Can a 2 day pass be shared?


Earning My Ears
Mar 4, 2001
This is my question, if we got an adult 2 day and a child 2 day, could my husband go one day with one child and then I go another day with the other child? I know it sounds kinda wierd but we really have more days at Disney than we actually need (8 days) and we would like to see US, but are limited with our budget, would this work?
Technically, no. Passes are non-transferrable.


Barry Hom
Moderator, Universal and Sea World Boards

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2 Day passes do not have your name on them. As long as you are using them on different days, you will not have any problems using them.

The four of you would have a lot more fun going together!!! But if your budget really cannot allow it, then this option would work.
Technically, no, in actuality, yes.

Actually, I never really thought about it that much. I'm an AP holder, but last time there I bought two 3-day passes for my brother and his girlfriend to go with me one day, so now I have two 3-day passes with 2 days left each. This weekend I'll use them to take my mother and father for one day. Is that transferring them? I own them now and have always owned them, it's just I'm not the one who actually used them, so they're never really transferred ...

Of course the ones I bought from AAA said the same thing, but AAA transferred them to me ... I think that demonstrates how little enforceability that "contract" actually has since Universal does in fact allow transfers in that case ...

Anyway, being that you're the same family, I don't think in a million years Universal would ever catch you or even care if they knew. They have much bigger problems with people selling their tickets on Ebay and such ..
The tickets don't have names or ID on them. You would have no problem whatsoever sharing them. The ticket taker would have no idea that different people used them on different days.


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