Can you upgrade tickets


Sep 5, 1999
I can get 1 day tickets only, through the point value with my discover card. Does anyone know if you are able to put the value toward upgrading to a 2 day park hopper at Universal? I am able to get four one day but we want to park hop and we can not with a one day ticket.
Yes, you can upgrade tickets. Please inquire at Guest Relations for exact prices.


Barry Hom
Moderator, Universal and Sea World Boards

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Take caution tho....the tickets offered through Discover may be considered "comp tickets" that have restrictions. Usually, you cannot upgrade these kinds of tickets. If it is a regular "direct purchase" 1 day ticket, then you should be able to upgrade.

Assistant Webmaster
Can I upgrade my 2day 2park tickets to 3 day tickets?
And about what is the price for upgrade?
You can upgrade any ticket to the next highest ticket, like a 2 day to 3 day or even a 3 day to an annual pass. I would inquire with Guest Relations on the price. It depends on a lot of things and Guest Relations would be able to figure out a price.


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