Canadian Buffoon's Disney With a Teen Vacation - 08/13 - The Wrap

Great wrap up! That Eggs Benedict looked so good! I'm always nervous to try flying out of the country because of long lines lol

I hope you write a TR for your trip!! How many days away? I wish I would be able to be there when you are! Some day we will meet!

Disney Springs has some really good food places now- I haven't been, but have been reading!!

Thank you for a great reading experience in this TR :)

Chicken Caesar or Black Beans with Southwestern Veggies? :confused3

Does everyone know what time it is????
It's time to end this bloated,
overly long trip report!

Oh darn, it and just when I was starting to get into it!

Speaking of anything else,
anyone following the Olympics?

Every four years, the planet comes
to a standstill to watch sports
that we otherwise would never watch.
It's a remarkable thing, isn't it?

Well no. I've never really watched the Olympics. Even though I was swimmer with the 1984 Olympics in my goals.

I did end up making it to the 1984 Olympics.

In the Band! :lmao:

Year six - ten:
You wake up because he/she has
stolen all the covers.

I think long before this we had started with our own covers. She liked a sheet and a blanket while I liked a comforter or two.

Year twenty one - ???:
You wake up because you
have to pee.

I can't tell you how many years we have been here, and were looking at 20 years in January.

Behold! The one photo I took this day!!

Looks delicious!

I'm going to say the flight was uneventful.
Pretty sure we didn't crash.

Pretty sure.

In any event,
soon we were back home.

Well that's over then.

How about.... September?

Yes please!

I see the "viewed" count.
Without you guys, well, there really wouldn't
be a point, would there?

You have to take into account that at least I view your thread 10 times fo the amount that I comment once.

A quick reminder to @franandaj,
Alison, still need to get an address for your prize.
PM me when you get a chance.
If you'd rather not send the address,
maybe we can work it out some other way?
Lemme know.

Who are you kidding, Pomzi? Of course you will do another trip report, and I will be right her lurking!
As for September....
I think I'll do a TR.

Pretty sure.

Well, that's just peachy keen. :) I mean it. (Anybody wanna peanut?)

Love ya all.

We love you too!

Stay tuned here for a link if/when that happens.

You may be asked to send a Bat Signal.

Nice wrap up! Eggs benedict always delight my soul. And my tummy. The diatribe on marriage was ... spot on. Thanks for the chuckle. It was probably funnier than it should have been. And closer to the truth than I'd like to admit.

Hope you'll still visit the Boards and say hi... :)

But seriously - thanks for another great TR @pkondz!

Still can't believe you chose September instead of October for you next trip - I mean think of all the October peeps you could have met :rolleyes1

And now I'll be at home by myself in September like...

So let's wrap things up
and move onto better things.
Wrapping this up is a bummer, but to think back that this started as a surprise trip with Kay, on to Hawaii and a little Montreal at the end, I'd say we (us readers) got lucky!
Of course you will be moving on to better a Sept trip!
Lets see... I've had to see you go to WDW solo, with Kay and ANOTHER Solo trip, while twiddling my fingers to get there in Oct! You are a very lucky man!
We've been married 25 years now,
we must be doing something right.
I'm going to go with this thought too! That or we can't be screwing up and getting it wrong enough to notice. HA!

You wake in each other’s arms.
What's that? Pretty much always had to go to work before he got up. But the going to bed in each other's arms work too!:rolleyes1
You definitely gave me a giggle how the years do change things. Let's not forget how kids change the opportunities.

I spotted a restaurant called
Thank goodness! No translation needed at this one. Your breakfast looked yummy!
I see the "viewed" count.
That's nice. I'm sure it's just a number count, other wise you'd see that I stalk..I'm mean creep..I mean check you out...wait.. You know! I have to have my Pkondz fix everytime i'm on the computer.
I guess you're my DIS drug...addicting! I might have with drawls till after Sept. (I'm sure I'm see you pop up on Liesa's PTR still)
As for September....
I think I'll do a TR.
Think?? Let me do the thinking for you..YES you will do a TR! It's in your blood man. And if we're lucky again it will morph it to bonus adventures : )
Love ya all.
Thanks for listening.
Back at ya!!
Thanks for writing! You keep writing and I will always be here for you.

Thought I'd add a little update, you might have seen it on Liesa's, but I've made it through my first FP picks on day 60:-) and paid the balance of the trip now. It's seems to really be happening and I'm feeling like it going to sneak up and I still won't be "prepared". As much as I want the overtime $$ I'm actually hoping to not get scheduled for my day off a few time between now and the trip. I was on vacation this week, so it worked out to get up early for FPs and we went to State Fair.
So today is a little sad: 1. going back to work tomorrow 2. Daughter working this morning and then leaves later (after 6) to go back to college . She is getting a part time job this year while taking classes so may not be able to schedule as may visits back here.:sad1:
Hi Pkondz
Have enjoyed reading your trip reports looking forward to reading about your future adventures in the best holiday resort in the world. It's great that you have managed to arange a few meets whilst you are there looking forward to reading about it.You hit the nail with your description of long term married life I have got over thirty years with my better half so far.Off to Toronto next year Dw sister lives there not been for a few years but hope to return to Orando in 2018 when most of the construction should be finished.You can't beet a well cooked poached egg love them on toast.Thanks for your report have enjoyed reading about your adventures and luna your puppie.4
Speaking of anything else,
anyone following the Olympics?

Every four years, the planet comes
to a standstill to watch sports
that we otherwise would never watch.
It's a remarkable thing, isn't it?

Did anyone see Bill Murray's tweet?

I love it!

Actually, I always seem to get inspired by the winter Olympics. We have a huge hill on our property that is great for sledding. I always watch snowboarding and think that I can do that. Then I look at snowboarding gear and realize how expensive it is so I just try to "snowboard" on top of a sled. Yeah, that usually doesn't work too well.

Happens every 4 years.

One of these times I'll learn.

But... I'm looking forward to this winter! Someone snowboarded on the hill last year. I know this because the hill is our property and I mow it. I was mowing this spring and guess what I found! It's a little small, but my feet fit, I've tried already. We'll see how it works.

And yes, I realize this probably belonged to some poor kid.

No I don't feel bad.

He was trespassing and apparently isn't too worried about it if I'm finding it 4 or 5 months after the last snow melted.

"Wow! Look how much faster Usain Bolt is
than that old dude wearing flip flops.
He finished before the old guy found a spot
to put down his TV remote."
Seriously, I see them interviewing Bolt
while the "average" person is still running.
Every single race would have one of those feel good moments where a runner goes down with a pulled hammy or something and then gets up and limps to the finish.

But then again, do I really want to watch
a premiere sporting event,
showcasing the best in the world,
and then throw this in the mix?

Well of course!!!

Who doesn't appreciate a good laugh?

Give me a few more years and this'll be me:


And those may look like
pan fried potatoes...
But ohhhh no! Not even close!
Nope. Those are Lyonnaise-style potatoes!
It said so right on the menu.
Which, I presume, is a fancy way
of saying "pan fried potatoes".
As long as they aren't potato chips. :rolleyes1

I'm going to say the flight was uneventful.
Pretty sure we didn't crash.

Pretty sure.

In any event,
soon we were back home.

Back to work and responsibilities.
Back to reality.

Blech. Give me holidays any day.

How about.... September?

Or it is like Lost and you're dead and won't realize for about 4 or 5 years.

As for September....
I think I'll do a TR.

Pretty sure.

I must admit that it's getting tougher
and tougher.
I'm following so many TRs that finding
the time for my own ain't easy.
Tell me about it... :faint:
Hard to believe the TR is finally over! :faint: Count me in for the next round, of course. Because we know you'll do it - you won't be able to help yourself. ::yes::
And it's all thanks to Ruby.
When we get together,
we're going to have to have a toast in her honour.

I'm sad I wont get to meet Ruby, she is somewhat of an intriguing, mythical being.

Wait... What?
There's a HARLEY STORE AT SPRINGS?????????


I thought there was, is this the same thing?! I don't know!

Hate to disappoint you, but... nope.
My mind is far more twisted than that.
I tone it down for the DIS.

Me too! We'll get along great :thumbsup2

This is either about sandwiches (YAY) or the TR is ending (BOO)

It started honestly enough
with Kay's and my trip to Disney.

That seems so long ago!

Speaking of anything else,
anyone following the Olympics?

Not really, but our family friend (Jess Ennis) is a heptathlete so I watched her events - and she got silver!
:cheer2::cheer2::cheer2: she got gold in 2012 but she had a baby a couple of years ago, so she still did excellent all things considered!!!

This is one of the best ideas I've ever heard.


WHOA :scared1:

Here I say this report is bloated,
and what do I do?
Bloat! Bloat! Bloat!

This sounds like something I would've written in my uni reports to hit the word count.

I spotted a restaurant called
And there was a picture of
eggs Benedict right in the window.

There is never a situation where one does not enter this restaurant.

Eventually we got through
and Ruby miraculously did not
set off the metal detector.

Is that something she does frequently?!

Blech. Give me holidays any day.

How about.... September?



As for September....
I think I'll do a TR.

Errrrrrrrrrrrrrm yes you will.

I must admit that it's getting tougher
and tougher.
I'm following so many TRs that finding
the time for my own ain't easy.

WHAT. That is insane. I would rather you wrote your own than read mine :laughing: I enjoy your comments, but I LOVE your TRs!

Love ya all.
Thanks for listening.

Thanks for taking the time to share your trip with us!

It started honestly enough
with Kay's and my trip to Disney.
It then morphed into our family trip to Maui
and wound up in Montreal with just the grownups.

Variety! I love it.

Well... Ruby's grown up.
I'm just a big baby.

But you knew that already.

Growing up is so overrated, though.

Did anyone see Bill Murray's tweet?


:lmao::rotfl2::rotfl: Yes! Hilarious.

But then again, do I really want to watch
a premiere sporting event,
showcasing the best in the world,
and then throw this in the mix?


Absolutely! Who wouldn't want to watch that?

By the way, check out "Phillipine Diving Team Fail" on youtube sometime.

I suppose I can't show you a bad example
and not give you a good one.
So.... here. Synchronized diving at its very best:



As a side note, allow me to provide some
relationship enlightenment.
We've been married 25 years now,
we must be doing something right.

Or you don't feel like starting over. One of those.

But seriously, congrats. 25 years is a great accomplishment.

Every day I wake up thinking
that today will be the day she
figures out that she could do
so much better.

That fear used to keep me up at night! Now I'm too tired. But still fearful.

Year twenty one - ???:
You wake up because you
have to pee.
You make love when you're not too tired
or when things don't hurt.
You're always tired.
Things always hurt.

:rotfl: Perfect summary.

And those may look like
pan fried potatoes...
But ohhhh no! Not even close!
Nope. Those are Lyonnaise-style potatoes!
It said so right on the menu.
Which, I presume, is a fancy way
of saying "pan fried potatoes".

And then they can charge you another $8 for them.

You are killing it with the gifs today.

The plane boarded and departed on time.
I didn't take notes.
I'm going to say the flight was uneventful.
Pretty sure we didn't crash.

Pretty sure.

We can double-check with the airline if need be.

Back to work and responsibilities.
Back to reality.

Blech. Give me holidays any day.

Amen. The only reason to go to work is so you can pay for the next vacation.

I think I'll do a TR.

Pretty sure.

I must admit that it's getting tougher
and tougher.
I'm following so many TRs that finding
the time for my own ain't easy.

I know that feeling. But writing them ends up being so much fun! And you get to re-live the trip again.

Stay tuned here for a link if/when that happens.


Love ya all.
Thanks for listening.

Thanks for taking the time and making the effort to write up such great trip reports. I really look forward to reading every chapter. It's been a lot of fun getting to know you.
Great wrap up!

Thanks! :)

That Eggs Benedict looked so good!

It wasn't the best I've had,
but it wasn't bad at all either.

I'm always nervous to try flying out of the country because of long lines lol

I always arrive early and am not
comfortable until I'm through security.

I hope you write a TR for your trip!! How many days away?

I'll probably write it, honestly.
Just right now, I need a break.

According to my ticker,
it's just over 4 weeks away!

(Sep 14)

I wish I would be able to be there when you are! Some day we will meet!

Maybe some day! :)

Disney Springs has some really good food places now- I haven't been, but have been reading!!

I haven't been in over 10 years
and don't think I'll make it over there
this trip either.

Thank you for a great reading experience in this TR :)

Thanks for reading!
Chicken Caesar or Black Beans with Southwestern Veggies? :confused3

Chicken souvlaki with tzatziki.

Oh darn, it and just when I was starting to get into it!

Wait.... you got into it after a year?
And just when it got boring???


Well no. I've never really watched the Olympics. Even though I was swimmer with the 1984 Olympics in my goals.

I did end up making it to the 1984 Olympics.

In the Band! :lmao:


But you were there!
You got to see rocket man?
I remember thinking that was so cool.

I think long before this we had started with our own covers. She liked a sheet and a blanket while I liked a comforter or two.

Maybe that's the way we should have gone...
But were used to it now.

Looks delicious!

Wasn't half bad.
Not as good as my own...
but they never are, are they?

Well that's over then.

There just wasn't anything else to say.

(Plus... no notes.)

You have to take into account that at least I view your thread 10 times fo the amount that I comment once.

Not nearly as many times as I check it!
Still doesn't account
for the over 200,000 views!

Got it!
Now... when will I send it?

Who are you kidding, Pomzi? Of course you will do another trip report, and I will be right her lurking!

:laughing: Okay, Marita. Just for you!
Seriously, though.
I am feeling kinda burned out.
Been writing steadily for a while now.
I'm hoping a little break
will be enough to recharge the battery.
Well, that's just peachy keen. :) I mean it. (Anybody wanna peanut?)

You found one?
Did you crack it open?
Was it rotten?
Did you eat it anyway?

We love you too!


You may be asked to send a Bat Signal.

I've done that... and felt.... weird.
I felt like I was telling people what to do.

Yeah, I know. It's just me.

Nice wrap up! Eggs benedict always delight my soul. And my tummy.


And it was high time, too!

The diatribe on marriage was ... spot on. Thanks for the chuckle. It was probably funnier than it should have been. And closer to the truth than I'd like to admit.

Glad you liked it....

I know.

Hope you'll still visit the Boards and say hi... :)

Oh, I'll be around.
We had some people over last night
so I was super busy getting ready.

Plus I
really have to get the Banff
trip lined up.

But I'll be around.

Well, you better say it then.

'Cause it's over, baby.

But seriously - thanks for another great TR @pkondz!

You're welcome, Princess!

Still can't believe you chose September instead of October for you next trip - I mean think of all the October peeps you could have met :rolleyes1

I know, I know!
But I will freely admit that having
that decision made for me
(by work schedule)
relieved me of the difficult
process of deciding
when to go
whom to see!

Still... If I could've gone
I would have.
There are some very important
friends I've never met
(including you!) who I would've
loved to have met in October.

And now I'll be at home by myself in September like...


Nah... You'll be too busy getting ready
for your own trip.
And then
I'll be doing that.


Wrapping this up is a bummer, but to think back that this started as a surprise trip with Kay, on to Hawaii and a little Montreal at the end, I'd say we (us readers) got lucky!

I had no idea any of that was going to happen.
It just did!

Not complaining!

Of course you will be moving on to better a Sept trip!


Lets see... I've had to see you go to WDW solo, with Kay and ANOTHER Solo trip, while twiddling my fingers to get there in Oct! You are a very lucky man!

I am!
And if Ruby keeps traveling for work,
I'll probably keep going with her.

I'm going to go with this thought too! That or we can't be screwing up and getting it wrong enough to notice. HA!

Not screwing up enough.
I'll buy that.

Hopefully she won't notice.

What's that? Pretty much always had to go to work before he got up. But the going to bed in each other's arms work too!:rolleyes1

::yes:: And that can lead to late nights.

You definitely gave me a giggle how the years do change things. Let's not forget how kids change the opportunities.

Oh, I know!
"Mommy, Daddy... I don't feel so gooAAAAHHHHHGGGGHHHRRRRR!!!!!"

Reminds me!
Don't know if you've seen Parenthood, but...

Thank goodness! No translation needed at this one. Your breakfast looked yummy!

It was pretty good!
I don't know
what would've
happened if they said they were out.

That's nice. I'm sure it's just a number count, other wise you'd see that I stalk..I'm mean creep..I mean check you out...wait.. You know!

Oh... I know.



I have to have my Pkondz fix everytime i'm on the computer.

Awww... thanks!

I guess you're my DIS drug...addicting! I might have with drawls till after Sept. (I'm sure I'm see you pop up on Liesa's PTR still)

Oh, I'll be around.
I'm probably heading there
after I catch up here.

Think?? Let me do the thinking for you..YES you will do a TR! It's in your blood man. And if we're lucky again it will morph it to bonus adventures : )


Honestly, I probably will.
Just need a little breather right now.

Back at ya!!
Thanks for writing! You keep writing and I will always be here for you.

That's really nice of you to say!

Thought I'd add a little update, you might have seen it on Liesa's, but I've made it through my first FP picks on day 60:-) and paid the balance of the trip now.

Woot! How does that feel!!

It's seems to really be happening and I'm feeling like it going to sneak up and I still won't be "prepared".

Here's the good news.
You could go to Disney...
and not ride a single ride...
and not see a single parade...
and never, ever get some "pixie dust"...

And you'll
still have a wonderful time.

Go. Don't think you'll get everything done...
Because you won't. So don't sweat it.
Do what you want, when you want.
And save the rest for the next trip.
Or the one after that.

As much as I want the overtime $$ I'm actually hoping to not get scheduled for my day off a few time between now and the trip. I was on vacation this week, so it worked out to get up early for FPs and we went to State Fair.

I'm feeling the same.
"I hope they call... I hope they don't call."

But nice that you got to go to the State Fair.
Have fun?

So today is a little sad: 1. going back to work tomorrow 2. Daughter working this morning and then leaves later (after 6) to go back to college . She is getting a part time job this year while taking classes so may not be able to schedule as may visits back here.:sad1:

Absence makes the fart grow stronger.

Heart grow fonder!!!

Crap. I screwed up that tender moment.
Hi Pkondz

Hey, Mac!

Have enjoyed reading your trip reports looking forward to reading about your future adventures in the best holiday resort in the world.

If I write one.

But... probably will.

It's great that you have managed to arange a few meets whilst you are there looking forward to reading about it.

I have a few confirmed
and a few "I think so's."

You hit the nail with your description of long term married life I have got over thirty years with my better half so far.

Ah! So you're ahead of us.
What happens next?

Off to Toronto next year Dw sister lives there not been for a few years

Was there fairly recently.
My Sister lives there too.
Who knows, maybe we'll be there
at the same time.

but hope to return to Orando in 2018 when most of the construction should be finished.

::yes:: That was one thing that made me hesitate
before pulling the trigger on this trip.

You can't beet a well cooked poached egg love them on toast.


Give me a runny yolk or give me death!

Well... maybe not
But I still want that runny yolk!

Thanks for your report have enjoyed reading about your adventures and luna your puppie.

:) You're welcome!
Thanks for reading!
You found one?
Did you crack it open?
Was it rotten?
Did you eat it anyway?

Please tell me you've seen Princess Bride. Pleeeeze.

I've done that... and felt.... weird.
I felt like I was telling people what to do.

Yeah, I know. It's just me.

Yes, it feels weird, but I don't have time to troll the list of TRs and I will 100% miss you've started one, if you don't tell me. The end.

Oh, I'll be around.
We had some people over last night
so I was super busy getting ready.

Plus I
really have to get the Banff
trip lined up.

But I'll be around.

Yes, you do!! I'll look forward to that AND your Disney trip!


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