Canadian Buffoon's Sweet 16 Celebration - Update 01/28 - The End

Do you work on commission?
Big mistake. Huge!

I have to go shopping now!

Hey! He does!
I haven't watched it (yet),
so had to Google.

I still have 2 episodes to watch which I need to watch one of these days.

And lights! Don't forget the lights!
And a mirror, too!

Those are definitely essential. I mean you had to look at my bathroom pictures but how can they possibly compare with my toilet picture. Did you have to build your own flushing mechanism?

Kinda wishing I was giving out
random bonus points.

You laughed and got the reference what more does a girl want?
I have to go shopping now!

::yes:: :thumbsup2

I still have 2 episodes to watch which I need to watch one of these days.

I still have... all of them.

Those are definitely essential. I mean you had to look at my bathroom pictures but how can they possibly compare with my toilet picture. Did you have to build your own flushing mechanism?

I didn't.
So disappointing to stay
in a lousy hotel that doesn't
give you fun adventures like that!

Build your own toilet?
You can't buy experiences like that!

You laughed and got the reference what more does a girl want?

Well... to win the contest?
Last edited:
Yeah... It's dark.
It's four freaking thirty!

Who is crazy enough to get up at that hour?

I did like the 2-3 seating.

I also enjoy this set-up.

Some people are too stupid to fly.

Just experienced plenty of this.

When she was born, she wasn't like that.
But when she became a teenager,
she had corrective surgery
to attach her phone to her hand.


(Get the connection?
Bonus points if you tell me if you do or not.)

So these shops made you and the pretty lady feel out of place?

Kay found a top she didn't mind.
And hey! It was on sale, so...


On our recent trip, I was told not to go into Bergdorf to check out an outfit I liked in the window - I looked it up later online and it was over $6,000 for a dress, coat, and boots. :eek::scared1::faint: I would have felt really out of place had we walked in.

Am I right?
Tell me whatcha think.
Bonus points.

You are always right.....well, except when Ruby is.

But aren't you excited about seeing
yet another photo of a couple of beds
and a bathtub?

Say yes.
Bonus points....

Yes - in fact I was thinking just that before the mention of bonus points.

1. We do actually go to Universal.
Do we:
a. purchase ($70 each)
Front of the Line passes?
b. Or do we do rope drop?
c. Or both?


2. What's our first ride?
a. Flight of the Hippogriff
b. Forbidden Journey
c. Shrek 4D
d. The Simpsons Ride


3. What happens on the ride?
a. Drink spills on Kay.
b. Kid throws up.
c. Ride breaks down.
d. Lose my hat.


4. Which (if any) of the following
do we see? (Pick up to 3)
a. Studio Tour
b. Special Effects Show
c. WaterWorld
d. Animal Actors.
e. Walking Dead Attraction
(Hint: there wasn't a Special Effects Show
at the time, and WaterWorld was being refurbed.)
Deductions for every wrong answer.

A, D, E

5. What souvenir does Kay buy?
It's a fairly obvious one,
so no clues... except that one.
Okay... and it's more than $20.
But that's it!

Harry Potter books

6. Which one of the following
do we not ride?
a. Flight of the Hippogriff
b. King Kong 360 3-D
c. Despicable Me Minion Mayhem
d. Fast and Furious - Supercharged.


7. Of the following, which is Kay's fave?
a. Jurassic Park - The Ride
b. Transformers - The Ride-3D
c. Revenge of the Mummy - The Ride


8. Butter Beer.
Yeah, we try it.
It comes in frozen and non.
Which do we try?
a. Frozen
b. Not frozen
c. Both


9 Which ride do I refuse to go on.
a. Transformers - The Ride-3D
b. The Simpsons Ride
c. Flight of the Hippogriff
d. Shrek 4D


10. Ya gotta eat. Where?
a. Suds McDuff’s Hot Dogs
b. Jurassic Café
c. Plaza Grill
d. Krusty Burger


11. Are you sick of this contest yet?
a. Yes.
b. No.
c. Yes. But I'm too polite to say.
d. No. But I lie a lot.


Bonus: Did you see it?
Of course you did.
But did you see the other one?

We'll see if a pm makes it your way....
Who is crazy enough to get up at that hour?



I also enjoy this set-up.

I prefer my own private jet.

I don't have one...
But I'd prefer it if I did.

Just experienced plenty of this.

Oh? Details?

So these shops made you and the pretty lady feel out of place?

More.... shocked.

On our recent trip, I was told not to go into Bergdorf to check out an outfit I liked in the window - I looked it up later online and it was over $6,000 for a dress, coat, and boots. :eek::scared1::faint: I would have felt really out of place had we walked in.

I could see you being shocked...

there were boots, too.

You are always right.....well, except when Ruby is.


Yes - in fact I was thinking just that before the mention of bonus points.

Uh, huh....

Why am I not believing this??




A, D, E

Harry Potter books







All noted!

We'll see if a pm makes it your way....

Got it!
I know!
I really wasn't expecting that.

Just like no one expects the Spanish Inquisition. Dun dun dun.

Uh, huh....
How many sunrise photos
did you get on this last trip?

Zip. Zero. Zilch. Nada. Those are for cruises, and especially difficult when your room faces South.

I didn't even know
they existed!

We always use them. You know because hauling around four suitcases, four carry ons with two scooters ain't easy!

Oh? Have a story to share

No not really. Just seen some dumb behavior over my many years of traveling.

That's not right!
They can't force you to
go to the bathroom
just because you're female!

I suppose the women of the pkondz tribe have bladders of steel! :rolleyes1

Did not know that! Cool!
I was there!

Evidently it was a much funkier place back in the 60s, but so was everywhere in California.

:eek: Now you tell me!
"And if you're going to Venice Beach,
park close to the beach
because otherwise
you might get mugged."

But noooooo...

Well you had indicated that you wanted to go to the Santa Monica pier. That's a much more upscale area. Saying you would get mugged at Venice Beach may have been a bit harsh, but unless lots has changed since the 80s, I bet you could have scored any variety of illicit substances.

She couldn't do both.
But she did run, screaming
as soon as she touched it.

Well of course, that water is cold! It comes from Alaska you know.

Ah. Of course.
Tourism being the
cash cow that it is.

Visit California’s president and chief executive says the state is the No. 1 tourism destination in the country, with an industry 2.5 times larger than Florida’s. Out of the 268 million tourists in California in 2016, roughly 75% were Californians, 18% were from other states and 7% were from outside the country.

Oh, no!
I'm really glad we went.
Never seen anything like

Huh. I usually do not like being reminded that others posses great monetary wealth and I do not.

I read an article recently.
It was about how all the world's
watch makers are struggling.
Not many people wear watches now.

But Rolex is doing really well.
Because they only have to sell
a very few watches to make a profit.

Pretty much. I bet those stores don't have to sell much to profit.

I knew that.
And was very discreet.

Good boy! I would have hated to see you on the evening news in a fist fight with wolverine.

I thought you would have. :)

We used to go see a lot of movies at the El Capitan. Now I'm lucky if we go see movies.

A temporary cure.
It didn't last.

Too bad.


I'm glad you think so.
I was looking at that photo
and thinking the same thing!

Did she order mustard or something?

And had even mentioned
that we might to there, too!
(Earlier. pre-trip.)

See! Trying to throw me off!

What about Shake Shack.

Never been to one. The one on Hollywood Blvd is new. We used to go to a lot of shows at the Pantages and had it been there we would have gone there for dinner. Now our next chance is Aladdin in March.

I did? Good!

Yeah no need to come back. You saw it all!

Well, the trip ain't over...

And I won't make any guesses as to how you got to Anaheim nor the time of day....

"Oh! Those are great!
Just put them downstairs
until we decide where to put them."

She's very sneaky.

I can imagine how packed your downstairs is!

Even though I was too full,
it was good.

I thought about ordering it on our trip but it was for two persons and I knew Fran wouldn't want it.

She had room.
She knew she was going to get...

A set of 6 books just seems rather large. I could be wrong....

Because Fran keeps bringing them home?

Darned Craigslist!

Nah. Ya did fine

Eh. Fine would be leading the pack! :laughing:
My guesses. But I'm not even sure I'm on the up-to-date version. :rotfl2: And I'm way too tired to check. So today I will go with HELL YES on the are you tired of the questions. Insert smile.
Have on Lawrence Welk for my mother. Always so enlightening. I play a really horrible game with it when it's on. Really horrible!

1. We do actually go to Universal.
Do we:
C Both.

2. What's our first ride?

B. Forbidden Journey

3. What happens on the ride?
A. Drink spills on Kay (which is a strange choice. )

4. Which (if any) of the following
do we see? (Pick up to 3)

Deductions for every wrong answer.

SO THREATENING - but I will go with E and C

5. What souvenir does Kay buy?


6. Which one of the following
do we not ride?

c. Despicable Me Minion Mayhem

7. Of the following, which is Kay's fave?

b. Transformers - The Ride-3D

8. Butter Beer.
Yeah, we try it.
It comes in frozen and non.
Which do we try?

C - both.

89 Which ride do I refuse to go on.
I'll go with what's your problem?

I don't know - Shrek.

10. Ya gotta eat. Where?
a. Suds McDuff’s Hot Dogs

11. Are you sick of this contest yet?
E. Depends on the day.
Am I right?
Tell me whatcha think.
Bonus points.

So right. I actually thought of it right away. And then I got distracted thinking maybe you went to LA and picked up your very own stalker. Piercing.


OMG, the best shot. Well done.

Speaking to Kay. :laughing:

Someone loves his germs. You're back to interesting.

Unfortunately, I think he misheard.
He thought I said "Be the bowel."
And his game's gone to crap ever since.

No. Just no. NO. Tell yourself no when you can't resist.

Say yes.
Bonus points....

So easy. Yes.

Timing is everything.

Man, no truer of a statement.

Here is a photo
(albeit, horribly blurry. sorry!)
of the chef preparing our
Peking duck.

Reminded me of a scene in one of Anthony Bourdain's episodes. Sigh. Man I need to beg God to give me strength to be a vegetarian.

And for those of you who
had trouble "seeing it":

I need a trip to the optometrist for these bonus points.

who did a very popular
(and parodied) ad for Nike.

I always knew Bo. But I totally forgot this ad. Priceless.
So, sending you a PM. Kelly and I have a plan, and though you might be able to join.... see you on the other side... :)


Over and out...
Just like no one expects the Spanish Inquisition. Dun dun dun.


Zip. Zero. Zilch. Nada. Those are for cruises, and especially difficult when your room faces South.

Ah. Then....
How many times were you up
and it was pitch black outside?

We always use them. You know because hauling around four suitcases, four carry ons with two scooters ain't easy!

Even without all that....
Why stand in line???

No not really. Just seen some dumb behavior over my many years of traveling.


I suppose the women of the pkondz tribe have bladders of steel! :rolleyes1

One does.
One definitely does not.

Evidently it was a much funkier place back in the 60s, but so was everywhere in California.

This, I believe.

Well you had indicated that you wanted to go to the Santa Monica pier. That's a much more upscale area. Saying you would get mugged at Venice Beach may have been a bit harsh, but unless lots has changed since the 80s, I bet you could have scored any variety of illicit substances.

Still would like to go there.
But..... we had to pick and chose.
If we'd done Santa Monica,
it would've been more time...
that we just didn't have.

Well of course, that water is cold! It comes from Alaska you know.

So... Basically just a lot warmer
than a Manitoba lake.

Visit California’s president and chief executive says the state is the No. 1 tourism destination in the country, with an industry 2.5 times larger than Florida’s. Out of the 268 million tourists in California in 2016, roughly 75% were Californians, 18% were from other states and 7% were from outside the country.

Those numbers surprise me.
I would've thought they'd be skewed
a bit more towards non-Californians.

Huh. I usually do not like being reminded that others posses great monetary wealth and I do not.

I don't mind.
People who have more (or less!)
than I are still just people.

Pretty much. I bet those stores don't have to sell much to profit.

Just one top on sale
pays the rent for half a year!

Good boy! I would have hated to see you on the evening news in a fist fight with wolverine.

I'd easily win.
I mean, how fast could
he be in that getup?


We used to go see a lot of movies at the El Capitan. Now I'm lucky if we go see movies.

Is Gruaman's now called El Capitan?
Or is that another one nearby?

Did she order mustard or something?

For sure she would've ordered it
with no tomato.
Other than that....


See! Trying to throw me off!


Never been to one. The one on Hollywood Blvd is new.

That's the one I was originally
going to go to.
But then too many people
said I had to go to In-N-Out.

Yeah no need to come back. You saw it all!

Actually I have an excellent reason
to go back.
The best reason, in fact.

And I won't make any guesses as to how you got to Anaheim nor the time of day....

Thanks for the suggestion
for the next round of questions!

I can imagine how packed your downstairs is!

You have no idea.

I thought about ordering it on our trip but it was for two persons and I knew Fran wouldn't want it.

Oh? Why not?

A set of 6 books just seems rather large. I could be wrong....

She deliberately left lots
of room in her bag.

Darned Craigslist!


Eh. Fine would be leading the pack! :laughing:

Let's see how you did on this last round. ;)
My guesses. But I'm not even sure I'm on the up-to-date version. :rotfl2:

You are. ::yes::

So today I will go with HELL YES on the are you tired of the questions. Insert smile.

:laughing: Okay!

Have on Lawrence Welk for my mother. Always so enlightening. I play a really horrible game with it when it's on. Really horrible!

Oh, you can't leave that like that!!

1. We do actually go to Universal.
Do we:
C Both.

2. What's our first ride?

B. Forbidden Journey

3. What happens on the ride?
A. Drink spills on Kay (which is a strange choice. )

4. Which (if any) of the following
do we see? (Pick up to 3)

Deductions for every wrong answer.

SO THREATENING - but I will go with E and C

5. What souvenir does Kay buy?


6. Which one of the following
do we not ride?

c. Despicable Me Minion Mayhem

7. Of the following, which is Kay's fave?

b. Transformers - The Ride-3D

8. Butter Beer.
Yeah, we try it.
It comes in frozen and non.
Which do we try?

C - both.

89 Which ride do I refuse to go on.
I'll go with what's your problem?

I don't know - Shrek.

10. Ya gotta eat. Where?
a. Suds McDuff’s Hot Dogs

11. Are you sick of this contest yet?
E. Depends on the day.

All noted!

So right. I actually thought of it right away. And then I got distracted thinking maybe you went to LA and picked up your very own stalker. Piercing.

We did.
But it wasn't him.
He wasn't being so obvious
in the photo.

Like a good stalker should.

OMG, the best shot. Well done.

Speaking to Kay. :laughing:

::yes:: It was all her.

Someone loves his germs. You're back to interesting.

It's how your immune system
builds up tolerance.

That's what I tell myself.
Don't ruin the magic.

No. Just no. NO. Tell yourself no when you can't resist.

When I can't go, you mean?

So easy. Yes.

It's like I'm giving this thing away!

Reminded me of a scene in one of Anthony Bourdain's episodes. Sigh. Man I need to beg God to give me strength to be a vegetarian.


I need a trip to the optometrist for these bonus points.

And a trip to the PM board.
You didn't PM me yet,
unless I missed it?

I always knew Bo. But I totally forgot this ad. Priceless.

Love Gretsky in it.
Puppy update!



Tucker is in the back yard, and Misty, now known as Mercy, is supervising from the deck.

Beautiful! Seriously!

On day 3 she finally let loose a little bit, found her bark, and re-discovered her need for back scratching and tummy rubs.

Who doesn't love back scratching and tummy rubs? ;)

She is also a big fan of ground beef and bacon, as is Tucker.

Me too!
We'd get along too, I think.

I think we are all going to get along just fine!

Puppy update!

View attachment 282073

Tucker is in the back yard, and Misty, now known as Mercy, is supervising from the deck. On day 3 she finally let loose a little bit, found her bark, and re-discovered her need for back scratching and tummy rubs. She is also a big fan of ground beef and bacon, as is Tucker. I think we are all going to get along just fine!

The puppies are adorable and seem to have good taste, but what is with that snow???????


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