Can I use a friend's AAA card to purchase USF tickets at gate?


<font color=orange>I'm a teepee...I'm a wigwam...I
May 1, 2001
If you use a AAA card at the gate, do they ask for a driver's license to verify you identity ?

Is this unethical?


K :D
AAA is only about $35 per year, the discounts on merchandise, food and tickets should more than make up for that. Why don't you purchase your own card. ;)
AAA membership is running $65 a year in our area now. The Discover card discount, i think, is l0% offf tickets at gate. Also the entertainment book has coupons in it for usf dollars back with ticket purchase.
I just wanted to let you know that I can purchase the Orlando 5 park flex ticket at my local AAA office for $185.00 each.

You could have your friend purchase the tickets at her local office before you leave. Just a suggestion.

AAA discounted tickets must be purchased at the AAA office. Send your friend to buy your tickets ahead...they seem to be the best discount around. I purchased 4 park flex for $150.00.


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