Can't get through to MS


May 28, 2000
What's up with MS?? I called all day!! It was always busy. I've got to get through to finish my ressie before I go on vacation. Don't any of you call between 9 - 10 EST so I can get through. (That's please with extra sugar on top.)

I just about wore out my redial button yesterday. It took some persistence, but I made it through.

Since you asked so nicely, I'll promise not to call between 9:00 and 10:00pm. ;)
Originally posted by MMCD
What's up with MS?? I called all day!! It was always busy.

Hmmm? Let's see? What is 11 months from now? There is a reason they can ask for so many points for stays between Xmas and New Year's...there is a huge demand for that time...huge demand=lots and lots of calls at the 11 month window...

Maybe they will have to have a lottery again...

I guess it's all about sorta catching the gap, but I started calling at 9:15 EST, got through after about a dozen busy signals, and was talking to a CM in about five minutes.

I would say the CM was very polite, but I could detect an undercurrent of "I'm swamped and freaking out!" in his voice!:D
I must have been very lucky! I started calling this morning at 9:02, and got through on only my third try by 9:05. The CM wasn't very friendly, which is really unusual. But I don't hold it against her. She probably knew that she had another REALLY hectic day ahead of her trying to keep up with the volume of calls. The CM's do a great job. :)

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