Can you buy travel insurance for air tickets, etc.? Where?


Earning My Ears
Jul 26, 2000
We're planning a large trip for nine in August. Is there any place to buy insurance for the airline tickets in case something happens and we need to change the tickets or cancel? Thanks in advance for any tips,
If you went through a travel agent, they should be able to get you travel insurance. If you went through Disney, they offer it also. I don't know who you'd go through if you just booked your airfare yourself online, etc. Maybe call the airline? If you have AAA, you could probably get it through them...I'm no expert, but I saw that you didn't have any replies, so I thought I'd just make these suggestions so you didn't feel ignored. ;)
I have purchased travel insurance many times from Travel Guard. Their website is I have had to make a claim two different times and received 100% refunds both times. I never travel without insurance.

We purchased Travelguard trip insurance. It is very comprehensive and very affordable. You can go to their web site and get the 800 ...they also have a 24 hour customer service line. We bought insurance directly through them. My friend purchased insurance through her TA....the TA bought Travelguard for her and charged her 20 more than the web price. I guess it was her cut.


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