suites and cook most of our food, or venture out to the rest of the island to find good eats. Very good summary of the resort, honestly, and great pics too!

That sounds like the perfect plan!! :cool1:

Loving your trip report. We did seven days on the Pride of America cruise and 2 days at Aulani after the cruise for our 30th wedding anniversary. We were lucky enough to get a partial ocean view. Thank goodness the people we were with were all cast members and got a discount. We too look forward to returning to Hawaii but we would stay somewhere else. Prior to the cruise we stayed in Waikiki and really enjoyed that.

We avoided Waikiki because Kira and I have a hard time with crowds and loud places, which is funny because that's what we got at Aulani. :rotfl2::eek: BUT!!! Ko Olina was GORGEOUS and I loved every second of our non-Aulani time there. Just wait. ;):goodvibes


Cass!! :love1: I am finally here, took me long enough, huh? I started late last night, and finished at 2:00 am. (albeit with no honey nut Cheerios, hello they were stale, it has literally been that long since I read a Cass trippie, I had to settle for cinnamon Life, it was almost as good). You as always, my friend, did not disappoint and didn't leave any detail out, absolutely loved it. Loved it! 😍

How incredibly lucky is Kira, what an amazing graduation present. And! Universal. Wow!! She will never forget this. I know you will be sad she is off to Nova Scotia, but she will always be back doing these trips with you guys, that I know. I hope she loves University!

So we are DVC members (BCV) for 21 years now, this has been super helpful. We've never been to HI, have always wanted to go. I'd have to save up for at least 2 years of points and I've read enough about the cost of staying there, that we'd grocery shop first, and probably eat across the street alot. Whenever I saw your eggs and potato dish, I kept going back to the price list (so great that you post menu pictures) and shocked myself. For that? I'm like, Cass and Rob need to get back on the ship, like now, this is highway robbery.

Loved your good and bad. And that you are brutally honest with the bad. Truly hope Disney reads these (although they would have improved the soda machines). I share your sensory issues, especially since I have adult kids now. Oh how I felt that kid screaming in your ear at the pool!! To the core. Question on the tube part of the slide, I can't do dark enclosed slides. But I love tubes. Did that end up being completely dark? It looked like a total blast. Adored Kira's flowers in her ears :flower1:. Oh you have some winners of photos together, love love.

We are headed to Japan soon! You'll see on FB soon. Can't wait for more on this trippie, thank you as always, you are the Queen of them!!

Yay, you made it Jill! I knew you would. :cool1:

You need to go shopping and get some more HNC! I have soooo much more to tell and then another trippie after that! :teeth:

Kira is incredibly lucky and she knows it! :goodvibes

Yes, eating at Aulani is not the best experience, you pay so much and get mediocrity. But, if you have a kitchen, you can easily make one or two meals a day and go across the street or if you have a car, go eat somewhere else with better food and better prices! :thumbsup2

I highly doubt anyone from Disney reads my trippies :rotfl: but yes, you know me, I am DISNEY ADDICTED and it runs though my veins, since I was 3!!! But they are not perfect and I don't like it when people act like they are because they are influencers or whatever. Even with my job, I still have to be honest and tell it like it is. There's always room for improvement! Even Walt himself was always trying to improve everything and that is what a business should do! ::yes::

The body slide is all enclosed but the tube slide is all open. It was good! Short but good!

Oooh Japan! Wow! Have fun!!! :mickeyjum Can't wait to see pics!!! :woohoo:

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