Canadian Buffoon's Back to Front Vacation - Update! 05/18 - Falling Down


Oh...hmm...I see...well you are on your own....I can send a life raft if you like...but that is a nope.
Oh...hmm...I see...well you are on your own....I can send a life raft if you like...but that is a nope.
Well, if you're going to send me
a life raft, maybe you could send
some for everyone?
Falling Down

Time to put this portion
of the TR to bed!

Or... maybe it's because
I'm really tired and I'm
thinking I could use
some sleep.

One or the other.

I got on the road again...

Why do I suddenly hear
Willie Nelson in my head?

Better than the constant
voices, I suppose.

Do you get the feeling that this
particular update will be
particularly... long?

okay, okay...

I headed out from Monte Lake
and after a brief pit stop in
Kamloops to pick up a pokerchip…


… I arrived in Wells Gray
Provincial Park.

I parked the car at
the first of three stops
in the park and set out
on foot.



Soon enough, about five
minutes later, I arrived
at this magnificent vista:


That's reason enough to stop,
but the real reason is Spahats Falls.

The creek that the falls is
part of was called Bear Creek.
Its name was officially changed
to Spahats, which is the First Nations
word for "bear".


Spahats falls are 240 feet tall
and 25 feet wide.


I'm always intrigued by the
erosion that is so evident
at any of these types of
ribbon falls.

I headed back to the parking
lot but...

There was this... smell...
A small little shack was
set beside the trail-head.
And they were selling...


If you don't know what
that is, it's a traditional
Bavarian (Southern Germany)
sausage made of veal and pork.

And it's by far my favourite
German sausage.

There was no way I was
going to pass that up!

And I wasn't disappointed.
To heck with the vistas
and the waterfalls...
Gimme more of that weisswurst!

Sooooo good.

After devouring my hot dog,
I drove another 45 minutes
deeper into the park and
stopped at Dawson Falls.

The walk was a bit longer
(maybe 10 minutes)
to get to the falls,
but I really didn't mind.


Dawson Falls is completely
different from the previous
falls I'd just seen.


These falls are 60 feet high
and 350 feet wide.


The sheer amount of water
flowing over the ancient
lava flows (I looked that up!)
was pretty impressive.
Not Niagara Falls impressive...
but not too shabby!

Okay, two falls down,
one more to go.
(There are actually 39 named
water falls in the park,
but these are both the most
notable and closest.)

I drove only another 20 minutes
(with a stop here for a quick pic):


Apparently, that's called
the Mush Bowl.
Sorry, I don't know mush
about it.

Moments later, I arrived
at Helmcken Falls.


Helmcken Falls is the fourth
highest waterfall in Canada
at over 460 feet high
and 75 feet wide.

(The three taller falls
are all also located in
that Province.)


So there you have it!
Three falls for the price
of one park.

Does anyone else have
the urge to pee?

Okay. Enough water
for one day.
Have to keep on truckin'.

As I headed east, the
Rockies reared up to
greet me.



Somewhere in there...
a bear ran across the highway
in front of me.
He was far enough ahead
that I didn't even have to
slow to avoid him...
But that also meant by the
time I got to where he'd been,
he was already deep enough
in the bushes that I couldn't
photograph him.

I should've brought some
sausage with me.
That would've lured him out!
What's the wurst that could've

Hmm... speaking of food...
It was a five-hour drive to the
town of Jasper, and my
tummy was feeling rumbly.
Lunch was long gone.

By the time I got there,
I was ready... more than ready
to have some grub.
I parked the car on the street
in Jasper and was planning on
heading up to Famoso Neapolitan Pizzeria
and strapping on the feedbag
for some pizza.

And it never happened.
I walked past an Italian restaurant
and did a 180 and walked in.

I'm almost always a sucker for
Spaghetti Bolognese.
Baked in the oven with
cheese and meatballs?

Heck yeah!


(no really, there's spaghetti under there)

I got my order and...
I'm always surprised, a bit
when I order meatballs.
I always expect... well,
more than two!
(No, that dish is not overly big,
nor are the meatballs.)

It was good, quite good, in fact.
Just a little stingy with the

I finished my spaghetti and
meatball (okay... meatballs)
and headed towards my campsite
for the night, just 30 minutes
farther up the road.

Along the way, I came across
a small herd of elk just
off the side of the road,
but didn't take a photo for some reason.

Oh, deer. Sorry.

However, a little farter up the road
(The dinner was good... it's got to come
out somehow. Or was it the sausage?)
I saw a bunch of cars that had pulled over.
Could it be? Maybe?

All my life, I've seen videos and photos
of Bighorn sheep crashing their
horns together.
Like this:

(not my photo)

Majestic! Awe inspiring!
Nature's majesty!

And while I've been in areas
that are frequented by them,
I've never seen one.


Well, today's the day!

I pulled the car over and...
I'd been carrying my big lens
all trip without ever having
an opportunity to use it.
But today was the day!
Oh boy! My very first Bighorn!

I mounted the lens on the camera,
steadied myself and...


...captured possibly the nerdiest
looking Bighorn in the Rockies.

I named him Howard.
(Anyone else watch the
Big Bang Theory finale?)

Well... I'd seen my first Bighorn...
I packed up my gear and...
I wasn't sure if I should feel
elated or disappointed.

You decide.

A few minutes later,
I was at my campsite.

"Are fires allowed?"


Burn, baby, burn.
Unfortunately, the wood
was slightly damp and
didn't burn all that well,
and the slight breeze was
variable and no matter where
I moved, the smoke seemed
to follow.

Still... It was a nice way to
finish out the day.

Every other time I'd camped,
I'd put the rain fly on the tent
"just in case" and not needed it.
I debated whether to put it on or not.
Finally I did.
It was my last camping night.

And it rained during the night.
Good call. :)

The next morning, it was
sunny again.

But here's the bad news.
After leaving the breathtaking
scenery that is the Rocky Mountains,
I once again entered the boring,
mind-numbing plains of Saskatchewan.

Okay... so I didn't show you too
much mountain scenery either,
so technically it's just as boring
in your mind as the rest of this TR.

But there was a pretty good
pizza at the end of the day
when I pulled into Saskatoon
for the evening.


mmm.... pizza.
Invented in Italy,
perfected in North America.
Not sure where I got it from.
I think I just Googled the nearest
decent pizza place.
But it was good!

The next day, I continued my
overly dull and boring trek home.
I stopped for lunch in Yorkton.
I had Googled places for lunch
and this shop came in at
number one:


You had me at "Sweet".

Also "Pastry".

I parked the car right
across the street.
(I think that's mine reflected
in the window.)
I couldn't wait to see what
delectable delights awaited
my pining palate.

The sign on the door said:
"Closed due to death
in the family."

Well... that sucks.
On many levels.

Time for another Google search.
Except at the time, I didn't have
cell phone data.
I asked Betty, my semi-trusty GPS
to take me to the nearest McDonalds
(what city with a population of
a couple thousand or more doesn't
have a McDonalds?)
where I could poach their Wi-Fi
to find someplace else to eat.

I'm sure that's what the management
thought it'd be used for when
they put it in.
Surely, no one would eat there?

I was in luck. Just a few blocks away...


Boy. It doesn't get much more
Canadian than that!
(Although the beaver
should have been gnawing
on a hockey stick.)

So to go with the theme,
I made sure to order a
poutine along with my burger.


The burger was really good.
(Doesn't it look about 1,000%
better than a McD's burger?)
The poutine?
It was okay.
I'm a poutine snob.
That was not real beef gravy.
And the cheese curds didn't squeak.
But... it was okay.
Not bad. Not great. But okay.

Five hours later...

I was home.

And that's it for this part of the TR.
A grand total of just over 3,650 miles,
one tornado, one hail storm and
surprisingly, no damage.
I got to re-meet some nice people
and see some nice sights.

My haul for the trip:


Map over the last three days:


In case you didn't see it
in the last chapter:


Did you see it in this chapter?

Coming up... a brief (long) hiatus
and then back to Disney for some
Christmas season celebrating!

Link to new TR coming soon!
It'll be EPIC!!!!

No... wait... that's been taken.
It'll be ADEQUATE!!!!
We were going along, having a good time
when some birds erupted out of a thicket
we were passing and spooked the horses.
The guide's horse took off as did mine
and Elle's.
The guide stopped his after a bit as did I,
but Elle's horse bucked in a circle
(unlike ours that bolted straight ahead)
and she was thrown.

Wow! How scary! I haven't done much riding in my adult life, though I've done a bit more than Nathan has. We did a trail ride a little over a month ago when we took a quick weekend trip to New Brunswick, and nothing like that happened! Horses are so unpredictable sometimes. Our guide was telling us that she had a horse who was so calm that she could take it with her hunting and fire her rifle off the horse's back! :eek:

Do you get the feeling that this
particular update will be
particularly... long?



Spahats falls are 240 feet tall
and 25 feet wide.

Wow! Beautiful! (This one ended up being my favourite of the ones you photographed and posted.)

These falls are 60 feet high
and 350 feet wide.


Also wow!

Apparently, that's called
the Mush Bowl.
Sorry, I don't know mush
about it.


How amazing! Our planet is beautiful. Why go to Orlando to fawn over a pint-sized man-made Pandora when we have our own fantastical wonders right here at home!?


...captured possibly the nerdiest
looking Bighorn in the Rockies.


I named him Howard.
(Anyone else watch the
Big Bang Theory finale?)

::yes:: Yep! Though I hadn't actually seen the 3-4 seasons before it. I watched religiously and hadn't missed an episode up until about season 8-9 or so, and then I fell off the wagon. But I wanted to at least see the conclusion this week! I may go back and watch the in-between stuff at some point.

The poutine?
It was okay.
I'm a poutine snob.
That was not real beef gravy.
And the cheese curds didn't squeak.

These are important poutine qualities. ::yes::

I'm a terrible Canadian, but I'm not too particular about my poutine, as long as the ingredients are good quality. I can't stand a fake gravy, (or worse, a "sauce!") but I actually prefer a lighter gravy, like chicken or turkey, which I know isn't actually a legit poutine. I hope we can still be friends.

Link to new TR coming soon!
It'll be EPIC!!!!

No... wait... that's been taken.
It'll be ADEQUATE!!!!

:laughing: Looking forward to it!
Amazing pictures! They *almost* make me want to take a camping road trip again :rotfl: Congratulations on the AP, I'm excited to get mine in Sept. too!
More beautiful pictures! And SO MUCH good food! I'm going to brunch in an hour (and hence haven't eaten much this morning in order to have lots of room)… this was the wrong time to read your update! :laughing: Seriously, though, the pasta looks delicious (even if small) and the burger looks extra drool worthy.

I'm glad you were able to make a legal fire! It's too bad about the smoke, but I feel like that's always how it goes with campfires. Also, thank goodness for the rain cover! :umbrella:

I look forward to your "adequate" trip report! (And I'm sure it will far surpass adequate!!!) :goodvibes
Finally found some time to get to all the threads I'm reading and play catch up. It's daunting, bordering on depressing, to try after being off the boards for 3 weeks.

Why do I suddenly hear
Willie Nelson in my head?

Great artist! Miss his stuff.

Of those last 2 photos, I'm not sure which is more beautiful.

Apparently, that's called
the Mush Bowl.
Sorry, I don't know mush
about it.



Holy Crap!!! Gorgeous!

What's the wurst that could've


Whoa! I'd say that's a huge score for roadtripping.

The sign on the door said:
"Closed due to death
in the family."

Well... that sucks.
On many levels.

Well, that stinks. :(

Link to new TR coming soon!
It'll be EPIC!!!!

No... wait... that's been taken.
It'll be ADEQUATE!!!!

Nah, I'm sure it was EPIC and you should use it just like all of the rest of us who were there.
Falling Down

Time to put this portion
of the TR to bed!

Or... maybe it's because
I'm really tired and I'm
thinking I could use
some sleep.

Not as if you working insane hours and number of days in a row, is it?

One or the other.

I got on the road again...

Why do I suddenly hear
Willie Nelson in my head?

Better than the constant
voices, I suppose.
Better than the voices I hear....
They're coming to take me away...

I headed back to the parking
lot but...
Dost my nose smell something yummy?

There was this... smell...
A small little shack was
set beside the trail-head.
And they were selling...


If you don't know what
that is, it's a traditional
Bavarian (Southern Germany)
sausage made of veal and pork.

And it's by far my favourite
German sausage.

There was no way I was
going to pass that up!

And I wasn't disappointed.
To heck with the vistas
and the waterfalls...
Gimme more of that weisswurst!

Sooooo good.

I love just about all wursts, but I'm not certain whether I have had weisswurst. I don't think I've disliked any I've had, so will have to make a point to get this (again?) the next time I see it.


These falls are 60 feet high
and 350 feet wide.


The sheer amount of water
flowing over the ancient
lava flows (I looked that up!)
was pretty impressive.
Not Niagara Falls impressive...
but not too shabby!
All of the pictures are fantastic, but I think theses are my favorite. To me, the wide, diverse falls are more beautiful than the straight, high drop.

I drove only another 20 minutes
(with a stop here for a quick pic):

This is quite interesting...I wouldn't expect this so close to a bridge.

And it never happened.
I walked past an Italian restaurant
and did a 180 and walked in.

I'm almost always a sucker for
Spaghetti Bolognese.
Baked in the oven with
cheese and meatballs?

Heck yeah!


(no really, there's spaghetti under there)

I got my order and...
I'm always surprised, a bit
when I order meatballs.
I always expect... well,
more than two!
(No, that dish is not overly big,
nor are the meatballs.)

It was good, quite good, in fact.
Just a little stingy with the

It looks good, but yeah, seems pretty stingy.

I finished my spaghetti and
meatball (okay... meatballs)
Just barely plural.

I moved, the smoke seemed
to follow.

Awww, the smoke liked you. :hug:

And it rained during the night.
Good call. :)
Glad you did. I always say, better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it.

when I pulled into Saskatoon
for the evening.


mmm.... pizza.
Invented in Italy,
perfected in North America.
Not sure where I got it from.
I think I just Googled the nearest
decent pizza place.
But it was good!
Looks good...except the fungus.
Wait!!! You got vegetables? On pizza?

where I could poach their Wi-Fi
to find someplace else to eat.

I'm sure that's what the management
thought it'd be used for when
they put it in.
Surely, no one would eat there?

I surely won't eat there, so wi-fi or maybe bathroom.

I was in luck. Just a few blocks away...


Boy. It doesn't get much more
Canadian than that!
(Although the beaver
should have been gnawing
on a hockey stick.)

So to go with the theme,
I made sure to order a
poutine along with my burger.


The burger was really good.
(Doesn't it look about 1,000%
better than a McD's burger?)
At least 1000%. I'm thinking higher.

The poutine?
It was okay.
I'm a poutine snob.
That was not real beef gravy.
And the cheese curds didn't squeak.
I can do without real gravy, but if the curds don't squeak, are they really curds?
Need to see if I can find any place local to get cheese curds. Mmmm

and see some nice sights.

And the award for understatement of the year goes to....


My haul for the trip:

Dude!!! 21 in 3 days. I'm surprised you had time for anything else.
Impressive. Most impressive.

Did you see it in this chapter?

Yep..was he bummed out they were closed too?

Coming up... a brief (long) hiatus
and then back to Disney for some
Christmas season celebrating!
Yay! Disney.

Link to new TR coming soon!
It'll be EPIC!!!!
I think that's been taken by someone.

No... wait... that's been taken.

It'll be ADEQUATE!!!!'re saying it will be better than normal?
ft, maybe you could send
some for everyone?

Are they going to right TR's for me? I didn't think so. One dingy coming up. It does seat 6 so you get 5 friends.

… I arrived in Wells Gray
Provincial Park.

Gorgeous park, have spent time exploring here!

Helmcken Falls is the fourth
highest waterfall in Canada
at over 460 feet high
and 75 feet wide.

The sound of the water rushing is so calming, BC has some great falls.

And it never happened.
I walked past an Italian restaurant
and did a 180 and walked in.

I KNOW THIS RESTAURANT! I've ate their when I took the train.

So to go with the theme,
I made sure to order a
poutine along with my burger.

I was so exciting when I saw this picture but then I saw your comments, I am sad.
Sorry to lazy to quote them all but you killed it with the humor on this update. So funny.

Looking forward to the new TR
Wow! How scary! I haven't done much riding in my adult life, though I've done a bit more than Nathan has. We did a trail ride a little over a month ago when we took a quick weekend trip to New Brunswick, and nothing like that happened! Horses are so unpredictable sometimes. Our guide was telling us that she had a horse who was so calm that she could take it with her hunting and fire her rifle off the horse's back! :eek:

Well, that horse was specifically
chosen for Elle because she
was very calm as well.

Not quite calm enough, apparently.

Wow! Beautiful! (This one ended up being my favourite of the ones you photographed and posted.)

I couldn't decide
which I liked better,
and you and Doc have
opposing thoughts.

Also wow!



How amazing! Our planet is beautiful. Why go to Orlando to fawn over a pint-sized man-made Pandora when we have our own fantastical wonders right here at home!?

While Pandora is pretty amazing,
it is man-made.
Nothing beats nature at her finest.

Derp goat.

::yes:: Yep! Though I hadn't actually seen the 3-4 seasons before it. I watched religiously and hadn't missed an episode up until about season 8-9 or so, and then I fell off the wagon. But I wanted to at least see the conclusion this week! I may go back and watch the in-between stuff at some point.

You should at least go back
to the beginning of the last
Or even the last few episodes
of the previous season.
It was building to the finale.

I'm a terrible Canadian, but I'm not too particular about my poutine, as long as the ingredients are good quality. I can't stand a fake gravy, (or worse, a "sauce!") but I actually prefer a lighter gravy, like chicken or turkey, which I know isn't actually a legit poutine. I hope we can still be friends.

I dunno... A Canadian and not
a poutine snob?

I just don't know.


:laughing: Looking forward to it!

Coming soon!
Or not!
I don't know!
More beautiful pictures!

Thanks, Jenny! :)

And SO MUCH good food! I'm going to brunch in an hour (and hence haven't eaten much this morning in order to have lots of room)… this was the wrong time to read your update! :laughing:

Uh, oh! Hope I didn't
make you eat til you

Seriously, though, the pasta looks delicious (even if small) and the burger looks extra drool worthy.

The pasta was delicious!
Even with the scarcity
of meatballs.

That burger was really good!

I'm glad you were able to make a legal fire! It's too bad about the smoke, but I feel like that's always how it goes with campfires. Also, thank goodness for the rain cover! :umbrella:

Not always with campfires.
The one I had to put out
the day before was perfect!

Ah well.

And while it did rain overnight,
it was dry in the morning. :)
Still, glad I put the fly on.

I look forward to your "adequate" trip report! (And I'm sure it will far surpass adequate!!!) :goodvibes

I'm going to go for the
dullest TR ever!

Here's a brief sample:
"I went on a ride.
Then another.
Then another.
Went on a ride.
Then another.
Then another..."

Narrated by this guy.

Finally found some time to get to all the threads I'm reading and play catch up. It's daunting, bordering on depressing, to try after being off the boards for 3 weeks.

But I did see on your thread
that you caught up. :)

Great artist! Miss his stuff.

I was never a big fan.
Sure I know a couple of
his tunes (like everyone)

Country music.

Of those last 2 photos, I'm not sure which is more beautiful.



Holy Crap!!! Gorgeous!

To be perfectly honest?
You know it's beautiful
when you're moved to
photograph it. :)




Whoa! I'd say that's a huge score for roadtripping.

But why did it have
to be the derpiest
sheep in the Rockies???

Well, that stinks. :(


Nah, I'm sure it was EPIC and you should use it just like all of the rest of us who were there.


To be quite honest,
I don't really know.
While I was there at the time
and I did meet some of the
Epic girls trip ladies...
I wasn't really part of it.

Still bummed we didn't get
a chance to meet up.
Maybe in September.
I see from your ticker that
you have dates.
I don't know when mine are,
but... maybe the stars will
align this time. :)
Not as if you working insane hours and number of days in a row, is it?

Well I do get May 29th off...
So not too bad.

Better than the voices I hear....
They're coming to take me away...

My voices are usually telling me
that no one is coming.
I'm just not worth the effort.

Dost my nose smell something yummy?

It doth.

I love just about all wursts, but I'm not certain whether I have had weisswurst. I don't think I've disliked any I've had, so will have to make a point to get this (again?) the next time I see it.

Used to be a place where
I got them here in town,
but it closed up a few years ago.
Been looking since.
I've tried a couple places
but haven't found as good, yet.

All of the pictures are fantastic, but I think theses are my favorite. To me, the wide, diverse falls are more beautiful than the straight, high drop.

As I mentioned to Meghan,
I find it really interesting which
photos people find more appealing.

This is quite interesting...I wouldn't expect this so close to a bridge.

I wonder if it's a result of the
bridge construction/excavation.
No idea how old that bridge is.

It looks good, but yeah, seems pretty stingy.

I expect minimum three.
Better yet, four or more.

Just barely plural.


Awww, the smoke liked you. :hug:

My only friend is the one
I don't really want.

Glad you did. I always say, better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it.

I say that a lot, too.

Looks good...except the fungus.
Wait!!! You got vegetables? On pizza?

Pizza is the one place where
the more the merrier really applies.
I like onions (red or otherwise),
tomatoes (sun dried or not),


I surely won't eat there, so wi-fi or maybe bathroom.

When we're in Europe,
we always look for the McDonalds
for the bathrooms.
Otherwise you just don't know
what kind of hell hole you're gonna find.

I see what you did there.

At least 1000%. I'm thinking higher.


I can do without real gravy, but if the curds don't squeak, are they really curds?
Need to see if I can find any place local to get cheese curds. Mmmm

You'd make your own poutine??

And the award for understatement of the year goes to....


Well... I'll probably emote a tad more
when the TR is finished. :blush:

Dude!!! 21 in 3 days. I'm surprised you had time for anything else.
Impressive. Most impressive.

Oh, no. That was about a week or so.
I think it was three days to get
to Seattle/Portland and same coming back.

Yep..was he bummed out they were closed too?


Yay! Disney.


I think that's been taken by someone.

And also why I'm thinking
I shouldn't use it, to be honest.

Yep.'re saying it will be better than normal?

There's always a chance it will
be better than rock bottom.

It certainly can't go down.
Are they going to right TR's for me? I didn't think so. One dingy coming up. It does seat 6 so you get 5 friends.


You think I have 5 friends?
If I climbed into the dingy
with 5 other people already
in it...

They'd jump out.

(I have that effect on people.)

Gorgeous park, have spent time exploring here!

Oh really!
Yes, it was pretty amazing!

The sound of the water rushing is so calming, BC has some great falls.


I KNOW THIS RESTAURANT! I've ate their when I took the train.

So... what's it called?????

I was so exciting when I saw this picture but then I saw your comments, I am sad.

Oh, no.
The burger was excellent.
I never expect much from
poutine outside of Quebec.
I came home to find that I've
been scheduled to work
seventeen 8-hour shifts
over the next fifteen days.
:eek: :faint: How are you surviving so far?!

The walk was a bit longer
(maybe 10 minutes)
to get to the falls,
but I really didn't mind.
Certainly not!

As I headed east, the
Rockies reared up to
greet me.
My goodness, what a sight :cloud9:

Somewhere in there...
a bear ran across the highway
in front of me.
:scared1: That reminds me... my mom and stepdad have had a pesky bear lingering in their backyard for the last few days, ravaging the birdfeeder and helping himself to quite the feast. :sad2: I find bears to be much more enjoyable when they run off quickly! I texted from their driveway yesterday "MAKE SURE THE DOOR IS UNLOCKED" and proceeded to run, not walk, to their front door :rotfl:

Oh, deer. Sorry.
:sad2: :laughing:

However, a little farter up the road

Boy. It doesn't get much more
Canadian than that!
Surely not!

(Although the beaver
should have been gnawing
on a hockey stick.)
... oh wait! It could have! They missed a real opportunity there... :rolleyes:

And that's it for this part of the TR.
A grand total of just over 3,650 miles,
one tornado, one hail storm and
surprisingly, no damage.
I got to re-meet some nice people
and see some nice sights.
:worship: Impressive!

My haul for the trip:
Also impressive!

No... wait... that's been taken.
It'll be ADEQUATE!!!!
:rotfl2: Looking forward to reading all about your adequate trip :laughing:


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