Can you make reservations by e-mail?


DIS Veteran
Apr 29, 2001
In other words, if I wanted to make reservations for 12/26, 12/27, & 12/28, could I e-mail my request this weekend so it would be there Monday morning or do I have to call?

I've always called, but I will be in school at 9:00 a.m., and after reading that people have been on hold for 40 minutes, that would never work. I might have a chance to get coverage for five minutes, but even that would be pushing it. Everyone I know is working at that time. Because it's for Christmas week, I assume I have to call daily. Is that correct?
I routinely use email but you need to know that there may be a day or 2 delay. It does not get you ahead of those that are on the phone. For the days you want, they could be gone by the time they get to your email. However, if you truly can't call I'd email them. Personally, I'd "time it" by emailing at 11 months out from the first day hoping that by the time they got to the email, they could make the whole reservation. Email also gives you a record so I routinely list my points accouting with my emails for documentation.

Just making sure I understand. You can email your reservation/requests earlier than 11 months before your check out day but they won't act on them till at least then, possibly a few days later. Right?
Just wanted to add to Dean's comments...

I emailed MS Tuesday after I moved some of my June trip to OKW. I hadn't requested anything other then non-smoking originally but wanted to add a request to be near a pool. They responded to my email immediately and said they would take care of it. I received another email this morning telling me they had moted my request on my reservation. So it was 3 1/2 days before they actually did anything with my email.

Just an FYI

Originally posted by Geyser Gazer

Just making sure I understand. You can email your reservation/requests earlier than 11 months before your check out day but they won't act on them till at least then, possibly a few days later. Right?
There are actually several components here. First, since it takes them a day or 2 many times to act on an email, you can anticipate that and email a little early. Second, since they know that email is not as exact as phones, they will many times be more flexible in scheduling by keeping an email around to schedule or complete your request where if you'd called, you would have had to call either later or several times. Worst they can do is email that you're too early in which case you just send another email and wait and see what happens. If you then get a chance to call, you have lost nothing.

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