Canadian Buffoon's Hi Low Vacation - South Central Musings

nice costume!! and yes, you do look similarly to him, but seem much nicer!

Nah. In real life I'm a horrible person.
Just ask anyone who's met me,
they'll tell you.

"pkondz? Oh, yes. Horrible.
The world would be a better place without him."

1. 7:15am

2. 3 minutes

3. Animal Kingdom

4. yes

5. nay- trying to think positive!

6. Dinosaur

7. It's tough to be a bug

8. of course!

9. Flame Tree barbeque

Bonus: Did you see IT?
yes and yes! productions all over the place!!!

All noted.
So many good friends, conversation ranging from good old fashioned ribbing to meaningful insights, there's something, and someone, for everyone. I'm happy to be part of such an excellent community.

Again, well said.

And here... in celebration of such drivel, I shall now use the one emoticon I've never used before.

Stand back, Everyone, and BEHOLD.....


You are welcome. .


Because it's DH's parents. I can't never go over there!

Ah. Well.... okay, I suppose so.

We might try to just go there for the day next time. But that's six hours in the car in one day! Maybe we'll get a hotel room one day.

Do the hotel. Say you insist on it.
Heck, say
I insist on it!

I haven't used mine yet, might tonight. DH used his last night. I'll have to ask him how he liked it.

And? Verdict?

Ugh, NOW I see IT!

You did!

Hope everyone enjoyed their Christmas festivities!

Well...... mine was...... frickin' rough.
But family time. That was nice.
Hello! I'm getting back to "important stuff" after Christmas hibernation!

The Canadian Newfie emerges reluctantly
from his burrow after a prolonged sleep.
He shakes his head groggily and glances about.
His eyes fall on pkond'z TR and he foolishly places
his trust in it that it will hold some insights
to keep him safe during the coming months.
Alas, he will be bitterly disappointed.

(No offense at the 'Newfie' nomenclature
some of my best friends are newfs.)

Sounds good. I've never been, but obviously would love to get down to Disneyland someday.

Funny. I never really had it
on my radar.
But now that I'm going....
I'm really looking forward to it.

I didn't want to smile, I really didn't. But I just can't help but laugh at a good dad joke.

So, then you're saying you did not laugh?

Well yes, yes we did. But you know, we're trying to get into your head. Do you know what kind of a place that is? :scared:

Oh, I do know.
You do
not want to venture in there.

I've been to Florida in October and April, and it's quite hot enough for me at those times (apparently it gets worse somehow). But I have seen guys walking around in jeans, and going on raft rides where you know the jeans will be wet. Schlepping around in wet jeans is not pleasant. Of course those guys are often accompanied by a lady who thought wearing stilettos to a theme park was a good idea. Sometimes you just have to shake your head.

I think I posted a photo of stilettos
on an earlier TR.

I either :sad2: shake my head,
or totally admire their stamina.

I have to confess I just didn't get into the movie. I tried watching once a couple years ago, but I fell asleep half way through.

Well....... yeah.
Okay, it's not the

But I do like the characters.
Hmmm.... I think I like the
of the movie more than the movie itself.

I don't remotely have an answer for that. I'm just wondering why you're trying to unlock your car doors when you're obviously nowhere near the parking lot. :p

Just testing the range.

Me too. I don't know how many pictures DW and I took trying to get the sparks when they scrape the pavement. I don't think we ever did get a good one.

Not an easy shot.

I'm still annoyed by my shot with that ghost. It was MNNSHP in 2010, the Photopass guy told us he would do one regular picture in front of HM and one magic shot with the ghost. Of course, he gets them mixed up. So we have one nice picture of us smiling for the camera - with the ghost looking on, and then we have another pretending to be scared...of an empty chair. Grrr....

You were scared all right.
Of the PP's incompetence.


I've always gone farther up in the hub, but I really like this location. One to keep in mind.

If it wasn't for the photos,
I would've been up at the hub.
Fireworks all around? Yes.

Just curious, did you ever consider going to meet Anna & Elsa in this costume?


But I had to chose one, so.....
(and that was
plenty of waiting in line.)

I did go back and forth....
and finally decided on the Halloween themed pair.

1. 7:15am
2. 7 minutes
3. What, you mean we’re supposed to read all of it now? Not just scroll through to look at the pictures?! Well, OK, in that case, AK
4. No
5. Yay, anybody who looks like they’re from Weasel town obviously gets extra security.
6. Expedition Everest
7. Flights of Wonder
8. Yes
9. Flame Tree Barbecue

Bonus: I saw IT on the first go around, but didn't notice your new sponsorship until a second looksie.

Hi Ponzie.

:wave: Long time no see!

Just popped in to say hello - have been enjoying the banter but realised I haven't stopped by to comment. Sorry!

That's okay. Life. It's busy.
Totally get it.

I'm loving your trip report.


I did see it on the chimney stack - I did see your earlier insertions but just kept swimming.

Mermaids..... ::yes::

The Hallowe'en party is on my bucket list - might need to wait until my retirement - will you still be sponsoring the parade by then?

Depends. I may just own the whole
place by then.

I spotted your Duke of Weselton straight away even though you weren't as scrawny (an improvement I might say).

Well! Thank you!
I sense bonus points descending upon you...

That was good that some other guests interacted with you.

That was so much fun! :)

I love your ghost photos - I knew there was something dubious going on here! Sorcery I suspect.

It was so scary!!!! :scared:

Funnily enough on Christmas day we were waiting on my eldest brother arriving so we could serve up Christmas dinner and turned on the TV and watched the start of Frozen. I felt the need to explain to my family about you when the Duke of Weselton made his first appearance.

:laughing: Did they think you were nuts?

I felt for you waiting in the rain - your poor shorts get a terrible time of it.

Shorts! My shorts!?!?!
What about me?????

I got caught on a deluge on Christmas Eve of Florida proportions but cold. I had decided that I needed to get Alan some beer for Christmas. I didn't park in the supermarket car park as I thought it would be too busy so I parked in another car park in the village. Anyway I had intended just getting a few bottles of beer but they didn't have any left so I bought a box of 20. The supermarket didn't have any bags big enough so I put them in a trolley. Outside the rain started there's me wheeling this trolley with my box of beer. I get to the end of the car park and was faced with the sign of no trolleys beyond this point so I pick up the heavy box of beer and start running. The box gets really wet and the cardboard is getting soggy and starts to bend. I readjust my arms round it and keep running. I must have made a pretty sight running through the village with a box of beer in my arms. The box was becoming more precarious by the minute and I had visions of beer bottles flying in all directions. I get to the car and try to balance the soggy box while trying to locate my car key and open the boot. Now in hindsight I should have stopped and decanted the beer bottles into the empty shopping bags I was carrying but as they say hindsight is a wonderful thing!

OMG! I just had this vision pop into my head.

<Princess Leia sprints by,
cradling her box of brew.
A forlorn wail, trailing in her wake...
Two small boys, sitting in the backseat
of their father's car.

"Father? What was that?"
"That, children.... Is an alcoholic."
Guess what I'm doing now?


Did you guess "Catching up on TRs"???


Editing photos.
Update coming sooner rather than later.
(Well... yeah. I still have to write it... still.... It's a start.)
I'm coming to comment. I need to reread your update. It's been busy. I hope you had a great holiday and you enjoyed your trip.
So, now it looks like California
is in the works for March.
A quick trip. But a trip nevertheless.
Yippee! I can't wait to hear all about it. We're going to California in September and the last and only time I was there was in 5th grade, so it's been quite awhile.

After my interminable wait for the bus,
the ride back to ASMu was mercifully short.
Sorry you had to wait so long, but glad you got the fast track to the park.

But I will say... that you all failed miserably
in your guesses there.
That was tricky, tricky.

I took the Trick or Treat bag
I'd received when I entered,
and put that over the camera.
Problem solved.
Great idea!

but when it's Halloween (sorta)
there's really only one couple
you absolutely must meet...

So cute! Can you dance like the Duke of Weasel Town too! That would have been super funny!

He didn't recognize my costume.
How could he not?

In line about two and a half hours.

The street was still a little damp from the rain
and I hoped that they wouldn't cancel
the headless horseman.... but they did.
Oh no! Glad he made an appearance for you in the second parade!

I really dig these guys.

They were my favorite too.

I assumed he recognized
my royal self.


That's a great magic shot. We got the three hitch hiking ghosts when we went in that spot.

Still.... something....
not quite right about these folks.

Love it!

Some day I'll get decent
fireworks photos
I thought they were incredible. I took some really neat shots on the monorail over space mountain off my phone.

After he passed,
Very neat!

In all, three guests called me Weselton,
and four called me Weasel Town
(To which I always haughtily replied.
"That's Weselton!" to their great delight.)
So fun!

I took the shirt off and....
The top half or so of my shorts
were now (permanently, I later discovered)
dyed... pink.
Ugh! Well, I guess you need a new pair of shorts!

1. What time does the alarm go off?

2. Bus. Morning. What's the wait time?
4 minutes

3. Which park do I go to?
Hint: Seriousy? Did you read the update?

4. Rope drop? Yes or no?

5. Extra security? Yay or nay?

6. First ride of the day?

7. Which show did I see for the first time?

8. Do I get asked for directions?

9. Where did I have lunch?
Hint: No ADRs accepted there.
Harambe Market

Bonus: Did you see IT?
Of course you saw it.
Brick and Boo to you!
Okay getting in my answers before you post the update. Even though I am now retired I have been so busy with life stuff that I haven't had time to reply to your update.
So glad to hear that you are going to Disneyland with your daughter- I am going end of January beginning of February.
Now to my answers:
1. What time does alarm go off - 6:43
2. Bus, Morning - what's the wait time - 6 1/2 minutes
3. Which park do I go to: AK
4. Rope drop - yes or no - yes - must use all the advantages that we can get.
5. Extra security - Yay
6. First ride of the day Expedition Everest
7. Which show do I see for the first time - Festival of the Lion King
8. Do I get asked for directions - yes - don't you always?
9. where do I have lunch - Flame tree bbq.
Bonus - did you see it - glad you got to be part of the parade since you were wearing a costume.
who took the photo - you did with your handy dandy remote & camera on tripod that you remembered to bring all the parts to.
:laughing: Did they think you were nuts?

They know I'm nuts! For my brother it was his first ever experience of Frozen and I think he found the experience quite overwhelming!

Shorts! My shorts!?!?!
What about me?????

You are used to the comes with hanging out with mermaids.

OMG! I just had this vision pop into my head.

<Princess Leia sprints by,
cradling her box of brew.
A forlorn wail, trailing in her wake...
Two small boys, sitting in the backseat
of their father's car.

"Father? What was that?"
"That, children.... Is an alcoholic."

I thought you were about to break into poetry...alcoholic, indeed...I'm a pillar of the community I'll have you know which makes it all the more bizarre! Next year Alan can buy his own beer!
Hope everyone had a great holiday! Ours was eventful, but not in a good way. Woke up on the 26th to the sound of DD having a seizure. Called 911 and got her to the hospital right away. They kept her overnight, so she missed her first two days of her new position (within the same company) so she was upset about that. Her MRI, CAT scan And EEG all came out normal. But now she can't drive for 6 months, with the job being 40 miles away (just outside Boston, so lovely traffic too) and to say we are all thrown for a loop is an understatement. I blame the election (why not? Everyone else does!) I hope none of you parents out there ever have to witness your kid having a seizure-- it was the scariest thing we have ever been through. DD doesn't remember anything but waking up to a room full of EMT's and having a sore tongue. (Did I mention the blood on her face?)

So now we don't think we can go to Disney at the end of January, and will likely have to miss our Panama Canal cruise in March. At least I had the foresight to get the "cancel for any reason" insurance.

The weird thing is that she got a call yesterday from a company she interviewed with a year ago, in Providence to say the job opened up again if she'd like to interview, and (drum roll, please)....... It's on the bus line! We are crossing all our fingers and toes.
I'm coming to comment. I need to reread your update. It's been busy. I hope you had a great holiday and you enjoyed your trip.


Holiday time (i.e. Christmas time) was... tough.
But the trip was great!

How was your Christmas?

Happy holidays Pkondz! Enjoying the TR as always. Looking forward to a DL TR! I grew up going to DL, but haven't been since the stone ages (1983) before the advent of the parking lot conversion to DCA! I really should try and see it sometime!

Hijacking for a moment:
But now she can't drive for 6 months, with the job being 40 miles away (just outside Boston, so lovely traffic too) and to say we are all thrown for a loop is an understatement. I blame the election (why not? Everyone else does!) I hope none of you parents out there ever have to witness your kid having a seizure-- it was the scariest thing we have ever been through. DD doesn't remember anything but waking up to a room full of EMT's and having a sore tongue. (Did I mention the blood on her face?)

Yikes MHSweb79. Has she ever had a seizure before? Same thing happened to friends of mine with their son who was 19-20 at the time. They had lots of tests done and never found a cause. Hopefully it won't happen again! I lived in MA and drove to a job about 40 miles away and it's never a good commute, and when it snows it's a horrible commute. Crossing my fingers for your trips, and for the job opportunity in Providence (which would probably be a better drive that into Boston even without the busline).
Hi popping in to wish all of you a happy and safe New Year we are off tonight for WDW:car: This vacation can't come soon enough any way have fun and stay safe.
The Canadian Newfie emerges reluctantly
from his burrow after a prolonged sleep.
He shakes his head groggily and glances about.
His eyes fall on pkond'z TR and he foolishly places
his trust in it that it will hold some insights
to keep him safe during the coming months.
Alas, he will be bitterly disappointed.
You know I've got Hinterland Who's Who's music stuck in my head now! There's a little bit of growing up in the 70's/80's Canadiana for our friends to the south! What's that you say, post a youtube link to share our cultural richness? Why yes, I suppose I could. :p

(No offense at the 'Newfie' nomenclature
some of my best friends are newfs.)
None taken at all. I think of it as a term of endearment.

So, then you're saying you did not laugh?
Perhaps a muffled chuckle...
Were you trapped in that craziness that you call "work", which seems like some of us to some form of indentured servitude? Or was the asparagus incident that upsetting?

:laughing: No. Well, yes, but well kind of, except.....
Much worse...

A few people already know what happened.
Maybe I'll have to throw in a real life update
at the front end of the update.


Poor pkondz, do they not understand that as The Duke you are entitled to so much more?

:lmao: Yeah! What's with that!!!


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