Canadian Buffoon's Disney With a Teen Vacation - 08/13 - The Wrap

I love it!

Actually, I always seem to get inspired by the winter Olympics. We have a huge hill on our property that is great for sledding. I always watch snowboarding and think that I can do that. Then I look at snowboarding gear and realize how expensive it is so I just try to "snowboard" on top of a sled. Yeah, that usually doesn't work too well.

Happens every 4 years.

One of these times I'll learn.

I get inspired from the Olympics too.
But I'm at that age where I'm inspired
to sit, put my feet up and watch.

But... I'm looking forward to this winter! Someone snowboarded on the hill last year. I know this because the hill is our property and I mow it. I was mowing this spring and guess what I found! It's a little small, but my feet fit, I've tried already. We'll see how it works.

And you've become very familiar with the hospital!
So when you break an arm or collar bone,
you'll feel right at home!

And yes, I realize this probably belonged to some poor kid.

No I don't feel bad.

He was trespassing and apparently isn't too worried about it if I'm finding it 4 or 5 months after the last snow melted.

I get it.
Flashback to two days ago.
I was putting the finishing touch
on the deck I'm building.
Had to use a circular saw.
Great saw.
Very good quality.
Has adjustments and guides
and even spare blades.

Got it for free.

About a year or two earlier,
I was stopped at a traffic light.
The opposite lane had the right of way
for left turns.
A pick up truck turns left and this box
falls off. (The saw in a hard box)
I ran out of the car, grabbed it,
chucked it into the car and sped off in pursuit.
Unfortunately, he was going too fast and I
never found him.
I put up some "found" ads, looked for "lost" ads,

Finders Keepers I suppose.
Nice saw.

Every single race would have one of those feel good moments where a runner goes down with a pulled hammy or something and then gets up and limps to the finish.

They had one of those!
Or very similar.

Etenesh Diro of Ethiopia was in
the 3000m steeplechase when someone
stepped on her shoe and broke it.
She stopped, pulled off her shoe,
stopped again to pull off her sock
and ran on.
She finished 7th, 20 seconds off her best time.
But the judges decided to award her a spot
in the finals after all.
Unfortunately, there wasn't a fairy tale ending.
She finished 15th in the final.
Still... pretty cool.

Well of course!!!

Who doesn't appreciate a good laugh?


As long as they aren't potato chips. :rolleyes1

And they weren't Mr. Smarty pants!

Or it is like Lost and you're dead and won't realize for about 4 or 5 years.

This is possible.

Tell me about it... :faint:

Am I calling the kettle black here?
I'm sad I wont get to meet Ruby, she is somewhat of an intriguing, mythical being.

She's my unicorn.

While I'm disappointed it's not a dealership,
I didn't really expect it to be.
But that's okay.

Me too! We'll get along great :thumbsup2

Can't wait to see you and everyone!

This is either about sandwiches (YAY) or the TR is ending (BOO)

Always about the sammies.

That seems so long ago!

I know, right???

Not really, but our family friend (Jess Ennis) is a heptathlete so I watched her events - and she got silver!
:cheer2::cheer2::cheer2: she got gold in 2012 but she had a baby a couple of years ago, so she still did excellent all things considered!!!

No way! That's great!
We had a Canadian finish that event
and win the bronze.

This is one of the best ideas I've ever heard.


The difficulty level was quite high on that dive.

This sounds like something I would've written in my uni reports to hit the word count.


There is never a situation where one does not enter this restaurant.


Is that something she does frequently?!

All. The. Time.


::yes:: ::yes::


Thank you. Thank you verrrry much.

Errrrrrrrrrrrrrm yes you will.

:laughing: Yes ma'am.

WHAT. That is insane. I would rather you wrote your own than read mine :laughing: I enjoy your comments, but I LOVE your TRs!

But I have to read yours so I can steal....
er..... borrow... uh....
be inspired by your writing!

Thanks for taking the time to share your trip with us!


You're welcome and...

See you soon too!!
Variety! I love it.

I hear it's the spice of life.

But probably not.

Growing up is so overrated, though.

I think so too.
But I'm too immature to know for sure.

:lmao::rotfl2::rotfl: Yes! Hilarious.


Absolutely! Who wouldn't want to watch that?

By the way, check out "Phillipine Diving Team Fail" on youtube sometime.

I saw that!
Except the caption I saw for it was.
"How bad was the guy who came in third?"

Or you don't feel like starting over. One of those.

Yep. Either or.

But seriously, congrats. 25 years is a great accomplishment.


That fear used to keep me up at night! Now I'm too tired. But still fearful.


:rotfl: Perfect summary.

And accurate too.

And then they can charge you another $8 for them.

Always a reason.


You are killing it with the gifs today.


We can double-check with the airline if need be.

I did that.
They refused to speak to me.


Amen. The only reason to go to work is so you can pay for the next vacation.

I believe this:
I work to live. I don't live to work.

I know that feeling. But writing them ends up being so much fun! And you get to re-live the trip again.

It's also a good way to remember them later.

Thanks for taking the time and making the effort to write up such great trip reports. I really look forward to reading every chapter. It's been a lot of fun getting to know you.

You're welcome!
And it's been great getting to know you too!
That's it. You're grounded.


Isn't it
you who should be grounded,
considering I said I watched it (again)
on the flight to Hawaii???
It was even part of the contest.

So, soooo disappointed.
I'd forgotten that because ....

I guessed wrong. (Pretty sure I guessed Elf)

Like 98.34% of all my other guesses. Somehow I can get through nursing school but seem to be a dismal failure at every single contest I play here. :rotfl::rotfl:
Isn't it
you who should be grounded,
considering I said I watched it (again)
on the flight to Hawaii???
It was even part of the contest.

So, soooo disappointed.

I was going to point this out (Since I guessed inside out) but I'm not a morning person, and even less swift from my phone.
As always, thank you for sharing your adventures with us!! I hope to hear more in the future (even in they are long winded with obscure references that I have to google half the time)!
Had to squeeze one last Airplane quote in there, didja?
It was a moral imperative.

Hugh and only Hugh can prevent florist friars.

Nice long convoluted set up before dropping one truly rancid load of fertilizer on our heads.
Good work, there.

I dunno. I think the megalomaniacal might know it.
And not care.
Pretty much meets the definition.

zz tumblr_lrznz9X4s31qzrlhgo7_250.gif

Does everyone know what time it is????
Two hairs past a freckle…
(Eastern Elbow Time, of course)

Couldn’t be helped.

It's time to end this bloated,
overly long trip report!
Would that be considered a cultural loss or a public service?

(I know what you think, that’s really a question for the rest of those reading along)

It started honestly enough
with Kay's and my trip to Disney.
And just as a reminder, we’re fast approaching National Whack Kay with a Pillow Day…
August 23rd… I marked it in my calendar.

It then morphed into our family trip to Maui


Well... Ruby's grown up.
I'm just a big baby.
Who out there is going to refute this one?

Speaking of anything else,
anyone following the Olympics?

Did anyone see Bill Murray's tweet?
Now that…
Would be interesting.

But then again, do I really want to watch
a premiere sporting event,
showcasing the best in the world,
and then throw this in the mix?
People seem to like watching train wrecks…
I believe it’d sell.

Anyone remember Greg Louganis?
He did basically the same thing
and won a gold medal.
A nice recovery to be sure.

Bloat! Bloat! Bloat!
Your new motto?

As a side note, allow me to provide some
relationship enlightenment.
We've been married 25 years now,
Got the same mileage on my marriage as well.

we must be doing something right.
Or - as it is in my case - she just hasn’t gotten around to tossing you out on your keister yet.

Every day I wake up thinking
that today will be the day she
figures out that she could do
so much better.
Like I said…

Year one…
That section is a pretty good description of the goings on…
Concise, to the point, neigh on to factual…

Give me a few more years and this'll be me:
Tellin’ us that wasn’t you?
Ain’t sure I’m buyin’ that one.

I spotted a restaurant called

This was my one and only goal
for the morning.
Getting me some of that.
Doesn’t that phrase belong in your description of the first five years of marriage?

Oh, wait… you’re past that point so it was just the notion of breakfast.
Never mind.

so she was ready to go.
And apparently, quite Ninja like.

Should I be worried?
Best not to think about it.
You’ll never see it coming anyway, so it’d be easier to just except oblivion.

Behold! The one photo I took this day!!
Looks pretty good actually.

Bonus, it was pretty good.
Well there ya’ go.

The next time you go to your local
grub shack, you're not having pan fries
with your two eggs over easy.
You're having Lyonnaise-style potatoes.
So now the proper method of ordering down at the Waffle House would be:
Yeah, I’ll be havin’ the Scattered, Smothered, Covered Lyonnaise taters, there Hun.

Good to know.

and I made a quick sweep of the room.
A visual demonstration as to why it’s also referred to as an idiot check.

Ruby: "You realize that's garbage you're holding, right?"
I suspect you hear sentences of this caliber on a fairly regular bases.

I didn't take notes.
I'm going to say the flight was uneventful.
Pretty sure we didn't crash.
No notes? Here, this description will do just fine…

Back to work and responsibilities.
Back to reality.
Aaaaarg! No! That is a word that we cannot hear!!!!

Blech. Give me holidays any day.

How about.... September?
Works for me…
I’m thinking around the seventeenth.

As for September....
I think I'll do a TR.

Pretty sure.
Well then I think I’ll read it.

Pretty sure.
It was a moral imperative.

Well then it couldn't be helped.

Nice long convoluted set up before dropping one truly rancid load of fertilizer on our heads.
Good work, there.

I'm here all week.
Four weeks.
Then I'm in WDW.


Two hairs past a freckle…
(Eastern Elbow Time, of course)


Couldn’t be helped.

Sure it could.

Would that be considered a cultural loss or a public service?

Well, since you asked...

(I know what you think, that’s really a question for the rest of those reading along)


And just as a reminder, we’re fast approaching National Whack Kay with a Pillow Day…
August 23rd… I marked it in my calendar.

:lmao: You remembered that?!?!?!?



ahhhhh..... yes...

Who out there is going to refute this one?

You'll have a very long wait in front of you...

People seem to like watching train wrecks…
I believe it’d sell.


Your new motto?

Ya know, I don't actually have a motto.
My company does.
It's "We're not happy until you're not happy".

Got the same mileage on my marriage as well.

Well, then congrats to you too!

That section is a pretty good description of the goings on…
Concise, to the point, neigh on to factual…


Tellin’ us that wasn’t you?
Ain’t sure I’m buyin’ that one.

Nah. I don't ride a scooter... yet.

Doesn’t that phrase belong in your description of the first five years of marriage?


Oh, wait… you’re past that point so it was just the notion of breakfast.
Never mind.

Unfortunately... yeah.

Best not to think about it.
You’ll never see it coming anyway, so it’d be easier to just except oblivion.

Good point.

It's like swimming in the ocean.
You have to just not think about
what could happen to...


nevermind. just a bit of seaweed.

So now the proper method of ordering down at the Waffle House would be:
Yeah, I’ll be havin’ the Scattered, Smothered, Covered Lyonnaise taters, there Hun.

Good to know.

This is correct.

A visual demonstration as to why it’s also referred to as an idiot check.


I suspect you hear sentences of this caliber on a fairly regular bases.

All. The. Time.

No notes? Here, this description will do just fine…

Crap. At work.
I'll get back to you...

Aaaaarg! No! That is a word that we cannot hear!!!!

What? I didn't say "it".

Works for me…
I’m thinking around the seventeenth.

Good idea.
Don't forget to wave as I go past
on the fake-o-rail.

Well then I think I’ll read it.

Pretty sure.

Good enough for me.
Just popping in to say hi before this TR is over. I survived two weeks of dog, house, cat sitting and then one night at my in-laws. The bed at my in-laws has to be 50 years old! Back to every day boring life.

I had the exact same thought as Bill Murray! I always think "Hmm, wonder how fast someone who's not an Olympic athlete would go, for comparison." Great minds... Gymnastics is my favorite. I used to take classes at the local Y. I'm tired of swimming and Michael Phelps in particular.

I'm a little depressed right now because I'm not going to WDW next month like I was supposed to. I'm hoping next year. Might be at the All Stars but at least I'll be there! Of course before that I need to get in shape. A couple times I've had to use the electric cart at WalMart. My low back is bad as is my left food and shoulder. Also need a lot of work on my teeth. I hate getting old!

Next month is our 8th anniversary. November I'm going to my 25th high school reunion! What will I wear?!?! My dalek dress? Nah, I have to go shopping. And lose at least 10 pounds.

You better do a TR for your trip! You're the best TR writter currently on the boards! And I need my Ponzi fix!


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