Cap of 300... does that include event-only attendees?


DIS Veteran
Aug 22, 1999
Pete, when you say you will cap this at 300 people, is that for the entire convention, including kids?


"My brain takes a vacation just to give my heart more room..."
Pete, please say it isn't so. I will just be getting back from an out of town trip on the 12th and I really want to be part of the convention :( I really hope I don't get shut out - I have 3 others who have decided to join in the fun with me and we are already staying at OKW so we are not part of the hotel package but do so want to be signed up for the events-only :( :) :(

Whenever they call me a dreamer, I think of Walt Disney and smile:)
We have our DVC reservations for the same time as the DIS convention (YEA YEA YEA!), and we have annual passes, so we are just waiting to book events only for 2 adults and 1 child (and 2 under 3)

BUT... I'm worried that the 300 spaces will be filled up by people booking rooms, and that we won't be able to book events only by Feb 12. Is there any assurance that we will be able to get in? I'm not trying to be pushy, I realize that the logistics are tremendous, I'm just looking to get a sense of how many have booked to date and a rough guess at how nmany event-only passes will be available.


Brian, Rania and Family
WDW '72 '74 '77 '90
OKW 9/99, OKW 12/99, BWV 5/00, OKW 12/00 and more to come
about not getting a spot! Now I don't feel bad that my husband and kids aren't going to any events, since there's so little room for the marginally interested!
I have a studio booked at BWV and will have AP so we will also be with the events only group. Ready to sign up whenever possible.


WDW Offsite ? - 1976
WDW Offsite Vistana - 1988
Disneyland - 1998
WDW Vistana / Contemporary - June 2000
Just couldn't wait trip - Feb 2001 OKW
DIS-CON 2001 - BWV
Yes, that will be for everyone attending the events, including those who register 'event only'.

As far as running out of slots by 2/12, I don't think we will, but I have a feeling that by early March, the event will be closed out. The problem relates to the max number of people that we can have in certain locations (like the Fantasmic dessert reception). That area only holds 150 people, which means we have to do two receptions. When you add on the Illuminations reception, we've basically run out of nights (as I need to leave 1 night open for everyone who wants to attend MVMCP). We have similar issues for the contintental breakfast/character breakfast.


Pete Werner
My motto...why sleep when you can work?

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