Candy Apples, Monsters, Haunted Houses, Scare Zones, Strange Things an Exorcist and more. Is there a Doctor in the House? HHN 32 trip.

There was even a Lil Boo hat.

I always enjoy looking at the HHN art displays on the top of the Merch shelf’s.



I have seen the HHN fans show up in the merch last couple of years and I did see some people using them in the lines for the houses.

As most of you know that have been in line for the houses on back lots not a lot of air is moving back there. Hint!!!!!! If you have a neck fan or a hand held fan bring it. You will use it.

I had bought my sister a Disney hand held fan I had seen at Walgreens and she brought it and it was a lifesaver on a number of hot nights we were at HHN.

They do sell a Minion Tim fan and Unicorn Fan in the Universal store inside the Studios. This is the first time I had seen those. They are not very powerful, but they would work.

Nice display of Vecna and Henry’s House.

They had a lot of HellFire Club merchandise from “Stranger Things”season 4. Those of you who are Stranger Thing fans remember this was the Dungeon & Dragons club the guys had set up and were a part of.

I did get two of the HellFire Club shirts for family. The shirt has a 3/4 sleeve and it is pretty thin. The red skull is made of a shiny material.



This was a 3D wood wall art. Not sure if photo shows that very well.

To be continued

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This Niffler backpack
such a cute design

oh, the minion stuff is over the top. Have to laugh still have the original ‘gun’ I bought years ago as the ‘lil‘s parents said nope, too noisy lol
There was plenty of Lil Boo merchandise again this year.
It seemed to be a higher quality overall, believe the softer (Bella? Cotton blend). I was surprised to see the merch but, little presence in the actual HHN areas. Several people I complemented on theIr ‘lil boo outfits concurred. So popular, thot it would be perennial. Same with Sam;)

also, have seen complaints on FB that the skeleton fan appears to have sold out last week. I was tempted by the cat purse, may give it a 2nd look.
oh, the minion stuff is over the top. Have to laugh still have the original ‘gun’ I bought years ago as the ‘lil‘s parents said nope, too noisy lol
Thats funny my niece has hidden the fart gun lately.

also, have seen complaints on FB that the skeleton fan appears to have sold out last week. I was tempted by the cat purse, may give it a 2nd look.
They had plenty of the Skelton fans at the big Universal Store in CityWalk when we were there. I saw the Chucky fans at The Tribute Store too.

There was some concern being posted while we were there of the Chucky interactive Popcorn buckets selling out, but they were able to keep those in stock. So hopefully they will get more fans.

I thought I had a picture of the Cat Purse it is cool.
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They had plenty of the Skelton fans at the big Universal Store in CityWalk when we were there
Thanks. Just realized I forgot to
Walk thru that one

Did u see there’s an uproar they ran out of vedra ravioli cans & the popcorn chicken ones too?
Did u see there’s an uproar they ran out of vedra ravioli cans & the popcorn chicken ones too?
I had watched some of the reviews about the food that was being offered during HHN.

On the ravioli cans it said more people disliked them then liked them. I looked for a photo online to refresh my memory. The can is an interesting concept for serving the food in. Did you try any of the food?

My sister and I ran into a lady one evening who said she was going to try all the food on offer during HHN. She said she had tried this and there was not hardly anything in the can.
Tuesday, September 12th continued


Oops I almost forgot about the Chucky Merch.

These masks were quite big and cumbersome I did see people looking at them, but no one buying them.

Grandson is a Chucky fan so he wanted this shirt.

The Chucky Backpacks were cute and I saw a number of people buying those.

The backpacks and wallets were nicely made and my sister showed me the interior of the wallet was also decorated. IMG_6469.jpeg


And of course you have to have Chucky earrings if you have a Chucky shirt, backpack and wallet. The posts have one of Chucky and one of his love interest Tiffany.

Chucky Patches

After a good peruse of the Big Universal Store at CityWalk we walked over to the Legacy Store.

There was more HHN merchandise there and some nice Universal Monster Merchandise.

This shirt was for the Universal Monsters Unmasked House. I‘am a fan of the Universal Monsters and I did enjoy the house. I will share more of that later in the report.
I had not noticed these Monster Tiki cups before. I thought those would have sold more if they were offered with a cocktail inside them at the “Dead Coconut Club” for a reasonable price. Just an idea.

This shirt with all the houses on it was a nice shirt.


They had seen some nice Sling bags to choose from this Year, but I had my eye on one in particular.

There was a nice selection of different glass ware too this year.

This was the Artist Signature Series shirt. There shirts always seemed to be the most colorful of all the HHN shirts.

They had the Chucky insulated Artist Signature Series cup. These do really keep your drinks cold or hot depending on your beverage. You can use these to fill with ice and water at the refill stations. I bought the Frankenstein one a couple years ago and it is nice.




These shirts were nice. It is cool that it glows in the dark.
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There is a nice amount of Classic Universal Monster Merchandise in this store.






I particularly liked this shirt with The Bride of Frankenstein in his head.

And of him in hers. Creative idea.



We have ”Gingey” from when the youngest was a ‘lil. Couldn’t bear to part with him. He now lives in the xmas decorations and comes out to play then. :cloud9:
We have ”Gingey” from when the youngest was a ‘lil. Couldn’t bear to part with him. He now lives in the xmas decorations and comes out to play then. :cloud9:

That‘s cute. Those characters from Shrek were pretty fun.

I have to admit I do miss Donkey. The TM’s who voiced the animatronic Donkey in the Shrek and Fiona meeting area were hilarious.
Tuesday, September 12th continued

I forgot to mention before we left to look around the stores at CityWalk we had stopped by Guest Services that is located in the lobby to have our email receipts for the purchase of our ROF with EP changed to a hard copy to put in our new lanyards.

My sister and I both chose the Stranger Things lanyard. There was a cute little top portion of the Grandfather clock from Henry/Vecna‘s boyhood home attached to the Lanyard.

Of course I had to put my pins from the first year Stranger Things was at HHN on my new lanyard. I bought the new round pins from this years collection at HHN for my sister and myself.


After we were finished looking around the stores at CityWalk it was time to head back to the water taxi for the trip back to Portofino Bay.

The Water taxi’s are a wonderful relaxing ride back to the Resorts that are served by them.

After we arrived back to the resort we headed up to the room. I was ready for a nice shower and wanted to relax for the rest of the afternoon and evening as I new I would have a lot of walking to do the next day with the 6 house Unmasking the Horror Tour.

I had just gotten out of a fracture boot for a stress fracture on the top of my foot and Plantar Faciitis almost 3 weeks before we left for this trip. So I did not want to over walk myself at the start of the trip. My foot was still a little tender, but I had new supports for for shoes made and lots of tape to support my foot. I was hoping all that would help.

After my shower I decided to kick back and edit some pictures I had taken and take a little nap.

My sister K decided to doze for awhile too. I looked over and she was covered with her Mickey blanket on her bed fast asleep.

I call my sister K my baby sister or little sister. She is younger than me by about 10 years. We are close and really enjoy each others company. We do laugh a lot and have the best time shopping together.

She is a blessing to me. What a wonderful sister she is. She is a RN too. She has stood by me many times with the number of surgeries I have had to make sure I was being cared for appropriately in the hospital. She is my sweet angel and I’am so thankful to have her for a sister.

I‘am a creature of Habit (very Halloween) and tend to not be vary adventurous with trying new foods and K does nudge me to try new food options. I typically will not eat any of the HHN food and she did encourage me to try two of them this year and I was glad I did.

After my nap we went down to enjoy dinner in the Club lounge. We did not want a big meal so this would work.

There was pasta, meatballs. salads and cold meats and cheese’s, fruits, rolls and plenty of cold drinks.

The Club lounge was not busy.


And of course the views out the windows during dinner were awesome.

I did find a drink I enjoyed in the lounge
It was very nice ice cold.

After dinner I went to the lobby and took a few photos. It is very pretty, open and inviting in the Lobby. There are a lot of sofa’s and chairs to sit in. The scent in the lobby is heavenly.


Outside these doors and on the balcony that overlooks the Piazza is were the singers perform every night. My grandchildren and I used to get a gelato in the evening and watch the performances every night when we were there.

My granddaughter said that is a wonderful memory she has of staying at Portofino.


To be continued

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Strongbow is a hugely popular cider in the UK, we don`t see it much over there.

Yes, the lobby is very pretty at PB.

Tuesday, September 12th continued

After dinner my sister went back up the room and I went and had a look in the gift shop that is located past Concierge on your left. It is a cute gift shop. I had a look around saw these cute little animals.

If you look closely you can see the little Dachshunds on the top shelf in the center. My sister had a Dachshund name Oscar. He passed away a couple years ago. He was her baby. I bought her one of the Dachshund’s they were so cute.

This cup was cute and true.

If you have never had a look in this gift shop give it a look the next time you are at Portofino Bay.

After a look in the gift shop I headed back up to the room and did a little reading.

At about 8:30 pm my sister asked it I wanted to go to the Club lounge to look at the evening desserts. So we went down to have a look. I’am not really big into desserts and neither is my sister, but is was nice to see what they had.

It was pretty busy with people.
The three desserts they had were perfect dainty sizes for a sample. The chocolate chip cookie was bigger than it looks in the picture. I liked the chocolate chip cookie the best. If I remember correctly they did have milk out if you wanted your milk and cookies. That is a nice option for the little ones or the adults who like milk.

After dessert it was back to the room and did some more reading. Then a nice hot shower and pajamas on. I gave my sweet hubby a call and caught him up on the days events. Then it was time for bed. I was out as soon as by head hit the pillow.

I had my Unmasking the Horror Tour in the Morning at 10:30 am and I wanted to me well resting. I was glad the tour didn‘t start until 10:30 so I would not feel rushed in the morning.


Wednesday, September 13th

My eyes popped open at 6 am. It was completely dark in the room. The curtains that they put in after the remodel will keep the room completely dark when the sun is coming up. So if you have had a late night of HHN you can sleep comfortably without worrying about the light coming into your room.

I sat up and looked to see what was happening in the news on my IPad. I did not want to wake my sister up. So I tried to be quiet. Then I fell back asleep until 8:30.

We went down to see what was on for breakfast in the lounge about 9 am.








There were plenty breakfast options to choose from. They had scrambled and boiled eggs, breakfast potatoes, oatmeal, fresh fruit, croissants, pastries, bagels and various breads for toasting, fresh lunch meats and cheeses, Marmalades, cream cheese, apple and orange juice, milk, cereal, yogurt with fresh fruit and granola. There was also hot coffee and the coffee was really good.

The breakfast options were way beyond what I had expected and I really liked the orange marmalade on the wheat toast.

After breakfast we went back to the room. I showered and got ready to leave for the UMH Tour and my sister K got ready for her day at the Villa Pool.

The water taxi was not to busy. The ride over to CityWalk was nice. I was excited to do the tour. In the past they would keep the houses that were on the tour a secret until you got there. This year they did release the houses on the 6 house and 3 house tours ahead of time.

I was doing the 6 house tour which included

1. Monsters Unmasked

2.Chucky: The Ultimate Kill Count

3. Yeti: CampGround Kills

4. BloodMoon Dark Offerings

5. Duelling Dragons: Choose Thy Fate

6. Stranger Things
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After you start to cross the bridge leading over to Universal studios you see the Universal Earth Ball. Not sure if that is what it is called. Everyone likes to take photos of this.



It was nice to see the HHN sign as I approached Universal Studios.


I took a few photos of various house posters before I veered to the left to head in the direction of the old Blue Man group building. There is a walkway that leads back there between the HardRock and The RRR coaster.

This is were the Unmasking the Horror Tour starts.







To be continued

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Tuesday, September 12th continued

I forgot to mention before we left to look around the stores at CityWalk we had stopped by Guest Services that is located in the lobby to have our email receipts for the purchase of our ROF with EP changed to a hard copy to put in our new lanyards.

My sister and I both chose the Stranger Things lanyard. There was a cute little top portion of the Grandfather clock from Henry/Vecna‘s boyhood home attached to the Lanyard.

Of course I had to put my pins from the first year Stranger Things was at HHN on my new lanyard. I bought the new round pins from this years collection at HHN for my sister and myself.

View attachment 799173

After we were finished looking around the stores at CityWalk it was time to head back to the water taxi for the trip back to Portofino Bay.

The Water taxi’s are a wonderful relaxing ride back to the Resorts that are served by them.

After we arrived back to the resort we headed up to the room. I was ready for a nice shower and wanted to relax for the rest of the afternoon and evening as I new I would have a lot of walking to do the next day with the 6 house Unmasking the Horror Tour.

I had just gotten out of a fracture boot for a stress fracture on the top of my foot and Plantar Faciitis almost 3 weeks before we left for this trip. So I did not want to over walk myself at the start of the trip. My foot was still a little tender, but I had new supports for for shoes made and lots of tape to support my foot. I was hoping all that would help.

After my shower I decided to kick back and edit some pictures I had taken and take a little nap.

My sister K decided to doze for awhile too. I looked over and she was covered with her Mickey blanket on her bed fast asleep.

I call my sister K my baby sister or little sister. She is younger than me by about 10 years. We are close and really enjoy each others company. We do laugh a lot and have the best time shopping together.

She is a blessing to me. What a wonderful sister she is. She is a RN too. She has stood by me many times with the number of surgeries I have had to make sure I was being cared for appropriately in the hospital. She is my sweet angel and I’am so thankful to have her for a sister.

I‘am a creature of Habit (very Halloween) and tend to not be vary adventurous with trying new foods and K does nudge me to try new food options. I typically will not eat any of the HHN food and she did encourage me to try two of them this year and I was glad I did.

After my nap we went down to enjoy dinner in the Club lounge. We did not want a big meal so this would work.

There was pasta, meatballs. salads and cold meats and cheese’s, fruits, rolls and plenty of cold drinks.

The Club lounge was not busy.
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And of course the views out the windows during dinner were awesome.
View attachment 799171

I did find a drink I enjoyed in the lounge
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It was very nice ice cold.

After dinner I went to the lobby and took a few photos. It is very pretty, open and inviting in the Lobby. There are a lot of sofa’s and chairs to sit in. The scent in the lobby is heavenly.
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Outside these doors and on the balcony that overlooks the Piazza is were the singers perform every night. My grandchildren and I used to get a gelato in the evening and watch the performances every night when we were there.

My granddaughter said that is a wonderful memory she has of staying at Portofino.

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To be continued

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Ahhh that wonderful smell of the lobby :cloud9: PBH does Club Level so well and that view is amazing.

It sounds like you have a lovely, appreciative relationship with your sister. So sweet!

Pictures are stunning as usual. Oh and I love that ST lanyard! The clock charm looks very detailed.
Ahhh that wonderful smell of the lobby :cloud9: PBH does Club Level so well and that view is amazing.
Yes, they do a wonderful job in the Club Lounge. I was so impressed with the food and the people who work there.
It sounds like you have a lovely, appreciative relationship with your sister. So sweet!
I do enjoy hanging out with my sister.

Pictures are stunning as usual. Oh and I love that ST lanyard! The clock charm looks very detailed.
Thank you, I’am so glad you are enjoying the photos. That was a nice touch adding the clock charm to the Stranger Thing lanyard.

In the end, that’s what it’s all about
It is. Making memories with our children and grandchildren is priceless.


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